2353 Educators providing Courses

Home Cook School

home cook school


I’m a foodie through and through! I like to eat! I like to cook! Variety is the spice of life, and we shouldn’t get stuck in a rut when we cook. Cooking is a creative process and should be one of life’s great pleasures. I am a big fan of the local Ayrshire seasonal produce, and recently demonstrated dishes at the Ballantrae Festival of Food and Drink 2020 and Newmilns Food Festival, 2017. I am lucky to live in a beautiful part of the world. Maybole is sandwiched between Culzean Castle and Country Park and Alloway where Robert Burns was born. The area is steeped in history and an abundance of local artisan produce. Farm shops sell Ayrshire meat, cheese, vegetables and all manner of other products. Of course, the coast is close by too with a fantastic array of seafood. With all of this on my doorstep, its not hard to be inspired. I believe it is important that we can all cook at least a few great dishes from scratch. Unfortunately, so many people don’t have the skills or confidence in the kitchen. Many people are short of time, and for some, cooking skills simply haven’t been passed down to them. There is an increasing awareness of the health benefits of eating nutritious home cooked meals. Furthermore, I think its very important that people eat together, in order to socialise and share time. BACKGROUND Prior to Home Cook School, I worked as a Lecturer within the Creative Industries Department at a local Further Education College. My role involved working with various student groups – both advanced and non-advanced, community groups and school classes. I love teaching people and seeing them develop knowledge, skills and confidence! Since I was very young, I have been a keen cook. I have travelled extensively, and learned from many different international cuisine styles. My husband and I love to eat out and plan our holidays around breakfast, lunch and dinner! I have attended many cook school classes including Tuscan and Croatian styles. Lindsay demonstrating at Ballantrae Festival of Food and Drink Lindsay Demonstrating at Ballantrae Festival of Food and Drink I love cooking lavish dinner parties, but more recently, my focus has been on cooking nutritious, economic, family meals. I am a strong advocate of reducing food waste by shopping thriftily, planning and using leftovers and often integrate these principles into my lessons. For years, many friends and family would ask me to share my recipes and cooking tips – this combined with my years of teaching experience, consequently gave me the idea to launch Home Cook School. For a long time, I was keen to become self-employed however, due to work and family commitments, I was never able to fully devote myself to the concept. In 2014 I gave up my Lecturing job (after 12 years) to focus on bringing up my young family. The following year I moved to Maybole, South Ayrshire and finally had a kitchen big enough to run classes from! In 2016, I decided to launch Home Cook School. I feel passionate about sharing my love and knowledge of home cooking with anyone who is keen to realise their ambition to become a better home cook! A SUSTAINABLE APPROACH TO COOKING LOCAL PRODUCE As an active member of the Ayrshire Food Network, we pride ourselves in using locally sourced, fresh produce. Not only that – we run cooking courses promoting both Scottish and Ayrshire produce, connecting our clients with local suppliers, supporting the local economy and teaching our clients where they can buy local! Click here to link with some of our suppliers. LOOKING AFTER OUR ENVIRONMENT In our lessons we promote ways to avoid wasting food. We are certified to deliver Zero Waste Scotland Love Food Hate Waste Cascade Training. We recycle our waste and when clients require disposable plates and cutlery for buffets, we use biodegradable products. We also car share where possible! GROW YOUR OWN We encourage our clients to try growing their own fruit, vegetables and herbs in our classes. We use home grown produce in many of our classes and catering. BIOSPHERE CERTIFICATION MARK We proud to hold the business Certification Mark for the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere, which is the stunning area of natural beauty that Home Cook School is situated within. Cooking tutor, and business owner Lindsay Guidi is also a Board Member of the Biosphere. South West Scotland is a place of abundant good quality food, drink and crafts which reflect the diversity and unique character of the countryside and region. One of the best-known crops in the Biosphere is Ayrshire ‘tatties’, known for their earthy, sweet flavour. With a reputation for producing high quality beef cattle, lamb and delicious dairy produce and of course some of the best seafood, the Biosphere offers a special, authentic food and drink experience.

HOPE Bereavement Support Group CIC

hope bereavement support group cic

HOPE Bereavement Support began in 2013 when the visionary and founder, Ansa, realised that there needed to be a place of safety and inclusion for all mothers who had sadly lost a baby to miscarriage, stillbirth or at any other stage of their child’s life. What was sorely needed was an accessible place where everyone would be able to find comfort and support for their loss; not feel alone or ostracised. She had a vision where everybody – regardless of age, sex, religion, ethnicity or any other difference – had the ability to access mental health and emotional support for their loss. Ansa’s ambition came from a painful journey; she is the proud mother of 9 rainbow children. Her determination to succeed grew after she struggled to find a suitable support group after her losses. During her healing process she became more empowered and went back to study, changing her career path to become a qualified and registered counsellor and Training Consultant. There was at that time very limited multi-lingual counselling services available, and furthermore, it was very expensive and the clinical models applied did not feel culturally diverse or sensitive to BME therapeutic needs. HOPE Bereavement Support initially started with three trustees (the founder, a secretary and a treasurer) as a small constituted community group in Leeds, setting up bereavement support groups run by befrienders and volunteers for women and families to meet after suffering the loss of a child. Over 7 years on, the organisation is now running support services in Leeds, Bradford and London and specialises in all types of bereavement. We have a team of over 30 people consisting of qualified counsellors, coaches, an occupational therapist, clinical supervisors and many befrienders and volunteers. All staff members are based nationally in different parts of the UK working together remotely. Our services: Counselling Coaching Bereavement support groups Mental health and emotional wellbeing resilience workshops Educational and awareness building workshops Training and consultancy Research Media We also have service delivery partnership projects with Touchstone Staff Counselling and Touchstone ‘Blossom’ (Female Genital Mutilation) counselling: https://touchstonesupport.org.uk/ Our CEO Ansa E Ahmed has been nominated for the Positive Role Model (Race, Faith and Religion) Award at the National Diversity Awards 2021 “I was overwhelmed by receiving this nomination for the award, however, I feel and I believe that my HOPE team and organisation are well-deserved of this nomination and that this will be the first of many to come because we are a blackled organisation aiming to fulfil the short-comings in our national services in providing better health outcomes for our black communities nationwide. As the founder and CEO of HOPE services I feel very proud and overwhelmed with how much support, passion and dedication I have found in the people who have joined my organisation. When speaking and networking with other third sector and national organisations and their leaders, I was gratefully humbled for the respect given to our organisation in terms of what HOPE has to offer in fulfilling the need of our BAME communities access to mental health services in their own languages, and with our culturally inclusive person-centred approach towards each individual who accesses our services. Furthermore, I do not believe there is any other organisation that has achieved what we have in a short time as a Community Interest Company (CIC). This again is a testimony to the great BAME leaders from my board of directors, managers, supervisors and clinical practitioners that for me as a black leader I am proud to have alongside me as a driving force for HOPE. It feels like a lifetime ago when my career changed from the corporate field of working in the banking industry for 15 years of my life, I was able with my initiative and work ethic dedication to move up the management ladder to a customer service focused area manager role. So, therefore leading, motivating, coaching others from a leadership role comes very natural to me in my skill set as a CEO, but what really drives me is the passion and belief in compassion for all of humanity and this makes my job as CEO of HOPE very rewarding. From a personal development aspect I feel a winner as I am not only helping and giving back to my communities in the services that we provide in HOPE but also that I am helping my fellow BAME professionals nationwide who choose to join HOPE in their journey and development in furthering their career as BAME leaders within their respective fields of works. It has always been my mission statement as an individual and now as the head of the HOPE organisation that where possible I want to fight against stigma, shame, prejudice and racism in all its forms always with a heart full of compassion, love for humanity and kindness for all. I believe that true leadership is leading by example but also alongside helping your aspiring leaders. Your vote for me and HOPE would mean so much to us all, thank you 🙂 ”

Outdoor Gear Coach

outdoor gear coach


Newsflash: Our first publication Keeping Dry and Staying Warm Part 1 is now published in paperback and Kindle formats and available on Amazon. Outdoor Gear Coach researches, writes and publishes books and materials for better understanding of textiles and outdoor garments, and to add training of usage skills. OUR MISSION IS TO: Increase the depth and breadth of understanding of textiles in the design and use of outdoor garments to the benefit of all sectors of the outdoor activist and professional community. Embrace all aspects of performance from physiology and nutritional (This is the vital source of heat, which your garments are designed to conserve ) to terrain, weather and layering techniques. Provide one day workshops for Continuous Personal Development (CPD) training for outdoor professionals and lead eventually to a qualification ‘certified garment professional’. COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY Outdoor Gear Coach is a UK based, not-for-profit CIC (Community Interest Company). Our objectives are to serve the outdoor activity community with publications and training courses about products and garments. This community includes anyone participating in any of the following activities. Walking, hill walking, backpacking, scrambling, rock climbing, mountaineering, orienteering, cycling and mountain biking, ski touring. This includes all activities where product and human physiology information linked to skills is needed for competency, safety and enjoyment in all outdoor and mountain environments, over 7 continents. The community of outdoor activists we aim to serve comprises 6 sectors. 1.Individual participants purchasing and using the equipment and clothing for personal use. 2.The professionals who are making, sourcing, designing, selling, and buying for resale. 3.Journalists and individuals who write and blog in printed and digital media about outdoor products and garments. For the above groups there is little or no training with personal accreditation of knowledge or skills. 4.Outdoor education courses in colleges and universities. 5.Outdoor skills training. This group comprises highly skilled, trained and professionally accredited outdoor professionals known variously as mountain leaders, climbing instructors and Guides. In the UK there are 13 different qualifications, operated under the British Mountaineering Council (BMC) as Mountain Training UK which relates to the Union Internationale des Associations d’Alpinisme (UIAA) who train and accredit in 20 countries. These members of the outdoor community provide skills and safety training and are the best placed to deliver product knowledge and related skills which are personalised to the end user under training. 6. Outdoor centres for training people of all ages in outdoor skills.

Highcliffe School

highcliffe school


We believe this atmosphere stems from the ethos passionately promoted by the Governors, school leaders and staff. Our Prospectus aims to give you an insight into the ethos which animates everything we do and how we do it. Caring, Supporting and Encouraging Firstly, we believe young people learn best when they feel safe, supported, and encouraged. Our pastoral care system, alongside our approach to behaviour management and to Rewards, creates a ‘one big family’ feel among students and staff where negative behaviours are not accepted and positive attitudes and successes are celebrated daily. Students say that ‘this is a friendly school’. This view is endorsed by parents who are extremely positive about their children’s safety and the care and guidance they receive. - Ofsted Passionate about Learning Secondly, we believe a first-class education will make a huge difference to every Highcliffe student, opening their minds, developing their powers of reasoning and deepening their knowledge and understanding of the complex world around them. We believe education changes lives and that educated people can change the world. We are passionate about learning, and we communicate our passion for learning and its benefits in everything we do. We encourage students to throw themselves into the experience of secondary school and achieve excellence. We use education to prepare our students for life and equip them with the intellectual powers and personal awareness to aspire to make a difference to the world around them. Our daughter has embraced starting at Highcliffe School. The experience has been extremely positive and most importantly she is very happy. - A Highcliffe Parent The academic rigour of learning at Highcliffe underpins our students’ excellent examination success. Our year groups always achieve well above the national average in GCSE and A Level results. We believe in 2013 and 2015 the proportion of Highcliffe students achieving at least 5 GCSE Grades A*-C including Maths and English by the end of Year 11 was higher than any other nearby Dorset, Bournemouth or New Forest comprehensive school. Our Sixth Form students regularly achieve the top grades, often gaining places on the most academic degree courses at the most prestigious universities. We have an exemplary record gaining college places, apprenticeships or employment for our vocationally talented students at age 16 or 18. As a consequence according to government figures we have one of the very highest proportions nationally of former students now securely in further education, training or employment compared to schools similar to Highcliffe.

Ian Hart Consultancy

ian hart consultancy


In the highly stressful position of school leadership, it is often difficult to get a truly dispassionate view about how well you are doing or what other schools are doing to address particular challenges. Too often, external evaluation is very clear on identifying strengths and weaknesses but offers little in the way of advising on what can be done to address issues arising. With our experience of working with more than two hundred senior leadership teams across England, extensive knowledge of data management and analysis and up to date knowledge of inspection procedures; we can help you gain an objective, accurate understanding of the effectiveness of key areas of your school and will write this up in a way that directly contributes to your school self-evaluation, thus saving you time to spend where it really impacts; with your children and teachers. My Background After a successful 15 year career teaching in a range of different primary schools in different authorities, culminating in Headship, I joined a major public services company in 2008 advising on data analysis and management and school improvement through accurate self-evaluation. As part of this remit, I provided CPD and advice to primary schools across the country. In 2010, I undertook inspection training and became a fully qualified additional Ofsted Inspector. I successfully retained my badge in the reduction of inspectors in 2016 and continued inspecting until 2018, when one-day inspections significantly reduced the need for additional inspectors. During my time on inspection, I worked on behalf of SERCO and then Ofsted directly from 2016. In May 2011, I became a fully independent schools advisor and since then, as well as inspection work, I have worked with over 250 schools Nationwide. The location of these schools has included Sunderland and Teesside in the North East, Manchester and Thameside in the North West, various parts of London and Wiltshire in the South East and West, as well as many points in between! In these schools, I have worked in partnership with them on SEF writing, school advisory work, self-evaluation and school performance information analysis as well as providing both on-site and course training regarding data analysis and curriculum development. As I am not employed by Ofsted and have no ties to local authorities, then you can be sure that the view point I give is objective and based entirely around the evidence available. I work as an advisor to both maintained LA primary schools and Multi-Academy Trust groups.

Blackpool HAZ Cultural Programme

blackpool haz cultural programme


WHAT IS THE HAZ? Blackpool’s Heritage Action Zone project is a partnership between Blackpool Council and Historic England. The project is aimed at using Blackpool’s heritage as a catalyst for bringing new and diverse uses to the town centre and giving a new relevance for both local communities and visitors alike. There are two different areas of focus in the project. FOCUS 1 The first is centred on historic buildings and how heritage can be used to improve the look and feel of the high street by restoring and enhancing historic buildings. This element builds on recent improvements in Topping Street, Edward Street and Deansgate in restoring buildings and their commercial frontages. The biggest focus of this part of the scheme is the Church Street Frontage of the Winter Gardens, where work to restore the Victorian commercial frontages to Empress Buildings has already begun. Other projects include the conversion of an Art Deco building on Topping Street to provide a community creative hub and converting part of the former Black’s building on Edward Street into live/work units where local artists and creatives can rent studio and retail space with living accommodation above. FOCUS 2 The second area is the implementation of a cultural programme and this is specifically to bring new activity to the high street and to engage local communities in creative activity. This programme is already working on delivering a regular market for local creatives and artists and setting up taster workshops for local people to try out different creative activities. Future work will look at performance, film and creative workshops as well as talks and tours focused on heritage and the past, present and future of Blackpool’s town centre. THE ZONE Blackpool’s High Street Heritage Action Zone is focused on a section of Church Street containing impressive groups of mid to late 19th Century public and commercial buildings and a wealth of incredibly diverse heritage assets some of which are of national and regional significance. The Grand Theatre and the Blackpool Winter Gardens and the areas around them form the main focus of this project. It also includes Cedar Square and parts of Edward Street, Topping Street and Deansgate. The historic built environment in Blackpool and in the identified HAZ area has been recognised as having significant economic benefits not just in terms of retail or visitor economy but through the potential to impact on the quality of life for local residents and the quality of experience for our visitors. The quality of the historic built environment within the proposed Blackpool HAZ promotes ‘civic pride’ acting as a reminder of how Blackpool has evolved historically.

The Smokin' Elk BBQ School

the smokin' elk bbq school

I’ve been cooking on BBQs for the last 20 years in one form or another. Up until 7 years ago, most of my experience was on gas BBQs, usually the cheap type that you buy off the shelf one year and it rusts out before the following ‘BBQ Season’. This all changed after watching programs such as ‘Man vs Food’ and salivating over all of the American BBQ that was often on the show! I had to get me some of that, but where? There weren’t exactly any BBQ restaurants around in the UK so the only option was to do it myself. I found myself on forums, on Facebook groups, on YouTube and with my head in many books but nothing beat the experience and education of just getting out there and getting on with it. Cue lots of mistakes along the way on a very steep learning curve but here I am today, a whole lot more competent than I was back then. I don’t think its possible to master BBQ or cooking with fire. There is always more to learn and that’s why I love it. There are hundreds of ways to achieve the same end result – good tasting food that puts a smile on your face. Everyone will have their own methods, secret recipes, tips and tricks that work just great for them. I like to try and learn as many of these as possible, inhaling as much fire cooking knowledge as I can along this amazing journey I’m very proud to represent some amazing brands that share my passion. I’m a Fire Squad brand ambassador for Kamado Joe and a Team Temperature brand ambassador for Thermapen. I also work closely with several other brands that share the same principles and together, we help to spread the word of BBQ as far and as wide as we canI’ve decided its now time to share some of the tips, tricks & techniques I’ve learnt over the years, in the hope that it’ll ignite the same passion within you that I feel every day. This is why I’ve created The Smokin’ Elk BBQ School, a project that I’m absolutely buzzing about. This is a school where you’ll learn but almost as importantly, we’ll have fun. And we’ll cook up some damn tasty food along the way! Check out the ‘Classes’ section to check for available classes & dates. I look forward to welcoming you to The Smokin’ Elk BBQ School!

Mama Wellness

mama wellness

It was never going to be a straight forward journey and many things had to happen to get to here, so let’s start at the beginning. My son was born in 2007 profoundly deaf and it changed everything for me, I never knew love like it. Mother and baby groups were hard to come by back then and I spent a lot of time alone just Joseph and I, I was fine with that but I always felt I needed something more. Eventually I managed to get a place at a local class with other Mums and babies, I was so excited to meet other Mums and arrived at my first class so eager. After our first class, I remember feeling so broken, my beautiful baby was just not responsive like others, he had his little hearing aids on but wasn’t able to hear through them until many months later after cochlear implant surgery. I remember thinking this is a sensory class, how do I learn how to play with my baby? I was young and clueless, I felt very alone and parents didn’t talk to me, maybe because they felt awkward I don’t know, or maybe because I was closed off and had already set myself up to fail. I went to that class once more and knew it was not for me, I hated the way I felt and I knew that I never would want anybody else to feel that way. And so it began, as Joseph got older my knowledge of play and communication with deaf children grew. I became so passionate about language development in babies and how important it was as a parent to play, talk and give love. At the age of 13 months, Joseph had his cochlear implant surgery and was able to hear for the first time. It wasn’t like the videos you see of deaf children hearing for the first time, it was a long process, from listening to a series of beeps through a new mechanical device, it was a year of turning those beeps into recognisable auditory sounds. The process took a very long time and by 30 months first words started to emerge, at the age of 7 he had caught up with his peers. Being the Mother of a deaf child still is an epic adventure, that we have to be prepared to stop everything at the drop of a hat, if something major happens to the equipment or there are any signs of infection around the implant site, It is part of our daily life to check equipment, ears and his precious head.

Real Chinese Academy

real chinese academy


Founded in 2006, Real Chinese Academy has been working towards all-around “student development, teacher development and school development”, upholding the principle of “quality-first”, and implementing the philosophy of integrating cultural awareness into language learning. In the past decade or so, we have enabled many students to acquire a broad knowledge of Chinese culture, and practical skills of using the Chinese language. At the same time, our team of dedicated teachers have raised their professionalism to a new level. Real Chinese Academy is going from strength to strength. To ensure high-quality teaching results, we group students based on their age, level of Chinese language and family background (native/non-native Chinese speaker). All teachers utilise multimedia method and self-designed entertaining materials to facilitate teaching and enhance students’ achievements. Wechat and WhatsApp chat groups for parents are created to strengthen parent-teacher communications. At the same time, we hold regular parents meetings to discuss students’ progress at school while listening to parents’ feedbacks. For parents’ convenience, relevant information will be posted on our official website. Homework and assignments will be published on our website to make it easier for parents to supervise their children. Besides Chinese language teaching, we are honoured to have a world-class renowned artist, Mr. Sheng Qi, to lead our Visual arts course. In addition, English actress Helen Hobson teaches our Public Speaking course, and dozens of students have achieved excellent results in LAMDA exams which lay the foundation for all-round development of students. Headmistress Ms. Zoe Xu, originally from Beijing, is a mother of two. She is well versed in the comparative research of Chinese and British education as well as family education. In the last two decades, she has written books related to education such as Please Don’t Do This to Your Children, Chinese Orphans and Their Foreign Parents, Alternative Route to Development, Ten Skills That Affect Your Child’s Fortune. All the titles are published in mainland China. Real Chinese is growing! From only six pupils at the very beginning for Mandarin only, we’ve grown to be two hundred strong. Every year some of our students take GCSE Chinese and each of them achieved A* grade. Real Chinese have developed from simple teaching to a broader field of education. The school has found a successful way of managing the Chinese language education as the core while valuing all-around education. The road ahead will be long and rugged, yet we shall search high and low, for the benefit of the community and the promotion of the Chinese language and culture.

King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

king richard iii infant and nursery school


We hope it helps you to get a flavour of our lovely school and of our hopes and aspirations for all of our children, as well as a sense of the pride we take in our rich and vibrant school community. Please also scroll down the page to see how highly our parents value the work we do as a school. We are an infant and nursery school in Leicester's West End, tucked away in the heart of the city. Our children and families enrich our school with a broad range of languages and cultures, and we place a very strong emphasis on providing a nurturing and inclusive environment which is welcoming to everyone. We offer nursery provision in our Daisy and Sunflower classes, in addition to the 190 places in our Reception, Key Stage 1 and DSP classes. We are absolutely committed to being a fully inclusive school where equality of opportunity is a reality for all and where every child really enjoys their learning. We pay close attention to the different groups within our school to ensure that all - regardless of age, gender, disability, ethnicity or background - are given every opportunity to contribute, learn and achieve to the highest standards. Families work very closely with us to support their children’s learning. We provide adult learning opportunities and support for families during times of need. We believe that values such as kindness, respect, love and honesty are very important and we work hard to ensure the members of our richly diverse and multicultural community live together in harmony. We offer a learning culture of high expectations and quality teaching that encourages a growth mindset and a belief that we can all succeed. We don’t give up - we can do it! If you'd like to read more about our Curriculum Vision, you can find it HERE. We have amazing staff and governors, fantastic children and very supportive parents. Thanks go to everyone for their valued input in making the school such a wonderful place to be. We were very pleased with our most recent Ofsted report (June 2017). The full report can be seen by clicking on the Ofsted link on the navigation bar above. If you would like to visit and see us during the school day, we would be delighted to show you around and answer any questions you may have. In these very different times, we are also exploring different ways to let parents and visitors know more about our school. Please don’t hesitate to contact the school office to make an appointment.