3169 Educators providing Courses

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

vilnius gediminas technical university

We are Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH) - a prestigious European technical university, attractive not only to Lithuanian, but also to foreign students, teachers and researchers seeking quality studies, significant for the progress and development of the Lithuanian state. Our accumulated long-term experience in the fields of engineering and technology is reflected in the abbreviation - VILNIUS TECH. It perfectly describes today's world and everyday life, which is increasingly difficult to imagine without technology. It is they who become a tool that helps to create the world of the future, to cross any boundaries or borders. The world is changing rapidly every day, and we are changing along with it, trying to create and discover something new. The need to change and improve is driven by the prevailing trends in Europe and around the world: rapid technological development and digital transformation, the green course, the industrial revolution. The whole world is facing such challenges as climate change, economic instability, pandemic. However, it is important to understand that these are not only threats, but also unique opportunities to search and discover the most advanced technological solutions that will help not only us, but also future generations. I firmly believe that each of us can contribute to the development of technology. After all, the community and its members are the foundation of the university, which consists of people of different views, age and education, united by a common goal - to create for the future. Together, we can achieve that VILNIUS TECH becomes an open, growing, future-oriented organization that connects science, business, and most importantly, society. I invite you to contribute to the journey of new searches and discoveries and to reach scientific heights together! Prof. Dr. Romualdas Kliukas Rector of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Impact Festival

impact festival


It started when I began to learn more about the conditions for egg production and I realised that free-range wasn’t the wonderful happy situation that I thought it to be. The standards for labelling products as free-range are not as high as the marketing would suggest. (I am of course speaking in general terms and I know that this won’t apply to all farms, but it appears to apply to the majority). As a vegetarian at that time I’d already thought that I was quite ethically aware with what I bought, and it dawned on me that there must be many other people buying and supporting products that they also think are ethically sound, and that these people too may be interested to know more. Passion for performing arts! As a professional dancer, this prompted me to come up with an idea for a show to raise awareness on global issues and ethical living - not just animal welfare, but also climate change and human rights. However I realised that if the audience are inspired to make ethical changes or learn more, simply watching a show would not give them the tools to do that. Hence the creation of Impact – awesome events and activities to inspire change, with incredible live performances, the tools needed to live ethically and fun ways to implement everyday ethical living even for the busiest of lives! Don’t be put off by the heavy topics we’re dealing with, our events are fun and uplifting, with a vision of making positive changes. I’m not claiming to be perfect, nor am I trying to preach. I’m still learning too. I just know our planet is wonderful, as is the human race and all life that shares Earth with us.

Concordia (Youth Service Volunteers) Ltd

concordia (youth service volunteers) ltd

Concordia is a charity based in Brighton. Our mission is to support people to develop skills and gain experiences so that they can thrive. We run programmes that change lives and nurture global citizens who care about each other, their local communities and the world. We are part of a global community – we work with partners and people from all over the world. All our projects are impactful - whether they are just up the road from us or on the other side of the world. We do this by working with local communities delivering programmes that respond to local needs. Concordia was founded in 1943 to recruit volunteer labour to encourage peace and reconciliation in the aftermath of the Second World War. Since then, Concordia has supported around three-quarters of a million people to undertake incredible programmes that support local communities all over the world. Our work as a charity supplies five core services: CYA (Concordia Youth Action), International Volunteering, NCS (National Citizens Service), Seasonal Workers Programme and our Wellbeing Programme. Although all our programmes vary, they are all motivated by our desire to make the world a better place. CYA (Concordia Youth Action) Concordia works to improve local communities across Sussex. The young people we work with locally are passionate about making positive change and we help them do so. Launched in 2020, Concordia Youth Action (CYA) is a programme of blended volunteering (on and offline sessions and social action) that enables young people in the UK to engage with their local community through regular volunteering and skills sessions. As an official partner of the National Skills Builder Programme, our CYA programmes improve participant’s transferable skills, supports engagement and improvement of the local community, and develops citizenship.

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU)

vilnius gediminas technical university (vgtu)

We are Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH) - a prestigious European technical university, attractive not only to Lithuanian, but also to foreign students, teachers and researchers seeking quality studies, significant for the progress and development of the Lithuanian state. Our accumulated long-term experience in the fields of engineering and technology is reflected in the abbreviation - VILNIUS TECH. It perfectly describes today's world and everyday life, which is increasingly difficult to imagine without technology. It is they who become a tool that helps to create the world of the future, to cross any boundaries or borders. The world is changing rapidly every day, and we are changing along with it, trying to create and discover something new. The need to change and improve is driven by the prevailing trends in Europe and around the world: rapid technological development and digital transformation, the green course, the industrial revolution. The whole world is facing such challenges as climate change, economic instability, pandemic. However, it is important to understand that these are not only threats, but also unique opportunities to search and discover the most advanced technological solutions that will help not only us, but also future generations. I firmly believe that each of us can contribute to the development of technology. After all, the community and its members are the foundation of the university, which consists of people of different views, age and education, united by a common goal - to create for the future. Together, we can achieve that VILNIUS TECH becomes an open, growing, future-oriented organization that connects science, business, and most importantly, society. I invite you to contribute to the journey of new searches and discoveries and to reach scientific heights together! Prof. Dr. Romualdas Kliukas Rector of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Sally Elizabeth Coaching

sally elizabeth coaching

I followed that path towards status and salary. As a senior executive, I had it all; the flash car on the driveway, the luxury holidays and a well-respected position within the company. In addition, I was bringing up my children to be polite, well-rounded and ambitious. My home was clean and welcoming, freshly cooked dinners were served each mealtime and weekends were spent at an array of social events. It sounds fantastic and I had convinced myself that this was everything I wanted, but somehow I still felt unhappy. I brushed aside the sleepless nights and smiled despite regularly feeling overwhelmed. I believed that being permanently stressed and busy was a sign that I’d earned my stars. Stopped in my Tracks Even when the cracks started to show, I kept going. I couldn’t see any other option. It took a major blow to my health to completely take me out of action. I had no choice but to stop. My life as I knew it had come to an end. There’s no doubt that serious ill-health impacted every area of my life. However, rather than being a tragedy, it was a turning point. I had time to think and I finally accepted that I wasn’t healthy or genuinely happy. My lifestyle and my mindset needed to change. I decided to channel my energy into new pursuits, particularly those which would benefit my mental and physical health. I committed to fully embracing training in NLP Coaching, Rapid Transformational Therapy and Nordic Walking. Gaining accreditation and putting my skills into practice has helped me to change and gain confidence, whilst helping others to get more from their lives. I now have a new definition of success; a career where I help people to live lighter lives without pills or pain.