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Carly Ann

carly ann

What makes me a stand out Coach is my own lived experience with an anxious-avoidant attachment style. I have lived & breathed the attraction to unavailable partners, fantasy relationships, obsessing, and losing myself in love. Behind my agonising relationship struggles is a story of multiple childhood traumas and heartache. From my first memory I was surrounded by violence, substance abuse, chaos, and unpredictability. Up until the age of 30, I was in an unconscious mission to fulfil my longing for attention, love, and to be chosen. I chased, crushed, settled, lost myself, drank myself to oblivion, embarrassed myself, lacked boundaries, and abandoned myself time and time again. Immediate pain would show up in my anxious attachment when I experienced any kind of rejection. I would become convinced I needed that person to survive. Deep abandonment wounds would be wide open and as a result, I would be left with a version of me that I couldn’t recognise. My avoidant attachment could be seen in the way I went into myself, got stuck in moods, had an underlying feeling of numbness and sadness, and avoided the inner work for many years. WAKE UP CALL My wake up call came at 29. The end of a relationship (that I had outstayed due to a deep fear of being alone), followed by the agony of dating unavailable guy after unavailable guy. Relationships fuelled by jealousy and a fear of this person realising who I truly am and leaving me. My own recovery has been a bumpy road. Self-help, coaching, therapy, relapses, and then getting up and going again. Through sharing my own journey it’s my hope that your recovery can be a bit smoother. My healing has seen me meet and sustain a healthy relationship. I see myself in this relationship sometimes like it is not me… those moments I’m no longer triggered, my ability to respond over react, the way I consider my things logically, and how I see myself almost choose the old path from time to time. It is my life’s work to pass on, teach, & guide what I know to be true, the methods I use, and give my support to people who are where I was then. So that in this lifetime, we can experience the love we deserved from the beginning. Because it was and is our birth given right to have our needs met, to be loved, and to live a full & safe life.

The Red Rubber Ball Company

the red rubber ball company

 Choice CHOICE is what underpins your success. Choice encourages people to take responsibility for how they think, how they behave and therefore what they achieve. If there’s something you want, its down to you to make it happen. And if things are not going the way you want, then it’s for you to change what you’re doing. Choice puts you in control of your life – making time for the things that are the most important, that make the most difference to your life.  Passion PASSION provides a purpose to what you do, so you are committed to the things you do and the actions you need to take. We do things that interest and excite us more enthusiastically, we do them longer and we are more focused. We get better. We might become expert. And if you’re unsure what to do or where to go next, start with your passion. Where might that take you?  Vision VISION is about being clear where you are going, and having a plan to achieve it. This might be a vague sense which allows you to make decisions, or clear goals so you can work out the steps needed to achieve them and ensure you are committed and motivated. Passion and Vision combined gives you a good reason to do something and achieve results – rather than looking for reasons to do nothing or procrastination.  Action Finally take ACTION. Develop the “just do it” mind-set which gets things done. Learn to deal with the fears and doubts which have been holding you back, focus on what you need to do now and take things one step at a time, and cope with set-backs if they arise as feedback to help you improve. Whatever your age and whatever the situation you face, our leadership coaching can help you achieve more of what you want.