2353 Educators providing Courses

Tots Play Edinburgh North West

tots play edinburgh north west


Hi, my name is Lian. I live in Winchburgh with my fiancé, Stuart, and my two little girls, Maddie and Connie, and I run classes in the Edinburgh North West areas. I am originally from Manchester and before moving to Edinburgh travelled the world working on a cruise ship. After meeting Stuart, we decided to put down some roots in Scotland and start a family. I attended lots of baby classes with Maddie, she spent most of the time sleeping but for me it was invaluable - being able to chat to other mums going through the same things at the same time. Also, being new to area meant I was able to meet, what have become, lifelong friends. In June 2020 I had my second daughter, Connie, in the middle of a global pandemic. My maternity experience was very different. Not having the opportunity to go to classes and share experiences with other Mums made me realise even more how important these baby groups are, not just for my baby but also for me. So this got me thinking about my future and where my passion was, then I discovered Tots Play and knew I had found exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to offer the same opportunity for new mums and the experiences I had to Edinburgh North West. I immediately jumped at the chance to bring this fantastic programme to families in the area. My aim is to offer you and your baby a relaxed and friendly environment, where you can spend special time with your little one playing, laughing, learning and bonding together. Each class brings with it a unique structured play programme, where you can share experiences through activities such as baby massage, yoga, music, sign language, sensory play and much more all in one place. Take a look below to see when classes are available and follow the links to book your place. You can also contact me on liand@totsplay.co.uk with any questions. I look forward to welcoming you and your wee one to Tots Play very soon. Happy Playing Lian xx

Helen Grieve

helen grieve


I’ve been an holistic therapist since 1996 gosh!!! having always been different I suppose you would call me an eclectic blend of witch, druid, Buddhist, spirit, star-seed and light-worker all rolled into one. Having studied a variety of beliefs, traditions and religions, I’ve taken what I’ve liked and left the bits I don’t. I’ve always lived a busy life style you know …. work, travel, going to clubs , circles, groups and Moots. My life was happy and fulfilled . I’ve worked for myself making lotions and potions , I’ve always been called a Witch, but i don’t mind.., I’ve traveled the world, life was good until I returned from Vietnam having had my booster jab at my Gps surgery. Recovering.. In 2016 after a Hepatitis vaccination left me with my body attacking its self , with stroke like symptoms unable to move more that a few feet let alone walk, talk or look after myself. I was added to the list of random side effects and given a diagnosis of ME/CFs . later on that years fibromyalgia was added to the list having had all joints in my body attacked leaving me in pain like I’ve never experienced (except for child birth..) So, it’s been an up hill struggle these last few years. I’ve returned to my roots seeking out like-minded people and those who can offer healing on an energetic level. I trained in Angelic Reiki and what an experience that was.. Beautiful if not profound connection with the Angelic Realm, I often call upon them when times are hard. My grand-pier had passed to the world of spirit not long before I got sick and during that same year I must have gone to 20 funerals. Three of my friends passed within two weeks and over that 10 month period it became a stand joke, no one would stand near me.. I don’t know how I would have made it through if I didn’t know where they were going or if they were alright. But, I do know where they are, I have that comfort and often feel them around me, I wish you all felt what I feel, the love and support they send, and you can..

Tax Grinds

tax grinds

North City, Dublin 1,

It's one thing to learn tax from lectures and textbooks but it's something else entirely to make sound decisions regarding tax planning and compliance based on a wide range of information - yet, this is what's required at professional tax exam level. Our intensive classroom based revision courses are aimed at enhancing your tax knowledge and understanding as well as helping you to develop a capacity for analysis, reasoning and solid decision making thereby PASSING your tax exam and in turn securing your professional Accounting or Taxation qualification (ACCA, ACA, CPA, AITI, ADIT and CTC). Please be aware that we do not provide an online option - All our courses are classroom based. As a result of the Covid Restrictions, we are closed at this time. TAX GRINDS is a professional tax training service run by an experienced team of Lecturers, Tax Advisers and Accountants headed by Claire McNamara. Our main objective is to provide YOU with the necessary skills and confidence to PASS your tax exams in the shortest possible time frame. If this is your first attempt or if you're repeating more than once our bespoke courses cater for your requirements. We tailor the content and pace of our training to suit the needs of individuals and small groups (maximum capacity twenty). All our courses encourage and faciliate questions and answers to ensure you keep up with the material and build up the necessary technical tax skills to PASS your professional exams. We focus on exam success so our training is built around mock exams, reviewing past papers, improving exam techniques and enhancing learning strategies. All our courses include an exam paper correcting service whereby you complete exam standard questions at home which we then correct for you and highlight areas for improvement well in advance of the exam. This has proven to be very popular with individuals who realised that their exam technique was letting them down in the past and once they practiced structuring and answering questions without the aid of the sample solution they wrote significantly better answers and passed the exam.

Kirkby Stephen Grammar School

kirkby stephen grammar school

Kirkby Stephen

Welcome to the Kirkby Stephen Grammar School website. As Headteacher, I’m delighted that you have taken the opportunity to visit our website and find out about our school. It’s a unique school, with a positive ethos and a happy and purposeful atmosphere. Our ambition is quite simply to help every child in our care to achieve success whatever his or her individual abilities and talents might be. Our Vision: Kirkby Stephen Grammar School is a learning community committed to success for all. Our Academy Aims: To promote lifelong learning To promote an inclusive ethos in which everyone can develop and be successful To encourage everyone to improve standards of academic progress To develop self-discipline and positive social behaviour to enable students to become effective citizens in society To provide a wide and exciting range of enrichment activities beyond the classroom To provide high quality learning opportunities and higher standards through sharing specialist facilities and resources with partner schools and developing and disseminating good practice To work with the Eden Valley Sports Partnership to develop high quality PE, School Games and competition To provide high quality learning opportunities for members of the wider community To develop partnerships with local businesses and providers. To plan for all pupils to stay on in training, apprenticeships or education to the age of 18 To cater for the needs of Gifted and Talented pupils. To work effectively with our partner schools for mutual support and benefits I hope the website will give you some impression of how we try to make the aim and the vision a reality. Key policies, procedures, information and communications are available here. We also want to promote the many sporting, cultural and community aspects of our school through the website, so that you will find links to a range of groups in the area. I would actively encourage you to browse through these web pages and find out as much as you can about us. If you would like to know more, please contact me directly and I will be more than happy to answer your query.

Belfast YMCA Limited

belfast ymca limited


Belfast YMCA has been serving and supporting the people of Belfast since 1850. We are the Belfast association of a global movement of YMCAs. We are physically based in the Stranmillis area of South Belfast but we serve all the people of Belfast. We are guided by our Christian ethos and a desire to serve our community and respond to the changing needs of the people in our city. FullSizeRender.jpg We are committed to: Promoting the Christian faith Providing educational opportunities for all people (and particularly young people) Promoting healthy living (including mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing) Promoting community engagement and citizenship, for young people, their families and other adults for the purpose of family support, community relations and active citizenship Assisting in the relief of hardship or distress (social, physical, emotional, spiritual or economic circumstances.) 20180628_144714.jpg What do we do? In order to achieve our objectives, we carry out the following activities: Faith Development – enabling those who come to faith in Jesus Christ to grow in their relationship with Him and to the church. We host a church on our premises. Our Christian faith underpins all other aspects of our work and encourages us to work inclusively, with care and love and with particular focus on vulnerable groups, including young people. Youth Development – providing training, information and support to young people. Annually, our youth team engage with around 900 young people across a suite of projects. We deliver schools-based Good Relations training, an internet safety project, sixth form enrichment training, and shared education. Our centre based projects include the Duke of Edinburgh Award/Gaisce – The President's Award, volunteer training, the NI National Citizen Service project and Youth in Government. Family Support – providing childcare, after school programmes and holiday clubs. Health & Fitness – providing facilities for sport and fitness for a healthy lifestyle. Community Engagement – promoting reconciliation through responding to the hurts and issues facing people in a divided community which is emerging from conflict. Social Enterprise – developing initiatives which meet our charitable objectives through providing a viable service to the community. All income generated is invested back into our charitable projects.

One World Living

one world living


Living Song exists to empower Young Artists and build communities through singing. We challenge limiting assumptions about what all young people can achieve, put young leaders centre stage and create innovative lifelong learning opportunities for all, insisting on diversity and inclusion in their widest sense. In August 2017, Living Song became a Community Interest Community (CIC) to enable us to build wider partnerships with Newham Council and other organizations, develop our funding steams and to create more opportunities for young people and communities to shine through singing. An advisory board was appointed, and we have continued to go from strength to strength. Who Are We? The company is directed by an Executive Director, with a board of two Non-Executive Directors and a team of advisors from across a wide range of music performance and education contexts. We have a Youth Board of five young people aged 16 – 25 who meet regularly to discuss and advise of relevant issues for them. We work with a range of tutors, artists and music practitioners, identified for their bespoke skills and experience for each project. Who Do We Work With? We work with schools and pupil referral units, community organisations, music education hubs, libraries, local authorities, commercial organisations, businesses and a range of community singing groups and choirs. What We Do Living Song has recently reviewed its work programme to see how it can be streamlined to maximise our impact. During the next 18 months – two years we will focus our attention on delivering three core programme areas which are: A Young Artist apprenticeship /’future leaders’ programme Delivering workshops in schools and the wider community A tailored Living Song Choral Music Experience (CME) These work areas are outlined in more detail below. Although distinct projects, the three areas of work overlap and reinforce each other, for example, a core element of the young leaders’ programme is the delivery of workshops in schools or for the wider community, and a handful of participants will be chosen to join Living Song’s CME course. For further details about our programmes, please contact us.



Hi, I’m Alison and I’m absolutely delighted to welcome you to Little Bees with Alison! Little Bees is founded and run by me, a mum of two and a primary school teacher of over 16 years, with a huge passion for Early Years Development. During my teaching career, I have specialised in and led Additional Learning Needs and Foundation Phase across the school. I was also identified as an ‘Outstanding Teacher’ and was one of only 8 teachers to be selected across SE Wales to particpate in an ‘Outstanding Teachers’ Programme. After a long battle with infertility, I finally achieved my dream of becoming a Mummy when Joseph was born in 2016. Three years later, we completed our family with Charlotte. I absolutely love teaching and have often thought about other ways I could use my skills whilst also having a positive impact on my local community. I had noticed firsthand the lack of groups for new parents in my local area and the idea of Little Bees started. Having experienced the impact massage had on my own little ones and our bonding, this was something I was excited to share with other new parents and carers. In 2019, I trained with Hands on Babies, the first UK baby massage and baby yoga training organisation to have received accreditation from the Royal College of Midwives for its courses. I enjoyed the massage course so much that upon gaining accreditation, I immediately set to work on completing the lovely yoga course! My mission with ‘Little Bees with Alison’ is to offer friendly and relaxing classes for all parents and carers in a supportive and non-competitive environment within their local community. As a new Mum, I was desperate to not only do lovely activities with my baby, but I was also keen to make new friends. This is exactly what I want to bring to my community with ‘Little Bees’. I completely understand the challenges new parents are going through and thought of supporting them brings me great joy. I am fully insured, DBS checked and have completed training to enable my classes to be ‘Covid-secure.’

Swamp Creative Media Centre

swamp creative media centre

Established in 1996, SWAMP is a forward-thinking Community Development Trust and registered charity, using accredited training, outreach, film, music, digital technologies, gardening and the creative arts to enable and empower social change. SWAMP enhances cultural awareness, promotes social inclusion and builds community spirit within the locality, and has been successfully sustaining this for over two decades. During this time we have taken a dilapidated building within our community and redeveloped it, and are now planning another move to new premises. We strongly believe in the model of inclusion through creation, and work collaboratively with children, young people, older people and communities to achieve our aims; predominantly, but not exclusively, with vulnerable groups. We consider the arts, community involvement and accrediting training to be positive tools for change, helping people to: Build confidence and attain new skills Get back into work or education Source work in the creative arts Enjoy better health or simply improve quality of life SWAMP was one of the first organisations in Glasgow to use creative media, digital arts and new technologies as tools for community engagement, cross-referencing them to skills and learning, and later adopting the Curriculum for Excellence approach into our programmes. Through our accredited training programmes we provide young people with the skills and attributes they need to successfully make the life transition from school to employment or further education, supporting them to better understand their local environment, and encouraging them to engage in the process of lifelong learning and active citizenship. Our bespoke programmes and projects are designed and planned with the learner very much at the heart of the process and our objectives continue to focus on developing the skills of young people to become successful learners in life and work. SWAMP places innovation, enterprise and creativity alongside outstanding delivery, sound management and a strong ethos of partnership to tackle society’s big issues. Our mission and values fit well with the strategic objectives of the Scottish Government and local government priorities, and have developed strong working relationships with key partners operating within the area of youth employment, education and development.

Childrens swimming lessons

childrens swimming lessons

There is a high demand for classes and we need to operate a little differently due to pressure for spaces in most age groups. To help us manage this, we will be asking you to complete a simple registration process to register your interest and to confirm when next block of lessons will start. Please REGISTER HERE. Classes are held on Saturday 10 am, 11am and Sunday 5 pm. Please select your preferred time, however please note that we cannot guarantee availability (especially on Sunday) so you may be offered an alternative time instead. Our classes run in terms or blocks of 10 weeks starting from start of September every year and continue until July. ABOUT THE SWIMMING PROGRAM Our lessons follow Swim Ireland Learn to Swim Programme and run in terms of 10 weeks for most of the year. All our teachers hold Swim Ireland Qualifications and are fully Garda vetted. Swimmers can start from the age of 4 with armbands and progress through the five stages of the Learn to Swim Programme. Progression from each stage is based on assessment by the teachers as the swimmers come to terms with new concepts. Once capable in all four strokes, each child is given the opportunity to move to the Development Squad and begin their journey as a competitive swimmer with in the club. How to Join; The Learn To Swim program is run from SportsCo on Saturday (10am-11am, 11am-12pm) and Sunday (5p-6pm) If your child would like to Learn To Swim, please complete the online registration form above. We will respond to any registrations within a few days to confirm when places will be available. Please make sure to check your spam or junk folders for email responses from esbswimmingclub@gmail.com DEVELOPMENT SQUAD The Development Squad builds on the foundations of the Learn to Swim Programme. Swimmers develop new techniques and become familiar with lane swimming and swimmers from these classes will be invited to join our Competitive Squads. Swimmers must be able to swim 25m competently in each of the 4 strokes before joining the Development Squad. How to Join

Gateway College

gateway college

“Research conducted by the Royal Mail concludes that spelling mistakes and poor grammar cost UK businesses more than £700 million a year, the Cabinet Office puts the figure even higher at £10 billion” 40% of British companies feel that the lack of literacy amongst their employers, including graduates, is costing them money. Hours are wasted ploughing through confused and confusiing documents. And even worse, business is lost through poorly written proposals and sales pitches. At Verve Training, we believe that our business writing courses provide a powerful solution to this problem. Our clients come from every sector and include major organisations and corporations such as the NHS, Virgin, and BAE Systems Detica; and also smaller niche companies and groups such as Global Maritime and the General Dental Council. Business Writing Courses How Verve Training Can Help All of our business writing courses are supplied on a bespoke basis so that we can tailor the training to your precise needs. Each course provides a unique level of practical training which carefully reinforces the theory of each module with writing exercises. We offer both group courses and one-to-one coaching. Verve delivers training across the UK and abroad. What makes our business writing courses uniquely effective is that they are taught by respected professional writers and journalists working in the national media today, who are highly practised both at producing clear, concise documents and in passing those skills on to others. We also have specialised trainers to teach writing courses to employees with a technical or scientific background, who often face slightly different challenges in learning to communicate effectively. We are so confident in the value of our business writing courses that unlike most training companies, we offer a full money back guarantee on all our writing courses. In addition to our business writing courses, we have a number of other communication courses teaching media training and presentation skills. Verve also offers a full corporate video service, producing everything from short promotional pieces to longer more in-depth films. If you would like more information on any of our business writing o