2228 Educators providing Courses

Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

institute for cultural diplomacy

Founded in 1999 in the USA, the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy inc (ICD) is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in the USA and in Germany. Philosophy The ICD understands that in an increasingly globalized world, in which people are able to travel and exchange information faster than ever before, the globe is becoming more integrated and there is a growing interdependency between nations, communities and individuals. As a result, successful intercultural interaction will undoubtedly become a major challenge for international relations in the 21st century. In this regard, the ICD believes that inter- and intra- cultural relations can be strengthened and maintained through constant and on-going dialogue and exchange. These, in turn, lead to a better understanding and greater trust between nations and communities, prevent misunderstanding, improve communication and cooperation and help to reduce the likelihood of socio-cultural conflicts and disputes. Goal & Mission Cultural diplomacy has long been recognized as a prime instrument to promote intercultural links between countries, communities and peoples. The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy was founded with the aim to promote cultural diplomacy globally; by doing so, the ICD contributes to achieving global peace by strengthening intercultural relations. “The ICD´s ultimate goal is to promote global peace and stability by strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels.” Activity & Methodology The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy’s primary activity focuses on the development and the promotion of the field of Cultural Diplomacy with the aim to raise awareness and understanding of the field across the globe both locally and internationally; The ICD works continuously to develop new and innovative initiatives of cultural diplomacy. The major objectives of the ICD are to extend current research, programs and practices in the field of cultural diplomacy and create a platform to promote and sustain intercultural dialogue at all levels. The ICD actively encourages and supports cultural diplomacy as an academic discipline. In addition to promoting cultural diplomacy through its own initiatives, the ICD also promotes cultural diplomacy by actively supporting the work that is already being done in this area by partnering and communicating with other actors in the field. The ICD activities are implemented and executed by its four main partner institutions: the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy the Organization for Youth Education & Development (OYED) the Inter Parliamentary Alliance for Human Rights & Global Peace (IPAHP) and the ICD House of Arts & Culture.

Cavendish Learning

cavendish learning


Cavendish Education is a family of independent co-educational day and boarding schools and colleges for students between the ages of five and 21. As a group, we are transforming the common perception of specialist education and throughout our schools, we challenge what it means to be neurodiverse by supporting our students to excel in ways they never thought possible. We believe we are unparalleled in our approach, which sits between mainstream and traditional special school education. Our curriculum supports and nurtures students with a diagnosis of autism and associated communication and language needs, as well as those with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia. Seeing potential in every student The ability to think differently is celebrated and encouraged at our schools and colleges. Seeing extraordinary ability in every single one of our students, we unlock and nurture their potential. The holistic and differentiated academic curriculums in our schools and colleges are designed to ignite the imaginations of students with unique learning profiles and nurture their innate talents and abilities. A range of enrichment activities, such as sport, technology, the arts, outdoor education and life skills, further enables our students to grow. In the ethos of Cavendish Education, each of our schools and colleges has developed its own character, facilities, and strengths. Together, our schools and staff are committed to allowing every student to shine while they are with us and to achieve success in education or employment when they leave us. We are very proud of all our students and their many achievements. They show that with the right support, those who think differently can make vital contributions to our world while leading happy and successful lives. History Our founder, Aatif Hassan, was inspired by his own life experiences to establish Cavendish Education. Having been through the education system with dyslexia, he understands the need to give those who are neurologically diverse the tools to create successful and meaningful lives. Aatif himself went on to achieve a successful career, both in business and as an officer in the Army before founding Cavendish Education in 2013. Cavendish Education is driven by Aatif ‘s dedication to nurturing those young people who think differently, enabling them to lead happy and productive lives. It is his desire to change the perception of what it means to be neurologically diverse through the achievements of Cavendish Education’s students and the quality of its curriculums.

Aerial Training Services

aerial training services


Aerial Sim Training is a new innovative company with a fresh approach to Flight Instruction. Founded by Dr. Robert T. Longo & Captain F. Jefferson Strouse; between them more than 100 years of flying experience. Not bad for two young guys. Bob and Jeff possess a true love for flight, as most aviators do. They want to share with others the joy aviation has bestowed upon them. The best way they feel they can attain their goal of sharing their love for flight is through innovative, safety oriented, Professional Flight Training for General Aviation Pilots. With that idea in mind, together they founded Aerial Sim Training. The unique idea is to provide Professional, SAFE Flight Simulator Training to ALL General Aviation Pilots. This is accomplished by providing use of the simulators to Flight Instructors so that they may be used for training their current students. Traditionally, most flight simulators are reserved for flight school instructors' use to conduct "in house training", while the Independent Instructor is left out; not to mention the fact that most small flight schools cannot afford the cost of purchasing a simulator. Aerial Sim Training is the solution. The simulator we utilize is the Precision Flight Controls DCX Pro Motion. This state of the art Sim is designed for the General Aviation Pilot. The DCX will emulate 32 different general aviation aircraft, both single and multi-engine. The simulator has motion & dynamic feel, a 225 degree display and is FAA Part 61 approved for logging Instrument Initial Training, Instrument Currency and Instrument Proficiency Checks. Listed are the approved hours towards specific ratings: 2.5 hours toward the Private Pilot Certificate 20 hours toward the Instrument Rating 50 hours toward the Commercial Pilot Certificate 25 hours toward the Airline Transport Pilot Certificate Aerial Sim Training also offers many enrichment courses such as: Unusual Attitude Recovery close to terrain Pinch Hitter Courses for the non-flying companion Crew Resource Management / Single Pilot Resource Management (CRM / SRM) Transition & Upgrade Training Aircraft Transition / Upgrade Training is far easier to accomplish in a simulator, not to mention the reduction in cost. Training is enhanced with REAL LIVE Air Traffic Control communication, through the use of The Pilot Edge. This amazing feature allows for training to be as effective and practical as possible.

School Inclusion Support

school inclusion support

Inclusion Support Service Our Inclusion Support Service delivers specialist advice and practical solutions that will support you in the teaching of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). We work collaboratively with you to design a bespoke package specific to your needs, providing strategies that help to ensure your children thrive. Our support will leave your school with capacity and capability to have a long lasting impact, and our professional challenge will enable your school staff to develop outstanding SEN and inclusive practices. Our service is comprised of a team of teachers who bring an extensive local and national perspective of SEND best practice. They have substantial specialist knowledge, skills and advanced qualifications in SEN and are experienced classroom practitioners and leaders/managers of SEN provision in schools. We use evidence based approaches from sources such as the Education Endowment Foundation, Whole School SEND, PDNet and the Autism Education Trust and support you to implement these in your context. The team also have well established links to a wide range of other services, professionals and health agencies, as well as a strong professional relationship with NASEN (National Association of SEN) and Bath Spa University. Core services Our service can be accessed on a consultancy basis, or at different levels of subscription with a number of days spread over three terms. We can work with you as an individual school or work with groups of schools to support collaboration and meet your local priorities. Our service can provide: Strategic support for SEND leadership and whole school capacity building to ensure your school can meet SEND needs Specialist advice around the SEND areas of need of cognition and learning communication and interaction physical development and medical social, emotional and mental health Support with identifying and analysing need and making appropriate provision, along with individual casework to support complex needs Liaison with other professionals, families and schools to successfully manage the transfer of pupils at transition points Support for SENCOs in meeting the needs of the SEND Code of Practice and improving provision, including drop in sessions High quality training for leaders, teachers, governors, parents and support staff Hub and cluster packages that promote collaborative working, sharing good practice and maximising impact. Specialist advice in urgent situations delivered via our telephone/email helpline.

Resilience For Modern Life by Clan Wellness

resilience for modern life by clan wellness

HI! I'M VIRGINIE FERGUSON, FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR OF CLAN WELLNESS. Here at Clan Wellness, we believe that everyone deserves to show up as their best version of themselves and be able to take on life's challenges with confidence. We want to help you master your emotions, lift the clouds from your head, and feel healthier by building mental and emotional resilience. With us, there is no judgment. We all come with our own experience package that has shaped how our nervous system has adapted to keep us safe and alive. Our lives have evolved far quicker than nature has had time to catch up, and our nervous system is no longer adapted to the fast-paced, demanding lives we live today. This is wy Resilience For Modern Life exists. I wasn't always the content woman I am now. Throughout my life, I had bouts of anxiety, insomnia and even depression when I was 19 years young. It’s through my own experience, as a stressed-out and overwhelmed mum of two, working full-time as a project manager in the life science industry, that I went searching for ways to help. Today, as a certified yoga teacher and HeartMath coach, having left the corporate world behind, I blend ancient wisdom with modern science to create a safe and open environment, so that others can become the resilient, healthy, and happy person that they’ve always wanted to be with techniques proven to work. THIS IS WHY WE OFFER A HOLISTIC, NO-NONSENSE AND PRAGMATIC APPROACH THAT IS BACKED BY EVIDENCE-BASED SCIENCE. Around 79% of British adult experience work related stress, and 41% feel it everyday. This means there is a huge opportunity to make things better for your employees and leaders. With the Resilience For Modern Life’s approach, we can break down the stigmas of mental and emotional health in the workplace, and replace them with a supportive and caring work culture driven by compassionate leadership. Supporting employees and leadership team will not only yield more success for your organisation, it will impact them positively in all other areas of their lives too. Our promise is that employees will be healthier and happier, fostering creativity, better communication, and amplifying engagement and performance to fuel business growth and retain talent.

Mama Wellness

mama wellness

It was never going to be a straight forward journey and many things had to happen to get to here, so let’s start at the beginning. My son was born in 2007 profoundly deaf and it changed everything for me, I never knew love like it. Mother and baby groups were hard to come by back then and I spent a lot of time alone just Joseph and I, I was fine with that but I always felt I needed something more. Eventually I managed to get a place at a local class with other Mums and babies, I was so excited to meet other Mums and arrived at my first class so eager. After our first class, I remember feeling so broken, my beautiful baby was just not responsive like others, he had his little hearing aids on but wasn’t able to hear through them until many months later after cochlear implant surgery. I remember thinking this is a sensory class, how do I learn how to play with my baby? I was young and clueless, I felt very alone and parents didn’t talk to me, maybe because they felt awkward I don’t know, or maybe because I was closed off and had already set myself up to fail. I went to that class once more and knew it was not for me, I hated the way I felt and I knew that I never would want anybody else to feel that way. And so it began, as Joseph got older my knowledge of play and communication with deaf children grew. I became so passionate about language development in babies and how important it was as a parent to play, talk and give love. At the age of 13 months, Joseph had his cochlear implant surgery and was able to hear for the first time. It wasn’t like the videos you see of deaf children hearing for the first time, it was a long process, from listening to a series of beeps through a new mechanical device, it was a year of turning those beeps into recognisable auditory sounds. The process took a very long time and by 30 months first words started to emerge, at the age of 7 he had caught up with his peers. Being the Mother of a deaf child still is an epic adventure, that we have to be prepared to stop everything at the drop of a hat, if something major happens to the equipment or there are any signs of infection around the implant site, It is part of our daily life to check equipment, ears and his precious head.

Bristol Art For All

bristol art for all


My name is Amy Powell and I am a catalyst for reconnecting people with their innate creativity. At Bristol Art For All we facilitate friendly, inclusive learning environments where people can explore their creativity. We started in 2015 running an open access drop in face-to-face community art class in Easton in Bristol. From December 2019 to March 2020 sessions moved to Hamilton House in Stokes Croft Bristol and since April 2020 have been online. Online sessions are run in partnership with local charities as well as sessions open to all adults. Current partners include Age UK and St Mungo’s Recovery College. All online sessions are around a theme selected by the participants, who use the art materials and skills they already have to devise their own projects. Support is on hand to give input on what is made. The sessions act as an online art studio with time for making and opportunities to share and get feedback on artwork. Participants are seen as artists first with the acceptance that we are all on our own life journeys. The focus is on creating learning environments where people enjoy the process of making. With this strong foundation people can have the confidence and resilience to develop further skills. This website gives a taste of the work made over the course of Bristol Art For All. Myself and Rosa Hewitt began Bristol Art For All in 2015. In 2017 Rosa went to the University of Hertfordshire to study Art Therapy. She now works in London as an art therapist with children. I continued with the project in Bristol with the support of volunteers, building my knowledge, experience and skills by studying courses in teaching, facilitation, communication and social enterprise. As well as volunteering with Arts and Health organisations including Studio Upstairs, Bristol Art on Prescription, Workers Education Association (WEA), Milestones Expressions programme and St Mungos Recovery College where I currently run their online art class. I love being a catalyst for people to reconnect with their creativity. It is a great privilege to have worked with over 200 people across Bristol and beyond. Some have attended for years others for one session but all have been welcome and encouraged in their art making. I am currently in the process of making Bristol Art For All into an online art school to reach people who would otherwise struggle to access mainstream arts education. I am interested to connect with organisations, which work with clients who would benefit from exploring and developing their creativity with the support of being in a group.

London College Of Business And Computing

london college of business and computing

LCBC LERAN ENGLISH LCBC Learn English, was established in 2010 and has grown into one of the most respected and highly sought-after institutions in the Eastern province and beyond effectively teaching the English language to young and adult learners. Initially established in Batticaloa with 30 students, 2017 saw the addition of several branches in the Eastern coastal belt with a vast number of students. English is truly the global language. Whether you choose to go abroad or to study from home on your computer, our English language courses are the perfect way to learn English and get more confidence in speaking the language. When you study our English language courses you’re guaranteed to benefit from our long experience in teaching English, laser focus on practical communication skills, and highly-qualified teachers. Whether your interests are personal or professional, learning English will open doors both expected and unexpected. No matter where in the world you go today, you’ll always find someone who speaks at least a bit of English. If you want to travel abroad, work internationally or simply be able to understand all the latest movies and music, learning English will lead you down the path you’re dreaming of. Learn the language with LCBC Learn English and see how quickly your world expands. LCBC STUDY ABROAD Having over two decades of experience in student counseling and visa processing, LCBC Study Abroad has positioned itself as a figure you can trust in the industry by providing an unbeatable service to our clients. We assist our clients with a range of services from obtaining offers from Universities, visa preparation, interview preparation, pre-departure guidance to post-departure assistance. LCBC Study Abroad provides a comprehensive service that meets all your overseas education needs. We are very much updated on Universities and Colleges abroad and nature of programs they offer. We help students in getting all the information about the institutions of their interest. We provide complete updates about various scholarships offered by different Universities. LCBC organizes pre departure sessions for its students so that they can have an opportunity to know about the new culture they are going to face, about the institute they are enrolling for and also making them aware of do’s and don’ts while they settle themselves in a new environment. This not only allows them to get more confidence but also adjust better in the institute and hence have better performance in the programs of their study. We also assist students with booking of flights well in advance to allow ideal departure dates, routes and discounts.