3275 Educators providing Courses

Inner Pedagogy/East Midlands Psychedelic Society

inner pedagogy/east midlands psychedelic society


Edward is committed to supporting people move towards wholeness and the role education can play in this process. Edward researches mindfulness, integral and transpersonal psychology and well-being as both a member and convenor of postgraduate research at the Centre for Research in Human Flourishing (University of Nottingham). An avid reader, he is particularly inspired by the writings of Adyashanti, Stanislav Grof, Bernardo Kastrup, Gabor Maté, Rupert Spira, Alan Watts and Ken Wilber. Edward has written numerous articles, book chapters and books on these topics himself. Edward has been rigorously trained, he received a First Class (Hons) Degree in Education and Art from the University of Exeter in 1998 and a PhD in Peace Education and Sociocultural Theory from the University of Birmingham in 2003. Edward is a qualified mindfulness teacher, trained by Patrizia Collard/Enter Mindfulness, a Life Coach and a SoulCollage® Facilitator. He has taken the core modules of the Grof Transpersonal Trainer (GTT) Programme, covering the paradigm of Holotropic Breathwork, The Power Within (Bodywork), Music & Transcendence and Spiritual Emergency. He has also taken elective modules in Jung, Alchemy & The Transformation of Consciousness, and Inner Ethics/Soul Collage. This training has been supplemented by further training from the TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) College and the College of Sound Healing . As part of ongoing quality assurance, Edward receives regular supervision in mindfulness, TRE® and Holotropic Breathwork®, actively researching all of these fields, attending regular conferences, courses and retreats to ensure his work and guidance is informed by deep inner experience and the latest research and good practice. Edward is also a member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity and follows their honour code of ethics and good practice for individuals. Edward has attended a Quaker meeting all of his adult life, adopting a contemplative and universal approach to spirituality. He has served as both a Clerk and Elder to his local. 'Clerkship' involves engaging contemplative approaches and discernment to make spiritually-informed group decisions. Edward continues to practise art, focusing on contemporary altars, shrines and portraiture drawing upon studies at the University of Exeter and the Slade School of Art, London. His work has been shown in numerous exhibitions, winning the prestigious Attenborough Prize in 2011. Edward accepts commissions and much of his work is available for sale. Artwork can be an excellent tool for integration and creativity is employed to help with this process in many of Edward’s courses and workshops.

The Scottish School of Herbal Medicine

the scottish school of herbal medicine

Isle of Arran

The popular introductory Herbal Correspondence Course is now run from our herb farm on the Isle of Arran and is an excellent intro if you are interested in treating yourself or your family and also for aspiring herbal students who can use it as an access course for University entrance and to see if the profession is for them. If you decide to enrol Keith Robertson MSc. F.NIMH will be your tutor for your assignments and he has over 30 years experience in the field. We also provide regular practical Herbal Medicine classes on Arran offering herb walks, plant ID, medicine making, botanical drawing etc and these form part of our new apprenticeship programme or they can be booked separately. This site remains an archive for the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine which was founded in 1992 by Medical Herbalists Maureen and Keith Robertson F.NIMH. It rose to almost mythical status as the world’s leading School for teaching a holistic balance of traditional and modern Herbal Medicine and importantly championing an energetic approach to treatment. The School had a world first with its M.Sc. programme and many of today's practitioners benefited from its 4 year B.Sc. programme. Being externally validated rather than being part of the mainstream University system gave us the autonomy to develop courses with real heart (we developed ground breaking research methodologies such as Goethean/Contemplative Science and promoted, for instance, case series research) but in the end, as a small educational charity, we were competing at the height with 7 other Universities!! The market was essentially flooded by 3 year courses and when the recession bit student numbers dropped and we were the 3rd U.K. degree programme to have to close its doors. Intake for the Massage and Aromatherapy courses also ceased. Perhaps however, the School had achieved its main objective – to equip the world with a sizeable number of top graduates who carry traditional and modern Herbal wisdom within a working energetic framework. Many of them now teach in Herbal institutions around the world and so the fine tradition of SSHM carries on. Please see www.nimh.org.uk for further details on professional training in the U.K.

The Centre For Advanced Dental Education

the centre for advanced dental education


Richard Brookshaw is fully committed in his efforts to pass on the most advanced clinical knowledge in the most modern, relaxed enjoyable and user friendly way possible. And with this in mind, he strives to give you the most rewarding learning experience possible. Let your journey begin….. BDS MMedSci (oral surgery) Dip Imp Dent RCS Ed (practice limited to implant dentistry) 
GDC number 72150

 Richard Brookshaw is a highly skilled dental implant surgeon. He has placed more than 5000 implants and is one of only a handful of implant surgeons nationwide who can carry out implant surgery in patients with extreme bone loss, using specifically designed zygomatic implants. Richard is both nationally and internationally respected as a lecturer and mentor in Implant Dentistry, immediate same day implants and CT scanning & planning for implant surgery. He also lectures for Nobel Biocare nationally and internationally on a range of advanced implant techniques and is a regular lecturer and contributor to their World Tour. Richard exclusively practices all aspects of implant dentistry, including hard and soft tissue augmentation, sinus grafting and same day implants. He first qualified in 1996 from the University of Dundee. Then in 1999 he gained his Masters degree in Oral Surgery from the University of Sheffield and further extended his clinical qualification in 2001 by completing an 18 month Implant Training Programme. In 2009, he attained a highest honours award in the one year implant master program from University of California Los Angeles/ Gide program. Richard was also one of the first six in the UK to gain The Diploma in Implant Dentistry from the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh at its first sitting. Richard now runs RB Implants, a team of professionals hand-picked by Richard to perform dental implant treatments throughout the UK.




GeeLearn’s Social Mission GeeLearn’s social mission is centered around the delivery of science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM), and in particular science education, to children in developing OECD countries. Leveraging our strengths as an innovator in online learning design, development, delivering, and funding, we volunteer our skills and energy and partner with organizations to deliver STEAM education to children in these developing nations, starting with Colombia. In 2020, after an intense 5-year review, Colombia was welcomed as the newest OECD member. In 2021, GeeLearn Ltd. Partnered with the Children’s University at the University of EAFIT (Universidad de Los Ninos de Universidad Escuela de Administración, Finanzas Instituto Tecnológico) in order to volunteer its skills, knowledge, and talents to expanding the reach of Children’s University via digital learning throughout not only Colombia but the whole of Latin America. Background of GeeLearn Ltd. and its Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative: Online Science Education for Children: Colombia to Latin America 2020 – 2023 GeeLearn Ltd. is a social enterprise headquartered in The Melting Pot, “Scotland’s Leading Centre for Innovation”. This volunteer effort for EAFIT Universidad de Los Ninos on behalf of GeeLearn Ltd. represents a social good and comprises a major part of the company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative over a period of three years. The CSR initiative was approved by the company’s board of directors in the Autumn of 2020. The goal of the company was to engage with an educational initiative to help serve children in a developing country that is a member of the OECD. Colombia became an official member of the OECD in 2020, the 37thcountry to do so in the organization’s 60-year history. The directors of GeeLearn Ltd. have identified 6 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that its volunteer cooperation with EAFIT’s Universidad de Los Ninos touches upon and will help Colombia achieve. These include:

The Creative Writing Programme

the creative writing programme


The Creative Writing Programme is one of the leading centres for creative writing in the UK. After moving out of the University of Sussex it has established a reputation for excellence in Brighton and the South East. Our approach to teaching creative writing At a time when the cost of higher education has made university study an expensive luxury, our programmes offer a practical course of study, taught at university level, at an affordable price. Our innovative approach to teaching focuses on individual creativity and on teaching writing skills within the context of the creative process. Through a practical course of study designed to teach you how to build and structure narrative, our team of experienced writing tutors will help you develop your creative potential. Blended creative writing courses Work patterns and learning patterns are changing. To accommodate this new reality, as well as our in-person courses we have developed a new blended learning structure for our two-year programme. Our blended courses, aimed at local writers in the South East, are a mix of online and in person teaching, with classes taught from the Phoenix Art Space, or The Kemptown Bookshop in Brighton in early autumn and summer and online during the winter. You’ll spend the first five weeks of the Autumn Term meeting up in person, then switch to online learning as Winter sets in. We’ll stick with online classes until clocks go forward in March, then meet up again in person for the end of the Spring Term and the whole of the Summer Term. This way we make the most of what online learning has to offer, get to know each other, work together as a group, avoid travel over the winter months, stay safe and reduce our carbon footprint. We think that’s a positive.

Top Achievers' Programme

top achievers' programme


:The hallmark of the Top Achievers’ Programme (TAP) is to be part of each TAP Scholar’s journey – whatever their social, cultural or economic background – in achieving their fullest potential in University admission. Our strong belief in the Widening Participation agenda makes us especially passionate about raising aspiration, boosting confidence, and thereby enabling social mobility. Our Goal: The main goal of the Top Achievers’ Programme (TAP) is for every TAP Scholar to successfully apply to their best-fit University including Russell Group Universities and Medical/Dental Schools in the UK. Our Commitment: Top Achievers’ Programme (TAP) promises to be intellectually stimulating and enriching to every TAP Scholar, providing the information, support, and skills required for gaining a place at a University and Course of their choice. Our Success: Each year, TAP Scholars go on to study in prestigious Universities across the UK. Here is a little bit about one of our most recently successful TAP Scholars – Joshua. Having 9 A* and 1 A GCSE Grades, plus 38 IB Points, Joshua applied to 4 UK Medical Schools. His academic profile was very strong, and not surprisingly, he was invited to interview at all 4 Medical Schools. However, he was rejected by the first 2 Medical Schools with whom he initially interviewed. Following this, his mum contacted us, and Joshua got enrolled on the Top Achievers’ Programme to improve his chances of succeeding at the remaining 2 interviews. Working with a dedicated TAP Consultant, a rigorous Interview Preparation package was drawn up for Joshua. This drastically improved his interview skills, improving his chances of gaining a place to study Medicine. His subsequent 2 interviews then took place, and he received offers from both Medical Schools. Joshua is now studying Medicine at a London Medical School.




I was graduated from Yildiz Technical University, which is one of Turkey’s leading universities, Chemical Engineering Department in 2004. When I was studying at the university, I was tutoring lessons in chemistry, mathematics, physics and science. Later, I worked as a chemistry/science teacher in a private education tutoring school. I completed my master’s degree formation as a chemistry teacher which allowed me to work in all schools in Turkey as a Chemistry/Science Teacher. In addition, I started my master’s degree in chemical engineering. But, with the birth of my daughter, I quit my second master thesis. After working for 8 years as a chemistry/science teacher, I was promoted as the head of the chemistry and the department of science. Two years later, I was promoted to the Deputy Principal of the Secondary School. After working for 3 years as the Deputy Principal of the Secondary School, I worked for 2 years as the Principal of the Secondary and High School director. During my work, except for my business, I participated in many programmes to help and support young people. One of them is the Duke of Edinburgh International Youth Award. I worked as an award leader supervisor and coordinator. Another one is for gifted and talented students, I developed some activities in science and maths with my colleagues. During the period I worked, I realized the importance of personal development and participated in many training programs. After my training in mentoring and coaching, there was a huge change in my attitude on life. It is possible for each student to reach the maximum of his / her potential with proper directions. In this context, I am coaching and mentoring and try my best to guide the students and their parents to make the right choice for the right high school and the right university.

Ornate I

ornate i


We are British council Authorised, highly recommended and profoundly trusted education advisor and offer various types of assistance for education and visa counselling to students looking for admissions in presumed institutions across the globe. We offer a wide scope of Counselling to our clients as indicated by their ideal interest Career Counselling Guidance for Desired Field of Study Selection of Suitable Country Selection of Suitable Institute Admission Processing Visa File Preparation Accommodation Assistance at destination Pre & Post Departure Guidance Holiday Packages VISA Processing Guide Our student visa advisors are trained by British Council and have extensive knowledge of the latest immigration rules and regulations. Student Visa Service offers advice and assistance to international students wishing to obtain a UK visa. We specialise in: Tier 4 (G)/(Child) student visa to enter the UK. Tier 4 (G)/(Child) student visa extension in the UK. Application support is also provided. University and College Admission As a top ranked education and career adviser in the UK, we can assist you to apply for any undergraduate and postgraduate courses easily. We assist with the entire process, from explaining the entry criteria and selecting the best courses to helping you with your chosen College and University. Ornate i Home Student Accommodation We provides quality student living homes. Our supporting team can arrange student accommodation near the campus. Students can book their accommodation in the university Hostel or student hall. Being a hostel or home stay host is another option. It gives you not only an option to gain experience but, also the opportunity to meet people from all over the world with different cultures. Travel Assistance We also provide airport pickup service for students who arrive from abroad. The Airport pick-up service will do your introduction to the accommodation place.

The Old Bakehouse

the old bakehouse



I’ve been up & running now for nearly 2 years, so I thought I’d add an update to my ‘About Me’ page! When I envisioned how The Old Bakehouse Cookery School would develop, I thought I’d be inundated with youngsters; helping them start out on the road to independence as I saw such a gap in the market. This still continues to be my driving force and I love watching the ‘penny drop’ when someone with no knowledge learns the basics & they then believe they can put a meal together. That still gives me enormous pleasure, however, the side to the business which has really taken off is the Group Bookings and I’m LOVING it!! Watching friends laughing together during a Hen party or ‘Special’ birthday party or seeing family (mums, dads, children, brothers or sisters) working together has been such a privilege. On the home front, it has been quite a rocky road through 2020 dealing with Covid-19 & all the lockdown restrictions we all endured. My son graduated in May (sadly without the ceremony) and he has now left home & is working in Cheltenham. My daughter is currently finishing her 2nd year at University which hasn’t been the experience she envisaged but she’s made the most of it. They have both taken on the skills of independent living & I couldn’t be more proud of their achievements. So, if you have a reason to gather a group together & you fancy doing something creative with them, give me a call & I can arrange a great day out for you. Or if you’re looking to get the basics under your belt as you move to a more independent phase of life, let me help you.

The New School Of Psychotherapy And Counselling Nspc

the new school of psychotherapy and counselling nspc



The New School is a centre of excellence for training and research in existential psychotherapy, counselling psychology, pastoral care, autism, diversity and coaching. It has attracted many experienced and creative teachers and trainers as well as numerous research supervisors with a record of original research publications in the field. It was founded and established by Prof. Emmy van Deurzen, an international authority on existential therapy, psychologist, philosopher and author of many seminal texts in the field, together with Prof. Digby Tantam, an eminent psychotherapist, philosopher, researcher and influential author in the field of autism. Emmy previously founded the School of Psychotherapy at Regent’s College as well as the Society for Existential Analysis and ensured that the New School courses would be deeply rooted in the tradition of continental philosophy. NSPC offers joint psychotherapy and counselling psychology doctoral programmes with Middlesex University with the option of post-graduate diploma and masters exits. It also offers a masters’ course in existential coaching, two online MSc programmes, a foundation course, short courses, one day workshops and numerous introductory courses. It has a unique online programme, the septimus courses, which are integrated with the doctoral programme, or can be taken as stand-alone modules. It is a unique and dynamic institution, which affords its students the opportunity to pursue their personal and professional interests and establish their chosen careers through theoretical and skills training, alongside supported placements and research. NSPC students tend to be mature, self-reflective, highly motivated and committed individuals who come from many different cultures and backgrounds and have a strong capacity for independent study and learning. We have been fortunate to have a dedicated team of existential therapists, theoreticians, and administrative staff who have made it what it is today.