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After decades in the corporate world we reached a tipping point where we needed to channel our energy into something new. We had both spent so much of our careers running, racing, relentlessly pushing, proving, re-proving, worrying, wondering, apologising. Loving it most days but at times, totally exhausted by the pressure of juggling it all. Forever climbing expectations of time and energy until the bank is empty. More and more “baby birds” demanding attention as you climb up the ladder and manage larger teams. That nagging feeling that there is always something you should be doing. Giving a little bit more. Being a touch more proactive. Staying that bit later. Being a bit more committed. More plates spinning as life gets yet more complicated with children and mortgages and sick parents and far far too much adulting. Too much guilt. Life was becoming totally out of balance. Relationships suffered. Health took a hammering. But then we realised, hang on, it isn’t all out of our hands, it is absolutely in our control. It is possible to manage our energy and even have more of it than ever before. We can fill up the bank until it’s bursting at the seams. We just didn’t realise you have to stop being so reactive and leaving yourself at the bottom of the priority pile. It hadn’t dawned on us that you have to take control of managing your wellbeing. We didn’t know that it’s in everyone’s interest to put yourself first. And even if we did, we had never been taught how?

Elaine Whittaker - yogabeing

elaine whittaker - yogabeing

My name is Elaine and I love yoga! I've been enjoying yoga myself for about 45 years and teaching for 15 years. My Bicester yoga classes are gentle and mindful. No rushing from posture to posture. We take time to be. My aim when teaching is for you to be comfortable, relaxed and happy. For you to feel calm and confident, free from physical tension and mental stress. Most of the ladies in my classes are in their 50's, 60's and 70's and appreciate the more gentle approach I take in teaching. Classes start with a short period of breath awareness, followed by some gentle warm up movements. Then we enjoy some postures (asanas) often in the form of sequences so you can lose yourself in the soft flow of the movements. We finish with some breathwork (pranayama) and a lovely relaxation leaving you feeling calm and peaceful. I like to drip in little glimpses of the philosophy behind yoga and will sometimes share a short reading or poem to enhance the mood of the class. In addition, I integrate aspects of mindfulness into my teaching. Whilst none of us can remove the stresses from our lives, we can develop coping mechanisms to avoid tension building physically, mentally and emotionally. Yoga can help you release tight muscles and improve your sense of balance physically and mentally. You learn to unravel the knots of physical, mental and emotional tension and gain a greater sense of wellbeing. Let your yoga class be an oasis of calm in a busy life... like pressing a pause button .. time to unwind and refresh. Beginners are always welcome - my gentle style of teaching means all can enjoy classes. Come and find your inner goddess .. that calm, tranquil woman who can sometimes become hidden in a busy life. Contact me to find out more.