3169 Educators providing Courses



At SalesStar we combine sales training with sales coaching to deliver long term results in line with your sales strategy so you can smash your targets and grow top line revenue. We work with growth minded CEOs and sales leaders who are frustrated with their sales results and are looking for a proven system to grow sales. We know how easy it is to feel under pressure to grow revenue and how hard it is to work out where to start. That’s why we provide our clients with the clarity and skills to achieve record results by removing the overwhelm, building a robust sales strategy and developing sales effectiveness to transform your sales. The development of your strategic capability is an essential element of sales training. We have spent years developing our 9 Step High Performance Pathway and have utilised sales coaching to transform and empower hundreds of CEOs and business owners. The Pathway is the foundation that allows organisations who are serious about sales success, to transform their salespeople, sales process and financial performance. We are a partner of Objective Management Group and offer a range of sales assessment tools so you can gain a deeper understanding into your team’s capabilities. We can then develop a solid sales plan to set out your business objectives, this will play a vital part in setting you up for success. It will allow you to set realistic sales KPIs to keep you accountable to your growth goals. Our High Performance coaches will also use sales consulting methods to help you develop and implement a winning sales strategy. Unlike traditional sales training, which delivers short term impact, we use sales coaching to truly embed the learnings and deliver sustainable long-term behavioural change. We have offices all over the world with international experts who can offer our programmes in multiple languages, so no matter where you are, we have a High Performance Coach ready to partner with you to grow your people and take your business to new heights.

The Soul Shed

the soul shed



                       Draw deeply from your own well of wisdom and inner guidance A gathering place  for creators,  healers, unseen sustainers and those longing to cultivate depth and sacredness in everyday life. The Soul Shed offers tools and intuive creative practices to support you in discovering your own well, and in drawing deeply from it. SoulCollage® is a process of allowing  imagery that speaks to you to arrive on your own deck of oracular cards, and hearing what they  have to say.  Orienting to your deeper life and its meanings requires  listening to all the parts of you and their guidence. SoulCollage® is a way to meet and be in counsel with them. More here [https://www.thesoul-shed.co.uk/soulcolllage] Deep-Mapping supports you in rooting into your instinctual knowing and find your own sense of belonging to place. Explore the rich experiential textures of your own square mile of location as a place of orientation and re-sourcing. More here [https://www.thesoul-shed.co.uk/walking-with-trees-1] Walking with Trees is a journey into your connection with wildlife through the lenses that really spark you, whether that be walking, mythology, poetry, photography, journalling, breath and bodywork and finding where they meet you in the  archetypal spaces of your imagination. Based on the book: 'Take it to the Trees' which you can find here [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Take-TREES-Samantha-Taroni-ebook/dp/B09LVDZ2BL/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32CXODU9P33B9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qE5_omqT3JY2svEYh-V0fNWYOnn-lLkB31e0BuGc7bxwStkVCqwZ78DdenqH5VsrTxXaq93_mfS2t5EDibBDKwX-yGUt43QX9RdOdX6xkNuO4Mu8jatWxBqmSz-aMkqrnqA3Wshi6RK6R0-OSB0nf8a_zgglcpwf8ad-8QUisoE39S1hJ14ADoqhym2qBZaXVgZ4Dv8cPjfoiqYhrjIhkEn65sqJ8I0-K--EenU3Rbo.VN4UL6eUViTW7V2NZC9cFEcXp9XfugwjaRddmDSIWN0&dib_tag=se&keywords=take+it+to+the+trees&qid=1711287447&sprefix=take+it+to+the+trees%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-1] The Soul Shed ethos is underpinned by a belief that making sense of life involves going both inside and outside, and is dialogical and  collaborative, curious and creative.   Learn about our offerings here [https://www.thesoul-shed.co.uk/currentevents]

IMF Academy

imf academy


IMF Academy [https://www.imfacademy.com/] is part of International Management Forum (IMF), an independent publisher and training organisation focusing on business information for higher-educated managers and decision makers in large and middle-sized organisations. We are specialist in providing business information by means of distance learning courses (courses fully aimed at self-study, at will supported by online learning), master classes and hot topical (certifying) classroom training. During the past 25 years, we gained a solid reputation by providing to the point and valuable information about topics both critical and of current interest. Our customers derive from over 50 countries worldwide! The content of our courses is developed in close cooperation with acknowledged subject matter experts working at large international consultancy organisations or smaller, specialised consulting bureaus. Our trainers come from organisations such as: AIIM, Antwerp Management School, Atos Consulting, Capgemini, Centric, CGI Group, Conquaestor, Deloitte, Duthler Associates, Executive Mobility Group, G31000, IBM Business Consulting Services, Insite Security, Inter Access, KPMG, Microsoft, PwC, SABSA Institute, Sogeti, TIAS School for Business and Society, Transfer Pricing Associates (TPA), various universities and many, many other. IMF Academy is able to organize any (regular as well as customized) training as an incompany training or as personal coaching at your office or any other desired location. We know the (international) training market and always have the optimal solution for your specific training demand. Are you interested in any of our trainings? Visit our website: https://www.imfacademy.com/ [https://www.imfacademy.com/]