2353 Educators providing Courses

Blantyre Soccer Academy

blantyre soccer academy



Blantyre Soccer Academy is a registered charity SC 043613 whose objectives are to advance public participation in amateur sport of football by promoting the game of football through the provision of recreational facilities and activities. To improve the fitness and health of the persons for whom the facilities/activities are primarily intended and to provide a safe environment to encourage and promote the development of football, health, self-esteem and friendship within the community of Blantyre and its environs. This is achieved with age groups of children from 3 years to 19 years of age also an adult amateur team and an over 35’s team. We also are a Full Disability Club and provide a full player pathway. In our R & C, the committee of the Academy outline the genesis, rationale, objectives and future proposed development of the association and where we see ourselves progressing towards in the short, medium and long term. WE ARE A REAL COMMUNITY CLUB - "Building a Better Blantyre One Person at a Time" Blantyre Soccer Academy as a whole has, since its inception in 2010, been organised and run solely by volunteer coaches and administrative staff and exists as a non-profit making venture. As a self-funded organisation of volunteers we of course rely very much so on the goodwill of the local community we seek to serve. We aim to provide facilities and equipment and it will be available to anyone irrespective of race, colour, religion, sex, sexuality or disabilities. We aim to promote a respect for diversity and encourage people to take pride in themselves and their team mates through the game of football. As such we source sponsorship from local sympathetic businesses and other individuals who share the mission aims of our project. Like all such organisations which exist and thrive and are dependent on the goodwill of the local community, we are always seeking to source alternative mechanisms for funding so as to ensure our organisation continues to thrive and play a vital role in our local community in terms of social cohesion and integration. Blantyre Soccer Academy plays a highly significant role in providing diversionary activities, interventions and opportunities for young people in the Blantyre area, although we stress we are not limited solely too young people from Blantyre and positively welcome those from other districts to participate in all our activities. We strive to promote positive living, nutrition, discipline and exercise and in-still in our young people the advantages of a healthy lifestyle. Blantyre Soccer Academy seeks to provide our young people with positive role models and regularly invites successful sports persons to visit our young people so as to encourage them to participate in the diversionary and positive activities promoted by our club. Blantyre Soccer Academy is, in line with our attempt is currently seeking to increase our participation numbers to 500+ active young people over the next 12 months. We think this is eminently achievable with assistance. CLUB ACHIEVEMENTS SFA LEGACY CLUB SFA DISABILITY INCLUSIVE CLUB SFA FULL DISABILITY CLUB SOUTH LANARKSHIRE CLUB SL GOLD AWARD SFA & SUNDAY MAIL COMMUNITY CLUB OF THE YEAR (2013) SOUTH LANARKSHIRE DISABILTY CLUB OF THE YEAR 2013/14 SFA & SUNDAY MAIL DISABILITY CLUB OF THE YEAR (2014/15 SFA & SUNDAY MAIL COMMUNITY CLUB OF THE YEAR (2015/16) BOARD OF TRUSTEES (4 MEMBERS): T. Slaven (appointed Feb 2016), M. McGlynn (appointed July 2015), K. O’Neil (20 Years in Football), J.J. Whelan (Construction Director) COMMITTEE STEERING GROUP: Joe Maguire: Honorary President 35 years’ experience in Football and Business Management, Jimmy Whelan: Chairman Construction Director 15 years, Dougie Borland: Vice Chairman 10 years Director Own Business, Kevin O’Neil: Academy Head 10 years Professional Football, Linda Riddoch: Secretary 20 years in Business Management.

Healthy habits mindset and behaviour change coaching, specialising in wellness

healthy habits mindset and behaviour change coaching, specialising in wellness


Healthy habits is a coaching business that supports health and wellness. Specialising in life balance, stress, weight management, habit change and menopause this coaching method supports individuals and groups with online or in person consultations.  With increasingly busy lives we often run on autopilot with emotional and physical health suffering as a result. We are largely unaware of our beliefs, daily thoughts and our behaviours which become unconscious and therefore habitual over time and this is why we can struggle when dealing with life’s challenges and making a change. Life balance can impact stress levels and stress levels can impact physical and mental health often leading to weight gain or a lack of motivation to move. Add transitioning through midlife and all the hormonal imbalance this can bring, it's easy to see how healthier habits then fall by the wayside as mental and physical energy is depleted. Individuals may reach for comfort foods, binge on netflix, doom scroll on social media or increase alcohol intake to self soothe and stay in their comfort zone. In turn, becoming more frustrated feeling an overwhelming hopelessness leading to guilt and feeling more stressed as a result.....the vicious cycle then continues. Often individuals want to change but they don't know HOW, therefore the how becomes the greatest obstacle to success.  The healthy habits coaching method supports individuals to break existing cycles and supports change. It is a combined approach of coaching, brain science and mind body tools that builds the psychological support for lasting change and focuses on three fundamental pillars; mental strength, emotional health and physical well being, all of which are intrinsically linked.  Healthy habits - changing thoughts, feelings and behaviours one habit at a time.

Kirsty Brown Fitness for Life

kirsty brown fitness for life

My approach is realistic, practical and always comes with empathy and understanding. We will work together to set realistic goals and develop a plan that is achievable for you. Find out why I'm so passionate about helping women create a healthy lifestyle .... I'm Kirsty, a 52 year old who has been working in the health and fitness industry for over 30 years. Having been a keen sportsperson from a young age, I know first-hand what exercise has done for me in my life. This helped develop my passion for helping others to learn the benefits of exercise for themselves. As a mum of two boys who has lived through divorce, car accidents, broken ribs, a gall bladder operation, heart palpitations and a prolapsed disk, my life has certainly had its ups and downs. As a working mum, I have juggled bringing up my boys with both full and part-time employment, whilst using evenings and weekends to set up my private fitness business, teach classes and support women. So I know what it’s like to be a busy woman …. What I have learnt…. How our life’s journey affects our health, the impact of life’s pressures and just being a busy mum. We often find it is hard to put ourselves first, but neglecting our own health and wellbeing can cause weight gain, reduce energy levels, affect sleep and how we cope with stress. This can eventually lead to low self-esteem, anxiety and depression. While recovering from various illnesses and injuries, I have learnt that planning, preparation and determination are essential. It is this positive mindset that I'd like to pass on to my clients. What I can do for you…. Sometimes we need to take stock of where we are, what we want to achieve and set goals to help us take control of our future. I can help you understand how to achieve your goals and appreciate what changes you need to make. I can guide you to take manageable steps towards lifestyle changes and overcome barriers that may have prevented you from achieving things in the past. I have developed a passion for women’s health from pre & post-natal exercise to menopause and older women. As I started the menopause early and have tried a variety of methods to relieve the symptoms including HRT, I wanted to learn more about the effects of menopause on women. By understanding what happens to our bodies on an almost scientific bases I begun to realise how menopause has such an impact on so many aspects of our minds and bodies. It has become such an interesting journey learning more about menopause and how we need to change the way we eat, exercise, sleep, deal with stress and so much more. I am continually learning and researching women’s health. Every time I do a course one of the groups will ask another new question and I will do my best to go away and find out an answer if I do not know it myself. This us how I will learn with you. We will celebrate wins however small, recognising achievements can help us visualise the end goal and that it is reachable. Working flexibly to find exercise that you like, foods you enjoy and habits that are sustainable. Let’s do this … my aim is to create a healthy lifestyle together.

CORE theatre arts training

core theatre arts training


CORE is a professional level training company in physical theatre and acting with a solid emphasis on the “Apprenticeship” training model. With 30+ years experience and using proven training methods, combined with our unique mentoring approach, we develop the whole person, in order to equip our trainees to identify their God-given calling and use their gifts to impact culture and society for good. EQUIPPING YOU FOR LIFE One of our unique qualities lies in our ability to identify your strengths, regardless of your experience and training, and develop you further. You will be challenged, receive practical skills and confidence to make your next step, whether you want to take qualifications with Trinity College London, train as a teacher or get an agent as you step into the challenging world of the performing arts. Training groups are kept small to ensure individual attention and you receive a wealth of transferrable skills to equip you for life in the workplace. OUR UNIQUE APPROACH CORE's uniqueness lies in our attention to individual coaching, personal and professional development whilst maintaining a culture of excellence and rigorous discipline. We engage trainees in professional productions for on and off stage experience, and in collaborative works with other artists and musicians. Admission is by audition only  (min age 16) no educational qualifications required, as admission is based on Potential, Passion and Perseverance that are essentials required to thrive in this industry and in life!

The MasterHearting Club

the masterhearting club

You may be familiar with masterminding, where a group of like-minded individuals get together (in person or online) to support each other, exchange ideas, discuss challenges and so on. They can be executives or any other professional, but are often business owners/entrepreneurs, where people around them on a daily basis usually do not have the same priorities or outlook and so cannot understand the unique challenges they face. Hi, I’m Arthur Kendall, founder of the Masterhearting Club. I had been wanting to set up some sort of masterminding group for some time when one day, in late 2018, I read about a new approach, which instead of focussing on solving problems using the mind, people would use the heart as the guide. This immediately resonated with me and I decided to set up a platform which would allow people (of any background) to set up private or semi-private groups – where certain things can be shared with the wider community. In the first instance I intend to use this online platform to organise a small beta group, with a couple of local friends plus a couple of remote members, to test this dynamic, all of whom have an entrepreneurial streak, though quite different backgrounds, which is important, to allow different perspectives on our challenges. Since I live in a fairly rural area, albeit a provincial capital, a major motivator was to allow closer connections to be formed with people around the world who share a similar worldview on consciousness, leadership and entrepreneurship. This will allow members to spend time with people who more closely align with our international entrepreneurial outlook and desire to make the world a better place. At the same time, I can help others achieve the same and create their own groups within this heart-centred, conscious business community. So this is your community. Not like you read in so many sites and marketing blurbs. I may be the originator, but this thing is bigger than me, the universe is creating it, initially through me, but as a way to bring people together that will evolve it in ways I cannot even yet conceive. I will not set direction and insist on strategies to get to where I want to go. That is the conventional “predict and control” model, which I know is destined for the history books. My model is the “sense and response” model, and I will use it to adapt the site, and as more come on board, you will also contribute to its destiny. Thank you for your interest in the Masterhearting Club and I hope your membership will be as transformational for you as it is for me.

Sheffield Jazz Workshop

sheffield jazz workshop


Sheffield Jazz runs a Saturday Morning Workshop providing an opportunity for people who play an instrument or sing to learn about and explore the theory and practice of jazz improvisation in a supportive group environment. The Workshop is now in its 40th year! There are currently five groups running each Saturday morning which are loosely graded from beginners to more experienced, each under the guidance of a tutor who is a jazz musician with wide experience of playing and teaching. Twice a year a concert will be arranged where each group will perform material that has been worked on during the preceding sessions. Who’s it for? Sheffield Jazz Workshop is intended for adults but is open to under-18s with parental consent, provided they are able to participate and behave appropriately in the group. Individual instrument tuition is not provided – some basic ability on your chosen instrument is required. Some familiarity with music theory would be helpful but is not a requirement. Anyone interested in exploring jazz improvisation is welcome to join in. The best way to find out if it’s right for you is to give it a try, including just listening and observing without an instrument at first if you so wish. The Workshop does not own or provide any equipment so you need to bring your own gear. Keyboard players need to bring an electric keyboard as the rooms we use don’t have pianos. Guitarists and bass players will need to bring an amp. Vocalists will need a mic and an amp unless you have a very strong voice! Bear in mind you’ll probably be in a room with 6 – 10 saxophones or brass instruments and need enough amplification to be heard in that context. Everyone else bring your instrument (and a music stand plus pencil and paper). Where, when and how much? Location: King Edward’s Upper School, Glossop Road, Sheffield, S10 2PW (near to the Hallamshire Hospital and King Edward’s Swimming Pool – car park access from Glossop Rd or Newbould Lane) Time: 10.00 am –12.30 pm on Saturdays, most Saturdays during school term time. If you are new to the workshop, please come along on a Saturday at 9.40 and someone will help you find a suitable group. If you have any questions, please contact Hannah at hanzieb@hotmail.com Cost per session; waged: £15.00, unwaged: £7.00 Please do not attend if you have tested positive for Covid-19, if you have Covid-type symptoms or have recently been in contact with someone who has or has subsequently tested positive for Covid. Who are the tutors? Workshop groups are mostly run by Chris Walker, Hannah Taylor, Graham Jones, Nadim Teimoori and Johnny Hunter. Occasionally some sessions will be run by other musicians, including Jude Sacker, Dave Burgoyne and Paul Baxter.




Newton Abbot

Our mission is to help children and young people become more emotionally resilient and better placed to engage with life and learning. We do this through our whole-school approach to wellbeing - proven to improve attendance, behaviour and attainment. Thrive helps children and young people feel safe, supported and ready to learn. Thrive has been providing training, tools and insights to organisations and individuals for over 25 years. Initially conceived as a way of tackling the issue of school exclusions, Thrive now offers a whole-setting approach to supporting the right-time social and emotional development of all children and young people. The Thrive Approach consists of: 1. Thrive-OnlineTM (TOL) - a web-based profiling, action-planning and progress monitoring tool enabling you to ensure the best outcome for each child or group. 2. Thrive training - focusing on the emotional needs of different age groups, informed by established neuroscience and attachment research, as well as child development studies and research into risk and resilience factors. With our HQ based in Devon, Thrive is a business that works with local authorities, multi-academy trusts (MATs), individual schools and other settings across Great Britain. To date, more than 50,000 staff have received Thrive training, ensuring that over 627,000 children and young people have access to the Thrive Approach, changing lives and increasing educational attainment levels. Equip staff in your school, trust, early years setting or college to understand, identify and tackle the root causes of behaviour, so more time is spent productively on learning. Thrive training, online assessments, and expert strategies for working with pupils will enable you to improve attendance, behaviour and learning outcomes, and align with Public Health England’s eight principles for a whole school and college approach.