219 Educators providing Courses

Politics In Action

politics in action


We are delighted to welcome our new Executive Director Paul Smyth, who comes to us with a wealth of experience and a strong reputation for ground breaking youth work. I am thrilled to have taken up the post of Executive Director with Politics in Action – and I want to start by congratulating my predecessor Patricia O’Lynn on her election to the Northern Ireland Assembly. We live in a turbulent time for politics around the world, nationally and locally – and this makes the work of supporting young people’s role as active citizens more challenging and even more important. We are emerging from a global pandemic which has put unprecedented restrictions on the lives and freedoms of young people, and which has impacted their learning, their social lives, their relationships and for some their mental health. Politics in Action responded proactively to these challenges by moving workshops online and ensuring continuity. I am optimisticwe can return to largely face-to-face delivery of our programmes with young people in schools and other settings, and can find new ways of engaging with more young people and in particular those who are not normally invited into conversations about politics and citizenship. Much of what we already do is in collaboration with schools and with other youth organisations. I see so much potential for additional collaborations that allow our little charity to punch above its weight. One of the many attractions of the role is the excellent Board of Trustees who provide strong governance, leadership and vision for Politics in Action. They bring significant social and political capital to the charity and use it in the interests of young people and our shared future. I would love to hear your ideas about how Politics in Action should direct our energies over the coming months and years. Feel free to drop me a line and I am always up for a coffee and a creative chat!

Ajanta Vihara Institute of Spiritual Sciences

ajanta vihara institute of spiritual sciences


At Ajanta Vihara Institute of Spiritual Sciences, we believe every individual deserves to experience peace, joy, harmony, abundance and love in every aspect of their lives. We also know what prevents us from moving forward on the path towards abundance; these are experiences long-held, habitual behaviours and dominant-negative thought patterns. These patterns must be identified and healed. These habits must be transformed and replaced with new, more self-supportive and self-honouring ways of being. Our therapies, courses and workshops are highly experiential and designed to transform you at the core of your being. It is our intention that every participant will have an experience that allows them to remember the truth of who they are in order to be more peaceful, joy-filled and loving in the midst of any situation or circumstance they encounter in their lives . Ajanta-Vihara’s team of energy mentors use their combined years of study, practice and experience in the fields of behavioural therapy, psychology, hypnotherapy, energy therapy and their diverse life experience to guide individuals through compassionate conversations and powerful, transformational exercises. Our mentors undergo rigorous training under the AVISS Faculty Development program with a focus on continuous self development, knowledge and skill building; this ensures they are able to cultivate a holistic approach to our practices while providing practical information and tools to use once the engagement ends. What individuals experience, hear and learn creates a solid foundation and gives the inspiration they may seek to improve their careers, relationships, sense of purpose and, most important, their sense of personal power. We offer classes and workshops facilitated by founder director Ms. Jyoti and the faculty of the Institute. Our therapies, courses , workshops, energy camps, personal coaching sessions and the happiness collective series are designed to support individuals in having a deeper experience of themselves in order to understand their life’s experiences through elevated human consciousness. We invite you to explore one of our signature programs for an experience that is sure to change your mind, heart and life forever.



SAM GILROY IS A CHOREOGRAPHER, MENTOR, PERFORMER, PRODUCER, PODCASTER AND TEACHER. Artistic Director of Sam G Creates, Sam and is currently developing her newest comedy-dance-theatre work: The F WORDZ Show, supported with funding from Arts Council England (ACE). A Dance Artist based in the South West, Sam is passionate about developing exciting and interactive conversations, classes, workshops, and performances. Sam makes uplifting socio-political work with, by and for local communities, inspired by personal stories from people across all ages to grow connections, representation, and a sense of belonging. She collaborates with professional artists and community members aged 8-78+ to create compelling and dynamic storytelling. Sam’s work is athletic, exciting, evocative, sensitive and relevant. Sam Gilroy has interviewed women from Southampton for the F WORDZ Podcast, talking about feminism, failure, freedom, fierce and f***. The F WORDZ Podcast is supported by Hampshire Archives Trust. Listen here: F WORDZ Podcast [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6zfwQg1Y7vqmIu6ZaxDPhp?si=2a2b95ed742d44c5]  Sam is also developing The F WORDZ Show, currently a work-in-progress physical theatre performance for girls and women of all ages, to elevate, empower and celebrate female experiences and taboo topics.  Sam offers dance and theatre workshops for all ages so if you are interested in booking Sam for a group, class or workshop, please email samgcreates@gmail.com.

Flex Academy Of Performing Arts

flex academy of performing arts


FlexSchool is a unique learning network designed specifically for gifted and twice exceptional (2e) middle and high school students. At this time two campuses serve the Tristate area, one in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey and another in Bronxville, New York. FlexSchool embraces students for who and where they are, then supports them as they learn to thrive. Small, ability and discussion based classes taught by subject experts ensure meaningful conversations and the opportunity to ask high-level questions. The faculty, trained and supported by learning specialists and mental health professionals, focuses on critical thinking in all areas of learning. Our Cloud Campus welcomes online students from around the world into live, discussion-based classes and our community, either full-time or part-time. FlexSchool has had great success with remote students from Florida, Washington, California, West Virginia, United Arab Emirates, Bermuda, and Switzerland among other places! back next History FlexSchool started to save one twelve-year-old girl. Jane loved to learn what she wanted to learn, and spent hours engrossed in videos and web pages about animals. She could tell you about muscle cells and animal anatomy. She researched Native Americans and made all of the games and weapons used by the Lenni-Lenape out of found objects and craft supplies. She spent hours drawing and painting and could write fiction better than most college students. Yet, she loathed school. She rarely spoke in class, dropped out of the gifted and talented program, either didn’t do her homework or would forget to turn it in. She had As on the tests and Cs and Ds in the class. Jane’s academic future looked dismal. Poor grades and high test scores are not a winning combination for college admission. Her public school was not the right place for her, but neither were the local private schools. Academically-oriented private schools do not accept students with poor grades. Schools that accept students with poor grades are not always academically rigorous. Stalemate. Until we started FlexSchool. Jane spent six years at FlexSchool, learned to love learning again, graduated in 2020, and attends a well-known liberal arts college studying anthropology, linguistics, map-making, and art.

Positive Qualities

positive qualities


We are often called in where a business has significant challenges and have previously worked with other organisations who have failed to deliver the results required. One organisation we worked with had brought in three consultancies over the last 5 years and each time the consultants failed to listen to the needs of the organisation and tried to implement strategies they wanted to without addressing or agreeing on the objectives required. We bring in fresh perspective as our direct approach enables us to get to the route of the challenges and as we collect evidence, we have lots of conversations and observations to support our findings. Everything we do is in collaboration with the Leadership Team and their staff and this works as we have been where they are in our previous careers so we have empathy and understanding of how challenging and hard all of this can be for the Leadership Team and the people within the business. Our Story I set up Positive Qualities because I was bullied out of my last corporate job and I had a strong desire to make workplaces better. Workplaces where people could come to work and share ideas and feel safe and valued for their contribution and they never need to dim their light because they feel they haven’t got a voice. I started Positive Qualities because I felt there was a real need for it in business. The W.O.W Programme can help a business reach new targets, increase sales or achieve better customer and staff satisfaction. The W.O.W programme depends on communication, trust and belief. It’s very interactive, high energy and generates a feeling of belonging. It’s about building employee engagement, so employees feel physically, intellectually and emotionally attached to their work. We’re good at handling challenging situations and frequently we find the best results come from the most negative people,” W.O.W.programme is a business improvement programme and a process which is measurable and always has significant results. It empowers people and creates positive futures. I started by pitching to hotels I stayed in and the manufacturers of the cars I drove. I just felt compelled to start a company which I believed would be needed by these customers.

Framework Dowsing

framework dowsing

I was first introduced to dowsing while completing my Mechanical Engineering Apprenticeship at GEC Machines in Rugby, Warwickshire. One of the placements was within the Electrical Maintenance Department where my supervisor was kind enough to spend some time showing me how to rod dowse. He gave me a set he had made himself. Very soon after this my sister taught me how to dowse with a pendulum and work with food supplements and the Schuessler Tissue Salts. She also helped me to improve my diet and cookery skills. We both used cheerful glass beads and brightly colored yarn for our pendulums. Soon after my first child was born I realized that he was following a similar pattern of health to me and within a few months I was given the contact telephone number for Mrs H. Lucie Bidie by a good friend David Kerruish who still has a Wholefood Shop in Rugby. Lucie Bidie put me in touch with one of her students from her who treated our little family. I was quickly asking for more information and wanted to extend my dowsing skills beyond working with the vitamin and mineral supplements. I began training with Lucie Bidie in 1987 and continued to work with her until shortly before her death in 2002. Lucie and her husband Stewart were both instrumental in the founding of the Radionic Association, both financially and on committee. They were trained by the De La Warrs and had Radionic analysis and treatment instruments made by the De La Warr Laboratories. Lucie taught students via the School of Radionics but as her findings and techniques changed from the school's protocols this became more and more tricky. Around 2000 I was blessed with meeting 2 people who stretched my concepts of the analysis and treatment of clients. I realized I had become quite rigid in my thinking. They were Barbara Garratt and Chris Bacon. Conversations are divergent and energizing. I have been distance healing for over 25 years which is very rewarding. I also get so much satisfaction from guiding people to be dowsing at their highest level, while achieving confidence in their accuracy and results.

Retune Charity

retune charity

Bishop's Stortford

Retune was founded by Tom Ryder. Tom is a musician and journalist, and has a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. He was hospitalised for poor mental health multiple times during his late teens and early twenties, which eventually forced him to withdraw from university and begin again from scratch. While in hospital, Tom noticed that patients were finding creative outlets to cope with their predicament. These outlets included drawing, painting, writing poetry, dancing, singing and cooking. Tom wrote songs and, despite those dark times, he realised creativity’s tremendous potential to improve mental health; it is crucial to have an outlet for feelings and emotions. A few years later, Tom started hosting live gigs. He also ran workshops in schools, connecting with young people who were experiencing mental struggles. In 2018, Retune started to take shape: in addition to live shows and schools, Tom now visited prisons and hospitals, and produced online content. Tom’s cousin Kathryn Bailey – a photographer, videographer and all-round creative – joined the project in 2019. As well as sharing Tom’s view that creative outlets are powerful tools for mental wellbeing, Kathryn had a personal attachment to Retune's mission... When Tom was first admitted to hospital, 11-year-old Kathryn was shielded from the truth, as she was considered ‘too young’ to know what was going on. Being involved with Retune allows her to be part of a cause that is close to her heart, especially as Retune’s workshops discuss mental wellbeing with all ages, from primary school pupils to adults. Open conversations around wellbeing are more commonplace nowadays, but there is still a long road ahead. Through its workshops and live shows, Retune is creating a community based around mental wellbeing, underpinned by creativity. When we retune something, such as a musical instrument or a radio, we make small adjustments in order to achieve harmony, clarity and balance. Retune believes that the same theory can be applied to mental health. Harnessing creative outlets that engage the imagination, and following the principles of the SCALES model, can help all of us to make small adjustments. As a result, our mental wellbeing will be more in tune.

Royal Mile Primary School

royal mile primary school

Royal Mile Primary School is an inner-city school in the heart of Edinburgh. We pride ourselves on the diversity within our school community. Overall, our classrooms are well resourced, we have an inspiring library with an extensive genre, multi-purpose room that host music tuition, social and communication groups etc. The school is situated on the Royal Mile in the heart of the old town providing us with a range of modern and historical opportunities to enhance learning experiences for our learners. We are keen to develop outdoor learning using this space and will consider how best we can build up sustainable environment options. At Royal Mile Primary School, the dedicated staff are committed to providing students with a broad and practical learning experience. Teaching staff are keen to take on leadership roles that involve whole school initiatives. We aim to continue to implement technologies across all stages, community engagement and improved learning that meet the needs of students in the 21st century. The school works closely to build on home-school-community partnerships. Community engagement builds on the strong foundations of Literacy and Numeracy at Royal Mile and are a priority for our school. We have formed strong partnerships with Canongate Youth, Holyrood Palace, Scottish Poetry Centre. Our school wishes to strengthen our community of learners to maximise the participation of all stakeholders – students, families and the wider community and promote our school as a centre of excellence, opportunity and inclusion. At Royal Mile Primary we have used a range of data to focus on improvement through Self-Evaluation. Information gathered from feedback across the school community is used to help inform improvement planning as well as data from assessment. Termly learning, teaching and assessment meetings take place between SLT, class teachers and support staff using standardised assessments and professional judgements which help identify priorities to take forward and to identify learners who may require targeted support. All staff participate in an annual performance conversations to identify opportunities for career long professional learning linked to our school priorities. Observations and sharing classroom practice are used to identify and share effective teaching and learning across our school.