260 Educators providing Courses

Step Up Aid

step up aid


Step UP Aid is a registered charity, based in Barking, London. We are established since January 2013. The organisation is working hard on widening partnership with local and national organisations in order to more effectively fight poverty and education inequality leading to many negative factors in the society. Our organisation is strongly aiming to fight the poverty and initial disadvantage regarding education and getting necessary skills. The organisation is promoting decrease in initial social and educational disadvantage along with gaining by beneficiaries’ necessary life and working skills to improve their lives and step out from poverty via fair paid work and education. Our mission Advice and information work that supports disadvantaged communities to access mainstream services and/or provides solutions to their immediate needs. Make needed information about ‘what is going on’ accessible to anyone at the way of better understanding. This include a local news about existing projects, possibility get support from local authorities. Our aims To promote social inclusion for the public benefit by working with people in the united kingdom who are socially excluded on the grounds of their ethnic origin, religion, belief or creed to relieve the needs of such people and assist them to integrate into society, in particular by: 1. Providing a local network group that encourages and enables members of community to participate more effectively with the wider community; 2. Increasing, or coordinating, opportunities for members of the community to engage with service providers, to enable those providers to adapt services to better meet the needs of that community. 3. Providing training and educational opportunities in order to help the said community to find work. What? • general charitable purposes • education / training • economic / community development / employment • human rights / religious or racial harmony / equality or diversity

Beyond Coaching

beyond coaching

Mandalas can be seen in all fundamental shapes such as in snails and trees, in atoms and the solar system and in the earth, moon and sun. Every mandala is related, yet distinctly unique. On a more symbolic level, the mandala is recognised in some way or another in almost every culture and religion. For us at Beyond Coaching, the mandala lies at the heart of the Self… It is the centre of our inter-connectedness with everyone and everything around us. It speaks to the eco-systems that we exist in in the companies we work in, the people we work with, lead and inspire. It also manifests in our personal circles, our friends, family and the communities we exist in. The mandala embodies a truly universal principle that is all embracing, regardless of the foundation of one’s belief. It symbolises the connections that exist between us and everything that surrounds us. More than anything it represents Wholeness and our African value of uBuntu. This is what drove us to form Beyond Coaching in 2009, when 21 like-minded coaches and trainers pulled together in the possibility of forming a coaching and training movement. One that is powered by Consciousness and committed to transforming the face of leadership and business. Bringing true collaboration, cohesion and mutual care back into the work place – for the sake of the people and of course for the sake of exponential business success. Rienzo Colpo was one of those founders he navigated the metamorphosis of that Beyond Coaching, to the lean and powerful force that it is today. Early in 2016 Mareli Kruger decided to move across from the University of Pretoria and join Beyond Coaching. This completed the foundation of senior coaches and master facilitators heading up the company.

In Command

in command

In Command is an ethical organisation that respects the diverse needs and cultures of our global client base. We are sensitive to issues of culture, religion, gender, race and political affiliations. We value our approach and total support of equal opportunities. In the commercial world we offer business and industry leaders the opportunity to work together with highly trained men and women from business specialisations and military backgrounds to look at your business through a different lens. Our highly trained experts all have international experience and many enjoyed hugely successful second careers in business. They understand how business works and operates. Those of our team from a military background have spent 80 per cent of their careers being trained. They are now sharing that training to help business leaders appraise dilemmas, assess risk, decide on action and respond in the most ethical and appropriate ways to achieve their aims. In support of a client’s commercial confidentiality we keep all client documentation and records secure to prevent third party disclosure. We support the benefits of personal development, training and career progression utilising some of the most qualified personnel who train global leaders. At the same time we respect professional boundaries by not encroaching into personal areas. We are transparent about all coaching techniques. Our military speakers are all achievers and inspire and stimulate new thinking that effect behavioural change, encourage higher performance, engender team work and better communications – or simply entertain. Business is increasingly recognising the skills of the military and turning their recruitment sights onto bright, ambitious and skilled personnel to tackle performance, leadership, logistical, engineering and Cyber security roles. Our special military events are fully covered by public liability and personal insurance. MEET THE TEAM MEET OUR PARTNERS © 2018 IN COMMAND LTD.

Salt South West

salt south west

Plymouth, Devon

SALT South West is a Plymouth-based Christian voluntary organisation ( known as SAIFLINE until 2006), offering direct help to adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. SALT is a member agency of The Survivors’ Trust and our Co-ordinator is a member of TAG (Trauma and Abuse Group). We are accountable to our Management Committee of five and have a Council of Reference which includes an MP, a Bishop, another Minister of Religion and a media presenter. We are currently a team of ten members, two of whom are counselling students and three of whom are currently paid part-time (Team Coordinator, Assistant Coordinator and Administrator). Our volunteer listeners have all undertaken the in-house SALT training, some have various counselling qualifications including specific sexual abuse/trauma related subjects. Some members of our team are survivors and bring with them personal experience and knowledge. Supervision is fundamental to our work and each listener receives a minimum of one and a half hours every four weeks. We are a close team and there is always the opportunity to share and offload inbetween when necessary. (Which is often the case in our field of work). Our Annual Away Day gives us a chance to meet outside of work to share, explore and be refreshed as people, not just as co-workers. Behind the scenes, our 60 prayer partners have the important role of supporting us and we meet together once a year. SALT works with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, age 16 and above. Everyone is received by us regardless of background, belief or behaviour. Our services are free of charge but donations are always welcomed. We do not want anyone to be excluded from receiving good quality psychological help.

URUBU - Ecstatic Dance, Wellbeing & Embodiment

urubu - ecstatic dance, wellbeing & embodiment


London's original Ecstatic Dance events since 2009!Seth Newman: As the founder of the URUBU School of Transformational Arts, he integrates the roots of Humanistic therapies, Bioenergetics & Body Psychotherapy, Transpersonal Psychology and Tantra in creative and life-transforming workshops, retreats and trainings. As a coach, Seth is dedicated to helping people calm, empower and rejuvenate their busy minds and bodies to achieve the best versions of themselves. Seth brings a wealth of experience holding heart-centered spaces. His in-depth studies, trainings, personal experiences of many therapeutic modalities such as Humanistic & Body Psychotherapy, the Human Potential Movement, 5 Rhythms, Active meditations and the teaching of the Indian Mystic Osho who he grew up with in India in the 1970s, infuse his approach to living a creative, holistic & embodied life and sharing his unique offerings with others. Seth has been facilitating regular workshops for many years. As a musician, Seth is very passionate about rhythm & drumming, has an MA in Community Music from Goldsmith College, worked as a world music percussion teacher in East London schools for almost 20 years, created URUBU collective back in 2009 as a Live Music Ecstatic Dance experience with Afro-Brazilian drummers & musicians and started his journey as an avid DJ with a love for Afro-Beat, Cuban and Brazilian music and created an Ecstatic Dance scene in London and the UK. Seth has a life-long passion for 5 Rhythms and other movement and Ecstatic Dance practices.

Blantyre Soccer Academy

blantyre soccer academy



Blantyre Soccer Academy is a registered charity SC 043613 whose objectives are to advance public participation in amateur sport of football by promoting the game of football through the provision of recreational facilities and activities. To improve the fitness and health of the persons for whom the facilities/activities are primarily intended and to provide a safe environment to encourage and promote the development of football, health, self-esteem and friendship within the community of Blantyre and its environs. This is achieved with age groups of children from 3 years to 19 years of age also an adult amateur team and an over 35’s team. We also are a Full Disability Club and provide a full player pathway. In our R & C, the committee of the Academy outline the genesis, rationale, objectives and future proposed development of the association and where we see ourselves progressing towards in the short, medium and long term. WE ARE A REAL COMMUNITY CLUB - "Building a Better Blantyre One Person at a Time" Blantyre Soccer Academy as a whole has, since its inception in 2010, been organised and run solely by volunteer coaches and administrative staff and exists as a non-profit making venture. As a self-funded organisation of volunteers we of course rely very much so on the goodwill of the local community we seek to serve. We aim to provide facilities and equipment and it will be available to anyone irrespective of race, colour, religion, sex, sexuality or disabilities. We aim to promote a respect for diversity and encourage people to take pride in themselves and their team mates through the game of football. As such we source sponsorship from local sympathetic businesses and other individuals who share the mission aims of our project. Like all such organisations which exist and thrive and are dependent on the goodwill of the local community, we are always seeking to source alternative mechanisms for funding so as to ensure our organisation continues to thrive and play a vital role in our local community in terms of social cohesion and integration. Blantyre Soccer Academy plays a highly significant role in providing diversionary activities, interventions and opportunities for young people in the Blantyre area, although we stress we are not limited solely too young people from Blantyre and positively welcome those from other districts to participate in all our activities. We strive to promote positive living, nutrition, discipline and exercise and in-still in our young people the advantages of a healthy lifestyle. Blantyre Soccer Academy seeks to provide our young people with positive role models and regularly invites successful sports persons to visit our young people so as to encourage them to participate in the diversionary and positive activities promoted by our club. Blantyre Soccer Academy is, in line with our attempt is currently seeking to increase our participation numbers to 500+ active young people over the next 12 months. We think this is eminently achievable with assistance. CLUB ACHIEVEMENTS SFA LEGACY CLUB SFA DISABILITY INCLUSIVE CLUB SFA FULL DISABILITY CLUB SOUTH LANARKSHIRE CLUB SL GOLD AWARD SFA & SUNDAY MAIL COMMUNITY CLUB OF THE YEAR (2013) SOUTH LANARKSHIRE DISABILTY CLUB OF THE YEAR 2013/14 SFA & SUNDAY MAIL DISABILITY CLUB OF THE YEAR (2014/15 SFA & SUNDAY MAIL COMMUNITY CLUB OF THE YEAR (2015/16) BOARD OF TRUSTEES (4 MEMBERS): T. Slaven (appointed Feb 2016), M. McGlynn (appointed July 2015), K. O’Neil (20 Years in Football), J.J. Whelan (Construction Director) COMMITTEE STEERING GROUP: Joe Maguire: Honorary President 35 years’ experience in Football and Business Management, Jimmy Whelan: Chairman Construction Director 15 years, Dougie Borland: Vice Chairman 10 years Director Own Business, Kevin O’Neil: Academy Head 10 years Professional Football, Linda Riddoch: Secretary 20 years in Business Management.