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5561 Courses

Python Coding Boot Camp, 12-week part time, London or Online

By Pcw Courses Ltd

This Python BootCamp is Instructor-led, Practical. In the12-week Python course, learn start to in-depth, leading to a good Python career. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PYTHON BOOTCAMP: This 12-week Python Boot Camp is a practical, instructor-lead program, covering Python from start to in-depth. You will be fully fluent and confident as a Python programmer. If you have more questions goto https://pcworkshopslondon.co.uk/contact.html  [http://pcworkshopslondon.co.uk/contact.html], Or contact us on training@pcworkshopslondon.co.uk [https://pcworkshopslondon.co.uk/] Customise dates, course outline, arrange installments [https://pcworkshopslondon.co.uk/contact.htm] This course will give you enough practical experience and practical projects to code, to give you full confidence to enter into the coding profession.    Duration: 3 months: * 1 Python class per week, * Plus pratical work, * Plus personal trainer-mentor for 1-1 training, * Plus e-learning materials. Final project : Practical to upload to GitHub and show-case Date and times, choose: * Fridays in London or Online , 10am - 5pm, * or Saturdays in London or Online , 12noon-6pm, * or negotiate your date Study level: Start from beginners level to in-depth, ready to work professionally. Virtual attendance:  online instructor-led  Download: Anaconda.com Pre-requisites: General computer literacy. Oracle Qualification: PCWorkshops Python Programmer Certificate Payments:  You may apply to pay in installments for this Python Training course COURSE OUTLINE Week 1 - 4: Essentials 1. Python Coding Basics 2. Object Oriented programming: Python Object Orientated programming (OOP) 3. UX Principles: UX Principles and applying it on Front-ends with TKinter 4. Specialised topics: Dates, Localization, Strings, Maths Operation , Random Number, Lambdas Week 5 - 10 : All about data 1. Python Data Structures: Lists, Tuples, Sets, Exceptions, I/O Fundamentals , Reading and Writing file 2. Database: Database principles and SQL. Database Project: Python database connections and creating a database driven project 3. Data Analytics: Numpy. Pandas for data analytics and data queries. 4. Data Analytics: Pandas data cleaning and restructuring, interacticting with Excel, Csv, Json,etc. 5. Data visualisation: MatPlotLib 6. Prediction: Machine Learning Basics Week 11 and 12: The final touch 1. Python Concurrency and Multi-threading: Threads vs. Processes, Threading Module, Threading Event, Stop a Thread, Daemon Threads, Thread-safe Queue, Thread Pools, Locks 2. Python Unit Testing 3. Optional : Replace Week 11 or 12 with Scraping using Python, ot Tkinter Front-ends INCLUDED: * PCWorkshops Python Course Certificate on completion. * Python Course notes. * Practical Course exercises, Code Examples, Online Materials. * After the course, continuous assistance with practical and preparation for exams * Max group size on this is 4. * Portfolio: Post your Python project online. * Exam preparation and interview questions MORE ABOUT THE ONLINE CLASSROOM *  Attend from your internet connection *  Instructor-led, get instant answers to your questions *  Fully interactive *  Work clearly explained with demonstrations and examples *  Practical exercises to be tried out by delegate WHAT YOU WILL GAIN: * Skills & knowledge: Python coding knowledge and understanding with good practical application   * Certification: Internal PCWorkshops Python certificate * Portfolio: You will have an online portfolio of Python projects  * Experience: Our comprehensive practical makes you job ready -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFUND POLICY No Refunds

Python Coding Boot Camp, 12-week part time, London or Online
Delivered Online & In-Person in LondonFull day, Jul 12th, 09:00 + 25 more
£1800 to £2100

SOLD OUT! 12th July Thérèse Coen #Agent121. Looking for: MG, YA, ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION


By I Am In Print

LOOKING FOR: MG, YA, ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION Thérèse is a Literary and Rights Agent at Susanna Lea Associates, @SLALondon. Born and raised in Belgium, on a diet of frites and Tintin she moved to England in her late teens with her family, then stayed in London to do a History degree and Masters at University College London. Having been brought up bilingual, translation rights seemed like her logical next step. She started off in the rights department at Bloomsbury Publishing, before hopping across the square to Ed Victor’s agency, and found experiencing both the publishing and agency side of publishing incredibly valuable. She has been building her own list of authors alongside selling translation rights since early 2016, which she has hugely enjoyed; working with authors right from the book’s conception, while also experiencing the thrill of selling her own authors’ works in the UK and US as well as in translation to publishers across the globe. In terms of adult fiction, Thérèse has a huge soft spot for historical fiction, having read Early Modern History at university, but is also very much on the hunt for crime/thrillers, bookclub, high-concept love stories and literary fiction. She loves strong female characters, in particular when they go through an evolution or journey as the story progresses and gradually find that inner strength. On the children’s fiction front, Thérèse is all about finding a fresh, new voice. She loves all things funny, fantasy and adventure – across lands, time and space, and involving strong friendships and strong lead characters - and wants to be transported straight away when reading a manuscript. She likes very vivid, well-crafted and imaginative worlds, such as stories set in a toy factory or in an underwater world. Thérèse would love some more adventures set in space, mysteries, quirky characters, explorers and imaginary friends. And last, but not least, in non-fiction, history features heavily in her interests, but Thérèse would also love to see books about big ideas, culture, sociology, science, anthropology and memoir. Anything that helps expand the mind and questions or informs the way in which we view ourselves, the world and how we fit into it, all written in an engaging and accessible manner. Thérèse would like you to submit a covering letter, 1 page synopsis and the first three chapters or 5,000 words of your manuscript in a single word document. (In addition to the paid sessions, Thérèse is kindly offering one free session for low income/under-represented writers. Please email agent121@iaminprint.co.uk [agent121@iaminprint.co.uk] to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print).  By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Wednesday 3 July 2024

SOLD OUT! 12th July Thérèse Coen #Agent121. Looking for: MG, YA, ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION
Delivered Online15 minutes, Jul 12th, 13:00 + 5 more

Saturday Sings - Emily Roblyn & Rosie Sleightholme


By Rosie Sleightholme

Saturday Sings - Sat 13th July 2024 Emily Roblyn & Rosie Sleightholme

Saturday Sings - Emily Roblyn & Rosie Sleightholme
Delivered In-Person in Bristol6 hours, Jul 13th, 09:30
£40 to £50

AZ-204T00 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for Students in this course are interested in Azure development or in passing the Microsoft Azure Developer Associate certification exam. This course teaches developers how to create end-to-end solutions in Microsoft Azure. Students will learn how to implement Azure compute solutions, create Azure Functions, implement and manage web apps, develop solutions utilizing Azure storage, implement authentication and authorization, and secure their solutions by using KeyVault and Managed Identities. Students will also learn how to connect to and consume Azure services and third-party services, and include event- and message-based models in their solutions. The course also covers monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing Azure solutions. Prerequisites To be successful in this course, learners should have the following: Hands-on experience with Azure IaaS and PaaS solutions, and the Azure Portal. Experience writing in an Azure supported language at the intermediate level. (C#, JavaScript, Python, or Java) Ability to write code to connect and perform operations on, a SQL or NoSQL database product. (SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, Cassandra or similar) Experience writing code to handle authentication, authorization, and other security principles at the intermediate level. A general understanding of HTML, the HTTP protocol and REST API interfaces. 1 - EXPLORE AZURE APP SERVICE * Examine Azure App Service * Examine Azure App Service plans * Deploy to App Service * Explore authentication and authorization in App Service * Discover App Service networking features 2 - CONFIGURE WEB APP SETTINGS * Configure application settings * Configure general settings * Configure path mappings * Enable diagnostic logging * Configure security certificates 3 - SCALE APPS IN AZURE APP SERVICE * Examine autoscale factors * Identify autoscale factors * Enable autoscale in App Service * Explore autoscale best practices 4 - EXPLORE AZURE APP SERVICE DEPLOYMENT SLOTS * Explore staging environments * Examine slot swapping * Swap deployment slots * Route traffic in App Service 5 - EXPLORE AZURE FUNCTIONS * Discover Azure Functions * Compare Azure Functions hosting options * Scale Azure Functions 6 - DEVELOP AZURE FUNCTIONS * Explore Azure Functions development * Create triggers and bindings * Connect functions to Azure services 7 - EXPLORE AZURE BLOB STORAGE * Explore Azure Blob storage * Discover Azure Blob storage resource types * Explore Azure Storage security features * Discover static website hosting in Azure Storage 8 - MANAGE THE AZURE BLOB STORAGE LIFECYCLE * Explore the Azure Blob storage lifecycle * Discover Blob storage lifecycle policies * Implement Blob storage lifecycle policies * Rehydrate blob data from the archive tier 9 - WORK WITH AZURE BLOB STORAGE * Explore Azure Blob storage client library * Create a client object * Manage container properties and metadata by using .NET * Set and retrieve properties and metadata for blob resources by using REST 10 - EXPLORE AZURE COSMOS DB * Identify key benefits of Azure Cosmos DB * Explore the resource hierarchy * Explore consistency levels * Choose the right consistency level * Explore supported APIs * Discover request units 11 - WORK WITH AZURE COSMOS DB * Explore Microsoft .NET SDK v3 for Azure Cosmos DB * Create stored procedures * Create triggers and user-defined functions * Explore change feed in Azure Cosmos DB 12 - MANAGE CONTAINER IMAGES IN AZURE CONTAINER REGISTRY * Discover the Azure Container Registry * Explore storage capabilities * Build and manage containers with tasks * Explore elements of a Dockerfile 13 - RUN CONTAINER IMAGES IN AZURE CONTAINER INSTANCES * Explore Azure Container Instances * Run containerized tasks with restart policies * Set environment variables in container instances * Mount an Azure file share in Azure Container Instances 14 - IMPLEMENT AZURE CONTAINER APPS * Explore Azure Container Apps * Explore containers in Azure Container Apps * Implement authentication and authorization in Azure Container Apps * Manage revisions and secrets in Azure Container Apps * Explore Dapr integration with Azure Container Apps 15 - EXPLORE THE MICROSOFT IDENTITY PLATFORM * Explore the Microsoft identity platform * Explore service principals * Discover permissions and consent * Discover conditional access 16 - IMPLEMENT AUTHENTICATION BY USING THE MICROSOFT AUTHENTICATION LIBRARY * Explore the Microsoft Authentication Library * Initialize client applications 17 - IMPLEMENT SHARED ACCESS SIGNATURES * Discover shared access signatures * Choose when to use shared access signatures * Explore stored access policies 18 - EXPLORE MICROSOFT GRAPH * Discover Microsoft Graph * Query Microsoft Graph by using REST * Query Microsoft Graph by using SDKs * Apply best practices to Microsoft Graph 19 - IMPLEMENT AZURE KEY VAULT * Explore Azure Key Vault * Discover Azure Key Vault best practices * Authenticate to Azure Key Vault 20 - IMPLEMENT MANAGED IDENTITIES * Explore managed identities * Discover the managed identities authentication flow * Configure managed identities * Acquire an access token 21 - IMPLEMENT AZURE APP CONFIGURATION * Explore the Azure App Configuration service * Create paired keys and values * Manage application features * Secure app configuration data 22 - EXPLORE API MANAGEMENT * Discover the API Management service * Explore API gateways * Explore API Management policies * Create advanced policies * Secure APIs by using subscriptions * Secure APIs by using certificates 23 - EXPLORE AZURE EVENT GRID * Explore Azure Event Grid * Discover event schemas * Explore event delivery durability * Control access to events * Receive events by using webhooks * Filter events 24 - EXPLORE AZURE EVENT HUBS * Discover Azure Event Hubs * Explore Event Hubs Capture * Scale your processing application * Control access to events * Perform common operations with the Event Hubs client library 25 - DISCOVER AZURE MESSAGE QUEUES * Choose a message queue solution * Explore Azure Service Bus * Discover Service Bus queues, topics, and subscriptions * Explore Service Bus message payloads and serialization * Explore Azure Queue Storage * Create and manage Azure Queue Storage and messages by using .NET 26 - MONITOR APP PERFORMANCE * Explore Application Insights * Discover log-based metrics * Instrument an app for monitoring * Select an availability test * Troubleshoot app performance by using Application Map 27 - DEVELOP FOR AZURE CACHE FOR REDIS * Explore Azure Cache for Redis * Configure Azure Cache for Redis * Interact with Azure Cache for Redis by using .NET 28 - DEVELOP FOR STORAGE ON CDNS * Explore Azure Content Delivery Networks * Control cache behavior on Azure Content Delivery Networks * Interact with Azure Content Delivery Networks by using .NET

AZ-204T00 Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure
Delivered Online6 days, Jul 15th, 08:30 + 4 more

Web Development with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript

By Nexus Human

Duration 4 Days 24 CPD hours This course is intended for While no prior programming or web development experience is required, target students should have good foundational computer skills. Overview Set up the tools and resources you need to perform Web Development. Create web pages in HTML, constructing valid, well-formed elements, including navigation links, sections, titles, and semantic markup. Enhance HTML content with tables, images, movies, and audio. Apply styles to HTML elements using CSS. Use CSS to format the edges, size, position, and layering of HTML elements. Apply complex style rules using advanced CSS selectors, including pseudo-class selectors, structural selectors, and pseudo-element selectors. Create complex layouts using CSS newspaper style columns, grid layouts, and flexible box layouts. Improve the quality of web content, including adaptability (different displays and devices), searchability, usability, and accessibility. Submit data through URL query strings and web forms for processing by a web application server. Write JavaScript code to make web pages more interactive, perform data processing tasks directly in the browser, and manipulate items in the current web page. Write JavaScript code to iterate through collections of elements in a page to get and set their attributes and add event listener code. Use third-party libraries and frameworks for web front-end development. Modern organizations depend heavily on the web to perform core business operations such as marketing, advertising, and selling products, providing services, and communicating with customers, partner organizations, and employees. Whatever you're creating on the web, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? likely play an important role. These three languages provide the core toolkit for anyone looking to perform web development work. This course covers the fundamentals of web development using these three languages. Prerequisites This course assumes that students have strong experience working with computers. Previous experience programming in other languages is helpful, but not required for students to benefit from this course. LESSON 1: SETTING UP YOUR WEB DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT * Topic A: Prepare Your Web Platform * Topic B: Prepare Your Web Development Tools and Processes * Topic C: Monitor the Web Request-Response Cycle LESSON 2: CREATING WEB CONTENT IN HTML * Topic A: Create a Basic Web Page * Topic B: Provide Navigation Links Between Web Pages * Topic C: Improve Web Page Structure and Navigation LESSON 3: ADDING TABLES AND MULTIMEDIA CONTENT TO A WEB PAGE * Topic A: Create a Table * Topic B: Embed Images, Movies, and Audio in a Web Page LESSON 4: APPLYING STYLES TO WEB CONTENT * Topic A: Apply Styles to HTML * Topic B: Create a Style Sheet * Topic C: Use Web Fonts LESSON 5: CONTROLLING EDGES, SIZE, AND POSITION * Topic A: Format Element Edges and Corners * Topic B: Control an Element's Height and Width * Topic C: Control an Element's Position and Layering * Topic D: Normalize and Reset Browser CSS Defaults LESSON 6: APPLYING COMPLEX STYLE RULES * Topic A: Use Advanced Selectors * Topic B: Manage User Interface States * Topic C: Make Structure Apparent to Users * Topic D: Use CSS Pseudo-Element Selectors LESSON 7: CREATING COMPLEX LAYOUTS * Topic A: Use CSS to Create Newspaper Style Columns * Topic B: Use CSS to Create Grid Layouts * Topic C: Use CSS to Create Flexible Box Layouts LESSON 8: IMPROVING WEB CONTENT * Topic A: Adjust the Layout for a Wide Variety of Devices * Topic B: Perform Basic Search Engine Optimization * Topic C: Test Your Website LESSON 9: SUBMITTING DATA TO A WEB SERVER FOR PROCESSING * Topic A: Submit Data Through a URL * Topic B: Submit Data Through a Web Form LESSON 10: WRITING JAVASCRIPT CODE * Topic A: Add JavaScript to a Web Page * Topic B: Perform Operations on Data * Topic C: Program Repetitive Tasks * Topic D: Manipulate DOM Objects LESSON 11: ENUMERATING AND PROCESSING COLLECTIONS OF ELEMENTS * Topic A: Enumerate Elements * Topic B: Attach Events Through Code LESSON 12: USING THIRD-PARTY LIBRARIES AND FRAMEWORKS * Topic A: Use a Third-Party JavaScript Library * Topic B: Create a Web Page Based on a Third-Party Framework ADDITIONAL COURSE DETAILS: Nexus Humans Web Development with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript (v1.0) training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the Web Development with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript (v1.0) course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.

Web Development with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript
Delivered Online5 days, Jul 15th, 13:00 + 1 more

15th July Scott Pack #Agent121. Looking for: ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION


By I Am In Print

LOOKING FOR: ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION Publisher / editor Scott Pack is now in his third decade working in the world of books. During that time he has been Head of Buying for Waterstones, worked for publishers big and small - including a lengthy spell at HarperCollins - and taught numerous workshops and classes on all aspects of writing. These days he splits his time between writing his own books, editing other people's, teaching the editors of tomorrow as part of the Oxford Brookes University MA in Publishing, and he is one of the question setters for BBC's Mastermind. His latest book, Tips From A Publisher, is out now.  As a publisher, Scott has published across most genres in fiction and a wide range of non-fiction and is happy to read any style of writing. He will assess your sample and provide feedback on any issues he identifies, the manuscript's commercial potential and what steps he would advise before you submit to agents or publishers. Scott is very direct with his feedback, so expect robust, but always constructive, comments! Scott would like you to submit your fiction as a covering letter, 1-2 page synopsis and the first 5,000 words of your manuscript in a single word document.  For non-fiction, he would like to see:- * 1-page synopsis – to give an overview of what the book will offer the reader and how it's different from other books out there on this topic *  A detailed proposed contents list, including proposed sub-section headings as well as chapter headings – to give a sense of the overall reader journey * 1000-1500 words of intro text - to showcase context, tone etc * 1000-1500 words from later in the book - to showcase the progression of the book (In addition to the paid sessions, Scott is kindly offering one free session for low income/underrepresented writers. Please email agent121@iaminprint.co.uk [agent121@iaminprint.co.uk] to apply, outlining your case for this option which is offered at the discretion of I Am In Print).  By booking you understand you need to conduct an internet connection test with I Am In Print prior to the event. You also agree to email your material in one document to reach I Am In Print by the stated submission deadline and note that I Am In Print take no responsibility for the advice received during your agent meeting. The submission deadline is: Monday 8 July 2024

15th July Scott Pack #Agent121. Looking for: ADULT FICTION, NON-FICTION
Delivered Online15 minutes, Jul 15th, 10:00 + 5 more

Technical Report Writing and Presentation Skills for Oil & Gas Engineers and Technical Professionals

By EnergyEdge - Training for a Sustainable Energy Future

Develop your technical report writing and presentation skills with EnergyEdge's course designed for oil & gas professionals. Sign up now!

Technical Report Writing and Presentation Skills for Oil & Gas Engineers and Technical Professionals
Delivered In-Person3 days, Jul 22nd, 00:30
£1399 to £1499

Creative Writing Summer Course: Goosebumps!

By Creative Writing with Hannah

This is a 4 week course encouraging children to engage in Creative Writing by drawing inspiration from eerie images and stories. 😱 Led by our outstanding Primary Teacher Charley, students will discover how to enrich their writing skills with techniques that build suspense, as well as learning how to craft vivid imagery for their readers. ✍

Creative Writing Summer Course: Goosebumps!
Delivered Online1 hour, Jul 31st, 09:15 + 3 more

Creative Writing Summer Course - The Unknown Island

By Creative Writing with Hannah

This is a 4 week course where children will design their very own island. 🏝 They will then investigate its inhabitants and features. 🐒 👣 🍋 Children will then use their senses to add descriptive details when writing about their new island. I wonder what undiscovered things they’ll reveal?!

Creative Writing Summer Course - The Unknown Island
Delivered Online1 hour, Jul 30th, 08:00 + 3 more

Summer Sketchbook course

By Airtily

Sketchbooks are for more than just sketching! In this series of workshops, we’ll explore ways of using a sketchbook to experiment, research, and develop your own creative ideas, leading you towards developing your own unique body of work. Incorporating drawing, painting, collage, writing, and crafting, this workshop will get you trying new things in a small, welcoming group all summer long. During the live Zoom sessions, we'll try out specific ways of using your sketchbook to develop creative ideas. You'll also have a chance to share what you've been working on, and be inspired by the work of others (sharing is encouraged but always completely optional). In between live sessions, we’ll fill our sketchbooks up with writing and images prompted by a series of creative assignments which will have us out exploring the natural and built environment (although many of them can also be completed from the comfort of home). Each participant will be encouraged to deepen their explorations in whatever direction interests them most - be it a series of written reflections, sketches, collages, photographs, mixed-media pieces, or a unique, personal combination of all these. This small-group course includes six live sessions (via Zoom) with Julie, and ‘homework assignments’ for participants to complete in between live sessions. There will be an optional Facebook group for participants to stay connected and share their creations with each other between sessions. You are welcome to join in from any place in the world. The group will be kept small to ensure plenty of opportunities for interaction, sharing, and feedback.

Summer Sketchbook course
Delivered Online2 hours, Jul 16th, 17:00 + 3 more