26 Educators providing Courses

Responsible Research In Practice

responsible research in practice


Responsible Research in Practice was founded by Dr Nikki Osborne in 2015 to provide training & consultancy services to individuals & organisations working withing the Life Science research sector. The company is a UK Reproducibility Network external stakeholder affiliate member & a UK registered learning provider (UKRLP No. 10092337 [https://www.ukrlp.co.uk/ukrlp/ukrlp_provider.page_pls_searchProviders]). How can we help you? * FREE Responsible Research Webinars [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/free-responsible-research-webinars/]. We run a monthly LIVE responsible research webinar series that is FREE to attend & fully open access on-demand. Topics vary but all relate to the practical 'how to' details of implementing best practice. All our professional & inspiring speakers are passionate about the topics they discuss & all attendees receive a certificate of attendance that can be used for CPD purposes.  * On-Demand Training [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/on-demand-training/]. Our bitesize on-demand training sessions require just 1-2 hours of your time & are accessible 24 hours a day. Whether you are involved in the planning, design, conduct & dissemination of lab-based research, or training, mentoring, supervising & overseeing others - we have an on-demand training session for you. Our professional content is designed empower you to improve the rigour & reproducibility of your work. * Live training [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/training-services/]. We provide training online and in-person (for client organisations) on a range of topics to support personal development. All our sessions focus on empowering individuals to be their best self by sharing experience of what works, developing critical thinking skills & facilitating self-reflection. To find out more visit our Mindset Awareness [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/mindset-training/], PREPARE For Better Science [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/prepare-for-better-science-training-course/], Publication School [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/lab-animal-publication-school/], Responsible Animal Research [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/responsible-animal-research-training/] & Statistical Analysis Training [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/statistical-analysis-training/] pages. * Consultancy services. [https://www.responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk/consultancy-services/] Training alone is not the solution to everything, so we offer a range of consultancy services including: coaching, independent advice, peer review, professional speaker & policy review/writing. Contact us anytime for a FREE 'no commitment' discussion & if we can help you we will, or we will recommend someone who can. Why work with us?  * We care. All our tutors are passionate about the topics they teach & have knowledge plus real life experience to share.  * We recognise that conducting responsible research is challenging. Our goal is to make doing the right thing simpler & easier to achieve.  * We empower individuals. Our training sessions are designed to inspire & support personal development so that participants feel more confident in their ability to do the right thing.

Sami Green Creative

sami green creative


Sami Green is a teacher, mentor, and workshop facilitator in Bristol and North Somerset. She completed a Fine Art BA at University Centre Somerset with Honours in 2021. Before this, Sami worked for 15 years creating, coordinating and building imaginative decorative environments for events. Wedding magazines and blogs across the world featured her styled photoshoots. Installation commissions include Plimsoll Productions, Tokyo World and Awesome Events. In May 2021, her degree artworks won a window display space and funding at Weston-Super-Shop Windows, a community project organised by Weston Arts Space. In 2022 her community-centred artwork Flutter II for St. John’s Church, Highbridge, won a new artist bursary from Somerset Art Works. Sami continues to develop The Transformation Project, curating responses through artist collaboration for SAW Festival in September 2022. Sami used her degree studies as an opportunity to develop ideas about perception and experience within critical spatial practice. A development from events experience. Her July 2021 exhibition, Emergentism, experimented with the sensory and intellectual processes that help us understand the world around us. Taking inspiration from nature, her unusual, abstract, material, and process-driven forms offered participants immersive, light and sound experiences through colour and frequency. In 2022, ideas led by research into art education practices and the benefits of art and culture to the wellbeing of a community have become central to development. Sami has worked with the community to develop a socially engaged artwork, exploring the collective potential and the possibilities in collaboration. She is working with cross-disciplinary performers and makers to promote a four-dimensional approach to experience through sculptural installation, sound, performance, and workshops. Exploring the multi-sensory in terms of perception and experience formed the backbone of recent experimentation. My research paper into the practices of Olafur Eliasson underpins these ideas,

International Scientificresearch Group

international scientificresearch group


he International Scientific Research and Researchers Association (ISRRA) work hard to promote the excellence in quality Scientific Research, Scientific Research Publication, and leadership in joint research projects in a framework through which the ISRRA association occupies its rightful place among research bodies within the competitive challenge at the international level. ISRRA plays its roles to support scientific research, increase the human knowledge, identify priorities in scientific research at international level, initiate effective collaboration between researchers, focus on the applications of advanced technology in various fields, contribute in scientific research through the adoption of seminars, research projects or joint efforts with others and between researchers at the international level. ISRRA association also host and Publish high quality refereed open access international journals to support the researchers in their journey toward publishing their research papers. ISRAA journals accept scientific papers after sending them to quality peer academic reviewers for subjecting the author’s scholarly work. Peer review is an essential component of the academic writing process thus ISRRA association strive to ensure that papers published in its scientific journals answer meaningful research questions and draw accurate conclusions based on professionally executed experimentation. As known to the researchers community; the peer review process has also been widely criticised due to the slowness of the process to publish new findings and due to perceived bias by the editors and/or reviewers. ISRRA association created unique review model based on pay per blind review regardless if the paper is accepted or reject by the reviewer; this solved two main problems: Speed and fairness. The mean average time for our ordinary review and publication process is 20 days (paper can be published online within 20 days). After peer review results; our editors will decide: • Accept the paper/papers for publication in ISRRA related Journal without any basic modifications. • Accept the paper/papers for publication in ISRRA related Journal with modifications to be applied. • Reject the research paper/ research papers. ISRRA related Journals will be available for scientific readers for free; no fees are required to download and read any published paper/papers in those international journals. ISRRA Journals cover all main branches of science (scientific disciplines)