1549 Educators providing Courses

Warrior Women

warrior women



I want to help you feel fitter, healthier and more confident. Over the last decade I have helped hundreds of women on their fitness journeys and learnt invaluable tools and tips along the way about how to get you the best most sustainable results possible and I want to give that all to you. I am passionate about fitness and health and helping you is what drives me to keep going. My workouts and programs bring all my experience and knowledge together and provide you with the tools you need to achieve your fitness goals. With a Warrior community of support you'll enjoy every step of the journey. Where It Started In a small martial arts club in Essex where I found my fitness, my confidence and my strength and realised just how important exercise is for both mental and physical wellness. That initial training has never left me and even now I can still hear the words of one of my trainers ringing in my ears 'Just get on with it Jamie!' So I do, every day, I get on with the business of fitness of bringing fitness to as many people as I can so that you can experience the power that exercise has to transform your life My Goals To continue bringing the love and power of exercise to as many people as possible and if we can have fun along the way then it's even better. I have a particular interest in Womens health and wellness and as well as donating regularly to the national charity Women's Aid, I fundraise where possible and help spread awareness to help women and girls in this country and abroad and I would love every year for my fundraising to grow and grow and grow!

Neema Women Community

neema women community


We aspire to make a difference in the lives of thousands of women and families through our services and a part of our support focuses especially on BAME communities, so they can acquire the autonomy required to lead a productive and rewarding life and contribute to the development of their community. We know how important it is to keep a healthy mind to keep a healthy body. Studies have shown that minorities have more difficult access to mental health due to ethnic and cultural barriers such as religious beliefs, urban cultural legends, stereotypes and pre-judgment. From a global perspective, currently, women are considered the weak link in humanity and are often harassed or infantilised, while in reality, it is quite the opposite as women are the engine of this world. Without entering the feminism claimant, we want to support them, accompany them, and motivate them on the importance of their role so that they can fully take their place in this world and flourish. Our History arises from the experiences of our founders. Our Director Board is made of women from different stages of the community who have experienced the same challenges and difficulties as the women we are aiming to support. The board represents a multidisciplinary team that has travelled a lot, speaks several languages, and has mastered several cultures. We have carried out numerous humanitarian actions for 10 years around the world Asia, Africa, Europe, meetings with exceptional women and incredible life stories and success stories.