2195 Educators providing Courses

DAC Tutors

dac tutors

DAC Tutors is a small family run business based in Sheffield, England. Being a small business allows us provide a high quality, personalised service because we know all our clients and staff so well. We are quick to respond to any feedback and everyone in our team is passionate about learning and education We believe that excellent tutoring goes beyond just teaching academic facts and we believe in the success of our students. So we make sure our tutors incorporate mentoring into their sessions which helps build the character and self-belief needed for our students to accomplish their goals. Additional, tailored mentoring and coaching sessions can purchased which include addressing any specific issues, study skills development, and career advice. We work closely with parents and students to understand what is going on in their world and in their school classrooms to ensure that each tutoring session is as rewarding and productive as possible Our Vision For The Future. To have a centre in Sheffield with a capacity of 100 students and 10 tutors at a time. With space for summer schools and mentoring/ coaching conferences. We want to give back to the community and start to provide scholarships and bursaries for students from under-privileged backgrounds to access our services. We want to grow our online tutoring school and allow our tutors to connect with hundreds of students across the country and help them excel academically. These are are goals for the next five years, who knows what more awaits us.

Alternatives in Education

alternatives in education


According to Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, children have the right to have a say on all matters which affect them. This includes their education. When children and young people are involved in decisions about their learning, they become active participants in their education and they are more motivated. Alternatives in Education - Parent's Voice Parent Voice When parents are involved in their children’s education, children do better. Research has found that parental engagement is one of the most powerful levers for school improvement. When schools listen to their parents and work with them as genuine partners they achieve the best outcomes for children and young people. Alternatives in Education - Teacher's Voice Teacher Voice Teachers are professionals and yet many feel that they have little say over their work. They are told what to teach and when and how to teach it by a government (in England) which dictates the content of the curriculum and exerts a stranglehold over schools through the testing and accountability framework. When teachers have greater autonomy to respond to the needs of the children and young people they work with, children do better. Alternatives in Education - School Community Voice School Community Voice When school leaders listen to their students, their teachers and their parents they are better able to meet the needs of the communities they exist to serve. When responsibility for the school’s vision, values and direction is shared, schools are strengthened by such collaboration and empowered to be their best.

European Studies And Language Services

european studies and language services


European Studies and Language Services (ESLS) started its operations in 1994 by two graduates educated in Greece, France and UK. Our mission is to become the world leaders in advising students to pursue their quality studies abroad at a very cost effective manner. This is because parents and students waste enormous amounts of money in trying to find the best way to achieve their academic objectives. ESLS assists parents and students to identify the best way to receive a high standard and quality education. Our vision is to continuously support our customers to attain their long term academic and career objectives. Our services constantly expand to provide more benefits to our customers. We try to be present in all aspects of major decisions and thus avoid mistakes often made during the decision making process. To achieve that we try to organise individual interviews with our customers in order to identify their academic and career needs or even to challenge their choices and guide them to the right direction. We also help them to choose the country and university that fit their qualifications paving the way to a successful outcome. In addition, we provide services that help our customers to decide on their accommodation and travelling arrangements. Finally, we maintain a long term relationship supporting them to face all challenges throughout their academic and professional career. ESLS is now operating in many countries represented by local associates. Our network of associates is composed by people who have adopted ESLS culture.

Happy2host Education

happy2host education

We are Happy 2Host Education, a professional development and creative agency here to support educators. We will empower you as you embrace the benefits of using technology to support teaching and learning. We don’t just offer digital services like other edtech consultancies do, we focus on high-quality professional development that reflects your staff expertise. Our services will help you sharpen your vision for curriculum implementation, by helping you to devise a tech strategy that reflects the needs of your staff and students. We will support your organisation at each level to ensure you get the best value from the tech system you are using. Work with us to upskill your teachers and supercharge their confidence, as we demonstrate just how accessible, enjoyable and essential technology is for effective curriculum delivery. We are a Black-owned agency and have a real commitment to diversity and inclusion. We want to become a beacon agency that draws on and celebrates the experiences, insights and talents of trainers that truly reflect our society (ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and disability). We are passionate about empowering everyone, especially those in underrepresented communities and groups who may benefit significantly from working with our incredibly diverse pool of trainers. We understand the importance of having impact beyond the classroom, and so can support you to develop the essential skills your students need to thrive even after formal education. Happy2Host Education’s creative services will reinvigorate your organisation’s online presence. Our affordable education-specific digital marketing solutions include professional school websites, prospectus design, promotional videos and photography.

Civil Society Media Ltd

civil society media ltd


Civil Society Media is the UK’s only independent media company dedicated solely to supporting the charity sector. We deliver essential information, expert analysis and thought leadership through high-quality printed and digital publications, training courses, and live events. Our output is honed using the insight of our audiences, our own specialist knowledge, and a deep understanding of charities derived from working collaboratively with a wide range of sector partners. Civil Society Media was founded in 1990. Charity Finance was the first publication; Fundraising Magazine was acquired in 2005 and Governance & Leadership launched that same year. The Charity Awards launched in 2000. Our work is based on principles established by our late founder Daniel Phelan, whose core purpose was to help charities and other civil society organisations deliver sustainable public benefit. Dan’s legacy endures in our company culture and our products, and his vision continues to shape our strategy. The purpose of our products is to support and strengthen individual charities and the sector as a whole. As well as our own original content produced and edited by our nine-strong team of journalists and event programmers, we provide a platform for respected professional advisers and other experts to deliver specialist technical advice and guidance. We curate the best content from around the web, and we facilitate conversations and peer learning among our audiences. Our content informs, facilitates debate, empowers, champions and challenges charities to be the best they can be. - See more at: https://www.civilsociety.co.uk/about-civil-society-media.html#sthash.jBGpTBnH.dpuf

Riverside Education

riverside education

Our unique friendly family ethos is driven by our strong vision and values based on integrity, honesty and respect. These core values underpin the teaching and learning, providing all of our students with a safe environment in which we strive to prepare them to be confident, independent people who will be proactive citizens in our exciting multicultural world. At Riverside, all of our young people are treated with respect and their opinions are important to us. We welcome and address each other by our first names as it fosters a positive relationship between staff and students, removes traditional educational barriers, and puts students in a better position to take charge of their own learning and feel more confident to build positive relationships. The views and opinions of our students are an integral part of the decision making process at Riverside. Our young people’s voice is fundamental to our success and is actively encouraged in many different ways such as: School Council, weekly pupil self-assessment forms, assemblies, student house leaders, student questionnaires and termly student curriculum reviews. We truly value all of our young people and actively encourage them to take ownership of their learning and embrace all of the educational, vocational, practical and social and emotional opportunities available to them. Our unique and caring approach works to support our pupils’ social, emotional and mental health needs as well as developing their academic potential and achievements. All of our qualified dedicated staff work hard and are committed to developing the potential in each and every one of our students.

Kalai Kaviri Collegiate Arts

kalai kaviri collegiate arts


This premier institution Kalai Kaviri College of Fine Arts, belonging to the Catholic Diocese of Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India, hails from her parent institution Kalai Kaviri, and is the culmination of the vision and dream of her Founder Rev.Msg.S.M.George, a visionary and pioneer in promoting fine arts, realizing academic excellence for Indian traditionalGurukula art forms to the level of Ph.D. programme. This is a matchless march in the Indian cultural promotion. Kalai Kaviri’s cultural commitment and exemplary standard in training gained from the Part-Time courses of Dance (Bharathanatyam) and Music offered for more than 14 years and from the Full-Time Diploma and Post-Diploma courses affiliated to the Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, earned her the status of Kalai Kaviri College of Fine Arts in 1996. Upholding the cultural cause, with the able guidance of Rev.Fr. L. Anthuvan, the Secretary & Director, with the academic and professional expertise of Rev. Sr. Dr. Margaret Bastine, the Principal coupled with the talents and hard work of the faculty and the administrative staff as well as the feats of the students, the college renders laudable service.Nationally accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC, the College is dedicated, to promote, popularize and perpetuate the Indian traditional Gurukula art forms of Bharathanatyam and South Indian Classical Music in their pristine purity ; To bring these prestigious art forms of the rich and the elite, to the access of the less-privileged and the backward communities ; To utilize the communicative potential of Dance and Music to convey human and social development values to elevate the attitudes of the people through research-oriented performances.

Southwark Diocesan Board Of Education Incorporated

southwark diocesan board of education incorporated


We are delighted to introduce you to the Southwark Diocesan Board of Education. The SDBE is proud to support 104 schools and academies, colleges and universities across our diverse and vibrant Diocese. Church schools are for everyone. Our vision for education in our schools and academies, colleges and universities reflects the wider Anglican concern for the well-being of everyone entrusted to our care. The outworking of our Christian faith, identity and ethos is to serve the needs of young people and their families in the community as a whole. This has been the commitment of our Church Schools since their foundation, and will continue to be so, by God’s Grace, into a hopeful future. From their offices nearby Southwark Cathedral the superb SDBE staff team are dedicated to providing excellent training, professional advice, resources, guidance and pastoral support. We aim to ensure that our school leaders, governors and chaplains are equipped to give the 42,000 young people in our care the best possible education and life chances. SIAMS and OFSTED inspection outcomes place us as one of the highest performing Diocesan Boards of Education nationally, with our diocesan schools’ performance consistently above national averages. Please explore our site to learn more about the exciting new initiatives taking place in schools across the Diocese, and the opportunities for you to be a part of our diocesan family of schools. We encourage all of us to pray daily for the well-being and development of children and young people throughout South London and East Surrey, including those in our educational establishments.

Belper School And Sixth Form Centre

belper school and sixth form centre


Belper School is committed to providing a high quality educational experience which develops in students the aspiration, knowledge, skills and understanding they require to create happy and successful futures for themselves. . We summarise this vision in the phrase “Create your future. Be who you are and become who you aspire to be.” At its core our ethos is built on respect, inclusivity and responsibility, nurturing students to be individuals within a family approach. Central to this ethos is a focus on relationships which demonstrate mutual respect and equality. The school places value on treating each other, and our environment, with care, dignity and compassion, so that as members of the school and wider community we can make a difference. The ethos is student-centred, empowering people to have confidence to participate and engage. Belper School has a determination for all students to fulfil their potential and experience success. There is a commitment to high quality learning and teaching that challenges and inspires all, ensuring that individual needs are met and that students can make progress, develop and grow to make a valued and positive contribution to society. Emphasis is placed on a broad and balanced curriculum that enables horizons to be broadened and promotes independence, creativity and enjoyment. At the school there is a passionate belief in providing diverse and rich opportunities and encouraging students to step up and participate in what is on offer. There is a drive to celebrate success and take pride in, and reward, effort and achievement.