2353 Educators providing Courses

Cranford Community College

cranford community college


The academy and its community are rightly proud of the tremendous achievements of Cranford students and staff and the recognition that the academy achieves nationally and internationally, and at GCSE and A level, as a result of their efforts. Cranford students (all groups) and their expert teachers consistently out-perform the national trends. The relentless drive for high standards and achievement, combined with a breath-taking range of opportunities has resulted in impressive grades and personal skills, and promoting better life chances for all of our students. The academy has the highest standards over time in Teaching, Achievement & Progress, Student Behaviour, Leadership & Management, Safeguarding and other aspects, such as spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. A catalogue of awards continues to endorse the high achievement and rapid progress that the students and the academy make, year on year. The exemplary work of the academy is shared with other schools and academies locally, nationally and internationally. Cranford has played a key role in London's Gold Club, as a ‘Leading Edge’ academy, with the SSAT, PiXL and Challenge Partners networks and in association with the ‘National College for Teaching & Leadership’, just to name a few. Students and staff also benefit from its projects with partners such as the Institute of Physics, the British Council, various embassies and key universities. It is always amazing to reflect upon the enormous range of curricular and extra-curricular events, activities, trips and enrichment opportunities that have helped to develop and realise the potential and the differing talents that exist within our student and staff population. The success of the academy is due to the dedicated staff that make all these things happen and to students, parents, partner organisations, alumni and ‘friends of Cranford’ who participate so enthusiastically and work so hard for success. In this way, Cranford works together as a united and harmonious team to achieve such amazing results and create so many opportunities. I remain extremely proud of the academy, its students and its community. Cranford continues to find creative ways to excel in spite of various challenging circumstances, most notably in recent years being the impact of the pandemic on young people, deprived communities and on the costs for schools/academies.

Yoga By Noel

yoga by noel



I first found yoga in 2007, while travelling Asia, and the physicality of the practice caught my interest right away (such as supporting my weak lower back at the time), but also to quieten my mind and centre myself through my adventures.   Soon after, I trained in Ayurvedic Medicine as well as Ayurvedic Massage and found a holistic way to combine Ayurveda, Hatha Yoga and modern practices into enhancing my everyday wellbeing, as well as teaching others how to do the same. I have immersed myself in many sound therapy sessions. The feeling you get from being surrounded by intense sounds and vibrations is of grounded serenity. This helped me thrive through this time, bringing stillness to my mind and body. I incorporate this sound bowl therapy into all my yoga classes, so you too can experience the benefits. I am based in Stafford, where I have formed a fun, cool and welcoming yoga community. My intention as a professional yoga instructor is to help students listen to their inner selves and find the courage to step out of their comfort zone. Just like playing an instrument or sport needs practice, so does yoga. Nobody will be able to do all the yoga postures in the first class, even as an experienced yoga teacher, I still need to practice. Yoga is more than just getting into a posture and stretching the body. Yoga teaches you to be present and shows you ways to calm the mind. It is not at all competitive.  On the Path of Mindfulness You may practice yoga as we do in the UK, to relax, stretch and become more flexible. But yoga can be more than that. When you truly get into it and take the time to focus on your breathing, within an extended hold of the pose (as we do in Hatha Yoga), you adjust, you feel, you listen, you focus.  A light bulb starts to shine somewhere in your mind, your endorphins take over, you start to surrender, you may smile, you become one with the present moment - that’s when the true magic occurs.   Being present is a lifelong journey in itself and something I am still focusing on daily. It’s not easy and it doesn’t happen overnight, but through yoga, mindfulness and gratitude we lean closer and closer to being ever so present.  This is something I bring a lot of focus to in my yoga classes. It helps us to feel what is happening right now - not what happened or will happen, but what is happening. Take a deep breath right now - what do you feel? You feel the gift of the present moment.    Smiling is mandatory in my yoga classes - as I do believe humour and fun are key to experiencing the present moment and to releasing fabulous uplifting hormones. Believe me: this approach has helped me through many tough times.  Yoga has been a life changer for me, in times of worry, anxiety, the lows and the highs…it’s provided me with the opportunity to reflect, go within and come out of those times feeling totally nurtured and ready to take on every single chapter. My only hope is that you also feel this from the yoga practice.  I offer in-person yoga classes in Stafford, for small groups or 1-2-1. I am also qualified to offer holistic coaching, Massage Therapy and chakra energy balancing.

Talent Expertise International

talent expertise international

Talent Expertise International is a Corporate Training & Management Consultancy firm, established in 2013. Since our formation, we have supported Organizational Development & Transformation projects for many of the worlds most respected organizations within Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the USA. From our Dubai based HQ, our corporate training division supports these client groups with a wide variety of highly interactive training and consultancy solutions. We offer a comprehensive suite of learning & development programmes, workshops and seminars and currently, we have in the region of 800 public programmes on offer and being delivered at any one of our 36 global city locations. Our ‘bespoke consultancy’ team work closely with many of our clients to tailor learning & development solutions to meet their specific and unique people development requirements. Our team of Trainers, Consultants, Academics, Coaches and Support Staff undertake a rigorous assessment process, prior to being approved as an accredited TEI representative. We strictly adhere to the highest standards of professionalism in our approach to recruitment. This rigorous assessment ensures we present to our clients a broad range of talented professionals, all of whom are highly skilled, qualified and experienced in their specialist area of delivery. We constantly pursue ways to continue the journey of excellence. We seek feedback from our clients, we listen, we respond, and we ultimately deliver. That is one of the many factors which differentiate us from other service providers.