191 Educators providing Courses

Downey House School

downey house school


These three words encapsulate the journey to excellence that pupils experience at Methody. We believe that their education should be exciting, exacting, enriching and ennobling. We work hard to provide our pupils with opportunities to excel, and we have high ambitions for them. But it is not just the academic results that the pupils achieve in and out of the classroom that are important; it is also the type of person that they become. There is little point in producing well qualified young adults if they do not also have a sense of moral duty and social responsibility. We are ambitious for ALL of our pupils. We do our best to prepare them to meet the demands of life beyond school, to be able to contribute positively to society. We try to develop in them a passion for learning, an understanding of social justice, of equality and of fairness; instilling values, building character, developing compassion, self-awareness and independence of thought and spirit. We are about building futures – better futures, a better future for us and a better future for our community – we are about making a difference. Great by Choice Methody’s core values of opportunity, diversity and excellence will continue to drive everything that we do this year but in addition, this year has been themed and everyone has been challenged to be ‘Great by Choice’. In assemblies we have explored the meaning of ‘great’ defined as ‘outstanding, powerful, an example and influential’ and discussed how everyone can deliberately make ‘great’ choices to achieve success. The theme has just been introduced to the school community and it will evolve as the year progresses, we look forward to sharing more of this with you. Campus Creation In 1865, when Methodists in Ireland numbered only 23,000 out of a total population of six million, it was decided to build a college in Belfast, partly for the training of Methodist ministers and partly as a school for boys. Money was collected, mainly from the Irish Methodists but with help from England and America, and 15 acres of land were acquired on what were the very outskirts of the city at that time.This land included the present College Gardens as well as the site on which the College stands. The foundation stone of the New Wesleyan College at Belfast (as it was originally known) was laid on 24th August 1865 by Sir William McArthur, a Londonderry businessman, who later became Lord Mayor of London. Three years later, on 18th August 1868, the College was opened with 141 pupils. Just after the opening of the College a proposal that "young ladies" be educated on equal terms with the boys was accepted by the committee of Management, with the result that from the third month of its existence Methodist College has been a co-educational establishment.In 1891 Sir William McArthur bequeathed a large sum of money towards the foundation of the hall of residence for girl boarders. The College steadily flourished and the enrolment increased. There was a rapid growth of numbers after 1920, when the theological department moved to Edgehill College thus releasing more accommodation for the school's use.

Spectrum Sen

spectrum sen


Spectrum SEN services provide help and support to both young children with special educational needs (SEN) and their families. Our services are completely bespoke and individualised as we fully appreciate that not ‘one cap' fits all. We believe in teaching and developing our students, creating tailor-made educational plans that encompasses their strengths and interests. This method has proven to be successful in aiding engagement, development and making learning fun! Our highly experienced consultants specialise in supporting individuals from start to finish, ensuring they reach their full potentials, equipping them with the foundations required to build on - to successfully pave the way to unlock the door for future opportunities and achieving their aspirations. Our consultants are devoted to making a difference in supporting SEN children and realise the barriers and challenges that families go through to best support their children. Spectrum Sen's dedicated team are here to support both the students and their families every step on the way! Each student will be assigned a tutoring consultant who will meet, discuss EHCP needs and options, before making sure all parties are happy with the devised educational plan. We want to help our SEN children become more independent, and more resilient by helping them identify their triggers, and teaching them how best to manage them. Our education, social development and life skills programmes is key in preparing them their next chapter of life or a further educational provision. We specialise is working with children with ASD, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Dyslexia Dispraxia and children with complex overlaps. Our company director has a background in psychology and has over 20-years’ experience in special educational needs. Along with supporting families and young children in various schools across the South East, she has first-hand experience living with her own SEN children, (now teenagers) that identify with ASD, ADHD, Depression, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Speech and language needs, Development delay and sensory difficulties. With many sleepiness nights and lots of failed school placements she made it her mission spending years studying and researching ways to understand the world 'as her children saw it' in order to best understand and help them. She now puts her knowledge to good use by supporting and training others. It is her aim to provide our young students with a better understanding of 'self' and boost self-awareness and self-esteem. She believes in children being able to express themselves freely, find their own identity and have the power to be autonomous. We incorporate a hands-on kinaesthetic learning to gain real-world and life skills - which builds confidence, that they will use daily for the rest of their lives. Our holistic approach promotes young minds, wellbeing and develops trusting rapports. Spectrum SEN has been formed to help and support young people and their families to achieve their goals. Our friendly and nurturing team work closely with parents, children, and local councils, ensuring the best possible support is provided. We believe in the personal approach and collaborate with a variety of professionals and therapists. All of our consultants are highly compassionate and experienced in supporting young people with SEN, fully DBS checked and safeguard trained. funding is generally granted by local councils through EHCPs or personal budgets, however, please do get in touch if you are in the process of applying for this, or you would like to use our services privately. All services are tailor made to each individual, we accommodate both full and part-time placements. We welcome parents, schools, colleges, and local councils to make enquires to discuss the needs of any individuals requiring support.

Women's Life Coach, Julie Phillips

women's life coach, julie phillips


Choosing a coach is an important decision. You need someone that you trust and makes you feel safe. A person whose style serves and works for you. This is life changing, so it’s essential that you feel secure, understood supported and excited! If you are looking for a coach who is genuinely caring and kind but will also be brutally honest with you so that you can truly develop and achieve the life you desire, then read on…. I love what I do! Coaching is the most potent tool for positive personal change as I have experienced first hand. It ensures success and makes change stick in the long term. As a coach, I play the role of mentor, consultant and motivator, but I am not a therapist. The thing I enjoy most about coaching is that it is always positive and looking forward at the ‘how’: how you can move on from where you are and make a change? It is action orientated and concerned with the present and future, and less with the past. On a personal level, I have always been passionate about helping people live the life they envisage, both successful and happy. I believe the two are directly linked. My coaching style offers a balanced combination of challenge and support with the aim of raising a client’s self-awareness, including the impact they have on people around them. As a coach, I help individuals and teams gain clarity, feel empowered and achieve their greatest dreams by helping them unlock their best potential! Having gone through many life journeys of my own, and realising that it is only you that is in the driving seat. It has spurred me on to help other people with their own self-development and to truly live their best life. I work together to identify personal strengths, areas for development, and help to eliminate self-doubt and limiting beliefs. In addition to personal training, I specialise in working with senior management teams in family businesses, to maximise their strengths, help them meet their potential and reach both their professional and personal goals. Having previously worked as an MD, I bring this experience to my coaching practice, supporting clients to achieve positive changes in their productivity, leadership skills, time management, motivation, confidence, goal attainment and work/life balance. I understand the demands of a family business and the pressures faced by owners and their management teams. I am able to help leaders make the direct link between personal happiness and business success. Before setting up my coaching practice, I worked for the past 24 years within successful SME family businesses. I have been involved in significant turnaround situations; undergoing change management projects and building a business up from grassroots. I am experienced in personal development and understand the challenging pressures of being an entrepreneur. Drawing on my experience as a leader and a coach, I am able to help leaders and their teams find solutions for the challenges and opportunities in their working life. Family is core to me and being a single parent to three wonderful children, ranging from teenage to twenties am able to counsel on a variety of family issues. I enjoy tackling new challenges, the next being Base Camp Everest.

Yasmin Zaman - The Portable Guru

yasmin zaman - the portable guru

For 20 years I’ve dedicated my life to inspiring others by teaching the self-awareness and self-care practices of connecting to the body and mind through various styles of yoga, mindfulness meditation, physical activity & trauma sensitive approaches to healing and recovery. My own life, and decades of working with diverse groups of people all over the world, taught me that when we take good care of ourselves, we value and appreciate others, and forge a better connection with the natural world on which we depend. My Bio includes more on my background, training, research papers and publications About four decades ago, yoga originally began as a way to care for my sore bones and tender tissues traumatized by a childhood fall, taught by a specialist teacher, practising what was then known as remedial yoga, today commonly referred to as yoga therapy. I know, without a doubt, that yoga and mindfulness meditation can heal the body, centre and focus the mind and restore sagging spirits. But being human and subject to the pressures of life, I didn’t always listen! Insecurity had me chasing a career: from teaching to working my way to senior roles alongside the great and the good in global Public Relations and communications for various not-for-profits and humanitarian organisations. The stress levels were stratospheric though it provided a dubious kind of glamour! Then one day I was diagnosed with a TIA (a stroke). And I listened. You don’t have to go through the same! Today, my work is varied: working therapeutically with patients referred for psychiatric care in a team of psychiatrists, psychotherapists and others; to teaching mindfulness-based and yoga classes & courses to the public who come in all shapes, colours and sizes. I am also interested in healing traditions from other cultures as a pathway to wholeness, e.g., shamanism. It’s been my privilege to lead programmes in partnership with local government agencies, GPs, academics, schools and corporate organisations to support everyone from children, young adults, working people, stressed, anxious and clinically depressed people, & those suffering with trauma diagnoses to learn ways to restore their wellbeing with skills and knowledge with an evidence base in science, mindfulness and yoga-based traditions. I have enhanced DBS and teach either group or one-to-one sessions online or in person: Weekly group yoga and mindfulness-based meditation classes (online & in person) One-to-one sessions and courses (online & in person) Yoga and mindfulness courses & workshops for all levels (dates to be confirmed) A blog and social media posts to inspire and provide resources to oil the wheels of your week (irregular!) A few retreats a year where you can immerse yourself in learning body wisdom and mind craft among kind, friendly and welcoming groups of like-souled people. In my free time I enjoy travel or watching travel documentaries, learning languages, walks with Mother Nature, the gym (not really but I do resistance exercise), music, art and dancing – Argentine tango and historical dances from the Baroque and Regency periods with the Winchester Baroque Dancers and Duke of Wellington’s Dancers. I am a Jane Austen superfan or Janeite and appear in a BBC documentary commemorating 200 years of her death in 2017! I have twin nephews and a niece, who all started practising yoga while very young. I’m hoping to add a rescue pug to the family very soon.

Lunar Spirit Wellbeing

lunar spirit wellbeing


Lunar Spirit Wellbeing is an award winning Holistic Practice, we are passionate about helping people like you improve mental health and emotional wellbeing so you can create more joy and happiness in your life. Owned and run by Jennifer McKenzie- Wellbeing Consultant, Holistic Coach, Author & Radio Presenter. Our mission is to help you consciously create a happier healthier life by connecting to yourself and the world around you on a deeper energetic level. A life where you feel free to be YOU and follow your own path, whatever that looks like. We offer a safe space for you to heal trauma, anxiety and release heavy stuck energy you have been carrying around for so long. We live in a time where many of us lack CONNECTION, modern life has almost made us forget our roots, the connection we have to nature and the capacity to slow down. Therefore we have a society of people living in survival mode with high anxiety. Seeking to avoid emotions with drinking, over working or material possessions, reaching burnout and getting sick. With my help you can make the changes, break the cycle and create a better quality of life for yourself. Are you getting home from work reaching for that glass of wine just to unwind, running on auto pilot not remembering how you got somewhere, trying to get through each day wishing for the weekend to hurry up and then dreading Monday morning? It’s ok- no judgement here! I’ve been there myself so I know first hand what that feels like and also how to help you make those all important shifts – small changes = big results. Did you know? This is why I’m so passionate about showing people change is possible, why I started running workshops and coaching- I’ve walked the walk, in 2015 my mental health was at rock bottom, full of anxiety, drinking most days, I’d been through a lot in my teens, toxic relationships, low self esteem. My head was loud with intrusive thoughts, I didn’t know how to make it stop, in the end I tried to take my own life and in the hospital I made a promise to myself to change – so I did and in 2016 I opened the doors to my business and well the rest is history! Ok, ok it wasn’t quite that simple! The thing is, I was lacking connection to myself, connecting with the wrong people to fit in, holding onto the past, people pleasing, exhausted and stressed- sound familiar? I was holding all my emotions in and not facing them- healing happens by feeling. Yes it’s uncomfortable but oh so worth it! I’m a big believer in this -you are never too old or too young to start something! Never too young to start educating around emotional wellbeing and never too old to make changes to your life or start over! What you waiting for? There is so much beauty already within you and all around you, many opportunities and abundance. We all have an innate inner wisdom that is conditioned out of us- we help you to reignite your inner magic, regain trust in your intuition firstly by reconnecting to yourself, then to nature and others. Jen will mentor and support you to peel back the layers, expand your self awareness with a journey of self discovery. A holistic approach and the wisdom of ancient spiritual practices bring you deep healing and lasting meaningful change. I offer coaching, workshops, retreats and courses to businesses, schools, establishments and individuals for personal and professional development. Focusing on mental health and emotional wellbeing. We believe in the power of connection -community- inclusion and diversity so no-one gets left behind! It all starts with you and your journey starts here with us!

Guidepost Montessori

guidepost montessori

Development takes the form of a drive toward an ever-greater independence. It is like an arrow released from the bow, which flies straight, swift and sure. The child’s conquest of independence begins with his first introduction to life. While he is developing, he perfects himself and overcomes every obstacle that he finds in his path.” MARIA MONTESSORI Founder of the Montessori Method of education The Montessori approach Montessori helps your child develop a fundamental, enduring love of learning and the deeply ingrained social, emotional, and academic skills they need to succeed as an adult. Montessori combines highly intentional learning materials, rich social development, and a joyous approach to practiced independence. Our mission Our singular mission at Guidepost is to guide and empower each child as she grows in her independence. In every child lives limitless human potential. For the child to realize that potential is to confidently grow and to joyously learn. It is to create and to love herself while gaining the knowledge to form a unique vision of her singular life. It is the security to live that vision, to dare greatly, to love others. The Montessori approach to human development is based on the belief in the potential of the child, and on the belief that it is only the child herself who can realize this potential. To grow up well is to grow up to be increasingly independent — to be increasingly capable, increasingly confident, increasingly secure, increasingly able to meet one’s own needs, forming one’s own values, and authoring one’s own life. Our job as caretakers is to understand and to love this process as it unfolds for children in our care, and to support the child in blazing her trail. The circumstances of children are as varied as children themselves. The specific needs, the precise resources available, the particular constraints faced by each child and each family are different. As times change, there is a need to keep step and to ensure that the application is timely. But the fundamental need is timeless: to help the child achieve her own development. So, too, is the fundamental method: to provide the child with material, environment, and guidance that is lovingly optimized to support her in that work. The support a child’s caretakers can provide for her burgeoning independence is multifaceted: We can provide materials and inspiration for her to do the work of growing and learning. Every child learns to walk, but not every child learns to walk in a way that feels like an exciting challenge, that redounds upon her confidence. So it is with all of human development and knowledge. The child achieves her own development by engagement and by practice. From grasping an object for the first time, to eating independently, to toileting, to putting her world to words—to the whole world of knowledge, of nature and quantity and life and culture—the effort that children put in can be magnified by thoughtful learning materials and guidance. We can carefully support a child’s environment, creating a wonderful world for her in which to grow up. Children are constantly interacting with and absorbing experiences from their environment. One of the best things we can do for a child is to set up a space where she can be maximally independent and efficacious, a space that is to her comprehensible and enticing, a space that is aesthetically and pedagogically rich. Whether it’s at school or at home, the principles are the same: a world that is accessible, orderly, and enticing is a world that is supportive of a child’s growth. We can prepare ourselves as caretakers of the child. Raising children is as demanding as it is rewarding. It requires that we spend ourselves in understanding and love, that we thoughtfully navigate the stages of a unique child’s development, and that have the self-awareness to manage our own lives, motivation, and energy as we do so. It is tremendously beneficial to both the child and her caretakers to elevate a teaching and parenting philosophy to consciousness, to take an integrated approach to the infinite texture of a child’s growth toward independence. Finally, we can connect with others, other parents, other teachers, other developmentalists and pedagogues, each of whom adds their own experience and wisdom to our accumulated knowledge about child development. Montessori is not just a philosophy of human development. It is also an applied pedagogy, one with over a century of validation, refinement, and grassroots international growth. Guidepost, and each member of our community, benefits tremendously by participating in that movement and history.

Creative Arts Mentoring

creative arts mentoring


Artist Mentor enables contemporary artists and creative professionals to make significant changes in their work and lives. We have mentored and coached hundreds of creative clients from across the globe to improve their work, lives, businesses, and their careers. We love helping creative people be more successful. Take your moonshot! Ceri hand talks about the services that Artist Mentor provides, and how, with the right kind of tailored coaching, you can achieve creative, professional and personal goals that may have previously eluded you. [The video will open in a pop-up window] Whether you want to make better work, attract more studio visits, exhibitions, build your network, create a more compelling website, make more income, or get that new job, we can help you shine. Together we take stock of your work and creative journey to date, clarify your strengths, purpose, and opportunities, and define the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. We work with individuals over an agreed period, as a challenging, critical friend, providing accountability to ensure lasting transformation. We plan with you how to integrate what you’ve learned within your everyday life and schedule, ensuring you continue to thrive. We provide one-to-one and group sessions, providing learning and skill sharing opportunities through expert led classes, resources and free community events and resources. We also have a network of Associate Mentors we provide regular work to - a diverse mix of experienced artists, curators, educators and gallerists, enabling us to respond to increased demand and support a growing range of client and sector needs. All sessions are confidential and your Artist Mentor mentor or coach will be a committed, trusted critical friend. Why get a Mentor or Coach? If you’re a creative, chances are you’re an introvert, deep thinker and highly sensitive - great qualities for realising innovative work! Unfortunately, we know that a high percentage of creative people can often feel isolated, rejected, and suffer from self-doubt, negative self-talk, or imposter syndrome. Old stories may weigh heavily and inhibit your growth, or you get stuck in a fear of failure loop or suffer from self-destructive habits. It might be that you simply can’t see the wood from the trees and have lost sight of your priorities or strengths. Having a trusted champion, committed to helping you flourish, helps you identify and make the changes necessary to reach your goals. A mentor or coach believes in you, recognises your special sauce, identifies opportunities, new tools, and growth potential with you, setting you challenges or targets to help you take the appropriate steps. What's the difference between Mentoring and Coaching? Mentoring A Mentor can serve as a critical sounding board at critical points throughout your creative career, providing an insider's perspective and guidance you may not be able to get from other sources. The role of a mentor is to listen, learn, and advise and is usually a longer-term relationship. A mentor can help you excel in your practice and career, and become the best version of yourself, helping you achieve your goals, introducing you to new ways of thinking, challenging your limiting assumptions, signposting, and offering critical feedback. A mentor will often draw on their personal experiences and expertise to help advise and encourage dialogue with their mentee. This could be in the form of sharing a story, tools, resources, or lessons learned from a challenge they overcame in their career. This kind of personal dialogue is encouraged in a mentoring relationship. Coaching A Coach encourages self-discovery and growth to secure lasting change. Together we assess your current situation and challenges, identify limiting beliefs, interrogate, and address perceived obstacles. We create a safe thinking environment, ask incisive questions and devise a custom plan of action designed to help you achieve specific outcomes. We nurture creative strategies based on what fits best with your goals, personality and vision and foster accountability to increase productivity. Coaching partnerships are usually more short term than mentoring relationships, as they are usually objective driven and more structured. Someone may seek out a coach to help them develop a specific skill or work through a particular limiting belief. The coaching could well end once that skill or objective had been acquired. A coach can help increase your self-awareness: identifying areas for improvement, and challenging assumptions that may be preventing you achieve your goals. Coaching is often used for the development of leadership skills, where they may train you in the art of questioning to equip you to manage others better or identifying limiting beliefs in yourself. The relationship between a client and their coach is a collaborative creative partnership.

Nexus Human

nexus human


Nexus Human, established over 20 years ago, stands as a pillar of excellence in the realm of IT and Business Skills Training and education in Ireland and the UK.  For over two decades, Nexus Human has been a steadfast source of reliable and high-quality training solutions, catering to a diverse range of professional and educational needs. With a strong reputation in the Training Industry, Nexus Human has consistently demonstrated its commitment to equipping individuals and organisations with the skills and knowledge required to thrive in today's dynamic world.  Our training programs span a wide spectrum, encompassing IT certifications, business skills, and much more.   What sets Nexus Human apart is our unwavering dedication to staying at the forefront of industry trends and technology advancements.  Our expert instructors, coupled with cutting-edge training resources, ensure that students receive the most up-to-date and relevant knowledge available. The impact of Nexus Human extends far and wide, helping individuals enhance their career prospects and aiding businesses in achieving their goals.  This 20-year journey has solidified our institution's standing as a trusted partner in personal and professional growth, offering reliable, excellent training that continues to shape the future.  Whether you seek to upskill, reskill, or simply stay ahead of the curve, Nexus Human is the place to turn for an educational experience marked by quality, reliability, and innovation.