219 Educators providing Courses

Masters in Minds

masters in minds

Masters in Minds is a leading sustainable transformation, change and innovation partner. We facilitate inspiring strategies for high performance through enlightening mindsets, transforming behaviours, increasing capability, delivering results, and making your business a place people can thrive in. When we thrive, business thrives, society thrives.I left school just before my 16th birthday. I got a job with the largest employer in the area – everyone did. I worked for 5 years without ambition – I didn’t know anything else was possible for me. Then a new manager took over the large department I worked in and my life started to change. He had one of those ‘real and honest’ conversations with me and after that the light he shone on me was greater than the light I was shining on myself. He gave me 2 options. Simply put, shape up and I will help you build a career or ship out because I am going to build something great here. I chose the former and my life changed forever. He kept his word and has been my managerial role model ever since. Thanks Dave Brown (ACCESS, circa 1983). I was promoted to my first managerial position and onto a training role. I was sent on a course which transformed my life and I attended a fast track programme to become a managing director. I was fortunate to work for an organisation committed to personal development which facilitated my enrolment in a Masters degree in Change Strategy & Facilitation Skills. Having left school with no more than 4 O Levels that was quite an achievement.

Civil Society Media Ltd

civil society media ltd


Civil Society Media is the UK’s only independent media company dedicated solely to supporting the charity sector. We deliver essential information, expert analysis and thought leadership through high-quality printed and digital publications, training courses, and live events. Our output is honed using the insight of our audiences, our own specialist knowledge, and a deep understanding of charities derived from working collaboratively with a wide range of sector partners. Civil Society Media was founded in 1990. Charity Finance was the first publication; Fundraising Magazine was acquired in 2005 and Governance & Leadership launched that same year. The Charity Awards launched in 2000. Our work is based on principles established by our late founder Daniel Phelan, whose core purpose was to help charities and other civil society organisations deliver sustainable public benefit. Dan’s legacy endures in our company culture and our products, and his vision continues to shape our strategy. The purpose of our products is to support and strengthen individual charities and the sector as a whole. As well as our own original content produced and edited by our nine-strong team of journalists and event programmers, we provide a platform for respected professional advisers and other experts to deliver specialist technical advice and guidance. We curate the best content from around the web, and we facilitate conversations and peer learning among our audiences. Our content informs, facilitates debate, empowers, champions and challenges charities to be the best they can be. - See more at: https://www.civilsociety.co.uk/about-civil-society-media.html#sthash.jBGpTBnH.dpuf

Zanaan Wanaan

zanaan wanaan


Zanaan Wanaan are Kashmiri words for ‘women speak.’ ZW engages in feminist activism on the ground, produces independent scholarship, supports creative work, and works towards strengthening the women’s movement in Kashmir. ZW’s action-research based approach is rooted in the commitment to upholding principles of peace, equality, and justice. We also work on building transnational feminist solidarities, forging alliances and creating cross-movement conversations. Areas of focus: Producing independent scholarship Engaging in feminist activism and advocacy Promoting civil discourse Encouraging critical inquiry Supporting and platforming Kashmiri women cultural practitioners Fostering creative expression What We Do: ZW is a cross-section of art, academia, media and activism. Our work facilitates, amplifies and advocates for women’s involvement in socio-political discourse. We publish original works in the annual issues in the ZW Journal. These issues are thematic collections of works by Kashmiri women from diverse backgrounds in the form of academic articles, narrative essays, investigative reports, auto-ethnographic accounts, interviews, artworks, photo-essays, video stories, and more. We are a network of women on ground and across the world working collaboratively on interdisciplinary projects ranging from gender based violence, peace and security, climate crisis, public health, and so on. ZW is focussed on women and youth-led activist action through critical initiatives required to build and sustain social change. We support/produce creative and artistic expression for civic action and information dissemination. In addition to this, we conduct capacity-building workshops, film-screenings, provide skill-based training programmes and also introductory courses on research and methodologies to young women as a part of our grassroots collective action.

E. C. Goodwin Technical High School

e. c. goodwin technical high school

I am honored to serve as Interim Superintendent for the Connecticut Technical Education and Career System (CTECS); the finest Career and Technical Education program in Connecticut. For over 100 years, this school system has prepared high school students and adult learners with the skills to be successful in high-demand technical careers, while equipping Connecticut business and industry with a talented workforce to support economic growth. I am proud to be a part of that story. For 30 years I have worked in a variety of education roles. Most recently, I served as Superintendent of Bristol Public Schools where I was directly involved in the development and implementation of the district’s career partnership with business and industry in the city of Bristol, as well as a successful school-to-work career pathways program. Through this experience I observed how opportunities in the skilled-trades can transform the lives of students by setting them up for a living-wage career. I am excited to learn more about the opportunities CTECS offers. I believe that educational leaders are in the business of serving people first. Student growth, achievement and outcomes do not happen without a solid school foundation built on trust, seamless and open dialogue, and the willingness to engage in critical conversations. As such, over the coming months I’ll be spending my days in classrooms with students, meeting with CTECS staff, and getting to know our business and industry partners so that I can continue to support the growth of this school system. Thank you for your continued support of CTECS’ nearly 11,500 high school students and adult learners. I look forward to a rewarding school year together.




Rebecca launched Siendo to give people the knowledge, tools and confidence they need to support their own wellbeing, at every stage of their lives. Training as a Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Instructor, Meditation & Yoga Teacher and Personal Development Coach while working in corporate banking gave Rebecca a unique perspective. She saw, first hand, the importance of proactive wellbeing support within high-performance environments and she knew this was an area where she could make a real difference; removing the stigma, encouraging conversations, and making wellbeing a priority in people’s lives. However, through experience, Rebecca understands that change only happens when people are empowered to make it themselves. Therefore, the driving mission behind Siendo is to provide clients with the tools, techniques and knowledge so that they have the power, confidence and capacity to build happy, healthy and high-performing cultures. After training over 1000 people in Mental Health & Suicide First Aid, with clients ranging from the NHS and The Big Issue to Nike and Oxford University, it is clear that every industry can benefit immensely from improved mental health awareness. Whether you are a blue chip company, a healthcare provider or a university looking to support the mental health of your staff and students, Siendo has the expertise, the tools and the people to support you and your staff with workplace wellbeing. At Siendo, we are lucky to have a team of incredibly well-rounded and experienced human beings who are insatiably passionate about making a positive impact in the world of mental health and wellbeing. From aviation to healthcare, from emergency services to higher education; with decades of experience between us, we’ve got you covered.

Ali Smith trauma  informed coach

ali smith trauma informed coach

Hi, I’m Ali Smith, coach, EMDR therapist, inspirational speaker, corporate trainer. I’m on a mission to educate and empower both individuals and organisations. I use a trauma-informed approach in my one to one sessions and workshops , providing education on tackling workplace wellbeing and stress at work After almost losing my life to a terrorist attack some years ago, I believed that my experience would lead me to my purpose. As an inspirational speaker I share my journey to recovery with the aim of raising awareness on PTSD. After years of experience working in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors, I noticed a need for increased focus on employee training initiatives around managing stress at work . Workplace wellbeing has now become a priority in our post-pandemic world I became a best-selling author in 2019 after documenting my journey to recovery after CPTSD. Alongside my 1 to 1 client sessions and speaking engagements, my trauma awareness training for organisations and business coaches has been designed to equip leaders to improve employee collaboration and reduce staff absence I’m comfortable talking about stress and trauma. Trauma is NEVER about the event but always about the internal process as a result of the event Understanding how we can manage our own internal experience helps us to reframe our lives and manage stress at work In a highly traumatised society , I’d like to see everyone willing to engage in these conversations . We need to be talking openly about trauma if we are to move forwards as a collective “Take what was your past and light it as a bonfire to be a beacon of light for others to gravitate to”

Language For Fun

language for fun


Join one of our Lovely, lively language classes for adults. We have 500 classes in the UK, just waiting for you to learn French, Spanish or Italian for fun!At the time, I was teaching in an FE college, and in a Primary School and studying for a PGCE in adult education. I quickly realised that many of the games and interactive techniques that the children enjoyed could be adapted for adult pupils. I decided to trial a language course for adults where the focus was on fun and conversation, rather than results and written work. So in 2007 I created French for Fun and held my first classes in Newcastle-under-Lyme. Through trial and error, I came up with a regular weekly format that worked and incorporated the learning theory from my PGCE. The classes are now built around a series of conversations, so everyone gets up and talks in every lesson at the same time (no trembling in front of the class). In January 2010, after enrolling our 60th student, I decided to see if French for Fun worked with other languages. In March 2010, Sally and Alejandra started to translate the programme in to Spanish with great success and we have also finished the Italian translation. I also started to offer licences to other teachers, training them to use my materials and supporting them to set up their own language teaching business. We now have 100 teachers dotted around the country and we’re training more all the time, so there will be a class coming to somewhere near you soon. Yippee! If you know anyone who would like to get involved in the next chapter of this story, either as a learner, a teacher, or to translate the programme in to their language, get in touch!

Scottish BPOC Writers Network

scottish bpoc writers network


Scottish BPOC Writers Network (SBWN) is an advocacy and professional development group for Scottish or Scotland-based writers and literary professionals who identify as BPOC (Black people, People of Colour).* Contact us Frequently Asked Questions Membership Membership is free and open to any BPOC* writer or literary professional who is Scottish and/or based in Scotland and participates in our online or venue-based events or spaces, or publishing or literary opportunities. Membership may be extended to BPOC writers or literary professionals based outwith Scotland on occasion. Commissioned artists will typically be from the BPOC and/or SBWN communities. SBWN may work with volunteers, partners and allies who identify as BPOC, or white, or another racial or ethnic identity. Some events or activities may be open to the general public or the wider literary community. We have adopted a Constitution. We operate a Safer Spaces Policy during all events, projects and initiatives. *Please see our Mission and Values page for who we are talking about when we say ‘Scottish BPOC writers.’ History Formerly known as Scottish BAME Writers Network (2018-2021), SBWN was co-founded in 2018 by Alycia Pirmohamed and Jay Gao, and aims to connect Scottish BPOC writers with the wider literary sector in Scotland and beyond. Weaving together collaborative literary partnerships, cross-arts co-creation and an intersectional approach to inclusive and participatory programming, SBWN is a sector change-maker, facilitating necessary conversations around inclusive programming in an effort to address and overcome systemic barriers. Professional development programming includes publishing and performance opportunities, workshops, masterclasses, curatorial roles, training and seminars, industry panels and partnerships, feedback and mentoring. Run by BPOC writers for BPOC writers, and informed by member surveys, consultation and feedback, SBWN uplifts, validates and provides safer spaces for marginalised voices, nurturing and promoting the current and next generation of Black and POC writers based in Scotland.

Fight For Peace International

fight for peace international


At Fight for Peace young people make friends, get fit, and develop their interests, skills, and confidence. Our aim is to ensure young people achieve their full potential in life, and we welcome any young person from our communities aged 7-25 years old. We embrace the power of sport for the life lessons it teaches, such as resilience and discipline, as well as improved health and wellbeing. And we combine this with one-to-one mentoring conversations with qualified youth workers, personal development sessions, and education and employability support. Young leaders also shape our services, being part of staff recruitment and strategy development, producing communications, and progressing to employed roles as ‘Next Gen’ staff. We support around 500 young people per year at our Academy in east London and, in order to reach as many young people as possible, we train and work with like minded community partners across the UK and the world - something we call the Fight for Peace Alliance. We also coordinate Collectives in east London and Jamaica to bring together diverse partners from across communities in support of young people. You can find out more about our work at fightforpeace.net [http://www.fightforpeace.net/], where you can sign up to monthly updates, and follow our Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/fightforpeace/?hl=en], YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/user/fightforpeacegroup] and LinkedIn [https://www.linkedin.com/company/1206493/] social media channels to see lots of content produced with our young people.