21949 Educators providing Courses




Aksantys is an independent, multi-disciplinary non-profit organization aimed at supporting and creating innovative IT solutions and educational programmes to boost the digital transformation in Europe and abroad. By possessing and developing unique abilities to collaborate jointly at the entrepreneurial, as well as policy making level, Aksantys’ mission is to strengthen the potential of the digital transformation to improve the economic welfare of societies Established in the UK and rebranded in France, Aksantys today provides innovative IT tools and programmes to the private and public sector, as well as policy advices and education in the field of digitalization in vocational education and training. Drawing on an experienced in-house team, a network of experts and partners, Aksantys’ activities are territorially focused at the EU and African level. Our activities are addressed to diverse type of stakeholders. Therefore, they are divided into two types of specific activities: Activities provided at the policy framework level. As well as activities proposed at the company level. At the policy framework level: The diagnosis of the skills needs and skills forecasting at the national, sectoral and local level. The diagnosis of the skills supply and skills shortages at the national, sectoral and local level. Innovative tools for the work-based learning. Measures aimed at identifying digital competence gaps. Rich set of tailored-made courses on digital competences: information and data literacy, digital technologies for communication and collaboration, netiquette, cyber security and others. At the company level: