18080 Educators providing Courses

Real Chinese Academy

real chinese academy


Founded in 2006, Real Chinese Academy has been working towards all-around “student development, teacher development and school development”, upholding the principle of “quality-first”, and implementing the philosophy of integrating cultural awareness into language learning. In the past decade or so, we have enabled many students to acquire a broad knowledge of Chinese culture, and practical skills of using the Chinese language. At the same time, our team of dedicated teachers have raised their professionalism to a new level. Real Chinese Academy is going from strength to strength. To ensure high-quality teaching results, we group students based on their age, level of Chinese language and family background (native/non-native Chinese speaker). All teachers utilise multimedia method and self-designed entertaining materials to facilitate teaching and enhance students’ achievements. Wechat and WhatsApp chat groups for parents are created to strengthen parent-teacher communications. At the same time, we hold regular parents meetings to discuss students’ progress at school while listening to parents’ feedbacks. For parents’ convenience, relevant information will be posted on our official website. Homework and assignments will be published on our website to make it easier for parents to supervise their children. Besides Chinese language teaching, we are honoured to have a world-class renowned artist, Mr. Sheng Qi, to lead our Visual arts course. In addition, English actress Helen Hobson teaches our Public Speaking course, and dozens of students have achieved excellent results in LAMDA exams which lay the foundation for all-round development of students. Headmistress Ms. Zoe Xu, originally from Beijing, is a mother of two. She is well versed in the comparative research of Chinese and British education as well as family education. In the last two decades, she has written books related to education such as Please Don’t Do This to Your Children, Chinese Orphans and Their Foreign Parents, Alternative Route to Development, Ten Skills That Affect Your Child’s Fortune. All the titles are published in mainland China. Real Chinese is growing! From only six pupils at the very beginning for Mandarin only, we’ve grown to be two hundred strong. Every year some of our students take GCSE Chinese and each of them achieved A* grade. Real Chinese have developed from simple teaching to a broader field of education. The school has found a successful way of managing the Chinese language education as the core while valuing all-around education. The road ahead will be long and rugged, yet we shall search high and low, for the benefit of the community and the promotion of the Chinese language and culture.

British Society of Gerontology

british society of gerontology


The British Society of Gerontology was established in 1971. It provides a multidisciplinary forum for researchers and other individuals interested in the situations of older people, and in how knowledge about ageing and later life can be enhanced and improved. Until 1979, the Society was known as the British Society of Social and Behavioural Gerontology. BSG is a registered charitable company (Charity number: 264385) and is the professional organisation representing gerontologists in Britain. The Society was elected as a member of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) in 1987, and is affiliated to many other organisations in the UK and abroad. As a learned society, our aim is to advance gerontological research, education, theory and practice. We are active in raising the profile of ageing and in drawing attention to its social, economic and policy implications. To this end, we are working to a five year (2015-2020) strategy entitled ‘Raising the Profile of Ageing Research in a Changing World‘. This aims to position the BSG as a world leader in the development of ageing research. To accomplish this aim, BSG brings together researchers, practitioners, educators, policy-makers, students and older people. Our members have varied backgrounds and come from: the social and behavioural sciences; humanities; medicine; health; housing; social care; nursing; policy arenas and voluntary agencies. BSG has Memorandums of Understanding with both AgeUK and the ILC-UK. For more information on either of these, please contact the Secretariat. The society is also in the process of updating a formal agreement with CPU in collaboration with CPA in relation to the publication of Ageing and Society. The Society holds an annual conference (either in July or September) organised and hosted by members from different Centres and Institutions around the country. The annual conference attracts international delegates as well as domestic participants and is a prime opportunity to meet and network with like-minded colleagues. The Society publishes a regular journal – Generations Review; was instrumental in the establishment of Ageing and Society – one of the premier peer-reviewed journals in the field; and is responsible for a range of other publications including a Directory of Members’ interests and ‘Making the Case for the Social Sciences: No 2, Ageing’. The work of the BSG is overseen by an elected Executive Committee assisted by a part-time Secretariat. In addition to the annual conference, the Society supports a variety of other events and activities. In particular, we have an active group for postgraduate students and early career researchers – ERA; make bursaries available to support conference attendance; and award prizes and funds to recognise the contributions of members.

The Loom Room

the loom room

Here at La Tuilerie, in the beautiful and historic Val d’Albret, near Nérac, in the heart of Gascony, SW France, is the weaving and teaching studio of Stacey Harvey-Brown. Her life’s continuing goal is to create 3-dimensional woven art inspired by nature, and to enthuse, inspire and assist others who wish to explore the world of weave – My mission is unlocking creativity through weave so that you can be the weaver you want to be! She is currently the weave editor for the UK’s Journal of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers. Stacey is currently creating a new website but in the meantime, this site will take you through to the new courses, so feel free to continue browsing. WOVEN OPTICAL ILLUSIONS – BOOK and Workshops! Like everyone else, The Loom Room France has had to postpone all studio courses until 2022 (following government guidelines). However, Stacey is working on an exciting project called Woven Optical Illusions. She presented a seminar to the New England Weavers on Saturday 17th July and now is continuing to develop more fascinating illusions in weave for a book which is planned for Summer 2022! If you are interested in the Woven Optical Illusions book and the online series it is leading to, you can sign up for our specific newsletter here. At The Loom Room France, we offer you a holiday weaving experience you will never forget (in a good way!!) When life returns to ‘normal’, we shall continue to offer our regular courses and some new ones! One week Courses – whatever your weaving experience, whether complete beginner, intermediate, or experienced, we offer tailor-made residential weaving courses. Incorporated into your course are two half-day excursions in this enchanting area, visiting selected places of interest, local markets (a hallmark of this area of France) and experiencing the food and drink of the region, as well as home-brewed real English ale from professional micro-brewer, Albret Ales, and enjoying the wonderfully relaxed joie de vivre of life in the slow lane. We also offer dedicated courses on specific topics, such as creating texture (Texture for the Tentative & Three Techniques for Texture) (more advanced), Honeycomb Hybrids (based on my book) and Woven Optical Illusions (coming up!). Home cooking, local wines and the convivial ambience of warm lazy evenings on the terrace watching the sunset and the wildlife or participating in local social offerings (if you want to!) are also an important part of your course!

Avonbourne Girls Academy

avonbourne girls academy



It is with great pleasure and much pride that I welcome you to Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies website. We are proud to be two non-selective 11-18 schools based in Bournemouth and incredibly privileged to be part of the multi–Academy Trust, United Learning. Avonbourne Academies are also extremely fortunate to be part of the Bournemouth and Poole Cluster, where we work closely, and share good practice with Glenmoor and Winton Academies, Avonwood Primary School and The Cornerstone Academy. At Avonbourne Academies, we believe that every child matters and every lesson counts, and we believe in the importance of creating well - rounded citizens who achieve academic excellence. Avonbourne is a highly inclusive school that caters for the needs of all students. We ensure our most able students are stretched academically and students with special educational needs and disabilities are expertly supported, allowing the Academies to ensure the best in everyone. We were delighted to celebrate excellent GCSE and A level results in the Summer showing the huge improvement already achieved at the Academies. Avonbourne Boys' and Girls' Academies are two co - located schools that joined United Learning in 2019 with lessons being taught in a single - sex environment in Years 7-9, with opportunities for mixed sex teaching from Year 10 onwards . This has proved to be hugely successful with resources, staffing expertise and curriculum opportunities now being fully utilised for the benefit of all students at the Academies. Co-location has been seen by all stakeholders as offering the ‘best of both’, which I believe provides our students with the best possible chance of educational success. The school also hosts the United Sixth Form and provides teaching of the highest quality, excellent facilities, a caring and supportive environment, as well as delivering a comprehensive range of social and enrichment activities. As an organisation, we expect everyone to embrace our core REACH values of respect, equality, ambition, community, hard work & determination. Students can access a huge number of extra-curricular opportunities across the Academies, and I am hugely proud of our sports teams, creative performers and STEM enthusiasts. I hope you find the information on this website useful and please do not hesitate to contact the Academies if you wish to organise a tour and see for yourself the excellent work being done by the outstanding students who attend Avonbourne Boys' and Avonbourne Girls' Academies. If you would like to be kept up to date with developments at Avonbourne then I recommend following us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and accessing the Academies' newsletter.

Bristol Technology And Engineering Academy

bristol technology and engineering academy



The school vision drives all that we seek to do on a daily basis and is therefore of central importance to help guide us in how we work, learn and treat one another in our school community. The table here outlines our school vision, values, culture and characteristics in more detail. Governance operates at two different levels at Abbeywood Community School as it is an academy and part of The Olympus Academy Trust. The school has its own School Improvement Committee (SIC) made up of Trust Governors which is accountable to and reports to the Olympus Board of Trustees. The secondary lead Trustee often attends the SIC meeting and some Trust Governors in Olympus also attend the Board’s sub-committees. This means Trust Governors can be directly involved in decision making at Board level, and have the opportunity to input and collaborate in all key areas that may impact schools. Click here to learn more about The Olympus Academy Trust. Abbeywood Community School Improvement Committee The Trust Governors at Abbeywood Community School work closely with the school’s Senior Leadership Team and Staff to develop the vision and aims of the school community. They seek to raise standards and achievement through the appropriate use of all available resources. The Governors’ responsibilities are to: Provide strategic direction for the work and improvement of the school. Support, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the school. Ensure accountability for standards and quality of education in the school. Governance is assessed by OFSTED in its Leadership and Management judgement about the school and so is an integral part of the running of the school. The School Improvement Committee consists of people from a variety of backgrounds who represent different areas of the school and local community. Each Trust Governor is appointed for a four year term with all their work being done on a voluntary basis. Currently our Trust Governors have extensive experience in Education, Business, Engineering and Technology. Governors meet as a full team at six meetings during the school year but as well as having a commitment to attend these meetings, Governors will also meet with students and parents, carry out Governor walks around the school, monitor the school improvement agenda, and meet with staff. The school is always keen to hear from people who may be interested in finding out more about our work or in becoming a Trust Governor themselves. Initial contact can be made with the Headteacher or Chair of the School Improvement Committee via the school. SIC Pecuniary Interests and Terms of Office 2022-23 Olympus scheme of delegation

The Restore Trust

the restore trust


A fair society where socially excluded people are supported to obtain skills, qualifications and employment to build sustainable, independent lives contributing positively to society History: At its foundation, The Restore Trust was set up in 2009 by the current CEO Suzanne Thompson and SMT board of Avon & Somerset Probation Trust, in conjunction with the National Offender Management Service. The organisation was registered as an independent VCSE in 2010 and is managed by an excellent board of trustees. Whilst the organisation retains a specialism in working with people with complex needs and criminal convictions, it can work with anyone in the community who is experiencing barriers in accessing training and employment. Many of our clients have complex needs in relation to homelessness, mental health problems, drug/alcohol dependency and offending behaviour. We pride ourselves on our non-judgemental, person-centred approach in our work with clients that builds their confidence, motivation and helps to inspire change in their lives. Mission/Values: Our mission is to work collaboratively with different organisations to promote equality of opportunity, strengthen the sector by access to high quality services to enable people to reach their full potential by gaining the skills, confidence, qualifications and employment suited to their needs and aspirations, ultimately contributing positively to society and the local economy. This mission aligns with our core values of working in a non-judgemental and person-centred way to build constructive and supportive working relationships with our clients to help them progress and achieve the goals they have identified. We offer a relaxed, informal environment and with additional wrap around support when required, including provision of free refreshments and snacks to support clients learning on-site. A key part of our success comes from our partnerships, and we pride ourselves on having an excellent staff team with backgrounds in Criminal Justice, Welfare, and Community work with disadvantaged young people and adults. The superb quality of our board members also brings an additional wealth of expertise and experience to our organisation. Looking to partner and support other organisations A key part of our success at The Restore Trust comes from our formal and informal partnerships with a range of statutory, private and voluntary organisations. We recognise the need to work collaboratively to achieve mutual positive outcomes for our clients and to work in ways in which organisations can mutually benefit from partnership support. We welcome dialogue around how we can work with other organisations to strengthen the sector, and continue to expand access to a range of services for our clients to support their journey towards employment.

Fort Luton

fort luton


In 1859 Lord Palmerston instigated the Royal Commission on the Defence of the United Kingdom to review the nation’s defences. At the time there was a strong possibility of a French attack and the country’s existing defences were deemed obsolete. The report was published the following year with the recommendation of the construction of a series of forts to strengthen the defences around the country against landward attack. Over 80 forts were built with five being constructed in Medway to protect the Royal Dockyard, Royal Arsenal and the approach to London. Fort Luton was the smallest in the “Chatham Concrete Ring”. The five forts were Fort Borstal, Fort Bridgewoods, Fort Horsted, Fort Luton and Fort Darland. The design and placement of the forts were based on the needs and armament available in 1860, artillery range was three miles and with the site of the forts you could hold the enemy around five miles from the Dockyard at Chatham, an important feature of approach to London was the A2 which Rochester Bridge is part of and this had to be protected, if the enemy could use it they would have a direct route into London and if they destroyed the bridge they could delay our troops from hampering their invasion plans and forcing them to travel miles to cross the River Medway. Construction started on the Medway forts in the mid-1870s however funds became short and work stopped for some years, by the time work began again armament had so improved as to make the forts useless for the defence of the Royal Dockyard and Rochester Bridge, artillery fire was now travelling up to twelve miles. The design of the forts were changed many times reflecting on the improving armament, changing needs for defence and the new suggestion that fixed artillery forts were an unnecessary cost which field works could replace. Due to the constant improvements during this short period many features of Fort Luton were removed from plans including a main magazine, counterscarp galleries and a caponier. The size of Fort Luton was also reduced and a casemate was converted into the use of a magazine. None of the forts received their fixed gun emplacements but instead they were provided with secure bases around the ramparts, this allowed field guns to be wheeled into position when under attack but also removed if there was heavy bombardment. To protect the guns Fort Luton was provided with four gun shelters in which the artillery men could also retreat when in danger.

Stevenage Borough Council

stevenage borough council


We’re really pleased you’ve chosen to move here. Surrounded by the leafy countryside of Hertfordshire, Stevenage is a town steeped in rich heritage and culture, with a long history spanning back to Saxon times. There’s lots to think about when you’ve just moved, so we’ve put together a summary of a few pointers that should help. Key things for you to do now you’ve moved in Tell our Council Tax service(opens in new window) that you’ve moved in and sort out a direct debit. Register to vote in Stevenage – you won’t be able to vote in any elections if you don’t register after moving. Find out when your bins will be collected and who your local councillors are. See what bin to use for your recycling and refuse. Take all your packing boxes to the town’s recycling centre. Leisure, Culture and Wellbeing Stevenage Museum, located underneath St. Andrew and St. George's Church near the town centre, is a small, family-friendly museum which tells the story of the town from pre historic Stevenage through to the modern day, including the evolution of Britain’s first post-war new town. The town’s design means it has a great range of parks and open spaces in all areas, including our 120 acre Fairlands Valley Park with a series of four lakes, water sports and a splash park and our Town Centre Gardens. The Arts and Leisure Centre(opens in new window) houses the Gordon Craig Theatre, sports facilities and a gym. The town also boasts its own swimming pool(opens in new window) golf centre(opens in new window) and over 45 km of dedicated cycleways. A place to shop and spend time Stevenage is home to some of the UK’s leading retailers and high street favourites, in the town centre, the old town High Street and retail parks. Our major regeneration programme(opens in new window) will also introduce a range of new and exciting shopping and leisure opportunities for residents and consumers. Part of Hertfordshire Several of our great public services provided locally are run by Hertfordshire County Council(opens in new window) including our primary and secondary schools, wide network of roads and the two great libraries in the town centre and the High Street. World leading science and technology Our town is home to three international, sector-leading organisations in Airbus, MBDA and GSK, all of which are based on Gunnels Wood Road, one of the largest employment areas in the East of England. Don’t be surprised when you see on the news that Mars rovers, space satellites and more are designed and built here.

Maria Afentakis

maria afentakis

Maria has an MSc in Neuroscience from the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, London. She has worked in prestigious scientific institutes throughout her scientific career, including The institute of Neurology, UCL, London School of Pharmacy, Imperial College and The Royal Marsden Hospital, London. She has been an author in many scientific publications, including a first author paper, which is recognition for her scientific research. This paper is listed below: Afentakis M, et al. ‘Immunohistochemical BAG1 expression improves the estimation of residual risk by IHC4 in postmenopausal patients treated with anastrazole or tamoxifen: a TransATAC study’. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 2013. Maria has taught many medical doctors and students scientific concepts in biology, physics and chemistry. She has supervised them, and helped them pass examinations and obtain MDs and PhDs. Through her writing and teaching, Maria's aim is to educate others in gaining the scientific background to help them understand the importance of connecting the mind, body and soul with mindfulness techniques to bring them peace and balance in their everyday lives. The spiritualist Maria is a gifted third-generation spiritual psychic, clairvoyant, intuitive reader, angelic reiki practitioner, animal reiki practitioner, crystal healer, channel, public speaker, teacher and author. From a young age, Maria has been highly sensitive to energetic fields of places and people, and has been blessed with spiritual gifts to bridge the gap between science and spirituality, to educate others in gaining the scientific background to help them understand spirituality, and to bring them peace and balance in their everyday lives. Maria offers advice and angelic reiki treatments to people to make them feel balanced and energised. She is able to explain to them how their energetic aura and chakra system works, by explaining the biology and physics behind them. She provides workshops and runs guided meditation classes. For high-value speaking engagements and workshops As a scientist and academic, it is my passion to help improve your well-being in life; to help empower you with new-found energy and spiritual awareness and to bring about positive changes in your life. Upcoming events will include talks and workshops on energy and how people can balance and restore their chakras so they feel energised, happy and at peace in life. You can find me at events including the Mind Body Soul Experience at Alexandra Palace in London, where I have a regular speaking engagement. Keep a close watch on my website for the next speaking event. Email angelicmagic@outlook.com to receive information on FREE new moon/full moon meditations, information and upcoming events

EB Centre

eb centre

Mary has a lively curiosity and an appetite for new possibilities. She brings a blend of in-company and external consulting experience to her coaching, facilitation and leadership development work. Her earlier career as a business psychologist and then as a senior leader within a global drinks company gave her insight across a wide range of sectors and geographies and has influenced her in taking a systemic approach with her clients. Her focus is on enabling shifts in leadership behaviour and leadership culture towards a more progressive, balanced leadership approach, and she has co-authored "A Fresh Approach" with her partners in EB Ltd. She has worked within sectors as diverse as the financial sector; media; shipping industry; oil and gas services industry; professional services; food and drink; engineering firms; and telecommunications. Clients describe her as professional and engaging, combining constructive challenge with empathy. LINKEDIN Rosie.jpg Rosie Mayes Rosie is an explorer and translator of ideas, with a flair for developing them into actionable plans and value-adding outcomes. Her work is valued across many sectors and she builds strong relationships and deep understanding of her client's context. A former international athlete, she continues to coach national, Olympic and Paralympic level professionals. With an astute sense of what also creates the conditions for success outside the sporting context, she has been a highly regarded professional in leadership development, coaching and team facilitation for over 25 years, bringing a combination of theoretical rigour, pragmatism and a deep interest in people. She is co-author of "A Fresh Approach". Rosie has worked in Engineering, Construction, Professional Sports Organisations, SMEs, Banking and Finance, Pharmaceutical, Civil Service and Telecommunications. Clients describe her as grounded and reflective, on a constant quest to deepen leadership wisdom and knowledge. LINKEDIN Sue.jpg Dr Sue Congram A highly experienced process consultant, leadership learning facilitator and in-depth coach, Sue brings systemic, progressive and creative thinking to developing leadership, along with a deep understanding of organisational development, systemic and culture change. She has worked in this field for over 30 years. Sue speaks and teaches on leadership, presenting at conferences in the UK and abroad. She completed her PhD in Leadership in 2013, her research is the inspiration behind the core concepts of the EB Centre. As a respected author, she has published books & papers on business psychology, management & leadership, organisational development, diversity, and coaching. Sue has worked with leaders at the most senior levels in Finance & Banking, Energy, IT, Logistics, Communications, Pharmaceuticals and Central Government - nationally and globally. Clients describe her as tenacious and inspirational, with an infectious zest for life.