1806 Educators providing Courses




How dirty are your thoughts?Richard Tyler Chief Possibility Architect of BTFI Ltd, Bestselling Author, International Speaker, Coach and Provocateur. Richard’s mission is simple: enabling people to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives. We’re drowning in gurus who promise the world, but fail to deliver. They take people to the edge and leave them hanging. Richard is here to disrupt the personal development industry by provoking people into fresh and creative thought patterns – so instead of looking outside of yourself for the solutions, you’ll start to look within. He can help you with the biggest obstacle of all: getting out of your own way. Once you do, you open up the potential to live your best life and create a positive footprint on the planet. After a decade playing lead roles in West End theatre productions like The Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables, and singing in concert halls across the globe, Richard sees human potential through the artful lens of performance. Coupled with his professional training in Barrett Values CTT, Harrison Psychometric Assessment, Constellation Coaching and ongoing studies in Cognitive Hypnotherapy, Psychosynthesis, CBT, NLP and Emotional Intelligence, this allows him to offer a creative and insightful way for people to learn and fully emerge in their talents. He has worked with businesses on every continent, creating a ruckus and planting the seeds for his audience to build their own extraordinary culture and send it viral. CEOs, boards and senior leadership teams seek him out to coach, speak and facilitate workshops to shake up their habitual thinking, release obstacles, stay present, and start building new stories for their businesses.

Catherine Edwards Leather

catherine edwards leather

hebden bridge

wanting to learn how to create shoes entirely by hand led me to pestering the local clog maker to take me on as his Saturday girl, after a couple of years I got a place at cordwainers college, then part of central and st martins. when I finished my degree, I went straight into an apprenticeship in the west end of london. I was very lucky as apprenticeships were and still are, very few and far between. for 12 years, I worked exclusively for boot and shoe companies, including john lobb, cleverly and jason amesbury, in the west end and mayfair. a chance conversation led to a residency at the royal armories in leeds where I spent two years working with the in-house leather worker to produce 30 pairs of jack boots for the household cavalry. while I was there I began to think about producing a collection of leather goods under my own name. I was encouraged when my first show sold out completely. I have worked hard to build on that success becoming more creative with styling and inventive with detail as the collection has grown. I am currently working on a series of collaborations with an intriguing range of clients: flame oz are an international troupe of fire performers who are looking at ways of incorporating fire resistant leather into their incredible theatre shows. drawn surface have worked on set designs in film and television and are currently producing a range of leather and hand printed canvas homewares with me. I am working with milliner Good Golly Miss Molly to create a range of stunning gents headwear for various celebrities. new projects on the horizon include a range of luxurious aprons and gentlemen's grooming products, and more recently, I have been commissioned to produce body-worn amp covers for a local music project.

City Community College

city community college

Established in 2008, City Acting is the boutique London Drama School. We offer expertly tailored evening classes and weekend workshops that are designed for all levels, whether you’re new to acting or an experienced performer. The courses will improve your communication skills, develop your confidence in both the work and social environments, and teach you tools vital to every professional actor. Our hand-picked group of highly supportive and engaging tutors always ensure their classes are fun-packed as well as great places to learn new skills and make new friends. Our acting classes in London start with our Beginners course designed to improve your confidence and concentration, exploring the use of your whole body along with techniques of voice and movement. City Acting Intermediate has been prepared as a follow on from the beginner classes and focuses on scene work while keeping on working on physicality and voice. City Acting Character offers the opportunity to build a character and take a scene through the rehearsal process from beginning to end. City Acting Amateur Theatre is based on a chosen script. The weekly rehearsals culminate in a closed performance. City Acting Voice and Communication offers the opportunity to explore the potential of the voice and improve command in order to become an authentic communicator. City Acting Workshops are run throughout the year on a wide variety of subjects, including classic and modern playwrights, famous practitionners (such as Meisner, Stanislavki, Lecoq..), clowning, voice, storytelling… The classes are run in the evenings and at weekends. We are based in Angel, Shoreditch, Waterloo, Holborn, Bloomsbury and Piccadilly. City Acting also facilitates tailored communication skills and team building workshops for businesses and small organisations and raises money for charity projects.

Contender Charlie

contender charlie


A school system which is the most inspirational and supportive environment possible for the physical, emotional, psychological and intellectual development of young people. OUR MISSION To support young people in the exploration of their emotional development and creative potential. To support those who mentor, teach or lead students in the promotion of inspiring, effective and ethical practice. WHAT IS MYTHODRAMA? The purpose of playing is to hold the mirror up to nature. William Shakespeare – Hamlet Mythodrama is a unique form of experiential learning that allows participants to “act in” desired behaviours and attributes. We employ a powerful combination of theatre practice, psychology, mythology and organisational development. It provides inspiration and learning for lasting change. So much is at stake and so much depends on the psychological constitution of modern man. Does the individual know that s/he is the make weight that tips the scales? Carl Jung The psychological aspect broadens perspective and unleashes new possibilities in individuals and organisations. It creates a context to find greater meaning in our work. The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins Remorse from power William Shakespeare – Julius Caesar Shakespeare’s genius provides timeless insights into the human nature of leadership, at all levels. Each of his plays contains a great mythology on the human condition. We can project our own issues on to these mythologies, to gain deeper insight into the nature of the challenges we face in our own lives and work. All this is done in a practical, relevant and down-to-earth manner and is designed to engage even those who would normally feel out of their comfort zone with a theatrical metaphor. Mythological symbols touch and exhilarate centres of life beyond the reach of vocabularies of reason and coercion Joseph Campbell Mythodrama extends the range of participants’ thinking, behaviour and action.

Tynedale Transformed

tynedale transformed


We send you our best wishes at this unbelievable time… COVID, Boris, cake, taxes, Brexit, Climate Change, lies, corruption etc.etc. It is truly appalling but we are still here shining a light on all this and more. However, the team have decided that because we are at a point where people are tired of Zoom, but not ready to get together, that we will concentrate for a while on posting items of interest to keep us going. We currently publish a monthly e-newsletter called Second Sunday News. It will be on our website and a copy be sent out to our mailing list via Mailchimp on the second Sunday of each month. It will feature opinion, local and national triumphs and links to articles and videos. Obviously, it will also link to our website, especially our regularly updated resources area. We will continue to do this until we can arrange meetings and events face to face, indoors or out. So, until we meet, keep looking at our Second Sunday postings. Stay safe and thank you for your support and contributions so far. All the best The TT team Tynedale Transformed is about re-imagining a fairer and sustainable future and making it happen. Tynedale Transformed is about pushing the boundaries of what political participation looks like. Strategy games, treasure hunts, reading groups, and theatre workshops, talks, events, walks, lectures…. anything is possible. TT will be based on inclusivity and a shared wish to examine the issues facing our communities and our world, encouraging a politics based on creativity, open mindedness and comradeship. We want to transform the way we live together. We want to start the conversation. Our aim is to draw on existing networks and connections, locally, regionally and nationally as well as providing a platform for new ideas new groups and individuals. Tynedale Transformed 2020

Fluentintuition Ltd

fluentintuition ltd


Fluentintuition Ltd has been helping people explore and develop their intuition for languages since 2007. Founded on 20 years’ experience in language teaching and course provision, setting up fluentintuition was fuelled by a desire to make language learning a better experience for all those wanting to learn a language and embrace foreign cultures. No large classes and no merged levels: Because we know personalised learning is essential to adult learners progressing quickly and being motivated, we promise small groups, more talk time to practise and individual attention. We don’t compromise on quality: you won’t find yourself in a large class, our optimum size is 6-8 learners; and unless we are running a multi-level workshop, we don’t combine levels so you’ll always be working at the right level for you. Courses mapped to the Common European Framework of Reference: All our language courses are mapped to the Common European Framework of Reference so you can be confident that what you're learning is of a standardised level and that you're progressing in the right direction for the goals you wish to achieve. Find out more about the Common European Framework of Reference here> Qualified tutors: Our team is made-up of linguists and trainers specialised in teaching foreign languages to adult learners. We select friendly professionals who are passionate about what they do so you can learn best. Passion and the good life: We know the best way to learn is to love what you're doing, so at the heart of what we do is the inspiration we've taken from 'passion and the good life' to create an exciting and innovative range of courses. So you'll not only learn the language but you'll find out about song, music, film, literature, theatre, gastronomy, sports and a whole lot more.

Eastwood Park Leisure

eastwood park leisure


Book a sports pitch or find out information on our playgrounds and parks. You can also view information on our conservation areas and listed buildings.East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure is a charity with over 400 employees delivering sport, leisure, arts and culture services in East Renfrewshire. We operate 10 libraries, 4 sports centres with gyms and pools, a 330 seat theatre, 18 community facilities incorporating a wide range of halls, social function and events venues, community centres and pavilions. We also manage the letting of 35 schools in the evenings and weekends. We deliver a wide variety of programmes like sports development (including swimming lessons, sports coaching, Active Schools Programme), arts development (including classes and events), and library and literacy programmes (ranging from Bookbug to Book Week, authors’ talks to book groups). Our Community Facilities provide a vital network of centres across the authority and host a huge range of community and commercial activities, helping a wide array of groups to deliver services directly to the heart of communities in East Renfrewshire. We exist to promote the health, fitness, personal development and wellbeing of the residents of East Renfrewshire (and beyond) by:- encouraging the population of the East Renfrewshire area to be more active in promoting and supporting the development of sporting and health and fitness opportunities that are accessible for everyone supporting people to be more creative and nurture potential for personal success and wellbeing through the provision of cultural facilities and resources helping individuals and community groups to benefit from social engagement, community interaction and volunteering promoting and making available lifelong learning opportunities, including the promotion of literacy and digital inclusion and stemming from these opportunities make a social and economic contribution to society

Paradigm Arts

paradigm arts


Over the last twenty years I have worked tirelessly to develop a methodology and an infrastructure for partner agencies, cultural organisations, artists, practitioners and schools, to provide children and young people with access to a high quality offer of Arts and Cultural experiences. I have developed arts and cultural strategy for local authorities, been responsible for the development and successful delivery of large arts and cultural events and I have advised national agencies on the development of strategic resourcing and programming, to encourage the widest possible engagement and impact from investment. I am passionate about the role that the arts and culture should play in the life of the child and I am determined to help the UK preserve its identity as one of the worlds creative powerhouses. Fostering links for young people with creative industries and ensuring that classroom based activity has a tangible and meaningful link with the world beyond the school gates is of paramount importance. My work across all sectors of education has been to try and bring together a framework of experiences and opportunities, designed to help children and young people translate early educational achievement into meaningful attainment and develop the critical and creative skills vital for their future. Sam Atkins Hi, I'm Sam and have been working within the media and education industry for twenty years. Following a successful career in TV production I was appointed the role of a broadcast journalist with the BBC. Whilst with the BBC (Nations and Regions) I was part of the development team that established the highly successful BBC News School Report and BBC Parachutes programmes working with young people to produce professional level news packages for BBC output. In 2008 I established C1 Media Ltd, a media in education business, and to date have engaged with over 6500 young people from primary, secondary special, college and higher education sectors. Within my first year of operation with the Arts Service at CfBT Education Trust, we also launched The Young Journalist Academy in 2008. This highly successful education programme provides professional level training for children and young people. Partnerships developed over the years for both the YJA programme and other projects include: The Royal Albert Hall, BBC, English National Ballet, RAF, The Guardian, Cirque du Soleil, National Theatre and Royal Opera House. Sara Bullimore I have been working in the arts and cultural sector for over 20 years and during this time I have developed not only my own professional skills but more importantly, created high quality opportunities for commuities to participate, learn and enjoy the role arts and culture play in our lives. Initiating, delivering and managing a vast range of artistic projects both as an independent freelance arts consultant and in previous roles as the Arts Development Officer at City of Lincoln Council and at National Dance Agencies in Nottingham and London, have helped me to understand the value and critical importance of collaboration and partnership working. In particular my personal passions are literature and dance - I fully believe in the transformative power meaningful participation in quality arts and culture can have on a person's life - regardless of age or ability! I have extensive experience working with mupltiple partners and funders on projects. Working for the City of Lincoln Council I created and managed the Cultural Sector Partnership - working with partners in the private and public sector, heritage, arts and sports to develop strategies, conferences and cross cutting artistic programmes and festivals. I have undertaken and continue to work independently with Lincolnshire County Council, Writing East Midlands, Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage, Shakespeare Schools Festival, Kazzum Theatre Arts, University of Lincoln, Lincoln Business Improvement Group and Arts Council of England to name a few. Living in Linclonshire I am passionate about helping to esnure that connectivity exists between national and regional activities - helping to promote the best connectivity between opportunities and links between organisations.

Doreen Bird College Of Performing Arts

doreen bird college of performing arts

Man joined Bird College in April 2021; she is a qualified Accountant (FCCA) and holds a master’s degree in International Accounting and Financial Management from University of Glasgow. Man has more than 10 years finance and account management experience. After qualified from chartered certified accountancy practices, she joined the charitable sector 6 years ago as a senior finance person with the intension to apply financial skillset to support worthy causes. Man has a track record of transforming internal procedures to achieve financial objectives. Her area of expertise was overseeing accounting function; managing systems and procedures to ensure best practice in terms of financial control and compliance with relevant regulations such as SORP and pension; preparing annual statutory financial statements, budget and forecast; managing annual audit. Lutfur Haider BA (Hons) Assistant Accountant Lutfur joined Bird College in November 2022; as an Assistant Accountant with first class BA honours degree in Accounting and Finance. Lutfur was an Assistant Management Accountant in his previous role, progressing towards becoming an Accountant. Lutfur has been keen to advance in accounting and finance and has over 8 years experience with local community, retail and education. With a strong financial background, Lutfur has a proven track record of understanding and articulating needs and requirements of management involving wider operational departments. He possesses excellent communication skills, thrives with variety, enjoys working within a dynamic team solving problems and has an ability to adapt new strengths to suit the changing demands of a business. Daniel Taylor Production Manager Daniel originally trained as a performer at Bird College, but has always had a passion for the technical side of theatre. He has been fortunate enough to do event management, lighting and sound design and operation for professional events across Birmingham and London. Daniel’s experience both on and off the stage has allowed him greater insight into the inner workings of a professional production and has only served to inspire and fuel his artistic vision.

Dudwell School

dudwell school


Caroline Waldegrave is the founding Principal, former Managing Director and co-owner of Leiths School of Food and Wine, one of the most prestigious and respected cookery schools in the country. After 33 years’ involvement, Caroline retired and became a non-executive director on the board of Leith’s in 2009. She was also Chairman of the Guild of Food Writers for several years, and a former member of the Health Education Authority. Caroline was awarded an OBE in 2000 for services to the UK catering industry. Her passion and enthusiasm for teaching and love of food have continued to be the fundamental drivers of Caroline’s work. Since stepping back from day-to-day involvement in Leith’s School, Caroline has focused on imparting her wealth of cookery knowledge at Dudwell School, on the site of the beautiful Waldegrave family home, Dudwell Field Farm. In addition, she owns the Barley Mow pub in London's Marylebone with three of her four children, as well as being a director of the family organic dairy farm. Caroline is also in demand for media appearances, and has been seen on various TV and radio programmes, including Chef School, Masterchef and Tricks of the Trade. In what spare time she does have, Caroline enjoys playing bridge and tennis, and attending the theatre. Publishing Caroline is the author or co-author of a range of cookery books. These include the Leith’s Cookery Bible, Cookery Course and Cookery School books (co-written with Prue Leith), Leith’s Easy Dinner Parties (co-written with Puff Fairclough and Janey Orr), Leith’s Fish Bible (co-written with CJ Jackson), The Healthy Gourmet, and the Low Fat Gourmet. Many of the recipes you will cook on the Dudwell courses will be taken from the Leith’s Bible, but you will also benefit from a copy of the Dudwell cookery book which you will take home at the end of the course, or which is available to buy separately here.