2793 Educators providing Courses

Paradigm Arts

paradigm arts


Over the last twenty years I have worked tirelessly to develop a methodology and an infrastructure for partner agencies, cultural organisations, artists, practitioners and schools, to provide children and young people with access to a high quality offer of Arts and Cultural experiences. I have developed arts and cultural strategy for local authorities, been responsible for the development and successful delivery of large arts and cultural events and I have advised national agencies on the development of strategic resourcing and programming, to encourage the widest possible engagement and impact from investment. I am passionate about the role that the arts and culture should play in the life of the child and I am determined to help the UK preserve its identity as one of the worlds creative powerhouses. Fostering links for young people with creative industries and ensuring that classroom based activity has a tangible and meaningful link with the world beyond the school gates is of paramount importance. My work across all sectors of education has been to try and bring together a framework of experiences and opportunities, designed to help children and young people translate early educational achievement into meaningful attainment and develop the critical and creative skills vital for their future. Sam Atkins Hi, I'm Sam and have been working within the media and education industry for twenty years. Following a successful career in TV production I was appointed the role of a broadcast journalist with the BBC. Whilst with the BBC (Nations and Regions) I was part of the development team that established the highly successful BBC News School Report and BBC Parachutes programmes working with young people to produce professional level news packages for BBC output. In 2008 I established C1 Media Ltd, a media in education business, and to date have engaged with over 6500 young people from primary, secondary special, college and higher education sectors. Within my first year of operation with the Arts Service at CfBT Education Trust, we also launched The Young Journalist Academy in 2008. This highly successful education programme provides professional level training for children and young people. Partnerships developed over the years for both the YJA programme and other projects include: The Royal Albert Hall, BBC, English National Ballet, RAF, The Guardian, Cirque du Soleil, National Theatre and Royal Opera House. Sara Bullimore I have been working in the arts and cultural sector for over 20 years and during this time I have developed not only my own professional skills but more importantly, created high quality opportunities for commuities to participate, learn and enjoy the role arts and culture play in our lives. Initiating, delivering and managing a vast range of artistic projects both as an independent freelance arts consultant and in previous roles as the Arts Development Officer at City of Lincoln Council and at National Dance Agencies in Nottingham and London, have helped me to understand the value and critical importance of collaboration and partnership working. In particular my personal passions are literature and dance - I fully believe in the transformative power meaningful participation in quality arts and culture can have on a person's life - regardless of age or ability! I have extensive experience working with mupltiple partners and funders on projects. Working for the City of Lincoln Council I created and managed the Cultural Sector Partnership - working with partners in the private and public sector, heritage, arts and sports to develop strategies, conferences and cross cutting artistic programmes and festivals. I have undertaken and continue to work independently with Lincolnshire County Council, Writing East Midlands, Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage, Shakespeare Schools Festival, Kazzum Theatre Arts, University of Lincoln, Lincoln Business Improvement Group and Arts Council of England to name a few. Living in Linclonshire I am passionate about helping to esnure that connectivity exists between national and regional activities - helping to promote the best connectivity between opportunities and links between organisations.

Streetgames UK

streetgames uk


StreetGames harnesses the power of sport to create positive change in the lives of disadvantaged young people right across the UK. StreetGames' work helps to make young people and their communities healthier, safer and more successful. WHY SPORT? Sport is energetic, inclusive and enjoyable, but StreetGames' goal isn’t just about having fun. StreetGames believes in the power of sport to transform lives and to broaden ambitions. Sport teaches key skills such as teamwork, understanding and self-discipline, brings people together, creates pride in a community, breaks down social boundaries, and inspires people to make a difference in their own lives and for others. Through sport, StreetGames can empower young people to kick-start a cycle of positive change that echoes throughout their entire community. StreetGames' central programme: 'Doorstep Sport' encapsulates many of these important qualities, offering fun and informal sports clubs that work to meet the needs of today's disadvantaged young people - a staggering 70% of whom are not involved in structured activity elsewhere. They do this by operating according to the 'Five Rights of StreetGames': being carried out at the right time, in the right place, with the right people, for the right price and in the right style to suit the needs of these LSEG youth. TEAMWORK StreetGames' work is delivered in partnership with the StreetGames Alliance of around 1,000 Locally Trusted Organisations, working in disadvantaged communities across the UK. The collective power and reach of this alliance enables unparalleled access to young people growing up in over 4,000 poverty-hit localities. These organisations are the lifeblood of their neighbourhoods. They have earned their spurs, built trust and won the right to make a difference in their community. They understand what will work and what’s needed on their patch. They reach those that others find ‘hard to reach’ and are able to collaborate with StreetGames to replicate what works at scale and at pace. The organisations that make up the StreetGames Alliance maintain industry standards for safeguarding, insurance, health and safety, and equalities and diversity. Each is a self-determining organisation that is independently managed and funded. Most are charities, legally constituted community groups or Community Interest Companies. All are embedded in their ‘hard to reach’ neighbourhood. LEVELLING THE PLAYING FIELD 3.5 million UK children currently live in poverty. Fewer than 1/4 meet national guidelines for recommended daily activity. Young people from the lowest economic bracket are 3 times more likely to suffer with mental illness than a counterpart from the highest-earning group. The UK’s poorest children live an average of 3.6 to 5 years fewer than their more affluent peers These same children also spend an additional 16.5 years in poor health. Screenshot 2020-08-06 at 13.01.07.png "StreetGames has turned my life around. If it wasn't for them I don't know where I'd be right now" LYNDSEY DAWN - STREETGAMES PARTICIPANT. StreetGames believes in fair play, both in sport and in life. With only £3.21 to spend on sports activities per week – compared to the national average of £12.11 – struggling families just can’t afford to keep pace. That’s why StreetGames has made it its mission to level the playing field. Here’s how. StreetGames is committed to making communities healthier, safer and more successful. StreetGames' programmes are conducted in the ‘Right Way’ - offering projects at the right time, in the right place, and for the right price to suit the needs of young participants. Through StreetGames' pioneering Doorstep Sport approach, the organisation improves young lives through sport, giving access to positive role models, volunteering opportunities and diversionary activities. Through Fit and Fed, StreetGames tackles the hidden issue of holiday hunger and inactivity, through nutritious meals and fun, healthy activities. Through Us Girls, StreetGames work to empower young women within a holistic and supportive environment - tackling the everyday sexism that presents a barrier to participation in sport.




ZunTold is an independent publishing company, based in Manchester, focusing on publishing good fiction to support mental health and wellbeing. We publish Middle Grade and YA fiction and love working with established voices as well as debut authors. Our authors have been nominated for literary prizes, including the Carnegie Medal, and won prestigious awards too, like the Lancashire Book of the Year Award, chosen solely by young people aged 13-14 years of age. We work with agented authors but twice a year, (in June for YA and in December for Middle Grade) we open our doors to authors who do not have an agent. We do not publish picture books as we don’t have the expertise to do so. We publish in print, e-book and interactive books. We run a programme we call Fiction as Therapy. Our staff are publishing professionals, writers, editors, counsellors and psychotherapists who have also trained in Therapeutic Writing. Books are 'healers for the soul' and creative writing brings many health benefits. Our Fiction as Therapy service offers a therapeutic programme of bibliotherapy across different age audiences and creative writing for therapeutic purposes, for young people and adults looking to support their mental and physical health and wellbeing. There is a growing evidence base that therapeutic writing and bibliotherapy can support people with long term physical health conditions as well as improving mental health. We are building links with NHS Trusts and Social Care providing an online library and blended services of tailored support to individuals and communities.