12973 Educators providing Courses

Reach Remarkable Ltd

reach remarkable ltd


We help individuals and their teams achieve peak performance and productivity, emphasising resilience and wellbeing with our approach to complete health. Focusing on performance improvement alone can lead to great short term results but may also contribute to burnout in the longer term. We combine performance enhancement with improved resilience and holistic well-being, supporting sustainable long term performance and productivity. Everything we do is informed by practical, real-world experience, coupled with scientific research from organisational psychology, performance psychology, positive psychology, and physiology disciplines. Staying up to date with the latest research helps us stay at the leading edge of science, which we then apply in the workplace through training, consulting and coaching. Reach Remarkable is a privately owned company based in Wokingham, UK. Click to see what others have said about us About the founder Mark Quirk - Reach Remarkable Reach Remarkable was founded by Mark Quirk, simply, to make a difference. “I have more than 20+ years of first-hand experience in individual and management corporate roles, but after several years of positively manipulating those roles so that I could train, coach and support others, I decided that the world of computer software, which had supported me for 20+ years was going to become an ex-career, making space to go back to school for a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology, training in nutrition, and health coaching, and a whole new career working with people to help grow resilience, wellbeing and performance.” Today, in businesses, schools, athletics and charities, he brings the years of research behind resilience, models of wellbeing, peak performance, brain science, mindsets, longevity, mindfulness and strengths into reality.

Ener-G Yoga with Gemma Hinde

ener-g yoga with gemma hinde



My earliest memories of doing yoga are with my mother as a child. I was brought up with an awareness of wellbeing, physical fitness and nutrition and I had a very sporty childhood. After a career in modelling and working in events where the pressure to be thin was high, I refused to diet and instead used physical exercise and nutrition to keep myself in shape for work. My interest in exercise and healthy eating led me to pursue a career as a Personal Trainer which I did for a good few years. I loved this work but didn’t feel it always gave me the opportunity to work with a person holistically. Clients often neglected their mental health and did not make stretching a priority which I believed to be so important for overall body health so I embarked upon some yoga qualifications and my journey as a yoga teacher began. I knew this to be my future work so after a short break to have my children, I took a 200 hour teacher training in Vinyasa Flow with the well renowned Claire Missingham. I have been teaching ever since. I took on our beautiful studio in November 2018 and I feel very lucky to call it my place of work and do what I do each day. Life is busy and sometimes stressful and demanding. It can be easy to neglect our wellbeing. Practices like yoga, breathwork and meditation help guide us towards strategies to help manage our lives and take better care of ourselves. I believe that yoga is for everyone and that you should be able to practice in a way that compliments your body and your needs. Some like to practice slow and some like to be more dynamic, some need a practice that is kind to an injury or an ailment/illness. Some are beginners and some have been practicing for years. At Ener-G Yoga studio we really try to offer a large range of classes that help people to find the type of yoga that works for them. From Breathwork and Meditation classes to Vinyasa Flow and Aerial Yoga classes, you should be able to find a class that inspires you. We look forward to welcoming you.

Concordia Body and Mind

concordia body and mind

Concordia Body and Mind; dedicated to helping you to navigate and heal from the pervasive influence of diet culture through mindfulness.    Welcome to Concordia Body and Mind. I am passionate about supporting people who have experienced feeling overwhelmed by societal pressures to conform to a particular body shape and size. I bring a wealth of experience as a therapeutic counsellor, mindfulness and mindful eating practitioner, a non-diet dietitian and a Health At Every Size advocate.  I have experienced the harmful impact of diet culture and weight stigma, from a young age, setting off a chain of unhealthy habits and a strained relationship with my body. Constantly monitoring my food intake and distrusting my body's natural cues was exhausting and became the norm. I developed a deep dislike for my body, always feeling inadequate in the eyes of society and myself.   My personal experience has led me to embark on confronting and rejecting the suffocating influence of diet culture. Practicing mindfulness and self-compassion, I worked on breaking free from diets and to embrace my body in the present moment, appreciating its natural changes. As well as personally, I have also witnessed in my professional capacity the devastating and destructive impact weight stigma and diet culture has on people's emotional wellbeing.   I understand how tuning out the pervasive and overwhelming influence of diet culture can remain a constant struggle, often leaving you feeling alone. Cultivating self-acceptance and self-worth despite a world that tries to define your worthiness based on your size is not easy. I believe that providing the right weight inclusive and compassionate environment is essential for you to negotiate the complexities of body image, learn to heal, and regain trust in yourself and your inner body wisdom. I am committed in providing a caring and empathic approach that supports you in valuing and appreciating the incredible vessel of your body that carries you through life.