3169 Educators providing Courses

Be Mindful Fife

be mindful fife



Be Mindful Fife is a very successful business providing health and well-being training courses/workshops and 1-2-1 coaching in the public, private and third sector of Scotland, such as Home Start, Fife Education, Fife Cultural Trust, NHS and Social Care staff, Scottish Ambulance Service, Police, St. Andrew University, Edinburgh University, and UK military veterans to name a few. The aim is to provide individuals and organisations with the education and practical resources to promote positive health and well-being and maintaining good mental health. Unfortunately, self-care is often said, occasionally understood and rarely practiced. Yet the stress and anxiety that many people experience in living and working could be better managed by establishing a personal self-care plan. That is why we have created workshops and courses on developing self-care. This can take the form of a preventative framework for maintaining existing positive health and well-being and good mental health. It can also empower those that need to manage change, stress, anxiety, depression, compassion fatigue and burnout etc. The aim of all our work is to enable participants to live fully and realise potential. Working with CAMHS, 2016-17 Bill (founder of Be Mindful Fife) was instrumental in creating and managing a Fife wide mindfulness programme for teachers, parents, and school children for Fife Education (Our Minds Matter). Working with five different mindfulness teaching organisations from Scotland, Be Mindful Fife played a key role in the co-creation of Mindful Nation Scotland and its launch in the Scottish Parliament in September 2019. Since 2019 Be Mindful Fife has also been a consultant writing content and offering insight for the development of mental health App for young people with Voxio (funded by Scottish Government and NHS Scotland).

Claire K Croft

claire k croft


‘I don’t remember where I lost myself but I do when I chose to be found’ This is how my story begins in the international best seller ‘Reclaiming your Midlife Mojo’ It has been said that owning your story is the most powerful thing you can do. That I agree with, all be it, vulnerably uncomfortable! For you here’s a little back story … For YEARS I was in survival mode Forever juggling, lost in the to do list, functioning but not LIVING My life was a performance. I was an actress & a good one Playing an extrovert when I am an introvert Out going, out there, when my soul was crying for solitude The signs were all there, all masked and ignored I hid the pain, the deep rotted sadness, stuffed them down, to grow roots those roots go so deep that I was literally ‘rooted’ … forced to stop, nothing left, light out & in truth wanted out. A presence greater than me lifted me that day and life began to change It was the wake up call I needed to stop blocking, hiding and running and to come home to me. It was not an easy or comfortable journey but one I would do again in a heart beat. That was 8 years ago. Since that day I followed the cosmic bread crumbs and trusted where I was guided I bought a caravan by the sea, trained in yoga, hired (my ‘first’ ) coach, became a coach, and continued to learn/ certify/invest in healing modalities/ trainings that felt like a YES in my body. Everything I share is tried, tested, integrated and embodied. I am a walking testimonial of the healing power of diving INTO the SHADOWS to alchemise them to LIGHT

Hjt Training Ltd

hjt training ltd



HJT has been training people in government, business, NGOs and local authorities since 2003, when it was first set up by barristers David Jones and Mark Symes. We now offer specialist training around human rights and business issues, as well as specific areas of law, including immigration and employment law. At the outset, we have aimed to make legal expertise accessible to those who need it and to ensure that people’s individual rights and interests are protected. Accessibility is still core to our values – to give people an understanding of how best to apply key human rights-related principles in their daily work – whether it is related to corporate responsibility, immigration concerns, or employment law. Two things mark out HJT. Firstly, we offer legal training that is designed to ensure that practitioners have a foundation in every dimension of immigration law, not just in theory but taught to a standard that gets them through the accreditation exams. Secondly, we offer training to non-lawyers – be they civil servants, local government officials, human resources professionals – that really delivers professional insight and expertise that will help them in their daily work. We design our courses to be as practical as possible, so that people can immediately apply the knowledge gained in their daily work. We have systems to keep on top of legislative change and trends – so that our clients don’t have to, because we pass on that knowledge so our clients have it at their fingertips. Our subscription Mastering Immigration Law, over two decades of development, is extensively updated and amended every month to provide practitioners with the most up to date information on the law. This gives us an unrivalled foresight into the issues and compliancy requirements faced by both businesses and government today, to help them plan and prepare. It’s what makes us different from the rest!

Rhonda Felton - Licensed Menopause Champion

rhonda felton - licensed menopause champion



Hi, my name is Rhonda and I am the founder of MyNuMe Ltd. In my mid 40’s I started experiencing changes mentally and physically that I couldn’t really understand. At the time I was a Top Consultant for one of UK’s leading weight loss organisation’s, having this experience I thought I had a sound knowledge of how to look after myself. However, as time went by, I didn’t seem to be in control of the changes happening to me, I was gaining weight particularly around my tummy and nothing was working anymore, also for the first time in my life I was experiencing anxiety and unusual low moods, irrational mood swings and heart palpitations. I visited my GP who ran blood tests, which came back normal so was prescribed anti-depressants and beta blockers!!!! This medication made me feel so poorly, I felt increasingly worse and had very little medical explanation as to why, so this is where my self-study started, and I soon learnt I had started perimenopause; I had no idea – I had heard about hot flashes/flushes, but I had no knowledge of all the other 60+ symptoms or the stages of menopause. With this fresh and cathartic education, I embarked on a more holistic approach towards my health and wellbeing. During my mission to support myself, I studied Menopause, Nutrition, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Wellbeing, Behaviour Change and Meditation and became passionate about sharing my knowledge. As an accredited Coach in all the above, I have developed my skills, supporting women to understand the nutritional, mental and physical components of all the stages of Menopause and how to become healthier and happier in this liberating, second spring in a women’s life.