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165 Courses

Java Fundamentals

By Nexus Human

Duration 3 Days 18 CPD hours This course is intended for Java Fundamentals is designed for tech enthusiasts who are familiar with some programming languages and want a quick introduction to the most important principles of Java. Overview After completing this course, you will be able to: Create and run Java programs Use data types, data structures, and control flow in your code Implement best practices while creating objects Work with constructors and inheritance Understand advanced data structures to organize and store data Employ generics for stronger check-types during compilation Learn to handle exceptions in your code Since its inception, Java has stormed the programming world. Its features and functionalities provide developers with the tools needed to write robust cross-platform applications. Java Fundamentals introduces you to these tools and functionalities that will enable you to create Java programs. The course begins with an introduction to the language, its philosophy, and evolution over time, until the latest release. You'll learn how the javac/java tools work and what Java packages are - the way a Java program is usually organized. Once you are comfortable with this, you'll be introduced to advanced concepts of the language, such as control flow keywords. You'll explore object-oriented programming and the part it plays in making Java what it is. In the concluding lessons, you'll be familiarized with classes, typecasting, and interfaces, and understand the use of data structures, arrays, strings, handling exceptions, and creating generics. INTRODUCTION TO JAVA * The Java Ecosystem * Our First Java Application * Packages VARIABLES, DATA TYPES, AND OPERATORS * Variables and Data Types * Integral Data Types * Type casting CONTROL FLOW * Conditional Statements * Looping Constructs OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING * Object-Oriented Principles * Classes and Objects * Constructors * The this Keyword * Inheritance * Overloading * Constructor Overloading * Polymorphism and Overriding * Annotations * References OOP IN DEPTH * Interfaces * Typecasting * The Object Class * Autoboxing and Unboxing * Abstract Classes and Methods DATA STRUCTURES, ARRAYS, AND STRINGS * Data Structures and Algorithms * Strings THE JAVA COLLECTIONS FRAMEWORK AND GENERICS * Reading Data from Files * The Java Collections Framework * Generics * Collection ADVANCED DATA STRUCTURES IN JAVA * Implementing a Custom Linked List * Implementing Binary Search Tree * Enumerations * Set and Uniqueness in Set EXCEPTION HANDLING * Motivation behind Exceptions * Exception Sources * Exception Mechanics * Best Practices

Java Fundamentals
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

C Plus Plus and Programming Basics for Non-Programmers (TTCP2000)

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for This course is intended for anyone who is new to software development and wants, or needs, to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of coding and basics of C++ and object-oriented programming concepts. This course is for Non-Developers, or anyone who wants to have a basic understanding of and learn how to code C++ applications and syntax Overview Companies are constantly challenged to keep their applications, development projects, products, services (and programmers!) up to speed with the latest industry tools, skills, technologies and practices to stay ahead in the ever-shifting markets that make up today's fiercely competitive business landscape. The need for application, web and mobile developers and coders is seemingly endless as technologies regularly change and grow to meet the modern needs of demanding industries and clients. C++ and Programming Basics for Non-Programmers is a five-day, basic-level training course geared for IT candidates who have little or no prior experience in computer programming. Throughout this gentle introduction to programming and C++, students will learn to create applications and libraries using C++ using best practices and sound OO development techniques for writing object-oriented programs in C++. Special emphasis is placed on object-oriented concepts and best practices throughout the training. FUNDAMENTALS OF THE PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT CYCLE * Computer Architecture * The Notion of Algorithms * Source Code vs. Machine Code * Compile-Time vs. Run-Time * Software Program Architecture * Standalone * Client/Server * Distributed * Web-Enabled * IDE (Interactive Development Environment) Concepts * Looping Constructs * Counter-Controlled Repetition * Sentinel-Controlled Repetition * Nested Control Constructs * break and continue Statements * Structured Programming Best Practices * WRITING METHODS (FUNCTIONS) * Static vs. Dynamic Allocation * Declaring Methods * Declaring Methods with Multiple Parameters * Method-Call Stack * Scope of Declarations * Argument Promotion and Casting * Designing Methods for Reusability * Method Overloading ARRAYS * Purpose of Arrays * Declaring and Instantiating Arrays * Passing Arrays to Methods * Multidimensional Arrays * Variable-Length Argument Lists * Using Command-Line Arguments * Using Environment Variables DEEPER INTO CLASSES AND OBJECTS * Controlling Access to Class Members * Referencing the Current Object Using this * Overloading Constructors * Default and No-Argument Constructors * Composition of Classes * Garbage Collection and Destructors * The finalize Method * Static Class Members DEFINING CLASSES USING INHERITANCE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FUNDAMENTALS * Structure of a C++ Program * Memory Concepts * Fundamental Data Type Declarations * Fundamental I/O Concepts * Fundamental Operators * Arithmetic Operators * Logical Operators * Precedence and Associativity * Building and Deploying a C++ Program * Superclasses and Subclasses * Advantages of Using Inheritance * protected Class Members * Constructors in Subclasses * INCREASING CONVENIENCE BY USING POLYMORPHISM * Purpose of Polymorphic Behavior * The Concept of a Signature * Abstract Classes and Methods * final Methods and Classes * Purpose of Interfaces * Using and Creating Interfaces * Common Interfaces of the C++ API FILES AND STREAMS * Concept of a Stream * Class File * Sequential Access * Object Serialization to/from Sequential Access Files FUNDAMENTAL SEARCHING AND SORTING * Introduction to Searching Algorithms * Linear Search * Binary Search * Introduction to Sorting Algorithms * Selection Sort * Insertion Sort * Merge Sort FUNDAMENTAL DATA STRUCTURES * Dynamic Memory Allocation * Linked Lists * Stacks * Queues * Trees EXCEPTION HANDLING * Types of Exceptions * Exception Handling Overview INTRODUCTION TO CLASSES AND OBJECTS * Classes, Objects and Methods * Object Instances * Declaring and Instantiating a C++ Object * Declaring Methods * set and get Methods * Initiating Objects with Constructors * Primitive Types vs. Reference Types FLOW CONTROL * Conditional Constructs * Exception Class Hierarchy * Extending Exception Classes * When to Throw or Assert Exceptions FORMATTED OUTPUT * printf Syntax * Conversion Characters * Specifying Field Width and Precision * Using Flags to Alter Appearance * Printing Literals and Escape Sequences * Formatting Output with Class Formatter STRINGS, CHARACTERS AND REGULAR EXPRESSIONS * Fundamentals of Characters and Strings * String Class * String Operations * StringBuilder Class * Character Class * StringTokenizer Class * Regular Expressions * Regular Expression Syntax * Pattern Class * Matcher Class FUNDAMENTAL GUI PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS * Overview of Swing Components * Displaying Text and Graphics in a Window * Event Handling with Nested Classes * GUI Event Types and Listener Interfaces * Mouse Event Handling * Layout Managers ADDITIONAL COURSE DETAILS: Nexus Humans C Plus Plus and Programming Basics for Non-Programmers (TTCP2000) training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the C Plus Plus and Programming Basics for Non-Programmers (TTCP2000) course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.

C Plus Plus and Programming Basics for Non-Programmers (TTCP2000)
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Java SE 8 Fundamentals

By Nexus Human

Duration 5 Days 30 CPD hours This course is intended for Application DevelopersWeb AdministratorDeveloperProject ManagerSystem AdministratorTechnical AdministratorTechnical ConsultantTeam Leader Overview Write Java code that uses variables, arrays, conditional and loop constructsManipulate primitive numeric data and string data using Java operatorsCreate Java classes and use object referencesAccess the fields and methods of an objectManipulate text data using the methods of the String and StringBuilder classesUse casting without losing precision or causing errorsDeclare, override, and invoke methodsAccess and create static fields and methodsUse classes from the java.time and java.time.format packages to format and print the local date and timeEncapsulate a class using access modifiers and overloaded constructorsDefine and implement a simple class hierarchyDemonstrate polymorphism by implementing a Java InterfaceUse a Predicate Lambda expression as the argument to a methodHandle a checked exception in a Java application This Java SE 8 Fundamentals training introduces you to object-oriented programming using the Java language. Through hands-on exercises, you'll begin to build a baseline of knowledge to propel your career in development. This Java SE 8 Fundamentals training introduces you to object-oriented programming using the Java language. Through hands-on exercises, you'll begin to build a baseline of knowledge to propel your career in development. ADDITIONAL COURSE DETAILS: Nexus Humans Java SE 8 Fundamentals training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the Java SE 8 Fundamentals course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.

Java SE 8 Fundamentals
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Fast Track to Core Java Programming for Object Oriented Developers (TT2104-J11)

By Nexus Human

Duration 4 Days 24 CPD hours This course is intended for This is an introductory-level Java programming course, designed for experienced developers who wish to get up and running with Java, or who need to reinforce sound Java coding practices, immediately. Overview Working in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will learn to: Understand not only the fundamentals of the Java language, but also its importance, uses, strengths and weaknesses Understand the basics of the Java language and how it relates to OO programming and the Object Model Learn to use Java exception handling features Work with the Modular system (Project Jigsaw) Understand and use classes, inheritance and polymorphism Understand and use collections, generics, autoboxing, and enumerations Process large amount of data using Lambda expressions and the Stream API Abstract, static and private methods in interfaces Take advantage of the Java tooling that is available with the programming environment being used in the class Specific Java 11 features covered: Using the Local Variable Type in Lambda expressions; Updates made to the String AP Time Permitting: Quick look ahead - Java 12, Java 13, Java 14 and Beyond If you're an experienced OO developer (coming from a C# or C++ background, etc.) who needs to transition to programming in Java, this fast-paced, hands-on course will get you there quickly. Fast Track to Java Programming for OO Experienced Developers is a four-day, lab-intensive class where you'll quickly be immersed in working with the latest Java 11 programming techniques, using best practices for writing solid, robust (and well-written!) modern object-oriented applications. In addition to learning excellent, current coding skills in Java, you'll explore the new improved features for better performance and new capabilities for addressing rapid application development that Java 11 brings to the table. This course includes several key aspects that were introduced in Java 9, Java 10, and Java 11 including the Java Modular System, Local Variable Type Inference, and several API updates. This course also includes a Quick Look at what?s next in Java ? Java 12, Java 13, Java 14 and beyond. THE JAVA PLATFORM * Java Platforms * Lifecycle of a Java Program * Responsibilities of JVM * Documentation and Code Reuse USING THE JDK * Setting Up Environment * Locating Class Files * Compiling Package Classes * Source and Class Files * Java Applications THE ECLIPSE PARADIGM * Workbench and Workspace * Views * Editors * Perspectives * Projects WRITING A SIMPLE CLASS * Classes in Java * Class Modifiers and Types * Class Instance Variables * Primitives vs. Object References * Creating Objects ADDING METHODS TO THE CLASS * Passing Parameters into Methods * Returning a Value from a Method * Overloaded Methods * Constructors * Optimizing Constructor Usage LANGUAGE STATEMENTS * Operators * Comparison and Logical Operators * Looping * Continue and Break Statements * The switch Statement * The for-each() Loop USING STRINGS * Create an instance of the String class * Test if two strings are equal * Get the length of a string Parse a string for its token components * Perform a case-insensitive equality test * Build up a string using StringBuffer * Contrast String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder SPECIALIZING IN A SUBCLASS * Extending a Class * Casting * The Object Class * Default Constructor * Implicit Constructor Chaining FIELDS AND VARIABLES * Instance vs. Local Variables: * Usage Differences * Data Types * Default Values * Block Scoping Rules * Final and Static Fields * Static Methods USING ARRAYS * Arrays * Accessing the Array * Multidimensional Arrays * Copying Arrays * Variable Arguments LOCAL-VARIABLE TYPE INFERENCE * Type inference * Infering Types of Local Variables * The var Reserved Type name * Benefits of Using var * Backward Compatibility JAVA PACKAGES AND VISIBILITY * Class Location of Packages * The Package Keyword * Importing Classes * Executing Programs * Visibility in the Modular System * Java Naming Conventions INHERITANCE AND POLYMORPHISM * Polymorphism: The Subclasses * Upcasting vs. Downcasting * Calling Superclass Methods from Subclass * The final Keyword INTERFACES AND ABSTRACT CLASSES * Separating Capability from Implementation * Abstract Classes * Implementing an Interface * Abstract Classes vs. Interfaces INTRODUCTION TO EXCEPTION HANDLING * Exception Architecture * Throwing Exceptions * Checked vs. Unchecked Exceptions EXCEPTIONS * Handling Multiple Exceptions * Automatic Closure of Resources * Creating Your Own Exceptions UTILITY CLASSES * Wrapper Classes * Autoboxing/Unboxing * Enumeration Syntax * Using Static imports INTRODUCTION TO GENERICS * Generics and Subtyping * Bounded Wildcards * Generic Methods * Legacy Calls to Generics * When Generics Should Be Used LAMBDA EXPRESSIONS AND FUNCTIONAL INTERFACE * Lambda Expression Syntax * Functional Interfaces * Type Inference in Java 8 * Method references COLLECTIONS * Characterizing Collections * Collection Interface Hierarchy * The Set, List and Queue Interfaces * Map Interfaces USING COLLECTIONS * Collection Sorting * Comparators * Using the Right Collection * Lambda expressions in Collections STREAMS * Processing Collections of data * The Stream interface * Reduction and Parallelism * Filtering collection data * Sorting Collection data * Map collection data * Find elements in Stream * Numeric Streams * Create infinite Streams * Sources for using Streams COLLECTORS * Creating Collections from a Stream * Group elements in the Stream * Multi-level grouping of elements * Partitioning Streams INTRODUCTION TO THE MODULE SYSTEM * Introduce Project Jigsaw * Classpath and Encapsulation * The JDK internal APIs * Java 9 Platform modules * Defining application modules * Define module dependencies * Implicit dependencies * Implied Readability * Exporting packages JAVA DATE/TIME * The Date and Calendar classes * Introduce the new Date/Time API * LocalDate, LocalDateTime, etc. * Formatting Dates * Working with time zones * Manipulate date/time values JAVA 12 AND BEYOND * Provide an overview of changes since Java 11 * Introduce Preview Features * Records (Java 14) * Switch Expressions (Java 12, Java 13, Java 14) * Text Blocks (Java 13, Java 14) * Helpful NullPointerExceptions (Java 14) * Pattern Matching for instanceof (Java 14) ADDITIONAL COURSE DETAILS: Nexus Humans Fast Track to Core Java Programming for Object Oriented Developers (TT2104-J11) training program is a workshop that presents an invigorating mix of sessions, lessons, and masterclasses meticulously crafted to propel your learning expedition forward. This immersive bootcamp-style experience boasts interactive lectures, hands-on labs, and collaborative hackathons, all strategically designed to fortify fundamental concepts. Guided by seasoned coaches, each session offers priceless insights and practical skills crucial for honing your expertise. Whether you're stepping into the realm of professional skills or a seasoned professional, this comprehensive course ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and prowess necessary for success. While we feel this is the best course for the Fast Track to Core Java Programming for Object Oriented Developers (TT2104-J11) course and one of our Top 10 we encourage you to read the course outline to make sure it is the right content for you. Additionally, private sessions, closed classes or dedicated events are available both live online and at our training centres in Dublin and London, as well as at your offices anywhere in the UK, Ireland or across EMEA.

Fast Track to Core Java Programming for Object Oriented Developers (TT2104-J11)
Delivered on-request, onlineDelivered Online
Price on Enquiry

Project planning and control (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

This programme concentrates on the core planning skills needed to develop sound practical project plans in a team environment. This enables the plan to be modified should requirements change or difficulties arise. The programme also gives participants the confidence to practise those skills and apply them in the work environment and deliver their projects more successfully in the future. Participants learn fundamental project management concepts and terminology, demystifying the project management process, and, in particular, how to: * Break a project down into manageable sections and ensure nothing is left out * Understand and apply estimating techniques to develop realistic estimates * Sequence work effectively and carry out critical path analysis to determine project duration and which tasks to pay closest attention to * Manage project risk effectively to protect project value * Monitor, control and re-plan the project to best keep it on track * Close out the project and ensure the project comes to an orderly end 1 INTRODUCTION * Self-introductions and personal objectives * Course objectives * Sharing of project issues 2 PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS * Characteristics of a project and what should be kept as operational responsibilities * Understanding the triple and quadruple constraints - and their limitations * Prioritising requirements through the MOSCOW technique * Product v project life cycle * Key project roles and responsibilities - the importance of sponsorship and clarity of roles 3 STARTING A PROJECT, AND THE IMPORTANCE OF THE TERMS OF REFERENCE / PROJECT BRIEF * Avoiding the pressure to 'just do it'! * The importance and benefits of planning * The best time to learn! * Initial project documentation - the BOSCARDI approach 4 BREAKING THE WORK DOWN * Understanding alternative breakdown structures such as the product breakdown structure and work breakdown structure * Guidelines for creating a work breakdown structure to ensure the full work scope is identified 5 ESTIMATING * Alternative estimating techniques and associated confidence levels * Further considerations - loss and resource factors 6 ORGANISING THE WORK * Use of network diagrams to develop a clear sequence of work * Critical path analysis and calculating the project duration and task float - and usage 7 THE MANAGEMENT OF PROJECT RISK * Understanding the nature of project risk * The risk analysis and risk management processes * How to best manage threats and opportunities * Running a risk workshop * Using the risk register 8 SCHEDULING THE WORK * The importance of the Gantt chart and understanding its limitations * The Gantt chart layout and using alternative views such as the tracking Gantt * Using alternative dependencies 9 RESOURCE ISSUES * Assigning resources and resolving resource overloads * Crashing and fast-tracking your project and potential issues to look out for 10 CONTROLLING THE PROJECT * The control cycle and alternative feedback mechanisms * Alternative progress reporting * Assessing the impact * The importance of re-planning * The benefits of control * Change control - the importance of impact analysis * The steps of change control and the use of the issue register 11 CLOSING THE PROJECT * The project closure checklist * Reviewing the project - things to avoid * Developing meaningful lessons and ensuring they are applied effectively * The post-project review - its importance to the organisation

Project planning and control (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

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