177 Educators providing Courses

Ninelands Primary School

ninelands primary school


If you're moving into Leeds or want to change schools in Leeds, you need to make a school transfer – often called an in-year application. Moving schools can be a difficult experience for a child. You should always speak to your child's current school before trying to move to see what support they can offer you How to apply for an in-year place We are part of the Leeds coordinated in-year application scheme. This means you can apply for a place online using the Leeds in-year application form at Before you move schools (leeds.gov.uk). You can apply for places at our school and most other Leeds schools at the same time on this form. If you have moved house, please upload evidence of the house move with the online application. You can find out what you need to provide on the above website. We have to offer places by applying our admission policy criteria to your child’s application and we will contact you with our decision about offering you a place. We will tell you our decision no later than 15 school days from when you apply. If we cannot offer you a place, we will write to you to explain the reasons, explain how you can appeal and add your child to our waiting list in case a place becomes free. Our waiting lists are kept until end of each school year. You will need to make a new application if you want to be on the waiting list for the following school year. Appeals If you are not offered a place at the school you requested, you will have the right of appeal. The appeal panel is independent of the school and council and the decision is legally binding. Before you appeal you: should accept any place that you have been offered in case your appeal is not successful should think about why you are appealing and check if it's likely to be successful could read the advice for appealing school places on GOV.UK could get independent advice on making an appeal from a charity Leeds City Council arranges our appeals and you can find the appeal form at School appeals (leeds.gov.uk) If you are applying for a Reception place for September 2023, you need to submit your appeal form by the above deadline to ensure the appeal will be heard before the summer holidays. Appeals for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 – these classes are limited to 30 pupils per teacher by law. This means that appeals for these places are less likely to be successful. If our school refuses your child a place because of this limit and you want to appeal, you will need to make an infant class size appeal. You can see if your reasons are likely to be successful by reading the Department for Education's information about infant class size appeals. Other appeals - You can appeal because you want your child to attend a particular school. These are successful if the panel agree that the reasons for your appeal outweigh the school's decision not to admit any more children. Wanting your child to go to a school because you think it is the best one in the area is not likely to convince the panel that your child should get a place there Look at the Leeds City Council school admissions video Ninelands Primary School Admissions Policy 2022/2023 Admissions Policy Appendix A - Map of catchment area Admissions Policy Appendiz B - Local Authority supplementary application form 1a Admissions Policy Appendix C - Local Authority supplementaty application form 1b Nursery Application Form 2021/2023 Nursey Application Form 2023/2025 Nursery Admissions Policy 2021/2023 Nursery Admissions Policy 2023/2025

Horden Youth And Community Centre

horden youth and community centre


Horden used to be a mining village, and back in the Sixties, it was the pit that defined what our community was. Young people were a vital part of that group, and the Centre you see today grew out of the Youth Club that started in 19­66 in the renovated pit canteen — and the Girls' Infant School (later a Mixed Infants, but the girls don't like to remember that part). Horden Youth Club moved from their first building into one on Sunderland Road, and from there to a "hut" in the school playground. When the Infant School closed its doors to little ones, Durham County Council offered the facility to the Youth Club. By the time they were ready to move in, in the late Seventies, rain had seeped into the building and where the pool table now stands in the main hall, a huge hole was dug to make the floor safe and re-lay the beautiful parquet flooring. When the repair and refurbishment was finished, Horden Youth Centre was born. It's all right — the hole was filled in, but if ever we tell you that a former staff member is still here in spirit, please don't ask too many questions… It was decided that two rooms could be offered to other people in Horden and so, for a while, what are now the dining room and training room were used for all sorts of activities leaving the rest of the building for the young people. It was at that point that we became Horden Youth and Community Centre, but it was several years before the "Youth" and the "Community" bits joined together in the way you see us now. Many changes have taken place in the intervening years, not least becoming first a registered charity and, later, a limited company. And now? Regardless of any surface changes, what we are at our core doesn't change at all. Quite simply, we are here to offer pursuits and experiences to the local community which encourage choice and personal development. By keeping costs down and creating a warm and friendly environment, as well as operating an 'open door' policy for anyone who requires help, advice, signposting or support — and often just someone to listen — we strive, every day, to provide a hub for people to become involved with new people and the wider community around them. In keeping with our motto 'from the cradle (almost) to the grave', we offer services for all age groups from the very young to the elderly. Take a deep breath, now… Our Nursery provides affordable child care for 2 to 5 year olds; the tweenies are well catered for with dance and gymnastics classes; the Youth Club caters for 11 to 19 year-olds; there is usually a huge variety of classes and activities for adults; and apart from our Luncheon Club, Friday Afternoon Bingo Club and Gentle Fitness group, we are planning even more events for the over 65s. This will include a Fifties-style coffee bar complete with 'frothy coffee' and period music, so keep an eye on the Centre notices, website, newsletters and local press for further details as we get them! Other future plans include 'Hole in the Wall Enterprises', a social enterprise venture that has grown out of our clippy mat group; open days; fairs (that's table-top sales, not waltzers and dodgems — but you never know!); and, of course, an ever-growing list of activities and courses. We know our past and our present, and are ever-hopeful that we will go from strength to strength in our future. We want people to use the Centre because that's what it's here for. We need to know what the community wants from us, and we need the people of Horden to tell us. We invite you — whether you want to join us and join in, offer your services, or complain that we're getting it all wrong — to come in for a chat any time and help us continue to help Horden — the way Horden wants!

Academy for Health and Fitness

academy for health and fitness



WHO WE ARE Academy for Health and Fitness is your premier online destination for accredited health and fitness courses. We're committed to helping you transform your life through our comprehensive programs. Our courses are meticulously designed to cater to three core areas: fitness, therapy, and health. We offer a vast array of online courses and a robust certification program that empowers millions of professionals with the skills they need to excel in their careers. Our focus is on equipping you with the expertise necessary to thrive in today's dynamic world. OUR MISSION As a leading online health and fitness course provider, our mission is to deliver exceptional learning experiences and make quality education accessible to everyone. We strive to maintain the highest standards of excellence, transparency, and customer service. OUR VISION Our vision is to become the UK's most trusted and respected online course provider. We aim to create a safe and flexible learning environment that maximizes your potential and enhances your employability. WHAT WE OFFER * Expert-Curated Courses: Our courses are developed by industry-leading experts. * Fully Accredited Courses and Study Materials: Ensure quality and credibility. * Business Team Training: Tailor-made programs for corporate teams. * Affordable Subscriptions: Flexible payment options to suit your budget. * Accredited Certifications: Validate your skills and expertise. * New Courses Monthly: Stay updated with the latest trends. * Flexible Learning: Learn at your own pace and convenience. * 24/7 Support: Dedicated assistance whenever you need it. WHY CHOOSE US We're dedicated to providing unparalleled customer service and the most comprehensive selection of online health and fitness courses. With new courses added regularly, you can be confident in your choice to learn from us. Our exceptional customer support team is always ready to assist you on your journey to success.

Optimise Leadership Solutions

optimise leadership solutions


As a former primary Head Teacher of three substantive posts and one interim headship, I now enjoy my role in providing independent consultancy support and challenge to leaders at all levels in a wide range of context. I am former School Improvement Partner (SIP) across four Local Authority areas, Ofsted and Diocesan Inspector. I am an accedited and experienced leadership coach and employ a coaching approach to much of my work with the school leaders. I have trained many leaders to become effective coaches and facilitated the implementation of a coaching culture in a number of schools. I continue to facilitate and lead the review of Head Teachers’ performance since its introduction in 2001, across many part of the country. I am tuned into the needs of governors with regard to this and offer training to governors who are new to the process. I have assisted the development of governing bodies in many areas of governance. NICKI BELL Former Head Teacher I first became a Head Teacher in January 1995 and was substantive Head Teacher of three schools and an interim Head Teacher of a fourth. Between my last two headships I worked for four years for a national training company in Cambridge that was, at that time, an affiliated centre for the National College. I was responsible for rolling out a number of a national programmes in the East region, including Leading from the Middle. I retired from headship in 2016. My final school was a three-form entry Infant and Nursery School in Birmingham judged by Ofsted to be an outstanding school. We were federated to our adjoining Junior school which was the lead school in a Teaching School Alliance, (TSA) and I was heavily involved in the CPD element of this. My career has offered lots of opportunities to do exciting things. I was a seconded National College Associate for four years supporting school leadership in the West Midlands. I have been lucky enough to write and deliver leadership training in many different places, the two most distant being in the Middle East and China. I now have two roles. I am Director of Primary Education for a Trust for 40% of my time and the rest of my working life is freelance, frequently working with Alistair. We write and deliver training for leaders, at all levels, in primary schools and develop resources to support head teachers with many of the bureaucratic tasks of headship. Alongside this I do a lot of 1-1 support of schools, acting as an Improvement Partner, supporting HT performance management and providing CPD.