422 Educators providing Courses

CCO - The Collaboration Company

cco - the collaboration company

CCO, the Collaboration Company, specialises in business coaching. We understand business culture, strategy, leadership and management.Our Coaching Programmes are designed to support those in Executive Leadership roles, Senior Management, Mid-Level Management and Supervisory roles. These are tailored to provide individual professional development for each individual aligned with the needs of the business. Often involving 360 feedback, our coaching framework identifies gaps in competency, communication, confidence and behavioural attributes. These become the area of focus during the Coaching programme. Our entry level Supervisory Management and Junior Management Coaching support can be provided to small groups combined with structured group training and workplace mentoring. Leadership and Management We have extensive experience working with individuals and groups in developing leadership and management competence. Acquiring knowledge is, in itself, not the most effective metric to gauge true development. Our focus is to support the application of learning in the workplace using a series of tried, trusted and value adding techniques, toolkits and approaches. Our deep-rooted understanding of brain science and human behaviour is paramount in supporting clients effectively apply their knowledge with work colleagues and their team members. Performance Culture A shift in culture occurs when language and behaviour both changes. Without exception, each of our clients have a need to develop the culture of performance within their team, department or across their business. We have a practical, step-by-step approach to improving the performance of individuals and teams. This starts by creating absolute clarity on performance outcomes and concludes only when the structure for measuring outcomes and providing support are embedded. Our approach ensures that people are clear on what is expected and that performance outcomes are aligned with broader departmental and business objectives. We ensure that outcomes are reasonable, achievable and that a structure is established to provide feedback and support each individual ‘win’. Mediation Where people work together, the potential for conflict and disagreement exists. This is often between individuals but it can show up in tension between departments or stakeholders who need to work more collaboratively. Our Business coaches are skilled at mediation in the workplace. Combining our knowledge and experience within businesses with our expertise on behaviour, we quickly get to the root of the issue. We coach and train individuals and teams to resolve concerns, move beyond legacy issues and upset to work agreeably and with respect.

Arden Matheson

arden matheson


We are Learning and Development Specialists supporting small to large businesses grow, retain, inspire and build their individuals and teams through training and development solutions. Our training and development solutions are bespoke to every Client and we work with each Client to create the best structure, content and approach for you. We cover a wide range of development areas including… Business Development, Sales and Service: Business Development, Customer Service and Service Delivery is the forefront of any business to find, win, retain and win back revenue. We aim to enhance skills, knowledge and behaviours to increase output, quality, performance and ultimately revenue and profitability. Graduate Development Programmes: Our Graduate Development Programmes are tailored and created to each business. We have designed and delivered successful graduate programmes for large global organisations to SMEs. Graduates bring a wealth of skill, motivation, and fresh eyes into a business. With commercial development and a clear framework, graduates can bring further dynamic insight and drive. Leadership and Management: Our Leadership and Management training, programmes and content is shaped and tailored to each business and team. We share current research, methods and practices that enable new or experienced managers and leaders improve their style, confidence and performance in their role. Our Personal Toolbox training: We recognise that any performance, motivation and success in any role comes from within. It is key to find the tools to support individuals with self motivation, handling change and stress, adapting to situations, building confidence with engaging others and building resilience. Our Personal Toolbox training covers an array of topics for personal development. Our Promise to you…. At the heart of Arden Matheson, is the capability to transfer learning to application in the workplace. Our promise is to listen to you and create unique training solutions to your business needs. We develop learning interventions that create a positive impact and enable your business to deliver, grow and sustain performance. Leaping into the virtual world… We are proud and excited to have transitioned into delivering virtually alongside in-person training. Many of our programmes, sessions and training are done successfully through our virtual live training. We are flexible to work with you and create the best development solution for you, whether this be virtual, in-person or a blend of the two. Take a look..

TLP Ltd.

tlp ltd.

Recently we asked TLP to deliver a series of masterclass sessions for our KOL’s. The topic for this is Business Case Planning and the response has been fantastic. The 4 days we arranged were fully booked almost immediately! The engagement by our KOLs has been incredible and they have genuinely learned lots about a topic which the NHS does not provide much, if any, training in. The masterclasses are structured so that each participant gets to apply the theory to his or her own real-world situation and this has been a real eye opener for our doctors and pharmacists that have attended the programme. Furthermore, Tom and TLP go the extra mile by providing ongoing support after the event, via private user groups whereby all participants can share stories, ask for advice and also share their successes. This has taken many of our KAMs relationships with their key customers to a deeper level. I would recommend Tom and TLP wholeheartedly to anyone in pharma that is serious about developing their internal people and their external customers.” Dr. Caroline Brock – Consultant in A&E and Director of Med. Ed., Royal Lancaster Trust “I first met Tom as a registrar on a leadership and management programme for doctors that he was delivering a few years ago. Tom delivers his training in an energetic and engaging fashion that allows students space and time to learn. The theory is always supported by practical application and I came away from that first training programme with a head full of both knowledge and practical ideas. Since then I have worked with Tom as a coach, particularly when he helped me to gain my consultant position and he has become a good friend. In my new position as Director of Medical Education I will definitely be bringing Tom in to deliver training to my colleagues and juniors” Deborah Evans – Managing Director and founder of Pharmacy Complete “I have worked with Tom on numerous projects over the last few years. Tom’s delivery style is engaging and informal and his students always learn lots because of this. Furthermore Tom always structures his training sessions so that there is a large practical element, allowing the theory to be turned into practice based on real life scenarios. Tom’s knowledge of leadership and management models is exceptional, as his understanding of the NHS. I look forward to working with Tom again in the future.” Gavin Richards – EMEA Business Unit Leader and Marketing Director – Hillrom “TLP has delivered numerous training and coaching programmes internally for us. We have also engaged with TLP to deliver a series of masterclasses to our target customer groups. Covering 4 different essential, non-clinical aspects of NHS work. Each Masterclass has been expertly designed and delivered. Our customers have not only enjoyed each masterclass, but they have learned so much and been able to apply their learning to their own real-life settings. As a result, our sales teams and brand teams have been able to develop amazing relationships with their key customers that have attended our masterclasses. We have many customers return for the different Masterclass topics and we now have a waiting list for attendees on forthcoming masterclasses” Millie Galvin – Cancer Services Pharmacist Team Leader – NHS Grampian “I was a participant on a leadership and management course delivered by Tom over 15 months in Scotland. The variety of modules and topics was impressive and each one has helped with developing my leadership skills. In particular the modules on flexible communication (colours) and negotiations skills were really impactful for me. Tom’s delivery style is relaxed and informative and he goes the extra mile to make himself available to answer questions and provide additional support. He also did a great job of building a team spirit amongst the various participants and this has lasted long after the programme officially finished. I look forward to further programmes with TLP in the future” Thomas Ross – Lead Pharmacist – South & Mid Division, NHS Highland I have attended a number of one day training events that Tom has run but, more significantly, an extensive leadership and management course that ran over 18 months, with 12 direct teaching days. Tom is a fantastic course leader and facilitator. His knowledge of leadership and management skills, his enthusiasm and ability to motivate a group are second to none, all of this only helped by his sense of humour. In a short period of time, Tom helped us to gel as a group and to establish a supportive, safe and confidential environment. As well as imparting a lot of theoretical knowledge, Tom helped us to turn the theory into practice so that we could utilise the learning in our day-to-day roles and helped us to work through some difficult and challenging scenarios. The long term outcome of his facilitation and support to our group is that we developed a longstanding network of colleagues and friends across Scotland. Pete Moss – Director of Sales U.K. and Ireland “We had the pleasure of engaging with TLP to deliver a series of development programmes for our newly appointed team of Regional Sales Managers, feedback from the team attending the course has been excellent. Not only was training delivered beyond expectations, Tom also took time to follow up with the team individually to see if anyone was struggling to implement any of the learnings from the development days. Personally, I found the training great and also relevant to the marketplace in which we work. We will be engaging with Tom again this year as development is key for us to motivate our people, which has already proven to impact on both revenue and profitability.” Dr. Richard Bandler – Co creator of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) “I have had the pleasure of personally mentoring Tom for the last year. Whilst many people come to me with personal challenges, Tom has been 100% focused on me helping him with his business. This is great news for everyone that works with Tom because HIS BUSINESS IS PEOPLE! I look forward to watching Tom’s continued growth and undoubted success within the world of NLP.”