18077 Educators providing Courses

The John Of Gaunt School

the john of gaunt school


The John of Gaunt School is a unique, vibrant and highly successful school. The School has a strong reputation for both academic and pastoral excellence, and it is a great honour to be the Headteacher. Whilst we are first and foremost a place of learning, we strive to ensure that students are academically nurtured and cared for in a safe environment in which they can be happy, grow, gain in confidence and be challenged to achieve in all aspects of school life. Our school provides a learning environment that is rich in encouragement, and enthusiasm along with a belief in every individual. We offer a curriculum and a pastoral system designed to enrich the learning experience of all our students, whatever their ability. Helping our young people develop into confident, sensitive and reflective adults is fundamental. During their time at The John of Gaunt School we will ensure young people meet or exceed their potential, this is achieved though outstanding teaching and careful support for each young person throughout their time with us. We pride ourselves in being a community school. We thrive on strong supportive relationships with parents and carers and believe that students are best educated when parents, students and staff all work in unison. Our strong and growing links with local businesses and community organisations add tremendous value to the development of our young people. We are passionate in our belief that every young person should be encouraged to raise their aspirations and have the opportunity to become accomplished independent learners so that they are able to achieve and be successful in the rapidly changing and competitive adult world. At The John of Gaunt School we believe in regularly celebrating the success of learners, no matter how small the accomplishment. The school offers a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, before school, during lunch times and after school, as well as cultural trips and visits, foreign exchanges and residential trips, we believe these opportunities enrich the lives of our young people and enhance our already thriving curriculum offer. I hope that you find the enclosed information helpful as a means of getting to know us and what it means to be part of The John of Gaunt School. Additionally, I would like to encourage you to come in and visit us at any time as we have a fantastic reputation and are proud of our last excellent Ofsted inspection. We would be delighted to show our school on a normal school day in order for you to sample our open, caring and nurturing ethos. Choosing a school is a very important decision, but I believe our student centred approach, high standards, outstanding teaching and personalised care, will ensure your child has a very successful and enjoyable future.

Meadowcroft Residential Schools

meadowcroft residential schools

West Yorkshire

An independent special school for young people who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SSEN) or EHC Plan for social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. Welcome to Meadowcroft School Our Approach Secure, consistent and structured environment All our children have complex social, emotional and mental health needs and many have additional severe learning and communication difficulties. We look beyond the issues and problems the children come to us with and see their potential within. It is our job to provide a secure, consistent, structured environment where children can work to overcome and manage those issues in order to engage in education and achieve their potential. Highly trained, committed and caring staff Our dedicated team of staff provide the high levels of consistency and care our children need. They are specialists in their fields, with extensive experience of working with children who have complex needs. We work together to share knowledge and involve other experts and professionals to give our young people the start in life that so many have been denied until this point. Creative, engaging, appropriate education The children we support have struggled to engage in formal education, so we look for alternative ways to help them gain the vital skills and knowledge they need for the future. We keep class sizes very small, provide additional support for all children who need it and give young people the space to develop at their own pace. Wherever possible, we involve the children in outdoor learning and give them more vocational options as they progress within the school. We go to great lengths to keep our children engaged and, if they are unable to get to school, then our teachers will take the lessons to them at home. What We Offer For Local Authorities Termly Multi-disciplinary Reviews on each child Half Termly Reviews with placing officer Termly Reports on each child containing details of attendance, progress and behaviour Transport Management Service (cost pass through) EHCP Conversion Meetings & support Transition Planning For Parents Daily texts from form tutors about how the day has been Weekly phone calls from form tutors to discuss progress Direct phone number to your child’s Form tutor Termly School Parents’ Events Access to Parents’ Group Termly Reports on each child containing details of attendance, progress and behaviour Access to Family Support Worker For Pupils Safe, Secure Stimulating environment designed to maximise learning opportunities Designated Form Tutor & Teaching Assistant to monitor your progress and help you unlock your potential Twice daily tutor group sessions Access to a wide range of vocational and GCSE courses Therapeutic support from an Educational Psychologist, Art Therapist, Speech Therapist Outdoor Education leading to Duke of Edinburgh Award Staff team who have a range of diverse career history and real life experience Information, Advice and Guidance from specialists to help you plan your future

Team Ews

team ews


Your school might have a history of low attendance, or you may want to ensure that you are doing all you can to make sure that your attendance levels are maintained. Either way, Team EWS is here to make sure that your school is equipped with the experience and plans in place to deal with the barriers to learning that are keeping your pupils from attending school on a regular basis. We offer tailor-made packages to help your pupils get the most out of their education. We have significantly reduced high-levels of persistent absences in schools across the South-East and the UK. testimonial-1 testimonial-2 testimonial-10 testimonial-6 testimonial-3 testimonial-5 testimonial-7 testimonial-8 testimonial-11 testimonial-9 testimonial-4 Our Strength is Our Team Our strengths lie in the experiences of our team, and you need someone who is caring and professional to establish relationships with even the most vulnerable and troubled families in your school. We perform our work both onsite and remote, so you’ll always have that support you need. We have team members from several different backgrounds, including the Police Force, Social Services, and Education. You’ll benefit from a range of different experiences that have been carefully vetted to give your school the most valuable resource on the market. Association of Education Welfare Management We are members of the Association of Education Welfare Management and have an active team that frequently update their own skills and knowledge through CPD. This allows us to: • Promote and safeguard the rights of children, fostering co-operation between organisations in the interest of children. • Advance our own professional interests to give you and your school the expertise you need. • Actively promote and improve social inclusion within your school community. • Develop the skills and training of your staff. • To maintain and update our current practices in line with legislative frameworks and regulatory bodies. Ofsted Reports and Support We assist your school in Action Planning for Ofsted inspections. This is because Ofsted focuses on your school’s attendance and punctuality levels. Your school must do everything it can to remove barriers to education. Our team are on hand to provide you with the necessary support to showcase all of the hard work that’s gone into raising your school’s attendance. ✓ Our service is 100% bespoke, tailored precisely to your school’s needs. ✓ Our EWOs are based in your school and become a crucial part of your school community. ✓ You are assigned the same EWO for the duration of the contract where possible. Giving you consistent service and our staff develop a detailed knowledge of your school and pupils. ✓ We have sophisticated IT systems which means that your sensitive client records are 100% safe and secure. ✓ Our service is the most cost-effective in the market.

Top Blog Coaching

top blog coaching

Turn your blog into a business!Emma is a Professional Blogger and Blog Coach. A writer, teacher, public speaker, author and also the co-founder of Top Blog Coaching, a new Blog Coaching Consultancy. www.topblogcoaching.com Emma was an early adopter of blogging, and has been blogging for ten years and a full time blogger for five. As a qualified teacher, mum to 3 children with interesting health conditions she often writes about education and health. Previously Head of Sociology in a large comprehensive school in Gloucestershire she has successfully replaced her teaching salary with her blogging income. Emma works with bloggers and small business owners and entrepreneurs to help them maximise the impact and reach of their business blogs and helps them look for ways of monetising their blogs. Emma has mums savvy savings which is a money and time saving blog. Emma’s other blog Emma and 3 has been a finalist in The Mad blog awards in the School Days category (2015) and was awarded ‘Outstanding Contribution’ (2014). She is a HuffPost contributor which can be seen here and is regularly featured in the local press including the Gloucestershire Citizen. Together with writing partner Lynn James, they have written and self published Blogging Your Way To Riches. Emma is married to Lee and they are proud parents of Chloe, Dylan and Erin. Louise is also a Professional Bloggger and Blog Coach. A writer, public speaker and event planner. Louise has been building websites from scratch and creating engaging content for them since the age of 14 for a wide variety of businesses across all different sectors. For the last 7 years she has built her personal blog Pink Pear Bear up from a fun hobby, turning it into a profitable sideline business and learning everything there is to know about blogging and the power of the online presence along the way. As well as her own blog, Louise has been a regular columnist in local newspapers and magazines like The Local Answer, covering parenting and environmental matters with a readership of 400,000 and she is also co-owner of a gym with a difference, aiming to make exercise fun and accessible to all. With a background in Psychology, Louise is aware of the power of words when it comes to connections and sales and can write about almost any topic in an engaging and authoritative manner. Louise has an excellent eye for visual design, a love of photography and a passion for growing and improving businesses. She also loves a challenge! Along with running her businesses, Louise is also single mum to two primary school age children, Sophie and Austin. She spends any free time walking their labrador Hendrix, watching their rescue cat Lenny eat (don’t ask!) and working out.

Sheffield Jazz Workshop

sheffield jazz workshop


Sheffield Jazz runs a Saturday Morning Workshop providing an opportunity for people who play an instrument or sing to learn about and explore the theory and practice of jazz improvisation in a supportive group environment. The Workshop is now in its 40th year! There are currently five groups running each Saturday morning which are loosely graded from beginners to more experienced, each under the guidance of a tutor who is a jazz musician with wide experience of playing and teaching. Twice a year a concert will be arranged where each group will perform material that has been worked on during the preceding sessions. Who’s it for? Sheffield Jazz Workshop is intended for adults but is open to under-18s with parental consent, provided they are able to participate and behave appropriately in the group. Individual instrument tuition is not provided – some basic ability on your chosen instrument is required. Some familiarity with music theory would be helpful but is not a requirement. Anyone interested in exploring jazz improvisation is welcome to join in. The best way to find out if it’s right for you is to give it a try, including just listening and observing without an instrument at first if you so wish. The Workshop does not own or provide any equipment so you need to bring your own gear. Keyboard players need to bring an electric keyboard as the rooms we use don’t have pianos. Guitarists and bass players will need to bring an amp. Vocalists will need a mic and an amp unless you have a very strong voice! Bear in mind you’ll probably be in a room with 6 – 10 saxophones or brass instruments and need enough amplification to be heard in that context. Everyone else bring your instrument (and a music stand plus pencil and paper). Where, when and how much? Location: King Edward’s Upper School, Glossop Road, Sheffield, S10 2PW (near to the Hallamshire Hospital and King Edward’s Swimming Pool – car park access from Glossop Rd or Newbould Lane) Time: 10.00 am –12.30 pm on Saturdays, most Saturdays during school term time. If you are new to the workshop, please come along on a Saturday at 9.40 and someone will help you find a suitable group. If you have any questions, please contact Hannah at hanzieb@hotmail.com Cost per session; waged: £15.00, unwaged: £7.00 Please do not attend if you have tested positive for Covid-19, if you have Covid-type symptoms or have recently been in contact with someone who has or has subsequently tested positive for Covid. Who are the tutors? Workshop groups are mostly run by Chris Walker, Hannah Taylor, Graham Jones, Nadim Teimoori and Johnny Hunter. Occasionally some sessions will be run by other musicians, including Jude Sacker, Dave Burgoyne and Paul Baxter.

The City Of Edinburgh Music School

the city of edinburgh music school


One year ago today, we were not sure how we would be delivering educational experiences for our students. Two years ago, the situation was even worse as we were not sure whether we would be able to offer anything meaningful at all in person. The relative normality of this year’s first day of school brings reassurance and joy. So far it seems that everyone has grown over the summer, and our returners look more confident and poised than they did six weeks ago. No doubt they have many stories to share, much better in person than through the various social media platforms that they have been inhabiting. Our new S1 students are excited about starting this new phase in their lives. A few have had to ask for directions to classes, but good for them that they have the confidence to do so. They will bring much to the future of our school and in the blink of an eye they will be in S6 preparing for the next phase. Being Part of the Community The vast majority of our students are showing their pride in being part of the Broughton High School community by wearing school uniform and dress code. That is part of their contribution to their school, and is most welcome. I would emphasise that although school uniform is much less expensive than the designer clothing that teenagers might choose to wear, we are keen to support families who are struggling with the cost of clothing. The best way to access this is via our guidance team, through either a direct phone call or an email to school reception. Academic Success More detailed information will be forthcoming, but I am absolutely delighted to share that the attainment gained by our S4-S6 students last year was outstanding. Despite the many challenges that they had to face, they contributed to the best set of SQA results that the school has ever seen. Better than the exam-free years of 2020 and 2021. Better than any year since statistics have been recorded in the current format. This is particularly remarkable, given that the national pass rates have actually declined this year. This level of academic success is not just down to ability but comes as a result of many factors: hard work and resilience; support from parents and carers; and untiring high quality teaching and regard from staff are some. A massive well done from me and the whole school staff to those young people. Senior Staffing News We welcome Mrs Lisa Evans to our school senior leadership team. Mrs Evans has been a curriculum leader in another Edinburgh school for the past eight years, and was previously an English teacher at Broughton. I am delighted that Mrs Evans is back in the Broughton HS family and we look forward to great things. Recently we also welcomed Mr Steven Frew back to Broughton HS after a few years as a curriculum leader in East Lothian. Mr Frew joined us just before the end of the summer term in the role of Senior Development Officer. One of his key roles is to explore the diversity in our school community and make the most of the opportunities that this provides. This will be fascinating and will provide further impetus to cohesion and success in our school. Mr Frew was also previously with us as a Business Education teacher. It speaks volumes for Broughton HS that staff who have progressed in their career are keen to re-join us further down the line. I am pleased to inform you that Mrs Shona Wallace, Depute Headteacher, has been appointed on an acting basis to the Headship of Craigroyston Community High School. Mrs Wallace will work hard – as she always does – to support the community at Craigroyston. We wish her well, and look forward to her return in the latter part of the academic year. Finally, I would like to thank our parental community for the support you give to our school. We will keep trying together to make things as good as possible for our young people. Most of the time we get it right, and long may that continue. John J Wilson Headteacher *********** Broughton High School aspires to be a learning community known for its excellent learning and teaching. We maximise student achievement; provide support, welfare and inspiration. We are committed to continual improvement. Our students will be confident, successful and able to contribute effectively and responsibly to society. They should foster an interest in life long learning. We are a consistently improving organisation. Our core values are the same - respect, inclusion and integrity in all that we do. Tolerance and a willingness to learn about other cultures have been at the heart of Scottish education for centuries. By embracing the Scottish tradition and developing through a curriculum for excellence we hope to develop as truly global citizens. Broughton High School is developing as a centre of excellence in the wider community with our business partners and neighbours utilising the building during and beyond the school day. The development of partnership working is important to us and we actively pursue their development. In school, it goes without saying that we provide a secure and healthy environment, but we aim for much more. We aspire to personal excellence at all times. In every classroom, on the playing fields, through every note played in the Music School we aim for the highest standards. These can only be achieved if the whole school community works in partnership.