2353 Educators providing Courses



It’s obvious to us that diversity problems won’t be solved by panel discussions or in echo chambers. And so we designed The Blueprint mark. Its purpose is simple: to help talented Black, Asian, Mixed Race and Ethnic Minority pros get the careers they deserve, and to help organisations genuinely committed to diversity to benefit from their talent. In 2018 and 2019 we brought together two genuinely diverse groups to work together to come up with solutions to the PR industry’s diversity problem. They included rising stars and powerhouses with incredible careers. They included in-house pros and agency heads, crisis comms specialists and an award-winning creative. There was a Mum of twins, an ex-soldier, a counsellor and a councillor. A D&I specialist, a healthcare policy expert, a disability campaigner (with great hair!) and a kick-ass HR director. There was a born and bred Mancunian, a Scot, Nigerians, a Jamaican and even someone from the exotic land of Leamington Spa. In mixed groups they were introduced to a number of harrowing case studies based on the experiences of people working in PR and comms and ran through a series of exercises. They leaned into the uncomfortable, they laughed, they listened and they worked. Through those workshops, The Blueprint was born. And those incredible individuals? They serve as advisory board members (meeting three times a year and shaping our work) and consultants (on hand to provide an additional steer). As for day-to-day? The Blueprint is delivered by Blueprinted, a company with purpose led by founder Elizabeth Bananuka and Project Manager Olivia Danso, with the support of NEDS Anouchka Burton and Daljit Bhurji. Profits from The Blueprint are used to support the work of BME PR Pros.

Esag Events Uk

esag events uk


The European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology | ESAG is a premier professional organization of cosmetic gynecologists located in Europe as well as worldwide, who specialize in aesthetic (cosmetic) surgical gynecology. ESAG aims to decisively contribute towards the promotion of innovation in aesthetic surgical gynecology in Europe and beyond. The mission of the European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology | ESAG focuses on the provision of medical and public education in the field of aesthetic gynecology, as well as the contribution, in a charitable way, to challenged patient groups who may benefit from the organization’s expertise. ESAG is a registered non-profit organization and operates under the statutes governing such organizations' activities in the European Union law. The key values of ESAG include: Structured Knowledge Distribution ESAG aims to promote, expand and improve at a Europe-wide and worldwide level education related to, and exercising of, aesthetic gynecology, especially female cosmetic surgery. Targeted Medical Innovation ESAG intends to facilitate and enable its members to implement cutting-edge aesthetic gynecology techniques, improving and replacing traditional scientific techniques where there is merit in doing so, with a focus on reconstructive and aesthetic surgery of the labia and outer female genitals. Medical Education ESAG intends to provide and promote modern techniques related to the field of aesthetic gynecology in educational sessions or courses or similar events aimed at medical practitioners in Europe and beyond, who wish to expand their scientific knowledge of given subjects. Charitable Action ESAG intends to provide relief, via consultation meetings, pro bono advice sessions, and pro bono reconstructive surgery treatments, to challenged patient groups who may benefit from the organization’s expertise – These may include sexual assault victims, patients subjected to operations by force, et al.

Tynedale Transformed

tynedale transformed


We send you our best wishes at this unbelievable time… COVID, Boris, cake, taxes, Brexit, Climate Change, lies, corruption etc.etc. It is truly appalling but we are still here shining a light on all this and more. However, the team have decided that because we are at a point where people are tired of Zoom, but not ready to get together, that we will concentrate for a while on posting items of interest to keep us going. We currently publish a monthly e-newsletter called Second Sunday News. It will be on our website and a copy be sent out to our mailing list via Mailchimp on the second Sunday of each month. It will feature opinion, local and national triumphs and links to articles and videos. Obviously, it will also link to our website, especially our regularly updated resources area. We will continue to do this until we can arrange meetings and events face to face, indoors or out. So, until we meet, keep looking at our Second Sunday postings. Stay safe and thank you for your support and contributions so far. All the best The TT team Tynedale Transformed is about re-imagining a fairer and sustainable future and making it happen. Tynedale Transformed is about pushing the boundaries of what political participation looks like. Strategy games, treasure hunts, reading groups, and theatre workshops, talks, events, walks, lectures…. anything is possible. TT will be based on inclusivity and a shared wish to examine the issues facing our communities and our world, encouraging a politics based on creativity, open mindedness and comradeship. We want to transform the way we live together. We want to start the conversation. Our aim is to draw on existing networks and connections, locally, regionally and nationally as well as providing a platform for new ideas new groups and individuals. Tynedale Transformed 2020

National Back Exchange

national back exchange

Newcastle upon Tyne

National Back Exchange (referred to as “NBE”) is a non-profit membership association whose goal is to develop, disseminate and promote evidence-based best practice in all aspects of moving and handling and musculoskeletal health. It is run on a voluntary basis by a National Executive elected from the membership and administered from a central office in Gosforth, Newcastle. NBE’s vision for “Excellence in all aspects of moving and handling” is supported with aims to reflect the growing recognition and significance of its work. The association consults widely with other organisations / stakeholders having similar goals and actively contributes to national working parties and projects as well as supporting research and practice development. ‘Column’, the journal of NBE, provides a valuable means of communication and is supported by web-based members’ forums where topics can be freely discussed and advice sought. Since 1992 NBE has run a highly respected and successful 3 day residential conference in September for people with an interest in moving and handling. The membership of NBE includes professionals from a wide range of disciplines, including: Health and social care Therapies Education Health and safety Ergonomics Equipment manufacturing Industry The development of an Advanced Membership category (similar to a post graduate diploma) in 2006 has increased the professionalism and recognition of personnel engaged in this field. Networking and support of our members is facilitated by an interactive website, including a membership directory, links with organisations who share similar goals (both at home and 3abroad). NBE has a number of local affiliated groups located throughout the UK which run meetings on a regular basis. The local groups are an excellent way to promote networking, to share and disseminate information and support members at a local level. NBE also provides a number of resources to support and develop practice including a series of information leaflets and professional publications.

Foresight Trading Group

foresight trading group


Foresight Trading Group is an innovative prop firm as well as a growth oriented trading community appeared as a result of cooperation of several well organized trading groups located in Canada, Europe and China. We are constantly expanding our services developing the net of trading offices all over the world as well as giving support to lots of remote traders and partners. Our main clients are experienced traders and professional trading groups with proven track records in terms of both average monthly net pnl and trading volume. In return, we offer very competitive and flexible tariff schedule and comprehensive support in terms of trading, service and technology. The same time we are offering great opportunities for talented novice traders who are capable to work hard to become consistently profitable professionals keeping one of the highest-paying position in the business. We accept a lot of novice and developing traders to take an intensive training program in one of our trading floors located worldwide. Taking part in intensive trading course in our office is the most robust and straightforward way to enter the business. Besides that, we are currently launching online educational platform especially designed for people who strive to get skills and strategies from the most stable and profitable traders of our desk and can’t visit one of our offices for some reason. FTG maintains fair and transparent business model. The success of the prop firm is clearly depended of success of its traders and clients. That’s why we are happy to invest in developing of all sorts of services that increase your winning probability and makes your trading with our firm as comfortable as it could be. Our key principles are transparency, honesty, striving for innovations and flexible approach to the needs of every particular trader.

High Fly Trapeze

high fly trapeze


High Fly's teaching ethos centres around the phrase "progress, not perfection." As a student you will face different challenges in your trapeze journey, some will be physical and some mental. At High Fly Trapeze we will encourage and enable you to overcome both, helping you achieve things you never imagined were possible. What we do Unsurprisingly at High Fly Trapeze we are here to help you progress within flying trapeze. The real question is how do we do that? Between us, our team have been coaching students for over 20 years. There is no substitute for that. We have worked with the broadest spectrum of people you can imagine and we have been able to help them all progress. Who we teach A wide variety of people from all walks of life and different backgrounds! We have catered for families, kids parties, birthdays, stag and hen parties, social groups, rehab groups, private individuals and celebrities. Anyone is welcome at High Fly Trapeze. What can we do for you We can challenge you Has lockdown made you realise you need to mix things up and given you the incentive to get out there and pursue something you always wanted to do? If you’re looking for a new activity to challenge yourself, to try something fun with friends or tick off an item from your wish list/ dream list/ life goals list? Well that’s great, come do a class! You will definitely be pushing the boundaries and doing something unique! We can help your improve your fitness If you want to improve your strength and are looking for new inspiration beyond the gym, we can help you with that too. Trapeze and aerial arts are great ways to get fitter and you will never get bored!

Amity College

amity college



Amity College is committed to the delivery of high standard quality education by creating an enabling environment for our students, supporting learning and a balanced academic experience with inclusion and cultural diversity. Our value for money commitment We are very much aware of and appreciate your expectations of our institution, having invested not only your money but also your precious time to study here. This is why we endeavour in every way to ensure that you derive the maximum benefits to enable you build a strong foundation for a successful future in your chosen field. We look forward to welcoming you to our institution. Our programmes are designed to maximise your potential At Amity College we put our learners first. Our students come from all over the world, representing over 75 different nationalities. We have organised the learning programmes in the college so that each individual obtains their own support and plan for their future success. Our consistently high standards of teaching, progressive approach to learning, and excellent team of professionals provide students with not only new skills, but also a fulfilling life building experience that unleashes a wealth of new possibilities in their lives. Our international students experience a sense of belonging in the relaxed and friendly atmosphere supported by many bilingual staff. Whether you are considering studying with us or just browsing we hope you find our contents both enriching and informative. Our Team Amity College's staff have earned a reputation for providing high quality specialised courses - for individuals, groups and the corporate sector - and a specialist English Language School for International students. We have students from all over the world attending our College, representing up-to 75 different nationalities. So students are sure to find life at our campus lively and cosmopolitan. International students experience a sense of belonging in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere supported by many bilingual staff. The teachers at Amity College are qualified and skilled in their chosen field. Our students find them both friendly and approachable. They are regularly observed by the Director of Studies to maintain the standard that we are proud of. Our Campus At Amity College we understand the need to provide high quality services and facilities to complement the teaching and learning process. The Amity College campus provides an attractive and comfortable setting.