9761 Educators providing Courses

Mind Skills Training Coaching & Wellbeing

mind skills training coaching & wellbeing

Mind Skills TrainingSuicide Is Preventable Suicide is preventable. As a society, we have a responsibility to ensure that young people, adults, teachers, parents and carers alike, within our community, have the opportunity to discuss the subject of mental health in an open, frank and honest way. We want to inspire, motivate and educate people with our positive message. So how do we help? And can you help, too? Please take the time to read about the work that Mind Skills Training does. Mental Health Matters Mindskills Training was developed out of a desire to help those suffering with their mental health or with the impact of suicide. Since its inception, we have worked hard to provide support where it's most needed. Orla Crummey “So informative, so much to learn and so much to take away from a fantastic mentor. Well done Phil and thank you. Cant wait to get the younger kids involved.” Dr. James Galezewski Clinical Psychologist, Associate Professor “Mr. Mc Taggart has presented to and spent considerable time with my graduate psychology students both in Belfast and in Chicago over a number of years. He has a keen knowledge of and insight into the dilemma of suicide, and the pain that is left in the wake of the suicide of a loved one. He has the expertise in community organisation and has left a lasting impression on my students and me, on the importance of individual awareness and reaching out person-to-person to those in distress.”

The Property Coaching Academy

the property coaching academy


Welcome The Property Coaching Academy. Whether you are new to passive income and property investing, or are a property professional, we are confident that we can help you make more money, as well as having more freedom and choice in your life, as a result of our property education. Alex Szepietowski, the Founder, initially set out to build himself a property portfolio so that he could have a different lifestyle to the one he had growing up. Since achieving this, he has been helping people achieve their financial goals, retire early and spend their time doing what they love. But it wasn’t until Alex was invited to give a TEDx talk titled ‘Design Your Dream Life Through Passive Income’, which has been watched by millions of people around the world, thousands of whom reached out to him, that he realised he needed to help more people. The Property Coaching Academy was born to inspire, empower and educate our graduates to achieve their financial goals, but more importantly than the money, to enable them to have the opportunities that this makes available. We share a lot of information on this website free of charge in the hope that we will both educate and inspire you to take your property investing to the next level. You will see that the life-changing results our course and coaching programme graduates produce, and the testimonials they give, are phenomenal. We are very proud of the knowledge and service we provide. It’s important to say that our graduates come from all walks of life, all with their own challenges, self-doubts and excuses as to why they didn’t think they could succeed – and the majority of whom didn’t start with capital or any experience. “Anyone, anywhere, follow our 7 Step Process and you will achieve your financial goals.” Alex Szepietowski