1611 Educators providing Courses

Oldbury Wells School

oldbury wells school


On behalf of all our students and staff, I am delighted to welcome you to Oldbury Wells School. We are a dynamic, forward looking school located in the historic town of Bridgnorth, Shropshire, our vision… to ‘inspire education’ and ‘inspire lives’. As a school and 6th form; we are alive with learning, ensuring everyone continually improves to be the best they can while developing individual interests and talents. We aim for all our young people to further gain in confidence and ASPIRE to make the best progress in all they do within a safe, caring and supportive environment. Our school has high expectations and high levels of achievement and ensures ENJOYMENT is at the heart of all our work. We provide high quality experiences through an exciting curriculum and extensive wider opportunities, ensuring our school is a great place to be and a great place to learn. We are relentless in celebrating everyone’s ACHIEVEMENT in all aspects of their academic and personal development, ensuring everyone is fully prepared to move forward taking their place in today’s diverse society. We value our traditions and encourage our students to have the highest expectations of themselves and others; our dedicated staff work in support of every individual to help them achieve their ambitions. Our students recognise the importance of doing their best, achieving excellent results at all levels; their achievements are recognised locally, regionally and nationally as being exceptionally strong. These achievements are further enhanced for many of our students through the continuous pathway into post 16 provision at Bridgnorth 6th Form, providing a continuous learning journey. Our blended approach of academic rigour and enriched opportunities ensures our school is 'a lovely place to be and a great place to study and work’ (OFSTED). Our website provides an opportunity for you to find out more about our school and join us in celebrating all that makes Oldbury Wells the very special place it is; we hope that you find it informative. We would also encourage you to follow us on our social media feeds to hear more about our students’ amazing achievements. Should you wish to find out more about the school or if you have any specific questions, do not hesitate to make contact so we can provide you with the detail required. We look forward to welcoming you!

Roundwood Park School

roundwood park school


With Grammar schools in nearby St Albans, that meant that it was in reality a secondary modern school although as its pupils reached school leaving age (15 in those days) it soon became apparent that many wanted to stay on into the fifth year and take ‘O’ levels so that facility was provided. The school opened with three teaching blocks – still recognizable as ‘B’ block, ‘C’ block and the hall, gym etc. where the staff room and offices were. There were three forms, one in each of the second, third and fourth years and three first year forms, making a total of 179 pupils. There were ten teachers including the first head teacher – Mr Arthur Foxwell. The school was organised into four houses – Braille, Campbell, Grenfell and Nightingale – thus providing a competitive element for the popular Sports Day and, from 1961 when the town’s pool was opened, the Swimming Gala. After three years, the school had reached its planned maximum size but often exceeded that over subsequent years due to its increasing popularity with local residents as well as those in Wheathampstead and Redbourn. Now we receive many pupils from the other villages – Markyate, Flamstead and Kimpton. This is partly due to the closure of smaller secondary schools in Redbourn and Wheathampstead so that the ‘economies of scale’ can be taken advantage of, full comprehensive provision within Hertfordshire and also due to parental preference. Mr Foxwell retired in 1976 after 20 years as Headteacher and Mr Turnbull took over for 2 years, being followed by Mr Haydon Luke who stayed for 17 years. Andy Cunningham stayed for 6 years and was replaced by Mr Nick Daymond who also stayed for 6 years until he was succeeded by the current Headteacher, Mr Alan Henshall. At various times in between, the Deputy Heads have held the fort – Mr Lucas, Mr Surtees and Ms Linda Graham – all contributing to the continuity and stability that have been part of the Roundwood ethos. Roundwood21There have been many changes over the past 60 years resulting in upheaval and disruption – increasingly frequent times when the site appeared more like a building site as a new Sixth Form/Modern Foreign Languages block was constructed, soon to be followed by a new Maths/Music building and a Sports Centre. The school is also now an Academy. The changes have not affected the ethos of the school and Roundwood Park remains the same, continuing to educate local children in a caring and supportive way that encourages them to develop their best talents through a broad and balanced curriculum. This article is adapted from the original produced for the 50th celebrations by Ruth Martin & Christine Hood. UPDATE On 13 September 2018 Roundwood Park was proud to officially open a state of the art 3G artificial pitch on the school site. A joint venture with Harpenden Colts FC, and with a £500,000 grant from the Premier League and the FA Facilities Fund, it allowed us to replace the existing grass pitch, which was unsuitable for football during the winter months. The new pitch is used by all students and players from the school as well as Harpenden Colts FC, who operate around 60 teams across eight different training venues. Watford FC Community Sports and Education Trust also use the pitch to deliver sessions for female and disabled football, as well as its use for regular summer holiday camps and coach education workshops.

Athena Studies

athena studies


Our tutors are ambitious, social and enthusiastic top tier students who excel in their field of study and have an affinity with teaching. This is what we seek in a tutor in order to provide the best lessons for the student. Only with an 8 or higher and a genuine interest in the relevant subject will such a top tier student be selected. After an initial interview, it is up to the selected candidate to show us how he or she teaches. If that is sufficient, the teacher who has been hired will enter the training process, consisting of one or more trial lessons in which an actual lesson is simulated. During the entire period up to the first lesson and after that, the (prospective) teacher is extensively supervised by a quality manager who has several years of teaching experience and has shown superior results. Only tutors who are evaluated by students with an 8.0 average or higher for multiple actual lessons are given a permanent place in our team of tutors. All permanent lecturers take part in an advanced training programme, which focuses on improving teaching fundamentals, such as didactics, pedagogy, interpersonal communication and presentation skills. View our tutor vacancy if you want to be a part of this. Our method At the heart of every course, active learning is the basis. Students are often tempted to (only) make summaries and re-read or highlight textbooks, with the misleading idea that this improves their study results. Based on the available evidence, these study techniques are rated as being low utility learning (Dulonsky et al. 2013). At AthenaStudies, we are constantly analysing the most recent studies and assess student needs in order to find the most effective study methods to ensure the highest grades. It is proven that the most effective study method is retrieving the information out of the brain, instead of putting information into the brain. Spitzer et al. (1939) found that students who did one extra practice test scored about 10-15% better on their exam that students who did not. A more recent study from Butler et al. (2010) suggest an even bigger difference, with an estimated 30%. Hence, practice is key. Karpicke & Blunt (2011) takes this idea one step further and found that a group of students who read a topic four times scored less than students who practiced with the topic only once. Our tech team has created an ideal online environment where our teaching methods can flourish. Every course given by AthenaStudies is interactive and includes a lot of exam level practice material. It gives the students the opportunity to practice during the course and think for themselves. With every course, a summary of the full exam curriculum is provided and sent to the home address of the students. References: Butler, A. C. (2010). Repeated testing produces superior transfer of learning relative to repeated studying. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 36(5), 1118. Dunlosky, J., Rawson, K. A., Marsh, E. J., Nathan, M. J., & Willingham, D. T. (2013). Improving students’ learning with effective learning techniques: Promising directions from cognitive and educational psychology. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 14(1), 4-58. Karpicke, J. D., & Blunt, J. R. (2011). Retrieval practice produces more learning than elaborative studying with concept mapping. Science, 331(6018), 772-775. Spitzer, H. F. (1939). Studies in retention. Journal of Educational Psychology, 30(9), 641.

Haringey Nursery Schools Training Consortium

haringey nursery schools training consortium


The Consortium was formed in 2011 to represent the progressive and outward looking role of nursery schools in the 21st century. We are a partnership of three maintained nursery schools in Haringey with a rich and diverse history of excellent integrated early years practice. Our central aim is to progress our role in leading system improvement in the Early Years in Haringey and beyond. Within our local authority we have established a strong reputation for providing high quality accredited and non-accredited training. This has been enhanced by working in partnership with the Haringey Early Years Team, Pen Green, Derby University, Middlesex University and Barnet and Southgate college. The schools are located in areas with some of the highest levels of deprivation within the borough of Haringey and serve a diverse population representing a rich cultural and ethnic mix. Typically 24 different languages are being spoken at each school and 65% of the pupil cohort have EAL. Each nursery school has an on site Children’s Centre and a key aspect of this work is supporting families onto pathways back into employment. The centres have effective on site volunteer training and placements for families within the community. We have been part of projects to enable and enhance children's learning and development across the curriculum and widened our partnership through collaborative creative projects including link work with Italy. Sweden, Finland & Denmark. We are one of 16 consortiums designated as an Early Years Teaching Centre, by the DfE in 2011, and we continue to develop and promote the training of staff in local early years settings. Staff training and development is associated with higher quality early years provision (Study of Early Education and Development (SEED), 2017) Children who experience high quality early years provision are well placed to achieve higher outcomes at school and develop better social, emotional and cognitive abilities necessary for life-long learning. (Foundation Years Great Early Years & Childcare, Knowledge Hub, 2018) Who are we? The Haringey Nursery Schools Training Consortium is a collaboration between Rowland Hill, Woodlands Park and Pembury House Nursery School and Children’s Centres. This partnership was formed in 2010 in order to support young children and practitioners in Early Year’s settings locally and further afield. The Nursery Schools have on-site Children’s Centres and offer fully integrated care and education for families. The combined strength of the nursery schools together with children’s centre services and childcare enables them to offer a wide range of services to children and families. The Nursery Schools have been judged by Ofsted to have outstanding practice and in 2011 were awarded ‘Early Years Teaching Centre’ (EYTC) Status. What is our aim? The Nursery Schools have a reputation for exciting, innovative Early Years expertise, practice and research which we have developed in order to improve outcomes for young children and their families. Through a close, strategic partnership with the Local Authority and a range of other partners, we are able to offer a range of high quality training and development opportunities for those in the Early Years Workforce. This includes staff in Primary Schools, Nursery Schools, Private, Voluntary and Independent Early Years Settings and Childminders. Together with the Haringey Early Years Quality and Improvement Team, we also offer an annual Early Years Conference.

St John Henry Newman Catholic School

st john henry newman catholic school



St John Henry Newman Catholic School offers you… An exciting, engaging curriculum underpinned by excellent teaching A committed and caring staff Regular physical activity for all pupils A wide range of extra-curricular activities including residential opportunities and international travel At St John Henry Newman Catholic School we are committed to the high achievement of all our pupils. We cultivate success and foster the highest aspirations through excellent teaching. We are a learning community which has high expectations and actively seeks to celebrate the good in every individual. St John Henry Newman Catholic School is built on the Christian values of trust, respect and compassion. We inspire an enthusiasm for life-long learning and are committed to success for all. St John Henry Newman Catholic School opened in 1967 and we are very proud of the long history of achievements gained by our pupils. Our expectations are high and we continue to ‘raise the bar’. Our small sixth form ensures that all of our pupils’ individual needs are catered for which in turn ensures we are well placed to help each individual to make their expected progress. Supported by a strong careers programme, our pupils continue to be successful in their transition from school to employment, apprenticeships and further education and training. Pupils receive individual guidance on their next steps and we are proud to say that our school leaver statistics are above the national average with close to 100% of our pupils selecting appropriate future steps. St John Henry Newman Catholic School seeks to provide a distinctly Catholic education in partnership with parents, families, the local Church and wider community. Everyone is encouraged to be the best person that they can be and is both nurtured and challenged in a safe and secure environment. Mutual respect is at the heart of our school community and Gospel values of peace, justice and reconciliation are of paramount importance. At St John Henry Newman Catholic School we pride ourselves on the level of pastoral care our pupils are offered. Each pupil is known to us and we are able to identify and react quickly when problems arise to help our pupils in every way possible to achieve their full potential. We are renowned for going the extra mile and offering first class levels of support. Each Year group has a dedicated Head of Year who works with pupils from their first day in Year 7 until they finish Year 11. A Pupil Support Officer is also available throughout the day providing advice and guidance. It is a difficult decision to select a secondary school for your child. One of the most important things you should do is visit the school during the school day. This will allow you to get a feel for the school and to see our pupils at work. We would be delighted to arrange a visit for you at a time convenient time to yourself. Please contact our school office to arrange a visit. We have excellent facilities set in pleasant surroundings. Pupils will experience practical subjects using up to date technology in purpose-built environments. ICT facilities are constantly being updated and pupils have the opportunity to access resources both in and outside school using our virtual learning environment.

Ajwa Private Tuition Services

ajwa private tuition services


Would you like to hire tutors to help you with academics and professional assistance at your place of residence? When selecting tutors, you may be looking for qualifications, experience, adequacy, and regularity? To meet all your requirements, Ajwa tutors’ network of teachers is committed to serving you well. We provide female and male home tutoring services in Lahore and Islamabad, Pakistan. Our home tutors are highly capable and trustworthy staff that will bring out the best performance from our students. Our reliability is your trust! Therefore, we have taken all possible measures to maintain that trust. We aim to improve education in Pakistan on the basis of personal development, better learning and high performance. Through our vigilant home tutor staff, we strive – to manage appropriate tutors for our students to assure result oriented individualized learning – to provide better guidance for the students to promote conceptual understanding of curriculum – to prepare our students for problem solving skills and make them subject intellectuals – to keep them motivated, enthusiastic and ambitious for the continual learning process – to ensure service satisfaction and 100% guaranteed results To get the best out of our team, we only hire qualified people with strong academic backgrounds through our screening and approval process. To assist you, we at Ajwa Tutors Academy will search for and allocate the most appropriate tutor for you. This will enable them to dedicate their complete attention to your academics within the specified teaching hours. Parents always want their children to grow academically and professionally. That is only possible, when they get the right source of guidance and the right direction. In response to numerous time and travel limitations, insufficient learning, personalized attention, and study gaps, we have come up with solutions. We at Ajwa tutors academy aim to promote education by solving the problems encountered by students in their learning journey. We receive numerous requests for female home tutors in Lahore and Islamabad. Ajwa tutors’ network of female teaching staff covers the whole of Lahore and Islamabad to facilitate you with the most effective home teaching services. Our facilities are available in all Lahore and Islamabad. ONLINE TUTORS Ajwa tutors is a leading national and international online tutoring site. We provide expert tutors for online classes that offer complete learning and flexible timings in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Ajwa tutors provide you with the best online tutoring services through a well-developed and advanced digital network. We welcome knowledge seekers and learners to our broad inter-connected community of subject experts with diverse and extravagant academic backgrounds. Online tutoring is a popular trend that provides expert guidance anytime and from anywhere. Ajwa tutors provide a learning opportunity for all with inclusive benefits of time flexibility, travel exemption, high academic exposure, best mentoring, and study with comport. Without the headache of unnecessary travel, and additional expenses, you can avail in-person tutoring lessons for your desired subject. We guide and assist students to help them get a better grip on their curriculum through subject experts. This online tuition forum brings specialists for subject guidance, exam preparations, and assessments in all academic fields. Ajwa tutors are well-trained in online teaching. By identifying student strengths and weaknesses in a particular subject, they enable them to improve their learning and critical thinking. Ajwa tutors platform emphasizes both quality and equality education through their uniquely designed online tutoring program. We aim to meet the learning needs of every student. Generally, students need extra help in specific subjects or for short-term exam preparation. Our expert tutors will help you grasp the concepts and knowledge necessary to clear your exams with remarkable results. We have highly qualified personnel to teach graduate, master’s, and Ph.D. students in all subject areas. Our online teachers have experience with aptitude tests for Medical, Engineering, IELTS, and TOEFL, etc. Ajwa online tutoring service provides online tutors for classes of all grades including primary, secondary, higher secondary, and intermediate (FSC) (boards level), ICS, O Level and A-Levels (IGCSE, EDEXCEL), IELTS, and TOEFL, etc. A LEVEL TUTORS You can benefit from Ajwa tutors’ A Levels home/online teaching services if you are an AS/A levels student struggling with any subject. We assure you of the reliability and credibility of our staff. Our teachers with experience of Cambridge International teaching also attend an Extension Career Development course to best meet the criteria of teaching at our platform. After GCSEs many students opt for AS Levels, a bit different from A Levels. AS Levels (1 year program) can be said to be equivalent to the first year of A Levels (2 year program) qualification. Both are considered separate qualifications; however, level accomplishment requires more effort than AS levels. The BTEC and IB Diploma are also options after O levels. Students generally take regular lessons in their educational institutes, but the teachers cannot give their full attention to each individual. Furthermore, in a world of increasing competition and scientific developments, the ability to understand and interpret technical materials is crucial to success in academics and careers. With a strong grip on your AS & A Levels subjects, you will surely get a seat at top ranked universities around the world. With our tutoring network, you learn well and become able to think creatively, independently and critically. Our tutoring platform is equipped with all necessary material for teachers to read through. This includes syllabuses, past question papers, mark schemes, examiner reports, lesson plans and schemes of work. Our goal is to train, support, and provide services that will help you grow in a way you deserve. We provide our students with home based learning opportunities with our experienced and qualified tutoring staff at Ajwa tutors. The key to learning is understanding concepts thoroughly. To meet the emerging need for home-based tuition services in Lahore and Islamabad, we have developed our A Levels home tutors’ team. We have tutors in all Lahore and Islamabad areas where we send our subject specialists. Through our vast network of tutors, you can study at your own place. Additionally, we work with professional female tutors to ensure that they are available to assist you with all the subjects. So, travel and gender obstacles cannot limit your learning journey anymore. Cambridge offers wide range AS & A Levels program resource materials and our tutors will guide you to master your course. O LEVELS/ CAMBRIDGE IGCSE/ ENGLAND GCSE HOME/ONLINE TUTORS Cambridge O Level is an internationally recognized qualification equivalent to Cambridge IGCSE and UK GCSE. Updated GCSE content is closely aligned with Cambridge IGCSEs. O-Level courses are designed to prepare students for academic progression to Cambridge Advanced as well as other learning disciplines. Cambridge background tutors or subject specialists are assigned to students from different schools such as The City School, Aitchison College, American Lycetuff, Lahore Grammar School, Bloomfield Hall Schools, Convent of Jesus and Mary, Beaconhouse School System, and others. Students of IGCSE Cambridge/O levels have the following subjects’ classification scheme. Group 1: Economics, business studies, accounting, math and other compulsory/optional subjects Group 2: Math, Biology, Physics, chemistry and other compulsory/ optional subjects Environmental science, sociology, psychology, law and other compulsory/ optional subjects To prepare O levels students for achieving their learning goals in each subject, Ajwa tutors has assembled a team of well-qualified and dedicated online/home tutors. The key to learning is understanding concepts thoroughly. In response to the growing demand for home-based tutoring services, our O levels home tutors team is committed to serving you in Lahore and Islamabad. Through our vast network of tutors, you can get one to one support and interaction with your tutor at your own place. We have experienced and qualified male and female staff. In addition to our male tutors, our professional female home tutors may be available within your vicinity. So, travel and gender obstacles are not limiting your learning experience. Our tutors follow a specified teaching methodology. They incorporate real world examples to broaden the students’ view regarding each topic. As part of their daily class activities, students practice a wide range of subject-related problems as a means of developing critical evaluation and problem-solving skills. Our professional tutors have adopted strategic teaching techniques that guarantee your superior grades. Our tutor network provides online teaching services both within Pakistan and overseas. To facilitate our students’ learning, we offer flexible schedules, individual attention, and a comfortable learning environment. Our online tutors interact well with the student and respond to every query that strikes their mind. So, you get the answers to your queries and the solution to each problem specifically. As well as learning, you gain conceptual and application-based knowledge of each subject field that guarantees your better grades during O levels, which will lead you to successfully enter multiple colleges and subjects. FEMALE HOME TUTORS IN LAHORE / FEMALE HOME TUTORS IN ISLAMABAD Are you searching for a capable female home tutor nearby you for in-person coaching? What if you have difficulty with work schedules and transportation that limit your ability to reach a physical location? We offer female home tutoring services in Lahore and Islamabad to meet your hiring criteria. Parents require high attention for their children’s academics and the allocation of specified teaching hours. There is a huge gap in the field for which parents find it difficult to approach suitable female tutors. Now the problems are solved! With our home tutoring service, we provide the most capable female tutors. Through our vigilant female home tutors’ network, we commit – to provide highly qualified female tutors at your convenience – result oriented 1 to 1 private tutoring and personalized attention – to manage differentiated, better, and pre-learning processes that address all learners’ needs – to fill the gaps left during school lessons, and to best prepare for exams – daily assessment and feedback evaluation – to provide a positive learning environment – to ensure service satisfaction and grades improvement to 100% Through our rigorous screening process, we only hire qualified personnel from top universities who have extraordinary curriculum management skills. Parents usually report the lack of specialist female home tutors in their nearby hometown. Normally we get a request for the requirement of a female tutor in Lahore and female tutor in Lahore Islamabad. We receive numerous requests for female home tutors; thus, we are growing our team in Lahore and Islamabad and its premises.

The Rochester Grammar School

the rochester grammar school


The Rochester Grammar School is a high-performing secondary which is part of the TSA Trust where diversity is celebrated as we create a safe and inspiring place for children to learn; where their rights are respected and they are able to develop their talents and abilities to their full potential. We started our RRSA journey in September 2021 and have achieved the Bronze Right Respecting School Award (RRSA) and are now working towards achieving our Silver Award. The RRSA (Rights Respecting Schools Award) is awarded by Unicef. Unicef is the world’s leading organisation working for children and young people and their rights. In 1989, governments across the world agreed that all children have the same rights by adopting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). These rights are based on what a child needs to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential. The Award recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of a school’s planning, policies and practice. All children are taught about their rights at the Rochester Grammar School. Rights are the focus each week during form time with key discussion points and reflections activities. We also have a steering group where children come together to discuss their Rights. We celebrate our diversity as a school community as we endeavour to develop young people who are fully cognisant of their rights whilst respecting the rights of all members of our school community. As we work towards the SILVER accreditation we have: Weekly form assemblies where students use RRSA’s resources to explore the articles from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. These are linked to mental health, online safety, identity or equality and other topics. Planned for each form to create their own Form Charter that encourages children to behave in a 'rights respecting' manner. Established a 'Steering Group' of adults and children who help to drive the programme across the school. This captures the voice of the child and adds to the important jobs our Student Leaders already do. Undertaken staff CPD to secure a commitment from the whole staff to the principles of the RRSA and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Conducted a planning review: We are in the process of reviewing the KS3 curriculum to embed issues and themes of the UN Convention across our subject areas so that the children visit and revisit important concepts throughout their learning journey.

Wombourne High School

wombourne high school


I am delighted to welcome you to the Wombourne High School website, which offers a wealth of information about our school, our vision for the future, the flourishing developments taking shape at our school and the many successes and achievements of our students. We are an ambitious and supportive school, committed to providing all our students with the best possible education. We are proud of our team of dedicated staff who provide an inspiring, structured and supportive learning environment, in which every student is challenged to realise their full potential and encouraged to be ambitious for their futures. We believe that everyone has potential: our commitment is to help each young person to make the most of their abilities and to achieve their goals. We believe in high academic aspirations for every student, and we achieve these aspirations through our core values of hard work, positivity and kindness. At Wombourne High School our students work hard. They are courageous and determined in the pursuit of their goals, and resilient to setbacks. We help our students to understand that effort now will help ensure their success in the future. Our students know that every step they take forms part of their journey to success, and we help them to understand that long term goals are achieved by taking small steps every day. Through our positive environment, we always promote the highest possible aspirations for our students and encourage a ‘can-do’ attitude. At Wombourne High School we believe that anything is possible, and our students are challenged to do their best, to never give up and to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. We encourage students to demonstrate positivity by involving themselves in all aspects of school life and are committed to providing unique opportunities and experiences that lead to happy, healthy, and successful futures. Finally, and most importantly, we expect all our students and our staff to show kindness: to treat others as they wish to be treated, to be respectful, fair, and compassionate. Our students are polite and courteous, and always happy to help others. We are privileged to help our students develop their sense of responsibility and respect for themselves and the world around them and celebrate diversity through our inclusive culture. At Wombourne High School we recognise the importance of good examination results for our students’ future success, but we know that these alone are not enough. To secure places at the best universities and on the most prestigious apprenticeships, our students also need to develop their wider skills and attributes so they can take their place as positive and independent members of society, ready for success in any pathway they choose. Learning at Wombourne reaches far beyond the classroom; we offer an enriched, enjoyable curriculum and encourage all students to get involved in the wider life of the school, offering extra-curricular activities in a range of areas such as sport and the arts and an extensive variety of educational visits and opportunities. Wombourne High School looks forward to an exciting future, with fantastic exam results, extensive opportunities for students, and a successful Sixth Form, with work starting shortly on our new state-of-the-art building which will provide outstanding learning facilities for all students. Our vision is to develop students who are confident, independent and resilient citizens with unlimited aspirations, who leave our school equipped to be successful in any pathway they choose. If this matches the ambition you have for your child, I hope that you will visit Wombourne High School to see the exceptional opportunities we offer. We look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Coxlease School - Hampshire

coxlease school - hampshire


A network of high-quality education and care services across the UK Proven experience in delivering first-class residential care A broad, individualised and engaging curriculum, including vocational routes into sustainable employment Nationally-recognised qualifications and accreditations Onward pathways into further education or supported living, if required Some of the UK’s leading experts in working with young people with autism and other special educational needs Modern and well-equipped facilities, designed to meet holistic needs A proven track record of supporting the best outcomes for young people Supporting each child to achieve their unique potential We believe that every young person deserves the care, support and education that equips them for a brighter future, and we support each child to achieve their unique potential. Aspris Education provides a network of specialist schools and colleges, with an unwavering focus on achieving the best outcomes. With our educational expertise and first-class environments, children and young people grow, develop and progress. They achieve academically while building the social, emotional and independence skills they can draw on for life. Our Aspris Care children’s homes provide warm, welcoming and nurturing environments for vulnerable young people. They offer stability and care, empowering each child to overcome their barriers and succeed. Our homes support young people to engage with their education and lay the foundations for successful transitions to the next stage of their life. Rated as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted, Aspris Fostering Services supports a growing network of dedicated foster carers, ensuring that the children in our care grow up in safe, supportive and loving families. Our fostering agency helps young people to unlock their potential and face their adult lives with confidence and a sense of self-worth. Care and support tailored to each individual Every child is unique, so we carefully tailor our care and support to their specific needs, interests, skillsets and aspirations. We see the potential in each young person that we support and we place their needs at the core of every decision we take. We know the journey to success is often not a straight line. Wherever a child’s abilities lie, we dedicate ourselves to helping them enhance their future prospects. We are patient, committed and work in partnership with each young person that we support. Our specialisms We have extensive experience of working with children and young people with a range of needs, including autism, social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs and learning difficulties. We have an in-depth understanding of these challenges and the ways in which they can affect a young person, both academically and socially. This awareness shapes everything that we do, from the subjects offered in our schools and colleges, to the design and layout of our buildings. Welcoming international students Young people from across the world are welcomed into our specialist schools and colleges every year. These settings provide the safe and nurturing environments that children need to settle in and quickly feel at home. Located in some of the most beautiful areas in the UK, our education services offer a first-class British education, supporting young people to achieve a range of UK qualifications and accreditations. A commitment to safety and quality At Aspris Children’s Services, we are committed to providing high quality services through a robust governance framework. We nurture a culture of continuous quality improvement that moves beyond compliance, focusing on delivering excellent care and support to the young people we are responsible for. Our absolute priority is to make sure we operate safe and effective services 24/7. Employing a rigorous safeguarding culture means that the safety and welfare of the children we support is at the forefront of everything that we do.

Warrington Russian Language School Solnyshko

warrington russian language school solnyshko


It all began in June 2012, when a team of parents-enthusiasts set up a Russian speaking parent and toddler group, called “Solnyshko" (loosely translated as “Sunshine”). The aim of this group was to create a Russian speaking environment for their young children and help them in learning the Russian language. The parent and toddler group is aimed at children from 1 to 3 years and operates all year around, excluding school holidays. The sessions include the staples of singing, dancing, nursery rhymes, puppet shows, crafts and sensory activities for the younger ones, as well as themed sessions aimed at expanding vocabulary of a particular topic of the week, basic numeracy and knowledge of the alphabet. Following growing demand and in response to a number of requests, the Committee decided to open a Saturday school for teaching Russian language to older children in more depth. Thus, in September 2013 Warrington Russian Language School “Solnyshko” opened its doors to older children. The opening ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Warrington and accompanying dignitaries. "Solnyshko" has been expanding ever since and currently offers classes to children aged from 3 and 16 years. Classes are organised according to age and knowledge of the Russian language. The curriculum includes lessons of Russian language and literature, expanding vocabulary and music, preparing for Russian language GCSE exam. Our goal - creation of friendly Russian-speaking environment for children, helping them to learn the language, make friends and have fun. We are truly an international school, we unite people from different backgrounds and ethnic groups. The school holds regular “open lessons” and special children performances involving the school’s pupils, where parents have the opportunity to observe the development and success of their children. The Committee and school staff are tirelessly working on creating a positive and welcoming atmosphere in the school, which is important not only for children, but also helps adults to develop and maintain social ties and support each other. The school has a system of seeking parents feedback - in addition to regular parent surveys through written questionnaires, parents are invited to write their comments and suggestions and drop them in the “suggestion box”, located next to the entrance. They are also encouraged to ask questions or make suggestions at any time. The Committee is always glad to welcome new volunteers, who wish to join the management of the school. All school staff are DBS is checked. School teachers have appropriate pedagogical education and experience of working with children. Classes are held each Saturday from 9.30 to 11:50. From 12:00 a selection of clubs start. "Solnyshko" is a not-for-profit organisation, registered with Warrington Borough Council. Families, who have two or more children attending "Solnyshko" are eligible to discounts. Anyone, who is struggling to pay school fees, is encouraged to talk to the school’s Committee, where arrangements could be considered. *** Given the momentum and public support Warrington Russian Language School has received during its temporary closure on 12th of March 2022, we work closely with Warrington Borough Council on two matters: 1. On preventing bullying of kids with links to Russia or Russian language at this difficult time. 2. Working together helping Ukrainian refugees to quickly and successfully integrate into the community by providing translation/interpreting, advice and free lessons in our language school (English, Russian and Ukrainian), as well as access to art/painting, craft, music band, football and other activities in Russian language (as you know, most people in Ukraine can speak Russian language). We have a small database of local people (as well as our own teachers) willing to give their free time to teach various subjects and translate as necessary for the Ukrainian refugees. We also work closely with the community and can propose and host "tea and advice" meet up events in various locations. The temporary closure of our classes on 12th of March was very tough for everyone at Russian Language School "Solnyshko" (parents, pupils, teachers). We were so glad, however, to receive such overwhelming support from local community and happy it's behind us now. We look forward to even closer links to the wider community, St Wilfrids Primary School and Warrington Borough Council.