301 Educators providing Courses

Elite Tuition

elite tuition


ELITE Tuition is the UK’s most successful mathematics tuition company offering complete range of A-Level and GCSE Mathematics programmes and tuition to students. We are proud to report that 98% of the students who have completed our course have achieved an A* or A Grade, regardless of starting ability. ELITE Tuition uses its own teaching resources designed to cover the entire curriculum and develop all of the skills necessary to ensure any participating student achieves the top grade. We are proud to publish a 98% A/A* success rate for anyone completing our programme in both the GCSE and A-Level courses for the past seven years*. (ELITE Tuition does not select students or remove students based on ability.) The highest paid graduate jobs require a strong numeracy skills, and competition is fierce for the top university spaces. There has never been a more important time to ensure a student gets the A* grade. We believe that every student can achieve the top grade, even if they are not naturally gifted in Mathematics. We are proud to have proved this with over a thousand students. Please see testimonials from former students. Our programmes have been designed by highly qualified teachers and examination officers using the latest in educational research. Visit our GCSE Maths tuition or A-Level Maths tuition pages for more details. Why choose an ELITE Tutor Our programme is specifically designed by examination officers following the latest research in education. A student taking our course will benefit from: A 98% A / A* Grade success rate for both A-Level and GCSE Mathematics. An extensive course covering all elements necessary to achieve an A/A*. Individual (one to one) tutorial sessions available online or face to face. Learning material with ELITE first, using school as practise. Increased confidence in school. Unsurpassed insight into exam technique. Being taught by highly qualified and vetted tutors. Exclusive access to the Award Winning BlueStar Mathematics Examination Workshops. In addition to Mathematics Tuition, ELITE Tuition offers university application support to its students. We will help in writing a compelling personal statement, get students exposure into the industry via our Business Industry Links programme, and assist with university applications and interviews. Click here for advice packs for Parents and Students. * Students having taken our recommended tuition programme over the full duration of their GCSE or A-Level course.

Cherwell College Oxford

cherwell college oxford


CHERWELL COLLEGE OXFORD is located in the heart of Oxford. The College is a leading independent, co-educational, boarding and day school for students aged between 12 and 18 years of age. Cherwell is one of the few colleges focused on bespoke education. Cherwell is one of the few remaining pre-university colleges in Oxford which continue to preserve the very best the British education system has to offer – the tutorial. In an age of continuing uncertainty, young people must be encouraged to ‘think on their feet’ and adapt quickly to the ever-changing political, economic and social situations in the world, which have a direct impact on their lives and academic and career aspirations. Cherwell’s adaptability and bespoke approach to education, delivered via a quintessentially Oxbridge tutorial method of teaching (one-to-one tuition & small group seminars), assists the College in nurturing and developing the individual student’s potential to the full. The format of tuition is discussed at an interview stage and determined by the subject syllabus and the specific needs of the student. This combination of small group and individual tuition ensures comprehensive syllabus coverage, enhanced by student feedback and classroom discussion, while enabling each student to fully understand each topic, and to apply this understanding effectively under examination conditions. Regular progress tests and mock examinations feature in the timetable, particularly important to those students where examination results do not always reflect their true academic potential. Monthly reports, written by each subject tutor, allow parents to closely monitor academic and pastoral progress.