323 Educators providing Courses

Dave Taylor - Massage Training

dave taylor - massage training



The Raynor Massage is a therapeutic technique developed by Brandon Raynor, an Australian trained Naturopath. Some of the techniques used in Raynor Massage originated from Eastern practices of massage, such as Shiatsu, Ayurvedic massage, Thai massage, Lomi Lomi, and Yoga breathing techniques. Raynor Massage is a unique method of massage specifically focusing on finding and eliminating residual tension being held in the body. Brandon Raynor developed the technique based on over twenty years practicing massage and studying many different techniques used throughout the world. He has developed a method of teaching massage that enables students to learn quickly, focusing on the goal, which is always finding and totally releasing all residual tension located throughout the body. Find out more about Raynor Massage and our courses by requesting our free information pack CLICK HERE Tension can be tracked along bands in the body that are composed of tendons, muscles, ligaments and other bodily tissues. Underlying these physical manifestations of the bands are subtle energy systems similar to Sen lines in Thai Massage, Meridians in Chinese Medicine, or Nadis in Ayurvedic Massage. Knowledge and techniques gleaned from these ancient modalities were then combined and evolved to form the Raynor Band Theory. While Raynor Massage Bands may overlap with some of these eastern practices, their distinguishing feature is they can be physically traced and seen within the body. Our bodies hang onto tension in our muscles for a variety of reasons; poor posture, stress from home or work, injuries, exercise and/or sports training, hunching over a computer and other things as well. This tension is held in our muscle tissue and eventually results in residual muscle tension and pain. If this goes untreated for any length of time it can result in long-term problems physically, mentally and emotionally. “As a refresher, highlights for me were the practicals, getting practise and feedback from the other students and from Dave.” Diploma Massage student, London 2015 This system of bodywork treats the muscle and skeletal systems, as well as the energy systems throughout the body. Raynor Massage is not anything like an ordinary massage, although it does involve certain adjustments, stretches and techniques that have been developed over the years. Residual tension is something that exists in someone’s body even when their body is at rest, like when they are lying on the massage table. If the client has an area where there is muscle tightness when they are not even using that muscle, this is residual tension. The goal of Raynor Massage is to completely rid the body of this. The definition of “relax” is to “return to a state of looseness”. “Re” is defined “to bring back” and “lax” means “loose”. Thus, Raynor Massage is a modality of deep and relaxing massage. Another vital aspect of Raynor Massage is accepting that residual tension can be caused by emotional, mental or stress related issues. The fundamental philosophy of Raynor Massage is based on the theory of Eastern Medicine. The physical tension in the body is the culmination of various energies, emotions and of a life force, which is called chi or prana. If there is a disruption or blockage, which impedes the flow of chi or prana, the result will be an area of muscle tightness, and the bones in the skeletal structure may be forced out of alignment.

Amanda Porter

amanda porter


/my name is Amanda and I’m an Abdominal Therapy Practitioner and Educator. I also offer Holistic massage and Energy work in the Tradition of the Maya. My story begins in the mists of time when I was raising my wonderful offspring. Being interested in complementary therapy I used this period in my life to learn about a variety of therapies and techniques that could help my children through their early years and beyond. When my children flew the nest, I felt the calling to become a complementary therapist and embarked on a life-changing journey. In 2005 on the insistence of a great friend Hilary Lewin, I attended an amazing class based on the work of Dr Rosita Arvigo. This workshop had a profound effect on my whole being. I felt the power of the work, I observed the changes in my body as I practised my abdominal massage at home. I could not believe that such a sweet simple technique could have such a profound effect. My journey had begun, I wanted to not only learn the technique but also understand why it seemed to help with so many health challenges. They say the right teacher will appear when the time is right and I have been blessed. I trained directly with Rosita Arvigo, the founder of the work I now offer in my clinic and the classroom. Understanding the similarities between Maya Medicine and Chinese medicine, in 2011, I travelled to Thailand and studied traditional Thai Massage with the renowned traditional healer, Bann Hom who lives in Chaing Mai, Northern Thailand. It did not surprise me to find her treating her community with an abdominal technique that was not a million miles from the work I knew and loved. I have been inspired by Gil Hedley, the brilliant anatomist who offers dissection classes for anyone who is interested in observing the anatomical connections within the human form. Marty Ryan – Love your Guts Seminars, taught me how to listen to my hands, his palpation classes revealed what was beneath the skin. Life is for learning and every belly I touch teaches me something new. And so, to now, in September 2020 working with a passionate group of educators and colleagues including Rosita Arvigo I became a founding member of the Abdominal Therapy Collective.