1549 Educators providing Courses

Influential Leadership And Business Academy

influential leadership and business academy


Dele Olawanle is a practising lawyer, leadership coach, teacher, author, pastor and a Leadership and Business Consultant. He is the owner and Principal of Del & Co. Solicitors, a legal firm based in London, England. He is also the founder and Senior Pastor of Winners Kingdom, a church committed to people with a winning mindset in every facets of life. He is committed to raising men and women who will influence their generation for good. He has been presenting two television programmes on a daily basis: The legal Panorama, through which he explains the UK immigration laws on regular basis and I Am Winning in which he teaches on having a winning mindset. Dele has written currently seven life changing books: Discover Your Purpose, Prayer Is Not the Answer, Add Value, Denied by Character, Breaking the Patterns of Failure, Design Your Future and The Storms Are Over in Your Life. One of his book has been translated into Russian and French languages. Dele has taught on leadership around the world and has helped many people to fulfil their dreams. He is married to Bimbo Olawanle, his wife of 28 years who is a Child Specialist with a degree in Early Childhood Studies and who is a Co-Pastor in Winners Kingdom. Dele & Bimbo are blessed with three children and the first two are also lawyers. Training Make You Different When I started the law degree over 23 years ago, one of our lecturers told us that we train you to be unique and different. He said, ”In 3 years, you will think, talk, write, argue and act differently” That is what training does, it makes you different. At ILBA, we train you to be different. Training Makes You Influential When you become trained, you become very effective in your sphere of influence. Invest into your life Getting necessary training is an investment into your life. You will not regret doing so. Pay the Cost Paying a price to be trained is a sign of commitment. All great leaders pay to be trained. To succeed as a leader or in business, get the necessary trainings. My Vision on Leadership At the centre of my heart is the well-being of every human being I come in contact with.

Iva Troj

iva troj


A Balkan mountain child and a young arts protege who grew up to become a world renown contemporary artist with a PhD in art history. Iva Troj grew up in the outskirts of Bulgaria’s Romani slums in the last decade of communism – a world full of sexual predators, communist propaganda, censorship and no path to artistic livelihood other than what she could imagine in her wildest dreams. Today, she is a Gerety Award winner and 3 times Cannes Lions nominee for her Halo Masterpiece [biggest ever launch in the Halo franchise’s history, with more than 20M players, 520M reach], Towry Best of England Award winner, and 2 times Contemporary Art Excellence Artist of the Year award winner. She has exhibited both nationally and internationally and her work is in collections in the UK, France, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, China, United States and Japan. In 2021, her epic painting Halo Infinite Masterpiece was exhibited at Saatchi Gallery and The Louvre. In 2020, her paintings were included in a number of permanent museum exhibitions in South Asia, among them Haegeumgang Museum 해금강테마박물관 in South Korea. And in Sept 2022, she was invited to exhibit a body of work at The Louvre in Paris. Troj obtained her first fine arts degree when she was just 17 years old. After completing two BA degrees and a master’s degree from the United States and Sweden, she was awarded an art history PhD title. She is widely known for her fine art pieces which seamlessly merge Renaissance aesthetics and techniques with postmodern praxis. Her intensely detailed oil paintings achieve astonishing tricks of light and shade, as practiced by the great masters. Exhausted by a society in which women often feel vulnerable, threatened, or powerless, Troj recasts the fairer sex as powerful creatures, freed from the oppressive male gaze and placed within Edenic settings where they can revel in their own beauty and potential. Blending abstraction with figuration, the natural world with the urban landscape, dream with reality, Troj’s breathtakingly beautiful artworks achieve something truly unique, both in terms of aesthetics and concept.” 22Blocks Agency Artist Statement As a child, I was taught to question one-dimensional narratives, which grew from a survival technique to a development technology of the artistic self. The foe I so often portray almost always represents the normalisation of one or more dysfunctional discourses. Like many artists, I discuss personal experiences. At the same time, I strive to escape the self, an urge that partially stems from crossing borders in the last years of the Cold War. Living through cultural starvation in my childhood’s Eastern Europe has made me restless and hungry for honest creativity. In that sense, nothing I discuss is strictly personal. Sexual abuse, violence, trauma… I may present an unusual perspective on these topics stemming from the self, but only as an outset. The work needs to keep changing, relive itself, challenge its own conformity. There is a point in every artist’s career when one is tempted to choose a tested and proven path. I’m constantly trying to resist this temptation by containing the “paths” in series where I can explore a motif or a theme without succumbing to the comforts of one visual style. The artists that I look up to for inspiration have one thing in common – constant renewal. Traditional elements are very central to my body of work. It’s not so much a need to keep it” traditional”, but rather the way I speak. I grew up in a communist country. We sang songs about machines being superior to man and praised modernity while destroying nature and killing creativity and the human spirit with it. At the same time, my summers were spent in the mountains with my grandmother who had hanging gardens, thousand stories and no TV. These two realities are inseparable in my mind. My style and inspiration come from the techniques of The Old Masters, not just Western but also Eastern European, Russian in particular. As a child I would often look at art books from the Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo and even Modernism and wonder why the women in them were so powerless and passive, always laying there nude like they lost the will to live, combing their hair and undressing, etc. I grew up wishing to become good at painting so I could change the stories in classical motifs. My technique resembles the Flemish method of layering thin veneers of paint between layers of varnish. Beautiful imperfection and constant renewal are themes that flow throughout my paintings. Awards: 3 x nominee for Cannes Lions Award for Halo Infinite Masterpiece 2022 Art Excellence Award 2020 해금강테마박물관] Haegeumgang Museum South Korea. CAF Artist Of The Year 2019 (2d) Contemporary Art Excellence Artist of The Year 2016 2016 Palm Award Winner 2013 Towry Best of England Award Winner

Skylark Global

skylark global


Skylark has established its operations in year 2002 having its primary focus on providing software services and providing IT enabled services. However, we gradually developed our expertise in providing various outsourcing services like Data Conversion Services, data entry, Image indexing services, customer care, transaction processing and other value added services. Over a decade the company has developed and expanded its operations. This is evident as now we are 200 employees company. We have been instrumental in providing Employment opportunities not only for the candidates located in heart of the Kolhapur city but from nearby villages. Our Human Resources team has mainly focused on providing employment opportunities not only to the candidates belonging to lower strata of the society but also for physically challenged people. We call ourselves as an “Employee Centric company” and have motivated our employees to display the core values of always being Available, Attentive and Reliable to our customers. It has helped us to be a preferred outsourcing partner to our client. We have developed a culture to go one step ahead to provide something called as “Customer delight”. We have a strong and experienced Leadership & Human resources team which is consistently helping us to achieve our desired growth and objectives. Day by day we have continued our development, expanded our operation and have invested in technology. We have developed new method of training so that we can deliver the quality output to our client. We are following the Best practices and highly committed to deliver high quality data, customer service, electronic stapling and Mortgage document indexing services etc. We provide service to huge magnitude of clients from simple one time keying requirements or complex multi entry and multi levels of quality checking entries. Our customers are from all market sectors, including both Small/Medium sized Companies. We are strongly committed to deliver superior quality, at the low cost & timely solutions to our clients. Today’s business environment is volatile and we are adapting new technologies to achieve maximum profitability by using the method of maximum utilization of resources. We see the world through our client’s eyes and identify key issues in customer’s business so that we can provide end to end services solutions to those areas. We believe in maintaining long term relationship with our client. We are committed to provide best-in-class services to our clients and believe in continuously developing a business, which will allow us to provide long term and continuing benefits to our clients. Vision Our vision is to be a fastest growing BPO serving Domestic as well as International clients. We want to be a “Trustworthy & Self-driven Partner” for our clients. We want to be a socially responsible organization by building and developing a competent workforce from various labor pools and want to create maximum employment opportunities for all the sections of the society. Mission We at Skylark want to create a better customer experience by continually improving our processes and methods to achieve highest level of “Customer delight”. Quality Policy Skylark Global BPO is committed to Provide Business process management solutions, Document processing services and Bulk Data Entry Services for Domestic and Internationals clients with quality service to exceed customer requirements with global bench marking for quality and cost effectiveness with high degree of customer orientation and market responsiveness. We will achieve this through the best practices followed in each process, team effort, technology, maintaining effective management system and continual improvement of our processes. Rural BPO Our organisation collaborates social responsibility along with business objectives to make these initiatives a vital part of the organisation’s cost effective approach. Over the years, we have adopted a thoughtful approach and have taken steps to address key areas which have an impact on society. The organisation drives these initiatives which are led by our Senior Management and is promoted across the organisation. We are thoroughly committed to bring about a change in the key areas which has a significant impact on the society. Our objective is to groom and provide employment opportunities for people in rural areas especially rural women through value added training and Learning & Development initiatives for building future Managers & leaders. This initiative opens up opportunities for individuals, who otherwise would not have a chance to gain employment opportunities. The key objective is to help the society and inspire the lives of the underprivileged and extend our support in the upliftment of the society. This initiative provides employment opportunity and benefits to: Individuals in remote rural areas who do not have good employment opportunities in their home towns and villages and are therefore forced by circumstances to migrate in large numbers to the cities. Women who are unable to attend regular jobs due to family priorities but still need to support the family income. Create employment opportunities for spouses/children of factory workers who would otherwise have no employment opportunities.

Scalpel - University of Manchester Surgical Society

scalpel - university of manchester surgical society


Scalpel is the University of Manchester’s Surgical Society and a partner of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. As a society, we aim to create and foster an interest in surgery for medical students through regular lectures, workshops, and our highly-regarded annual conference. Scalpel was originally formed in 2001, but it was not until 2006 that a core group of Manchester medical students re-formed the society under guidance from the Royal College of Surgeons, creating Scalpel as we know it today. Since this re-invention, Scalpel has gone from strength to strength to become the great society it is today with over 600 members. As an undergraduate surgical society, Scalpel has three key aims: To organise events that showcase surgery and all of its specialties, To excite and enthuse students about surgery, To provide students who are interested in surgery with relevant careers information and advice. We hope to achieve these aims by organising talks and workshops delivered by charismatic surgeons from each and every surgical specialty. We want to get students excited about surgery early in their medical training on so that they can start to truly consider whether surgery is for them. With competition for surgical jobs becoming more and more fierce, students are being forced to consider their career options earlier than ever before. Students hoping for a career in surgery, therefore, must start to think about how to make themselves more competitive. Scalpel hopes to help these students by organising surgical careers events and by providing students with surgical role models. Scalpel also seeks to encourage students from minorities into surgery, whether those minorities are ethnic, gender, or otherwise, by inviting role models from all walks of life as speakers at our events. Women in Surgery (WinS) events are a frequent feature of Scalpel’s events calendar, and a diverse range of speakers ensures the calendar remains of a high calibre and continues to be interesting and relevant. In 2009 Scalpel held their first ever national conference providing delegates with the opportunity to present their case reports and original research to an audience of esteemed clinicians and students. The conference proved to be a resounding success and it has now become a major annual event attended by medical students from all across the UK and beyond. We are delighted by your interest in our work and look forward to meeting you! Disclaimer: The Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS) does not accept responsibility for the action of this surgical society.

Charmaine Pollard

charmaine pollard


In my own life I have had to face many challenges, find my own strength and rely on my inner resources. This is why I became a counsellor, I qualified in 1998 and later achieved my registered/accredited status with British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). Personal counselling helped me accept myself and gain a better understanding. It has also made me much more resilient in dealing with whatever issues life threw at me. Now, I help others to find their own strength and sense of self through counselling and more recently, poetry therapy. We are all unique and follow our own paths towards change. I know you can change, if that’s what you desire. Having a confidential space, where someone listens to you attentively, and in a non -judgemental manner is the first step. Together, we can explore the sensitive issues which you would prefer to put to the back of your mind, but which keeping nagging at you. I have been on this journey myself, and for over twenty years I have worked in various capacities with people from all walks of life and have seen great results. Contact me for an initial conversation. Additional experience In addition to managing a counselling service working with trauma and abuse. I have extensive experience as a supervisor of other therapists. I also teach personal development courses at City Lit, adult education college in Central London. I have also facilitated personal development groups for counselling diploma students. Poetry therapy Over the past decade, I have come to experience the transformative power of words. I have facilitated poetry therapy groups and therapeutic writing workshops in a wide variety of settings, including clinical settings, schools, churches, libraries, museums, prisons and The National Archives. I am one of a handful of Certified Poetry Therapists in the U.K, who have completed their training with the International Federation for Biblio/Poetry Therapy in U.S.A.I trained under the mentor ship and supervision of Victoria Field. Currently I only offer poetry therapy in groups. Do visit my workshop page to find out about current workshops / groups or sign up to my email list below. My Book: Writing for Resilience After implementing therapeutic writing programmes in a wide range of settings. I have used this expertise to produce a workbook. The book began its life during a poetry therapy group that I facilitated for women survivors of trauma in Central London. Together the group decided that they wanted to offer hope to those who had been through similar circumstances and introduce other people to the fantastic resource that is, writing as therapy.



Learn Quickly • Cook Easily • Enjoy Together We are going to help you to make delicious vegan foods right from your kitchen. Our mantra is that taste is never compromised, so whether you want to become completely vegan or just want to introduce more vegan meals in to your life, we will always have simple, delicious recipes to excite your taste buds and fuel your love for cooking. How it Started After running successful businesses in the food and beauty industries, we met over our love for food and helping the community. Gurdip was introduced to veganism by her son who became vegan at 17, over 10 years ago. Embarking on this new adventure felt overwhelming yet restricting as to what to make at mealtimes that would please the whole family. Jenny & Gurdip-min Jenny trained at some of the country’s top eating establishments and has cooked for royalty and A-list celebrities alike. Gurdip turned to her friend Jenny for some advice and support. With Jenny’s expertise, guidance and amazingly tasty recipes, Gurdip was able to navigate around this new realm, find delicious recipes for the whole family and, more importantly, find a love for cooking she’d never had before. Jenny enjoyed it so much that she changed to a vegan way of life over 5 years ago. First and foremost we are women in our 40s who want to look after ourselves and our families. We also want to dispel the myth that vegan food is boring and complicated – in fact, far from it. Our Ultimate Plant-Based Cookery Course gives you all the tools you need to give you the confidence to make and cook a whole month’s worth of delicious vegan and plant-based meals, snacks and treats from your home. You will receive recipes for 31 days of breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as snacks, desserts and treats, so that you never have to search for inspiration. To make it even easier, we’ve included shopping lists to make sure you have everything ready to start your month of great-tasting plant-based and vegan meals. You can access our exclusive, private Facebook community, where our founders will be on hand to answer any of your questions, you can share your creations and get support from others who have taken part in our Ultimate Plant-Based Cookery Courses. So whether you’re wanting to embark on Veganuary, want to reduce your animal-based product consumption or just want more inspiring meals to add to your existing plant-based life, our '31 Days of Plant Power' is the course for you!

Liverpool Hope University

liverpool hope university


Liverpool Hope University pursues a path of excellence in scholarship and collegial life without reservation or hesitation. The University’s distinctive philosophy is to ‘educate in the round’ – mind, body and spirit – in the quest for Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Liverpool Hope University is distinctive in that it is the only university foundation in Europe (and the USA) where Catholic and Anglican colleges have come together to form an integrated, ecumenical, Christian foundation. It has happened in Liverpool and nowhere else in Europe largely because of the presence in the 1980s of two remarkable church leaders: Bishop David Sheppard, the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese, and Archbishop Derek Worlock, the Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese that extends from Liverpool across the north of England. They confessed their faith to each other and took their congregations to visit each other’s cathedrals, a symbolic act of Christians working together in the context of northern Irish religious sectarianism. When the three colleges (St Katharine’s 1844, Notre Dame College 1856 and Christ’s College 1964) came together the name ‘Hope’ was adopted came from Hope Street that links both cathedrals - a living parable of what can happen when Christians unite and work together for the common good. This year we celebrate 175 years since the founding of our first college in 1844; in that year there were only six universities in England (two of them medieval) but all of them did not admit women, Catholics or Jews. The founding colleges of Liverpool Hope University were among the first few institutions to begin opening up higher education to the vast majority of England’s population. The Anglican Bishops of Liverpool, going back to the founding Bishop, Bishop Ryle, were all evangelicals. The friendship of the Anglican Bishop and the Catholic Archbishop was largely based on both their sharing of a mutual faith and their commitment to the poor. This adherence to historic Christian faith remains the university’s own commitment as it seeks to live out that faith in its life and work in a secularised British academy. At the beginning of each academic term we hold a Foundation Service to restate our foundational mission and values. Our Graduation ceremonies are held in alternating years in both the Anglican and Catholic Cathedrals in Liverpool.The new name of Liverpool Hope University was chosen to represent the ecumenical mission of the Institution. Liverpool Hope University was born in July 2005, when the Privy Council bestowed the right to use the University title. Research Degree Awarding Powers were granted by the Privy Council in 2009.

Liverpool Hope University SALA Award

liverpool hope university sala award


Liverpool Hope University pursues a path of excellence in scholarship and collegial life without reservation or hesitation. The University’s distinctive philosophy is to ‘educate in the round’ – mind, body and spirit – in the quest for Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Liverpool Hope University is distinctive in that it is the only university foundation in Europe (and the USA) where Catholic and Anglican colleges have come together to form an integrated, ecumenical, Christian foundation. It has happened in Liverpool and nowhere else in Europe largely because of the presence in the 1980s of two remarkable church leaders: Bishop David Sheppard, the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese, and Archbishop Derek Worlock, the Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese that extends from Liverpool across the north of England. They confessed their faith to each other and took their congregations to visit each other’s cathedrals, a symbolic act of Christians working together in the context of northern Irish religious sectarianism. When the three colleges (St Katharine’s 1844, Notre Dame College 1856 and Christ’s College 1964) came together the name ‘Hope’ was adopted came from Hope Street that links both cathedrals - a living parable of what can happen when Christians unite and work together for the common good. This year we celebrate 175 years since the founding of our first college in 1844; in that year there were only six universities in England (two of them medieval) but all of them did not admit women, Catholics or Jews. The founding colleges of Liverpool Hope University were among the first few institutions to begin opening up higher education to the vast majority of England’s population. The Anglican Bishops of Liverpool, going back to the founding Bishop, Bishop Ryle, were all evangelicals. The friendship of the Anglican Bishop and the Catholic Archbishop was largely based on both their sharing of a mutual faith and their commitment to the poor. This adherence to historic Christian faith remains the university’s own commitment as it seeks to live out that faith in its life and work in a secularised British academy. At the beginning of each academic term we hold a Foundation Service to restate our foundational mission and values. Our Graduation ceremonies are held in alternating years in both the Anglican and Catholic Cathedrals in Liverpool.The new name of Liverpool Hope University was chosen to represent the ecumenical mission of the Institution. Liverpool Hope University was born in July 2005, when the Privy Council bestowed the right to use the University title. Research Degree Awarding Powers were granted by the Privy Council in 2009.

Carre's Grammar School

carre's grammar school


I am delighted to welcome you to Carre’s Grammar School, which is an over-subscribed selective Academy in the market town of Sleaford and a founding partner of the Robert Carre Trust. We have 800 students on roll; boys only 11-16, and co-educational in the Sixth Form. The school has long been synonymous with excellence and the school’s reputation for providing a first rate all-round education for local students has been strengthened even further over recent years. Our academic results speak for themselves while our achievements in Sport, Music and other activities are outstanding. We have been recognised as a Good school with Outstanding features by Ofsted and were delighted with this outcome, which recognised the strengths of the school and supported our own perceived areas for improvement. We have been recognised as one of the top schools in the country based on our performance in the last few years, and students have regularly accepted offers for Oxbridge and the top Universities, whilst others have gone onto apprenticeships or employment. It is our ambition that Carre’s students should leave school with an enthusiasm for learning which will last them a lifetime. By encouraging creativity and originality alongside honesty, sensitivity and compassion we believe that our students will develop the capacity to meet the challenges of the modern world and lead happy and fulfilling lives. The friendly, cheerful atmosphere of the school helps our students enjoy learning and, as they grow into young men and women, we enable them to take increasing responsibility for themselves and for others around them. Learning can only take place successfully in a caring and orderly community and we provide an environment in which the young people are expected to work hard and share in the ethos and values of the school. Our expectations of behaviour are high and we aim to support each child through their school career so that they make the best of their talents. We are committed to the belief that it is very important to offer as many opportunities as possible to our students to gain experience from learning outside the classroom. An extensive array of enrichment and extra-curricular activities is offered. Partnerships have been developed locally, nationally and internationally which extend opportunities for all. At best, the website only gives you a flavour of this remarkable school, a school proud of its heritage yet excited by its continued development, growth and innovation, so I invite you to visit us to fully appreciate what the school offers.