163 Educators providing Courses

Wxs Consulting (Uk)

wxs consulting (uk)


Founders story Claud M Brandt Wendy Wu What we have seen from our previous working life Claud M Brandt Claud has over 50 years working experience having worked most of his working life in the construction industry and construction industry related businesses. During his career he has worked in countries in Eastern Europe, Middle East,Clearly defined value-added business processes are vital to the success of the business. Suitable KPIs can help the company focus on what they are seeking to achieve. Company policies and procedures are essential. A company may have defined policies and procedures but without regular reviews and updates it may not reflect the changing situation of the ongoing operation of the company and the growth the company. Compliance to regularly reviewed policies and procedures is essential to the success of any company, otherwise the policies and procedures are worthless. Merely looking at revenue and cost and accounting reports monthly, quarterly and yearly without tracing back to the root cause of any deficiencies and resolving any fundamental problems in a timely manner will potentially lead to ongoing financial problems depending on the severity of the problem. Regular reviews of the accounting and reporting system can help in ensure the system is updated in line with the company’s growth. Effective costing reviews can help the company achieve better cost control and cost reduction thus better business performance. For management to make reasonable and informed business decisions, the information provided to the management needs to be on time, relevant, adequate and correct. In the digital age we now live in, information systems are vital for any business and contributes significantly to the success of a business. Many companies are adopting accounting or ERP software to help manage their business. It is very important to have experienced personnel to help in the review of a company’s existing systems or evaluate new systems a company intends to purchase and very importantly assist in managing the implementation of any new software if the company does not have an experienced inhouse project manager for software implementation.




E-Learning enables busy professionals to complete essential training at a time and place that suits them. The production of quality interactive training is far from straightforward, and many trainees have become disillusioned with dull and boring e-learning courses. Which is where EasiLearning come in – with entertaining and engaging courses for professional users. Current online courses offered include: Anaphylactic Shock Standard refresher training in anaphylaxis Anaphylactic Shock Lite refresher training in anaphylaxis Clinical Nutrition Screening & Support (for ‘MUST’) Online training in Patient Group Directions (PGD) for the NHS Vaccination Training for Pharmacists Venepuncture Theory We offer versions tailored for both Community and Hospitals settings where required. We also have versions appropriate to where in the UK you are working, as there are some differences between the juristrictions of England, Wales, Scotland, N Ireland, Jersey etc. Free Guide offered: Hand Washing in a Clinical Setting EasiLearning will tailor this Guide for Clinical Organisations free of charge to help increase infection control and to promote our courses. Contact Us for further details Expanding List: The list of EasiLearning courses is expanding all the time. If you would like a subject we do not currently offer, go to Contact Us and let us know. However, the subject must be suitable for online learning and must be of interest to a wide audience. We also offer courses from a small number of other quality suppliers – see Training Resources Personalisation, Assessment & Tracking All EasiLearning online courses are tailored to the organisation with personalised introduction and a certificate with the organisation’s logo. Each trainee can print off their certificate on completion of the inbuilt assessment. The cloud based version of the courses use EasiLearning’s Train and TrackTM system, which gives management a unique weblink so they can track which trainees have passed the assessment and on what date together with a score where this is appropriate. No specialist IT infrastructure is required to make this version of the course work – commission to delivery is usually less than 2 weeks! Some customers already have an LMS and may choose either SCORM 1.2 or 1.3 version to have tracking and reporting done by the LMS. In either Web or SCORM versions, trainee completion data is available to be exported into e-personnel systems. We offer special versions for NHS England nLMS/OLM.

FGM Specialist Network

fgm specialist network

In 2013, the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) and our partners (Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association (CPHVA), Royal College of Nursing (RCN), Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG), Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health (RCPCH), Human Rights Organisations such as Equality Now, FORWARD and other charities, activists and survivors) came together to produce the Intercollegiate Recommendations for identifying, Recording and Reporting in the UK which formed the basis for government actions to End FGM. Since then, we continue to work with our partners to lobby the government for services and support for survivors of FGM, raise public awareness and advocate for training and support for health and social care professionals and those who work with women and children. Some of these initiatives aim to support health professionals and build links with communities where FGM is practised, so that we can highlight the health and psychological impact of FGM. They also include training such as e-learning modules, and a variety of FGM related resources and tools specifically aimed at Specialist Midwives. With funding from the Department of Health and NHS England, we have jointly developed this discrete e-platform aimed at Specialist FGM Midwives, doctors, health visitors, nurses, students and relevant health and social care professionals, as a means of creating a virtual forum of support where relevant resources can be accessed, including links to appropriate data on FGM. The e-network would also act as a confidential platform for discussion of issues or specific problems, and for sharing information and best practice in a safe space There are also discussion groups available to non-health professionals involved in the campaign against FGM. It is hoped that members would come together at least once a year for a conference or workshop. Why you should be a member Membership of the e-platform enables you to be part of a virtual community of health and social care professionals, working to support girls and women at risk of FGM, gives you access to evidence abased resources and experts. You will be part of the discussion groups and can participate in subject matter discussions, share your expertise and information. Seek help and support and gain access to tools and learning resources. Once a year, you will be able to present your work at the annual event and be part of a larger strategic network

Swindon Borough Council

swindon borough council


At Swindon Borough Council, we are committed to delivering for our residents, local businesses and communities. Our services provide a lifeline and safety net to residents who need us most through the vital care and support we provide. These services directly benefit a relatively small number of residents yet demand the majority of our funding. But, by squeezing the most from our resources, we continue to provide services for the whole community including waste and recycling collections, road repairs and libraries. As well as providing a vast range of public services, we are using our legal powers, assets, access to targeted funding, local knowledge and influence to lay the foundations for Swindon to thrive in the future. Bringing together partners from across the private, public and voluntary sectors to improve the quality of life for residents. Working across education, health, crime, the local economy and climate change. We are ambitious for the town, realistic about the challenges but excited for the future. We’re acting now to meet the needs of Swindon’s growing population: building new homes, creating new school places, upgrading roads and enhancing our country parks while also working to revitalise the town centre with £100 million of Council-led investment. We have a clear vision for how we see Swindon developing in the future: By 2030, Swindon will have all of the positive characteristics of a British city with one of the UK’s most successful economies; a low-carbon environment with compelling cultural, retail and leisure opportunities and excellent infrastructure. It will be a model of well managed housing growth which supports and improves new and existing communities. Swindon will be physically transformed with existing heritage and landmarks complemented by new ones that people who live, work and visit here will recognise and admire. It will remain, at heart, a place of fairness and opportunity where people can aspire to and achieve prosperity, supported by strong civic and community leadership. None of this is possible if we don’t live within our means. That’s why our Council Plan sets out our clear priorities to make best use of our resources and how we will achieve our ambitious vision. We have committed to six key priorities which the Council will focus on over the next four years. These set out how we intend to provide services to residents and set key milestones to achieving our aims. We are in the process of developing a new reporting system that will allow you to monitor our progress against each pledge.

Orchard Edu

orchard edu


Approved Contractors & specialists only, all of which complete a robust due diligence process and achieve excellent audit results. HSE Compliant. All building Repair disciplines are delivered by experienced Tradesmen. From a full fire damaged or flood affected claim, to a minor escape of water claim Joint visits to reduce timescales and agree works required and costs at earliest opportunity. We encourage all parties required to visit together, this minimises Policyholders having to meet many people at numerous meetings, (becomes confusing )and allows for conversations to include everyone involved from the start. Asbestos testing & removing, via specialists & BAU contractors, encapsulation where appropriate instead of destructive removal Drone camera surveys Drains inc surveys Contents inc storage & Restoration. Drying / mitigation and reporting. Alternative / drying solutions to reduce strip out and delays Alternative accommodation arrangements can be worked to as soon as arrangements have been made, to ensure works progress quickly to reduce timescales and therefore costs to the client. This element is also considered much sooner in the process when joint visits are agreed with all parties Temporary Kitchens & Bathrooms to enable p / holders to remain at home. Non destructive Leak detection and mitigation works, thermal imaging, acoustic profiling and tracer gas Internal & external plumbing and central heating systems Swimming pools water ingress and damp/moisture surveys Salts and water testing, moisture measurement Trace and access pipe repairs Historic buildings & Listed properties subsidence claims including all necessary monitoring and mitigation works. Validation and audit function to ensure service delivery & accurate scopes of work. Totally focused on the Customer journey to reduce timescales & costs, and significantly reduce or eradicate AA. Drone Surveys We can provide a refreshingly new approach to Insurance related building Repairs, and offer different solutions for clients. Fully approved Contractors for insurance repairs, all of which have passed robust and relevant due diligence process, maintain their businesses and adhere to compliance changes and Market trends, as well as having many years’ experience in the Industry. This allows adjusters & surveyors to remain engaged and close to everything that happens on a claim as the driver. Our Contractors are TRUSTED, and are a safe pair of hands for Clients, adjusters, surveyors and importantly for Policyholders. Alternatively Via the same process as choice one, We can offer a fully managed service with the same approved Contractors, that will drive performance and SLA adherence, validate the schedule or repairs and drive all dates to ensure the customer journey is swift. Our database will capture details and dates and ensure all parties are kept informed. Client, contractor and Policyholder portals support this.

Voncap Recruitment And Development

voncap recruitment and development

Great Yarmouth

Since Covid, older workers are the most likely to have become economically inactive (House of Commons, 2021), with only a third of self-employed people over the age of 54 still working. One in five people reporting that they could not carry on work as usual because of pandemic related issues (Institute for Fiscal Studies, 2020). One third of the UK employment market is currently aged over 50 (Centre for Better Ageing, 2020). Companies across England can no longer discriminate against older people. There is a need to increase recruitment of skilled, experienced personnel, who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in a very tough employment and recruitment situation. Many people over the age of 45, find that they need upskilling and help to move forward and make career adjustments. We facilitate learning for the prospective Employees and guide Companies to achieve the highest standard through their people. We focus on technology, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), wellbeing, and advertising to reach the key audience when looking for work. The issue is one of technology, Applicant Tracking Systems, (ATS) and the need for a unique CV that is non-Bias and one that can navigate these systems with ease. We help with reprogramming the mindset and overcoming the perceived barriers to regain self-respect and employment. With the increasing skills shortage across the UK, a large number of companies are reliant on recruitment agencies for both lower level roles and senior roles. The skills are there but due to the employers need to utilise intuitive recruitment systems in house, they are missing those who are just as capable of completing the role. Many people are not ‘Marketing People’ so cannot write a CV in order to sell themselves! We started our journey in 2017 with courses for the over 45’s, since then we have grown our courses to also have one which focuses on getting professionals back to work – those who have been managers, directors, business owners, who have lost work due to a variety of reasons within the economy and elsewhere. We now work with colleges and job centres to help people achieve their goals, find work, train and grow to where they deserve to be. We also have a selection of distance learning courses available, where people can focus on a particular area they would like to move their career towards. Contact us today for learning opportunities, employment courses, and the next step in finding both work and the mindset so achieve your individual goals.

Expectancy - complementary therapy courses for midwives

expectancy - complementary therapy courses for midwives


Yet again, mainstream media has sensationalised what they perceive as “witchcraft” – the use of “alternative” therapies by midwives. The Sunday Times has now waded into the melee, castigating midwives’ use of aromatherapy, acupuncture, reflexology and “burning herbs to turn a breech baby” (moxibustion). The article by Health Editor Shaun Lintern also denigrates practices which are not classified as complementary therapies, such as water injections for pain relief, hypnobirthing for birth preparation and counselling sessions following traumatic birth. Some of the accusations focus on their (inaccurate) statement about the lack of complementary therapy research, whilst others deplore trusts charging for some of these services. A letter to the Chief Executive of the NHS has been sent by a group of families whose babies have died in maternity units that have now come under scrutiny from the Care Quality Commission and the Ockenden team. Amongst those spearheading this group is a consultant physician whose baby died during birth (unrelated to complementary therapies) and who has taken it on himself to challenge the NHS on all matters pertaining to safety in maternity care. That is admirable – safety is paramount – but it is obvious neither he, nor the author of this latest article, knows anything at all about the vast subject of complementary therapies in pregnancy and birth. The article is padded out with (incorrect) statistics about midwives’ use of complementary therapies, coupled with several pleas for the NHS to ban care that they say (incorrectly) is not evidence-based and which contravene NICE guidelines (the relevant word here being guidelines, not directives). The article is biased and, to my knowledge, no authority on the subject has been consulted to provide a balanced view (the Royal College of Midwives offered a generic response but did not consult me, despite being appointed a Fellow of the RCM specifically for my 40 years’ expertise in this subject). I would be the first to emphasise that complementary therapies must be safe and, where possible, evidence-based, and I am well aware that there have been situations where midwives have overstepped the boundaries of safety in respect of therapies such as aromatherapy. However, I have not spent almost my entire career educating midwives (not just providing skills training) and emphasising that complementary therapy use must be based on a comprehensive theoretical understanding, to have it snatched away because of a few ill-informed campaigners intent on medicalising pregnancy and birth even further than it is already. For well-respected broadsheets to publish such inaccurate and biased sensationalism only serves to highlight the problems of the British media and the ways in which it influences public opinion with untruths and poorly informed reporting.

Ravalue Services

ravalue services

Milton Keynes

After 25 years of Business & Finance Leadership experience in marquee companies starting with Unilever, holding senior management roles at Murugappa Group, CFO at Eicher and part of the Global Leadership Team at American Express, Ravi drew his inspiration to become the first-generation entrepreneur in the Business Services space. Given his pioneering global experience at American Express in mid 1990s to establish the first ever offshore Global Financial Centreat Delhi, he founded RvaluE Consulting in 2005 as a pioneer to offer end to end services to strategize, set up, stabilize, operate and transform Captive Shared Services in India and overseas. With 20+ years of Business Process Management (BPM) experience, Ravi has now grown this company to become the RvaluE Group with laser focus on the entire life cycle spectrum of the Business Services space, covering enterprise functions and services strategy, process & technology transformation, captive operations, and end to end solutions. As a Business Leader at Amex Financial Centre, Ravi was integral to the growth of the Centre to make it truly global - starting with countries in Japan, Asia Pacific, and Australia (JAPA) Region, and expanding to servicing 30+ countries across all continents in the globe. He enabled growth and globalization of the Business Process Service operations in India creating ‘global centres of excellence’, for major F&A processes (like Accounts Payable, Reconciliations, Accounting and Reporting). He worked with customers across the globe, delivering over US$ 20 Mn cost saves and value-added services, while leading several global initiatives like Y2K Compliance, Capacity Optimization, Integrating Quality & Control, first time Sox Compliance for the global US$160Bn Balance Sheet etc. Based on the nucleus Finance Centre, Amex Global expanded offshoring to multiple functions and high-end processes including Risk Management, Customer Service, Analytics, Procurement, Real Estate, etc., thereby, making India as the second largest country for American Express in terms of employees, next only to USA. In fact, Amex GlobalCentre laid the foundation to create a new Industry in Global Business Services for India including GE and other Fortune 500 corporations. With India becoming the global hub for offshoring (through Amex in mid 90s) and spreading the power of Shared Services in India (since 2005), RvaluE pioneered Shared Services Forum to bring both global & India corporations and centres together in an Industry Platform, and this combined collaborative power was for the first time described and termed as ‘Global India’. Over the 16 years of setting up RvaluE, Ravi has built the Group on the strong foundation of his 4 decades of corporate, professional and entrepreneurial experience, and the expertise of the RvaluE Team to expand to multiple dimensions through Associate Companies & Ventures across the Business Services Space – Advisory,Setting up Captive Centres, Operations, Expansion, Process Transformation, Coaching, Learning & Organizational Capabilities, SSF as Industry Platform, Frameworks, M&A, Technology and Research.