163 Educators providing Courses

Oxford International Biomedical Centre

oxford international biomedical centre


OIBC was launched in 1992 in order to improve health and the quality of life across the globe by promoting access to learning and research. Its maxim at that time was cooperation: cooperation between developed and developing countries; cooperation between academic and industrial institutions; cooperation between scientists, medical doctors and the public. Since then, other organisations have stepped in to promote one of our original aspirations, namely better cooperation between universities and industrial institutions. But the other aspirations remain, and over the last decade we have focussed particularly on youngsters in so far as better communication between scientists, medical doctors and the public is concerned. So now, our current strategy may be summarised as follows. VISION OIBC’s vision is of a world in which wider access to scientific learning brings better health and quality of life. PURPOSE OIBC’s purpose is to realise our vision through educational projects for all generations and especially for the young through building greater understanding of scientific and biomedical issues, MISSION OIBC’s mission is to bring together leading biomedical experts with all schools and lay adults, via live and recorded seminars, lectures and debates, to promote better communication skills and awareness and to create opportunities for all to appreciate science and biomedical issues. VALUES OIBC values its independence, its non-political, charitable status and its expert scientific leadership. We value the acquisition of knowledge by all, and we value the enhancement of education and awareness, best practice and management of life skills, which contribute significantly to public health and well-being. We value greatly the support from Foundations, Charitable Trusts and individuals. BELIEFS OIBC believes in cooperation between scientific experts and the public, between business and complementary organisations, between the developed world and countries striving to enhance their health and quality of life. We believe that scientific knowledge and understanding are keys to rational improvement.

Oxford Value & Stewardship Programme (OVSP)

oxford value & stewardship programme (ovsp)


Muir Gray is the Founding Director of OAP Ltd, with the following business streams: OVSP, CASP, & Living Longer Better. He has advised Public Health England and the Chair of the NHS Health and Social Care Digital service. Muir’s work focuses on providing training to healthcare professionals on value based healthcare. Sir Muir has worked for the National Health Service in England since 1972, occupying a variety of senior positions during that time, including serving as the Director of Research and Development for Anglia and Oxford Regional Health Authority, and first establishing and then being the Director of the UK National Screening Committee. He founded the National Library for Health, and was the Director of Clinical Knowledge, Process, and Safety for the NHS (England) National Programme for IT, serving as the Director of the National Knowledge Service. He was the first person to hold the post of Chief Knowledge Officer of the NHS (England), also serving as the co-Director of the Department of Health’s Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) Right Care Programme. Together with Sir Iain Chalmers, Muir was instrumental in establishing the Cochrane Collaboration. Sir Muir is an internationally renowned authority on healthcare systems and has advised governments of several countries outside the UK including Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain and Germany and regularly delivers plenary sessions at international events, the most recent being the 2014 World Health Summit in Berlin, the Big Data in Pharma conference in London in 2015 and the 2015 Transplantation meeting at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Sir Muir is also a Professor in the Nuffield Department of Surgery at the University of Oxford. He received the CBE in 2000 and was knighted in 2005 for services to the National Health Service.

University of Ruse

university of ruse

Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse is an autonomous state higher school. It was transformed with a Decision of the People's Assembly of 21 June 1995 and is a successor of the higher technical school, established in Ruse on 12.11.1945. There are eight faculties in the structure of the University: Agrarian and Industrial Faculty, Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Electronics and Automation, Faculty of Transport, Faculty of Business and Management, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Public Health and Healthcare, two Branches of Ruse University in Silistra and Razgrad and a Bulgarian and Romanian Inter-university Europa Centre. The strategic priorities of the University are as follows: preparation of students for work in the conditions of strong competition on the labour market and expanding the scope of training; development of the intra-university system for quality control in education; development of the staff and research potential; implementation of a set of activities in the field of European integration and international relations; building up of a well-organised university system, flexible with respect to the external conditions, with modern facilities and information database. RU-old.jpgIMGP3464_.jpg Around 10 000 students and doctoral degree students study in state-of-the-art study halls and research laboratories, spread on 67 490 sq m (of which over 13 000 sq m in the newly built school building -2, officially opened in 2010). The teaching staff consists of 499 highly qualified full-time lecturers, of whom 49 professors, 177 associate professors and 296 PhD lecturers. A great number of renowned specialists in different spheres of knowledge also teach part-time at the University. Student residences and facilities for sport and leisure are provided for all students willing to use them.

Active Cumbria

active cumbria


Active Cumbria, the Sport and Physical Activity Partnership is one of 42 Active Partnerships in England and is hosted within Cumbria County Council’s Public Health Team. Through strategic connectivity and partnerships, Active Cumbria has facilitated many measurable and positive outcomes contributing to an increase in participation in physical activity and sport. Our 5 Year Plan provides us with a framework which helps inform our decision making around effort and investment, and has been developed in partnership with our Advisory Board and wider sector partners to reflect the key challenges that increased levels of physical activity can contribute and support to improve the health and wellbeing of our communities. Tackling inequalities in participation in sport and physical activity is at the heart of the Plan, and aligns with the ambitions of Sport England’s 10 Year Strategy ‘Uniting the Movement’ which can be viewed here. Active Cumbria is governed by an independent Advisory Board, made up of highly skilled individuals from a range of backgrounds. The Board operates under an agreed Terms of Reference, and provides strategic leadership to the organisation and to the Core Team of professionals, who provide the co-ordination and structures which allow individuals and organisations to work together more effectively. The Advisory Board is committed to meeting the requirements of the Government’s Code for Sports Governance, and regularly reviews all aspects of its operations to ensure it is meeting the requirements of a Tier 3 organisation. One demonstrable way of evidencing our commitment to achieving the aims of the Code is through the make-up of the Advisory Board, which currently consists of 42% female members, against a target of 40%. This figure increases to 50% female representation when looking at only independent (and not Ex-officio) Advisory Board members.

LearnDrive UK

learndrive uk



WELCOME TO LEARNDRIVE! YOUR TRUSTED ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM! We Learndrive, are on a mission to provide easily accessible quality education and training for everyone around the world. As an online training provider, we strive to provide courses to help our learners achieve their academic and career goals. Learndrive offers a wide range of courses that are tailored to make them useful to individuals who are willing to learn. We are constantly working on delivering new and on-demand courses for our learners.   OUR MISSION & VISION The 4th industrial revolution is currently happening. Our mission at Learndrive is to empower organisations and individual employees so that they can adapt to this new way of living. We do so by providing flexible, effective skills training.  Here at Learndrive, we believe in expertise. Rather than providing shallow materials,  we provide a sophisticated platform on which the real subject experts can share knowledge with you- the learners. We provide premium learning materials so you can land your dream job. Learndrive has a clear mission; that is to get you ready for the new tech-based industrial era. The need for career advancement in this era goes far beyond mere training. Gaining in-depth subject knowledge is essential to unlocking your career goals. For this reason, we have a team that constantly works on producing premium learning materials.  Achieving our vision requires us to go to the experts in their relevant fields. With expert-written learning materials at Learndrive, you can enhance your credibility and boost your earning potential.  We want to help you reach the top of your career. The thousands of courses we offer are tailored by professionals in different fields so that you can easily grasp the concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.  Our courses are based on industry-relevant curriculum with audio and video modules. We also offer assignments that test your learning and hone your skills. We also aid our learners to adapt to the updated industry compliance and practices. We offer our courses to students from the UK and all over the world. The focus of our organisation is to make you ready for the new industrial era. We offer our best to you without regard to race, language, or nationality.

London Biokinetics

london biokinetics


A Biokineticist is a clinical exercise specialist who: Functions within professional alliance to health and medicine. Improves a person’s physical well-being and quality of life through individualised scientific assessment and the prescription of exercise in rehabilitative treatment to prevent or intervene with certain ailments and the enhancement of performance (sport and work). Evaluates & Measures: body posture, body composition, blood pressure, glucose levels, lung function, heart rate, fitness, muscle strength, endurance, power, flexibility and other health screenings. Is a health professional who through health promotion and wellness create a better quality of life for people they work with. Movement is an essential part of everyday life, for people of all ages. Movement affects development, learning, communicating, work capacity, health, and quality of life. Movement permits people to navigate and stay oriented within their environment. It allows people to interact more fully in their work and recreation. It is a defining element of quality of life. Movement may be diminished or lost due to heredity, ageing, injury, or disease. Such loss may occur gradually, over the course of a lifetime, or traumatically in an instant. Conditions of movement loss that are linked with chronic and disabling diseases pose additional challenges for patients and their families. From the public health perspective, the prevention of either the initial impairment, or additional impairment from this environmentally orienting and socially connecting functioning, requires significant resources. Prevention of movement loss or the resulting disabling conditions, through the development of improved disease prevention, detection, or treatment methods or more effective rehabilitative strategies, must be a global priority. The profession of Biokinetics has evolved as a primary care health profession responding to the universal need for quality, accessible, cost-effective health care. Biokineticists are widely distributed in communities around the world. They provide economic value for the services they offer, they detect a wide spectrum of conditions at a savings to the health care system, they provide entry into the health care system for many patients who would otherwise not seek care, and they promote quality of life and individual independence, rather than more costly institutionalized and supported care.





I deliver quirky, unusual art and craft workshops in a number of local crafting venues across Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Leicestershire. I can also bring Quirkshops to any suitable venue and tailor the workshop to the specific needs of a client. The workshops typically last between 2 – 6 hours, occasionally more in-depth workshops may be held over a number of weeks. My background. I have always been creative but from an early age I had to choose between a scientific and artistic career. Having spent most of my childhood holidays in Devon with my head dangling over a pontoon staring into the green-blue depths and the curious creatures within, it seemed natural for me to study marine biology (you get the octopus logo now!). A convoluted route led me through a PhD studying marine neurotoxins to a career in Public Health for 18 years. But I always wanted to create. I took a year out and started to volunteer at a local community farm, FarmEco, a magical place with the most amazing people. That is where things fell together: connecting with nature, creativity and my desire to help people to improve their wellbeing. I can often be found at the farm, hands covered in charcoal or paint and looking windswept and with a smile on my face. Nature and wellbeing. I am passionate about the benefits to our wellbeing that creativity can bring and to combine this with immersing yourself in nature can be a powerful tonic. Many of my workshops take place entirely outdoors, spending time not just creating in but connecting with nature through simple practices which awaken the senses. By connecting with nature we develop a desire to care for nature and that is something we desperately need in this time of climate crisis. Workshops. The focus of the workshops is to nurture creative talent in everyone through a wide range of art and craft skills. The experiences are shared in a group but will be unique and personal (people won’t all produce the same thing at the end) and the process is every bit as important as the things that people produce.