1611 Educators providing Courses

Restorative Thinking

restorative thinking

Restorative and relational practice is an emerging Social Science, adopted in multiple ways across the UK and beyond by Police and Crime Commissioners, Schools, Local Authorities, Health and Social Care Settings, Prison and Probation Services to address a wide variety of challenges, including: • Positive mental health and wellbeing • Organisational culture change • Staff retention and a reduction in sick leave • Improving attendance, attainment and behaviour in schools • Fostering inclusive residential environments and a reduction in re-offending In 2012, the Restorative Thinking team began delivering face to face training and coaching. In 2013 we also started to develop intervention programmes for a variety of settings and groups: prisons and probation services, schools, youth offending services, parents and carers. Our parenting programme won the CANparent Quality Mark in 2014 and our curriculum programme for primary schools won the Teach Primary Resources Award in 2019. In 2020 we began to develop e-Learning CPD, creating our own learning platform and an innovative blended learning offer for all our working partners, allowing organisations and individuals to access restorative and relational practice via: • e-Learning CPD • Consultation • Face to face training/coaching • Zoom/Teams training/coaching • Action Learning Sets • Supervisions • Guided self-study • Restorative Practice Intervention Programmes Restorative Thinking has a comprehensive offer for working with colleagues in the field of restorative and relational practice. We are able to tailor our provision with each working partner, based on strengths, needs, intended outcomes, budgets. Our team continuously strives to operate and co-operate differently and better – being purposeful about improving our own brand of restorative and relational practice, guided by our belief in (and growing evidence base of) positive outcomes for those we work with.

The King John School

the king john school


I was fortunate enough to be appointed Headteacher here at the school in January 2021. Our vision at King John is focused around ‘A Quality Education for All’. To enable our students to be happy and successful learners, we strive to create a caring, supportive and aspirational learning community, with high expectations and opportunities for all. We believe in offering a broad and balanced curriculum to enable students to flourish as individuals, and to achieve future success in whatever they choose to become later in life. This includes a strong emphasis on sport and the arts. We strive to nurture and develop our global citizens of the future by celebrating success and valuing aspiration. We are determined to ensure that every student succeeds and maximises their potential. The recruitment, retention and training of fully-qualified staff play a key part in our drive to secure strong academic outcomes for all students, and to instil a life-long love of learning. We understand the vitally important role of partnerships between families and school, and value our relationships with all members of the community we serve. We have a thriving sixth form, which has been significantly extended to provide a wealth of additional, state-of-the-art facilities. Students’ destinations are very strong, and they progress to higher education, including Oxbridge and other Russell Group universities, apprenticeships and employment. We hope this website provides you with an insight into our values, expectations and ambitions for all our learners, including our key priorities as a school for the future. However, if you would like to find out more about our school, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Fontys University of Applied Sciences

fontys university of applied sciences

Education and research are equivalent activities at Fontys. For example, they are closely linked within each study programme. Even stronger: education and research regularly flow seamlessly into one another, for example in our authentic and hybrid learning and research environments, on our campuses or close to (or even at) the future workplace. Here, students, teachers, researchers and professionals literally come together to learn and do research. Principles of education Fontys has more than one hundred different study programmes: from dance to accountancy, and from architecture to physiotherapy. Each study programme has its own unique professional context, its own curriculum, and its own way of providing education. We believe that this diversity is a major strength. No one knows better how a profession should be taught than the professionals who work with us. At the same time, frameworks are needed within which programmes can make their own choices. We have laid down these frameworks in five 'principles of learning'. We challenge students to discover and optimally develop their talents. Learning takes place as much as possible in an authentic learning environment (i.e. a situation that 'resembles' the student’s future work environment). Learning means acquiring knowledge and skills as well as exploring and experiencing together. We take 'together' literally: we work together with fellow students, teachers, researchers, and professionals working in the field. The student takes ownership of their learning process. In other words: as a student, we give you as much control as possible over what, how and when you learn. This not only means that our students are given a great deal of autonomy and freedom; we also expect them to show a strong sense of responsibility.

Spyglass Education

spyglass education


As schools around the world respond during COVID-19, the need for remote learning tools has never been more urgent. To make the transition to distance learning easier, we've built solutions on Azure that innovate the way educators deliver coursework. With services like Teams, Azure WVD, Development & Test Labs and Lab Services, we can tailor a solution to fit your curriculum needs, work towards a connected remote learning experience and help alleviate some of the stress in a changing education environment. Interactive Learning Students today are intuitively digital. They have grown up with almost instant access to important information and a world of connected electronics at their fingertips. However, successfully executing Distance Learning is still proving to be a big challenge for many schools. We can help with our solutions that builds on the Microsoft Azure Bot Services, Conversational AI Services, and Augmented Platforms to design an interactive learning solution that aids students on their terms, at their convenience, and keeps them engaged. Education Quality Analytics Today’s complex world puts significant pressure on universities, from acquiring funding to attracting quality staff and students. People turn to data to tackle these demands, but millions of student records, disparate data sources, and lacking institutional standards hinder their efforts. To quickly execute, analyze, and react to these challenges, companies need a simplistic and intuitive view of their data. Spyglass MTG leverages an integrated data platform on Azure. We source data from everywhere whether data resides in extractable flat files, database silos, or anywhere else, with Power BI and the Azure Data Platform to build a customized set of performance metrics and a “visual storyboard” universities can leverage to take action.

Alder Grange School

alder grange school


Our school is a unique and special place. There is a real sense of family and community within the school. Alder Grange is a school where everybody is inspired to be the best they can, where excellence is nurtured by everybody and a community in which everybody cares. Our desire is to successfully develop the whole child. We place considerable emphasis on developing the foundations of personal achievement; their emotional and physical health and well-being, their social, moral, spiritual and cultural development, creativity and individuality. Our intention is to help our young people grow to become outstanding, independent, resilient and effective citizens in an uncertain, global 21st Century world. We strive to deliver a personalised curriculum alongside a rich offer of extra-curricular activities, enrichments and life skills for all our students. Naturally, academic progress and attainment are also extremely important to us, and you will find our results reflect this. This is due to a total commitment to excellent teaching and learning by a highly skilled and dedicated staff, constantly reflecting upon and developing their own practice. Many members of staff are former pupils. Our school is inclusive in nature and values young people of all abilities from year 7 to year 13. We encourage them to care for one another and the school, to work as a team and to take on leadership roles. There is also a genuine care for and partnership with the young people in our care and their families. Our current priorities in school include a focus on wellbeing, particularly mental health for both staff and pupils. The development of a curriculum intent that ensures all pupils are able to develop their knowledge and passions is taking place within all subject areas in school. During the seven years our pupils are with us they are given the skills and access to opportunities needed to make the next steps in to their adult lives. As a school we are never quite satisfied and build ongoing self-evaluation in to the school calendar to allow us to constantly review and reflect on our practice in order to improve. Alder Grangers are rightly proud of their school and our often repeated phrase, ‘once an Alder Granger always an Alder Granger,’ reflects the strength of feeling our young people have for their school. I have been a member of staff at Alder Grange since 1998 and I feel immensely proud and privileged to be Headteacher. I love the school and am passionate about ensuring it continues to go from strength to strength. You would be welcome to visit and see our wonderful school in action at any time.

Winchmore School

winchmore school


At Winchmore School, we are very proud of our students and their achievements. As Headteacher of Winchmore School I am very proud to lead a school that has and will continue to develop a tradition of high standards of academic achievement alongside outstanding provision for the development of young people through the arts, travel, sport, care guidance and support. We have a commitment to help our students develop into responsible young people, who can make a contribution to society. Reflects this commitment on the overall development of young people in our care. We know that interesting and challenging lessons, combined with a culture where academic success is valued and respected by all members of the school community will ensure that students remain focussed on their learning. Our success in achieving such a culture in a safe learning environment, and the opportunities we give our students to develop beyond the curriculum have undoubtedly contributed to the high academic standards and popularity of Winchmore School. Winchmore School is a community school and as such we are working hard to further develop our links within the local community through work with business, local primary school, parents and our neighbours amongst others. We are proud of being a truly comprehensive school where students of all abilities are able to achieve success as we also celebrate the diversity of our students and respect the heritage, religion and culture of all our students and staff. The success of Winchmore School makes it heavily oversubscribed. Parents and students feel secure in their choice of Winchmore School both at secondary transfer and 6th Form level. If you decide that Winchmore School provides the type of learning environment which will suit your child, and you are fortunate to be offered a place, we hope your association with us will be a long and happy one.

TeamTSP: Friends of Trinity St Peter’s Primary

teamtsp: friends of trinity st peter’s primary


Giving is part of the fabric of our community at TSP and what makes our school so special. Our staff give their time and expertise to create a memorable education for our children, and the children give so much energy and enthusiasm to their work. We would also like to invite members of the wider TSP community to give time, talent or treasure, however they can, in support of our school to make a direct difference to our children’s lives. Recent projects that have been supported / funded include: · Contributing to the refurbishment of the Hall through purchasing a new projector and speakers · Improving year 3 and 4 classrooms · Sourcing new ICT equipment · Extra workshops to further enhance the school’s curriculum The school’s current focus is on: · enhancing the Year 1 playground area. This small, contained area is very tired and in need of some improvements to create a stimulating, engaging space for play. Your contributions will make a difference every day for the children who pass through year 1 each year. · improving the Key Stage 1 playground which is a thoroughfare for the school and is also used as the play area for Clubhouse, our wrap around care service. · Following the refurbishment of the school hall which has improved central space for the children to use throughout the day, to now also upgrade the sound and lighting equipment which would further enhance our school performances and workshops. We aim to raise a minimum of £5,000 each academic year to support projects such as these – the more we can raise, the sooner our children can benefit. We know that giving money isn’t always possible, so here’s what you can do, whatever your circumstances:

High Grange School

high grange school


High Grange School’s multi-disciplinary approach incorporates best practices and autism-friendly strategies and supports in order to meet the educational needs of students who have ASD. Our students learn how to develop and use effective compensatory strategies to overcome difficulties in social and emotional processing, communication and flexibility in thinking and behaviour, all of which can combine to have a negative impact on their learning. The design of the school; its environment and facilities; and the structure and delivery of our educational programmes are created to reduce the stress and anxieties often associated with an autism spectrum condition. Our enabling teaching approach provides multiple physical and practical opportunities as well as visual supports for learning. This helps students to achieve their full potential by understanding and dealing with personal challenges while making the most of their abilities and strengths. Managing expectations realistically is a core part of our educational programme. Individualised Learning Plans are created for all students with input from the school’s specialist therapists. These plans include strategies to enable students to manage their anxieties; to regulate their emotional responses; and to reduce or eliminate negative and inappropriate behaviours which are preventing effective learning and positive social interactions. During the school day students have access to a varied and stimulating curriculum. The Classes are grouped by Key Stage and students are taught in small groups of up to 6. Teachers use detailed planning to ensure each individual is enabled to achieve in all areas. Classrooms are well-equipped and include specialist facilities for Music, Art & Design, D&T, Science, Computer Science and ICT, Food Technology and Performing Arts. High Grange has excellent PE facilities, including a swimming pool, large gymnasium, hard court areas and extensive grassed areas.

Auckland College

auckland college


Our specific mission is to: value the spiritual and moral development of each child, as well as their intellectual and physical growth enable children to be creative and to develop their own thinking At Auckland College we are dedicated to providing an education of the highest quality which motivates every pupil to reach their academic and personal potential. Our pupils thrive in a happy, safe and family atmosphere where warm relationships are fostered with each other and with teachers and staff, and between the school and our parents. We welcome and actively engage our parents as equal partners in their child’s education. We enjoy sharing and celebrating the range of activities and experiences on offer to our pupils, at the heart of which is our approach to individualised learning and enrichment. By encouraging a positive attitude towards learning, our children enjoy coming to school, and so acquire a basis for lifelong learning and the ability to succeed throughout their lives. We teach a rich and varied curriculum which reflects the individual needs of our pupils and have a team of dedicated, committed and enthusiastic staff who encourage pupils to reach their full potential, and celebrate their success during their journey. We cherish the uniqueness of our school by developing the enriching experiences on offer, and always keeping the needs of our children, and parents, at the heart of everything we do. Our parents welcome and appreciate the wrap around childcare that is provided at Auckland College, where the cost of breakfast club, after school club and holiday clubs are fully inclusive of the school fees. We are delighted to announce that we are now an Outstanding school deemed by Ofsted, an accolade that we feel is fully deserved in recognition of the hard work and dedication of the Directors, staff, parents and of course the students of Auckland College.

West Hatch High School

west hatch high school


West Hatch is a thriving, diverse and successful school that has, for a considerable amount of time, held a great standing within the community. There is a tangible sense of community and calmness about the school. West Hatch has a special ethos; we are a family dedicated to all our students excelling academically and personally in our school and beyond by seizing the opportunities we provide. At West Hatch we provide our students with the opportunities to expand their horizons, to become what they didn’t know they could be and help them to believe in themselves and have exceptionally high aspirations for their future. We ensure that our students are provided with a wide range of opportunities throughout their time at West Hatch to help them see what is possible for them in the future. We have a fine track record academically and our staff work very hard to ensure our students achieve exceptionally well. Throughout our curriculum we develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to be successful from Year 7 to 13 and beyond, so that students are able to forge the best possible careers and futures. We are an innovative, forward thinking school which believes in the highest possible standards of behaviour so that all students are able to thrive. The school motto is to ensure every member of our community strives to be “the best that I can be”. Our students created this motto and the values that underpin it: To be determined and persevere To be respectful To be responsible To be considerate To be proud To be ready to achieve These values permeate through everything we do at the school and reflect the fact that we work hard to develop well rounded students who are both successful learners and citizens.