12973 Educators providing Courses

The Power of Touch Training

the power of touch training


tpot: the power of touch was founded by Michelle Hammond in 2013 as a result of the UK's first in-depth research in to 'the challenges of treating clients with cancer in UK & Irish spa's and salons. After the initial research Michelle worked with clinicians and specialists in the field of oncology and medicine to understand what we could do and how complementary therapies could be utilised more effectively for those living with dis-ease and life limiting health conditions. Now an active ambassador for integrative health and lifestyle medicine, Michelle works alongside numerous charities and health focused organisations to bring the pillars of wellness front and center. Prior to launching tpot, Michelle was responsible for leading, educating and designing luxury spa, health and wellness teams and brands around the world. Building on her initial and multi-disciplined range of clinical complementary therapy skills. In addition to leading and evolving tpot (something she has always proudly called her passion project), Michelle spent 7 years curating the health and wellness concept and experiences, through design and deliverables, throughout the Pegasus Life community living portfolio - with the aim of revolutionising retirement living in the UK. She has also spent the last few years in her consultancy capacity supporting the future of workplace wellness strategies and meaningful wellness experience curation for large financial and tech led institutions. All whilst still leading her private talking therapy practise clinic one day a week supporting clients with their mental and emotional wellbeing - particularly when faced with life limiting health conditions, trauma and disease. Michelle has recently embarked on a field of study in Traditional Chinese Medicine in the hope of achieving her doctorate in the future and deepening the insights and experiences she can bring to her wellness consultancy, teaching and private practise.

Hope's Place

hope's place



Hope’s Place opened its doors on October 17, 1998 in Ashland, Kentucky as a Children’s Advocacy Center. The Center grew out of a community child sexual abuse task force made up of child protective services, law enforcement, prosecution, mental health and medical communities who met regularly to define and refine professional roles in investigations and intervention in order to improve the system’s response to sexual abuse. Their efforts resulted in strong working relationships with clear investigative guidelines for an intervention system designed with the victim as its primary focus. Out of this task force a multi-disciplinary team was formed according to KRS 431.600 and 620.020 which mandates that all investigations of child sexual abuse be conducted by a specialized multi-disciplinary team. Kentucky has prioritized development of Children’s Advocacy Centers and was added to the multi-disciplinary team under KRS 431.600. Kentucky Association of Children’s Advocacy Centers (KACAC), a state association of Child Advocacy Centers was formed to provide regional centers with guidance and support. Hope’s Place is a full member in good standing in KACAC. In order to optimize services provided by Children’s Advocacy Centers and to maximize the spread of limited resources, a regionalized approach has been adopted for the funding and development of these agencies in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This planful, deliberate approach undertaken by the Governor’s Office has allowed decisions regarding the funding of local programs to be undertaken on a statewide plan for funding. Hope’s Place is the designated regional advocacy center for the FIVCO district and provides a safe, client friendly environment to victims and their families for all aspects of sexual assault, including initial evidence collection, counseling, and court preparation. We also serve our neighboring communities in Ohio and West Virginia. In January 2003, a capital campaign began for the purchase and renovation of a larger facility. In April 2003, a building located at 1100 Greenup Avenue was purchased and administration relocated. At the present, Hope’s Place contracts with physicians and maintains 10 staff members including counselors, advocates, and forensic interviewers. Hope’s Place facilitates the coordination of services from multiple agencies for the common goal of victim treatment, victim advocacy, accurate evidence collection, public education, and prevention of sex crimes. Hope’s Place is a victim-focused Children’s Advocacy Center that provides a safe atmosphere for the victim, lessens trauma and promotes healing by maximizing services through a multi-disciplinary team approach. Hope’s Place actively seeks to reduce the occurrence of sexual abuse and heighten awareness through prevention education. Our Center provides a victim-friendly, home-like environment, which is designed to meet the sexual abuse victim’s need for warmth, support and protection. Hope’s Place is where all agencies come together to meet the needs of sexually abused children by coordinating services for the common goal of prevention, intervention and accountability. Child sexual abuse is one of the most pervasive social problems faced by this society. Its impact is profound because of the sheer frequency with which it occurs and because of the trauma brought to the lives of children who experienced this crime. Historically, however, the sexual abuse of children was dismissed as a “family problem.” The significant impact of childhood sexual abuse is unquestionable. This impact, however, speaks not only to the individual child victim of the crime, but also to the mental health community. There is no longer a question of whether child sexual abuse is a criminal justice problem or a social services problem or a mental health problem, for its power pervades the territory of each. The question must now lie in the resolve of all professionals to overcome skepticism with acknowledgment, disbelief with understanding, indifference with indigence, and reluctance to intervene with an unwavering intolerance of the victimization of all children.

Clean Break

clean break



Clean Break uses theatre to keep the subject of women in prison on the cultural radar, helping to reveal the damage caused by the criminal justice system. Through our unique work, we raise difficult questions, inspire debate, and help to effect profound and positive change in the lives of women with experience of the criminal justice system. Since 1979, Clean Break has been the only women’s theatre company of its kind, and we continue to inspire playwrights and captivate audiences with our ground-breaking plays on the complex theme of women and criminalisation. Through theatre workshops and projects in prisons and in the community which build confidence, resilience and wellbeing, we transform the lives of women who have experienced the criminal justice system or who are at risk of entering it due to the challenges they are facing, such as mental health or drug use issues, which place them in circumstances that make interaction with the criminal justice system difficult to avoid. Our Members Programme is available to women aged 18 and above. The Programme offers a range of workshops and performance opportunities led by esteemed female theatre artists, underpinned by comprehensive support. Clean Break’s women-only identity is crucial to our rationale. The treatment of women by the criminal justice system is one of the clearest demonstrations that our society is still unequal and that women are judged by different standards to men. Our vision is of a society where women can realise their full potential, free from criminalisation, and we believe that theatre enables women to challenge their oppression by society in general and by the criminal justice system in particular.