143 Educators providing Courses

Burn From Within

burn from within

After I eventually graduated, I landed my dream job as a conference producer. I was over the moon! This even blossomed into a rewarding career over several years. Even though I loved my job, I noticed the company I worked for had started to change. The new management was driving many talented people I respected out, and their values started to really diverge from my own. I still loved the CEO, and to my surprise, when I handed in my notice, she gave me a rather lovely present. My CEO asked me to launch a cosmetic product business she had been working on for a while. Even though I had no direct experience in this industry, she trusted in my abilities and shattered a long-standing belief that I could only work in one industry or for other people. I started to believe in myself. I now felt I could run my own business. I just wished I had discovered this belief earlier, and later discovered through the extensive training I completed in becoming a coach, that you can set these empowering beliefs yourself with the right coach! I decided to finally scratch my travel itch and embark on a journey around the world with no set end date. I travelled for 18 months, and realized that there was so much more to life than staying in an office in London. After sipping Caiprinhas in Rio, skydiving in Buenos Aires, trekking table-top mountains and waterfalls across Venezuela, hot air ballooning over Turkey and Ukraine, and experiencing the long summer nights with friendly locals across Scandinavia, I didn’t want to come back. Who would? After working on a 6 month contract for my previous CEO to recover some of that money I spent travelling, the belief within me that I could do my own thing was still strong. So I invested in courses on ways to make money myself, including a year-long real estate investment course. After investing in some real estate myself, I ended up working with a property developer as it was a chance to learn how to find and secure bigger developments and deals, which was a way to build long-term wealth and more passive income. But I absolutely HATED (no that’s not strong enough a word) working with the people and all the values they stood for. It was purely for money. After a few months, I realized how lonely and unhappy I was. My life really was out of balance. Eventually I became quite depressed and felt lost, so I decided to hire a NLP coach who specialized in career transition. I remember so vividly one of the powerful tools she coached with me in particular made me realize I was not living as the person I was born to be. I looked at myself objectively as a character in a movie. This guy Matt I was seeing was hunched over his home office desk, all alone, looking outside into his garden watching the rain. I realized that Matt was a social, fun and confident guy. He was not using his natural talents and far from an environment that made him thrive. It was like watching a bird screaming to get out of a tiny cage. It was not right – I had to let him free. After this coaching, a friend recommended me to his boss for a sales role I would have ordinarily pass off had it not been for this insight through coaching. I got the job and thrived in sales, breaking various team and company records in my first year. But I wanted more: to travel much more, take care of my health, find balance and do my own thing again. So I invested in a personal coach for 12 months, who motivated me to take big decisions. I left the UK in August 2017 for Australia and then Asia. Inspired after the powerful NLP coaching I had experienced, I planned several NLP retreats and trainings to become a trainer just for my own personal development. Through various business and career transitions, and observing the structures that worked for me and my coaching clients, I realized any life transition that was sustainable had to have three magic elements: Passion, Purpose and Balance. On top of the extensive coaching training I had, I decided to interview a series of people who have made the journey from feeling bored and burnt out in their career, to transitioning to a life of balance, passion and purpose in brand new fields. I noticed patterns in all of these stories that lead to developing my own unique coaching model for career transition. I call this to ‘Burn From Within’. If you feel trapped in your own career or business right now, or confused about where you need to go next – I can help. It can be scary emotionally, financially and it’s easy to be immobilized knowing that you could be making bad choices. So let’s chat about this – you can have what you want in this life and taking the first steps to just talk about it can make all the difference. I invite you to book a free clarity call with me here and we can take those first life-changing steps together.

Ravalue Services

ravalue services

Milton Keynes

After 25 years of Business & Finance Leadership experience in marquee companies starting with Unilever, holding senior management roles at Murugappa Group, CFO at Eicher and part of the Global Leadership Team at American Express, Ravi drew his inspiration to become the first-generation entrepreneur in the Business Services space. Given his pioneering global experience at American Express in mid 1990s to establish the first ever offshore Global Financial Centreat Delhi, he founded RvaluE Consulting in 2005 as a pioneer to offer end to end services to strategize, set up, stabilize, operate and transform Captive Shared Services in India and overseas. With 20+ years of Business Process Management (BPM) experience, Ravi has now grown this company to become the RvaluE Group with laser focus on the entire life cycle spectrum of the Business Services space, covering enterprise functions and services strategy, process & technology transformation, captive operations, and end to end solutions. As a Business Leader at Amex Financial Centre, Ravi was integral to the growth of the Centre to make it truly global - starting with countries in Japan, Asia Pacific, and Australia (JAPA) Region, and expanding to servicing 30+ countries across all continents in the globe. He enabled growth and globalization of the Business Process Service operations in India creating ‘global centres of excellence’, for major F&A processes (like Accounts Payable, Reconciliations, Accounting and Reporting). He worked with customers across the globe, delivering over US$ 20 Mn cost saves and value-added services, while leading several global initiatives like Y2K Compliance, Capacity Optimization, Integrating Quality & Control, first time Sox Compliance for the global US$160Bn Balance Sheet etc. Based on the nucleus Finance Centre, Amex Global expanded offshoring to multiple functions and high-end processes including Risk Management, Customer Service, Analytics, Procurement, Real Estate, etc., thereby, making India as the second largest country for American Express in terms of employees, next only to USA. In fact, Amex GlobalCentre laid the foundation to create a new Industry in Global Business Services for India including GE and other Fortune 500 corporations. With India becoming the global hub for offshoring (through Amex in mid 90s) and spreading the power of Shared Services in India (since 2005), RvaluE pioneered Shared Services Forum to bring both global & India corporations and centres together in an Industry Platform, and this combined collaborative power was for the first time described and termed as ‘Global India’. Over the 16 years of setting up RvaluE, Ravi has built the Group on the strong foundation of his 4 decades of corporate, professional and entrepreneurial experience, and the expertise of the RvaluE Team to expand to multiple dimensions through Associate Companies & Ventures across the Business Services Space – Advisory,Setting up Captive Centres, Operations, Expansion, Process Transformation, Coaching, Learning & Organizational Capabilities, SSF as Industry Platform, Frameworks, M&A, Technology and Research.

Standout Programmes

standout programmes


Penny started her career as a corporate lawyer at City firm Freshfields. On a career break she became involved as a volunteer in her local prison which led her to train as a tutor with Prison Fellowship and lead the restorative justice based Sycamore Tree programme in HMP Wandsworth for 12 years. She was involved in rolling out Sycamore Tree in HMP Bronzefield and HMP Pentonville and also has experience of tutoring the course with people in prison long term. Penny was a Trustee of Prison Fellowship for several years and acted as Interim CEO in 2015. Penny has also volunteered with the Prison Reform Trust, supporting work around mental health and criminal justice issues. She has a Masters degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from King’s College London and believes in second chances and releasing potential. Andy Bater, Head of Operations Andy joined the StandOut team in October 2022 from a community organisation based in Holborn. With a background in project and operations management working with various large corporate organisations, he brings his breadth of experience and knowledge to StandOut. Despite his career achievements, Andy would much rather talk about his time being a mature student in Canada, starting a wellbeing and employment social enterprise and especially about rugby, boxing and the Andrew Kaufman book 'All My Friends are Superheroes’. Rich McStraw, Fundraising Manager Rich joined us in April 2022 from Clinks, the infrastructure organisation for the voluntary sector working in criminal justice. He spent the last three years as Clinks’ Fundraising Officer, and prior to this worked as a freelance fundraiser and sales manager for renewable heating systems. He has previous experience of fundraising regulation and compliance, sales and marketing, and developing training programmes. Louise Harbert, Communications Officer Louise is passionate about supporting people with lived experience to share their stories. Before joining the StandOut team, she worked for a health charity to amplify the voices of volunteers and shine a light on health inequalities. A strong believer in social justice, Louise is determined to change the narrative around prison leavers, and is excited to contribute to StandOut’s development and growth as our first full-time comms officer. Alex Rose, Coaching Manager Alex joined the team in April 2018 from Prospects where he was a National Careers Service advisor. Previously he worked as a behaviour change manager and an achievement coach working on gang prevention and exit programmes. Alex is passionate about helping people who have been in prison back into work and recently completed his OCR Level 6 Diploma in Career Guidance & Development. Amrit Hunjan, Lead Coach HMP Wandsworth Amrit joined the StandOut team in September 2019 having previously worked as part of a council multi-disciplinary team working collectively to improve the well-being, participation and attainment of young people in mainstream education. Amrit connected with StandOut whilst volunteering with the youth mentoring service Trailblazers at HMP Wandsworth and she is passionate about using a relational approach to build confidence and unlock potential. Amy Young, StandOut Coach HMP Wandsworth Amy joined StandOut in November 2022 after completing an English Literature degree at KCL. During and following her degree she voluntarily set up Shakespeare and poetry workshops in HMP Brixton, believing in the power of arts in Criminal Justice. She found she facilitated enlightening and illuminating conversations, using literary themes to generate powerful reflections and increased emotional awareness. She looks forward to coaching at Wandsworth and supporting trainees with a holistic approach, offering guidance and practical help post-release. Hannah Jolley, Lead Coach HMP Pentonville Hannah joined StandOut in February 2022. Prior to this, she was Lead Coach on the Spear Programme, supporting young people who face barriers to employment and also coached corporate delegates on various topics. Hannah graduated from Durham University with BA Criminology, and spent time volunteering with vulnerable people in prison at HMP Durham. She is passionate about reducing reoffending rates, through showing that there is hope and are opportunities out there for those leaving prison. Erin Crombie, Lead StandOut Coach Erin discovered StandOut in 2018 whilst completing her Masters in Criminological Research at the University of Cambridge, when she carried out an evaluation of the charity for her dissertation. On graduating, Erin joined the education department in HMP Pentonville as a Student Support Worker, whilst maintaining contact with StandOut in a voluntary capacity. She joined StandOut at the beginning of 2020 and is now in a new role leading our expansion to a third prison. Erin’s favourite thing about working for StandOut is seeing the trainees’ confidence grow over the duration of the Phase 1 course and getting to celebrate their achievements. Louisa Laven, Lead Community Coach Louisa joined the StandOut team in November 2020. Prior to this she was on the Unlocked Graduates Programme, working as a frontline prison officer for two years while completing a Masters in MSc Leadership and Custodial Environments. Louisa loved the relational and support aspect of the officer role, but wanted to move into the charity sector and focus on the critical resettlement period after prison. She is enthusiastic about helping people leaving prison to get back on their feet and build towards a positive future. Iona Warren, Community Coach Iona joined the StandOut team in September 2022 after spending two years as a prison officer on the Unlocked Graduates programme. Whilst working in a women's prison, she completed a Masters in Applied Custodial Leadership, writing a dissertation on the women's experience of trauma informed practice in their establishment. She loved building relationships with the women on her landing, and relished the opportunity to support them whilst in custody. She is particularly excited to now be working with those transitioning into the community, and is passionate and motivated to see them thrive. StandOut Trustees Joe Froud, Chair Joe is the co-founder of Paloma Capital LLP, a London based real estate private equity business that was established in 2015. Paloma raises equity from foundations and endowments, pensions funds and family offices and invests in UK commercial real estate projects. Prior to this he was the founder and Managing Partner of Columbus Capital Management LLP, a real estate private equity joint venture that he established with Schroders plc in 2008. Joe is married with four children and lives in West London. Liz Delacave, Trustee Liz Delacave is a leadership consultant, experienced in training leaders, developing teams and coaching individuals to excel. She studied Engineering Science at the University of Oxford, worked in Citibank’s global commercial and investment banks, becoming chief of staff for Citibank’s European Private Bank. While Divisional Finance Director of a multinational engineering company, she was responsible for managing a global change programme. As a Non-Executive Director, she has helped turn around an underperforming NHS Foundation Trust hospital in East Anglia. Liz has advised a number of charities, including the International Federation of the Red Cross in Geneva and Prison Fellowship. Marion Peters, Trustee Marion Peters studied English Literature at Reading University before joining the Post Office fast track graduate management scheme. After 4 years in marketing and development roles Marion entered the charitable sector, working for international and small local charities in a generalist capacity. Marion has led client service teams, HR departments and spearheaded major fundraising projects and most recently worked as CEO of a heritage almshouse. Since stepping down from this role, Marion has continued to offer her operational and organisational skills to not for profit organisations on a voluntary basis. Passionately committed to the Justice System, Marion has been a volunteer within Her Majesty’s Court Services for over 20 years and is a great believer that where we have come from does not determine who we are. Joseph Ewing, Trustee Joseph studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford University, has worked in a range of research, campaigning and public affairs roles - including three and a half years in public affairs at Cancer Research UK - and now works in policy at the Academy of Medical Sciences. His work includes policy development, advocacy and strategy. He became a trustee in April 2019 and is still inspired by StandOut’s belief in people. StandOut Consultants Jo Fellows, Programme and Coaching Consultant, Co Founder Jo's background is in group facilitation and project management and she has extensive experience leading employability services for those with additional barriers to employment. Her experience includes 4 years working with the award winning Spear course, partnering with IBM through her work with City Gateway and designing a 1-1 service for those leaving custody or care. Jo is passionate about equipping people coming up for release with the tools, skills and confidence to step into sustainable and fulfilling work. Jo has a Postgraduate Diploma in Voluntary Sector Management from CASS Business School. Jo co-founded StandOut with Penny and now supports StandOut as a consultant bringing her expertise in programme design and coaching skills.

KiK Creative

kik creative


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