1424 Educators providing Courses

Coaching for Performance

coaching for performance

Klarheit, Orientierung, persönlicher und beruflicher Erfolg. Herzlich willkommen bei Peter A. Fuhrmann. Job- und Karrierecoaching, Führungskräfte-Coaching, Business-Coaching. Face to Face in meiner Beratungspraxis, online oder per Telefon. Sie wollen mehr Erfolg? Für sich persönlich? In Ihrer beruflichen Rolle und Funktion? Oder für Ihr Unternehmen? Sie wissen, Sie können mehr erreichen und suchen einen erfahrenen Coach und einen professionellen Sparringspartner. Ich hole Sie dort ab, wo Sie sich heute befinden und begleite Sie sicher und souverän dorthin, wo Sie morgen sein wollen. Beim Job- und Karrierecoaching unterstütze ich Sie auf Ihrem beruflichen Weg zur Erreichung Ihrer Ziele. Ich helfe Ihnen bei der persönlichen Standortbestimmung und Zukunftsplanung, bei Ihrer individuellen Vermarktung, bei Bewerbungen, Assessment Center Verfahren und Vorstellungsgesprächen. Bei der beruflichen Neuorientierung bin ich Ihr kompetenter Ansprechpartner bei der Erschließung neuer Zukunfsperspektiven Ich bearbeite mit Ihnen herausfordernde Themen wie Unzufriedenheit im Job, Karrierknick, Konflikte am Arbeitsplatz, Stress, Beziehungsprobleme, Mobbing und Burnout und zeige Ihnen Wege aus diesen kritischen Situationen. Das Coaching stärkt Ihr Selbstbewusstsein und Ihre Handlungssicherheit. Beispiele aus meiner Coachingpraxis Beim Führungskräfte-Coaching bin ich Ihr Sparringspartner bei der Bearbeitung und Lösung Ihrer Themen und Herausforderungen im Führungsalltag. Wir erabeiten zusammen, wie Sie Ihre Führungsfähigkeiten voll ausgestalten, sicher entscheiden, souverän verhandeln, überzeugend kommunizieren und Ihre Mitarbeiter zu Erfolgen führen. Wir entwickeln weiterführende Strategien und finden tragfähige Wege und Lösungen zur Erreichung Ihrer Organisations- und Unternehmensziele. In Phasen der Veränderung, der Unsicherheit und bei schwierigen Konflikten und Herausforderungen bin ich Ihr kompetenter Ansprechpartner. Das Coaching fördert Ihre persönliche Wirksamkeit und Ihre individuellen Führungsfähigkeiten. Beispiele aus meiner Coachingpraxis Beim Business-Coaching bin ich Ihr Personal Coach bei der Optimierung und Weiterentwicklung Ihrer speziellen betriebwirtschaftlichen Themen, insbesondere in den Bereichen, Strategie, Marktebearbeitung, Kundengewinnung, Vertrieb und unternehmerischer Erfolg. Ich arbeite mit Ihnen an Ihrer Rolle im Markt, an Ihrer Kommunikations- und Präsentationsstrategie, unterstütze Sie bei der optimalen Nutzung der modernen Medien und reflektiere mit Ihnen Wege zur Erreichung Ihrer Ziele. Wir erarbeiten zusammen, wie Sie Ihre unternehmerischen Herausforderungen und Chancen bestmöglich nutzen und Ihr Business weiter ausbauen. Beispiele aus meiner Coachingpraxis Coachs und Trainer unterstütze ich im Setting Coach-Supervision bei der Reflex

Tim Anderson

tim anderson


Welcome to SOULutions. With more than 20 years of working in this field, I am delighted to offer holistic and solution-focused therapies and natural and effective healing methods through SOULUTIONS. My coaching style, systemic background and homeopathic approach all aim to help you move towards inner peace and well-being. Consequently, leaving you free to be the best you that you are meant to be. I am here to help you find your SOULutions with: Homeopathy Family Constellations Trainings 1:1 Personal Issues and Relationship Coaching Family Constellations Workshops (also known as Systemic Constellations Workshops) Personal Issues and Relationship Coaching My personal issues and relationship coaching is based on a solution focused approach. I offer coaching for personal and relationship issues for individuals in a safe and confidential environment. For over 20 years, I have supported people from all walks of life and worked with people with a wide range of life challenges including: stress of all kinds anxiety-related issues family and relationship issues difficulties in conceiving and or miscarriages low self-esteem or low confidence cross junction in life and looking for the next step in life is grief and bereavement Systemic Family Constellations Systemic constellations and family constellations, offer a systemic and solution-focused approach. They are particularly effective for personal, family and relationship issues. At SOULutions, I offer both workshops and one to one sessions in systemic constellations and family constellations in Surrey. Surrey Homeopathy Having worked as a Surrey homeopath for over 20 years, I offer this gentle and natural form of medicine in my practice in Surrey. First of all, during the homeopathic consultation, I aim is to collect a full symptom picture of you and to explore the symptoms as you experience them. Whatever the presenting symptom, homeopathy looks at physical, emotional and mental state as belonging together and presenting an expression of what is out of balance in the individual. Finally, I prescribe a carefully selected homeopathic remedy that matches your particular symptom picture most closely. This form of medicine can help balance the person’s innate healing powers to initiate healing from within. Homeopathy thus offers an holistic approach to health and well-being.

Walk Snowdonia

walk snowdonia

Guided Walks in Snowdonia Whether you want your Guided Walk up Snowdon, want to get into mountaineering, or have climbed many summits, we will help you achieve your adventurous hiking goals. Here at Walk Snowdonia we can't wait to help you ascend and descend the tallest peaks in this picturesque mountain range.Friendly and Professional Snowdonia mountain guides Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. Walk Snowdonia offers a professional service from start to finish providing you with the help and support you need to create memories of a lifetime. From the moment you book your Snowdonia walk, we will send you information and advice, answer all your questions and keep you up to date before the guided walk. Educational Guided Walks in Snowdonia The Snowdonia Mountain guides who work for Walk Snowdonia have an in-depth knowledge of the Snowdonia National Park and mountain environments and we aim to share this knowledge with you. We will bring your guided walk to life with interesting facts and information. Because our group sizes are smaller we can answer more of your questions. Snowdon GuidesThe mountain guides who work for Walk Snowdonia are all locals who live within a short distance of Snowdon. This gives them an intimate knowledge of the National Park and they will be able to answer all your questions and enrich your day with facts and knowledge of the local area. Safe Guided walks up Snowdon Your safety is paramount. The British mountains are dangerous and inhospitable places and require a range of skills to enjoy safely. Our Mountain Guides are fully qualified Mountain Leaders with years of experience. They are Snowdonia locals with an intimate knowledge of Mount Snowdon, the glorious National Park, and the mountain weather. We pride ourselves on offering fun, safe, stress-free, and informative guided walks. Qualified Mountain Guides All our Mountain Guides are qualified and assessed by the Mountain Training Association and are fully qualified mountain guides and have years of experience. They also have a 16-hour Outdoor First Aid Certificate as a minimum. All participants are covered for all activities by our public liability insurance.

Anita Sharma Coaching

anita sharma coaching

Personal Growth & Wellbeing I’m Anita, a personal growth and well-being coach, specialising in helping young people and their families navigate their way through the teenage and pre-teen years. Whether it’s exam stress, social anxiety or learning to deal with the overwhelm caused by social media, today’s young people have more pressure on them than ever before and, as a parent, it can be hard to know where to turn for advice and support when your child is struggling. Why use a coach? Shouldn’t I be able to support my child myself? Not fully understanding emotions, the impact they have and how to manage them can lead to self-destructive behaviour and negative beliefs, which is not only hard for the young person but for the family around them too. Seeking help from someone objective, outside the family, might feel difficult but many of those I work with say they wish they’d done it sooner. Parenting is hard work and it’s ok not to struggle on alone. I have spent my entire career working with young people, spending 20 years as a secondary school teacher before becoming a coach. I’m also a mum-of-two myself, so I know how difficult it can be. How does coaching work? Using a combination of talking and listening, alongside a series of practical steps, I help guide and encourage your child. Together we work through the issues that are troubling them to come up with a sustainable plan to set them on the right path for the future. How we get through our teenage years can pave the way for how we manage the rest of our lives. I’m passionate about bringing out the best in every child and teenager and giving them the confidence and skills to succeed in the world. I offer two types of support – Emotional Wellbeing and Academic Coaching – and aim to build flexible packages around you and your family, with prices starting from £30 per session. You can see more details in the Services section and more information about my qualifications and credentials on the About Me page.

Anna Wille

anna wille

Helping People Find Their Breath, So They Can Thrive I am proud and honoured to be a known voice on Mindfulness in South West London. Over the last seven years I have dedicated my focus and energy to bringing this important life skill, centred around your breath as a tool for stress relief, with self-love as a necessary foundation, to over 6000 children, teens and adults in schools and the workplace. Having re-designed my life after ‘finding’ my breath, I am committed to teaching others to find theirs too, so they can thrive. After 20 years working in Human Resources, Design and Education, my life pivoted beyond my dreams. While living as a single mother of three teens and a dementia carer, I have dedicated my time to championing mental health and wellbeing education and tools for everyone aged 7 to 70. In 2014 these same tools enabled me to transform the challenge of divorce into a force for my happiness, as well as a way to make an impact on the lives of others. By bringing the power of Mindfulness to children and adults, I have offered them a support in everyday life, and enabled them to embrace plan B with compassion, when things fall apart a little. Plan B CAN be the life WE want to lead. How has Mindfulness helped me, my family and my career? Life presents us with challenge after challenge, each an opportunity to learn and grow … if you are in the right headspace when they show up. Whether you are finding 11+ and raising teens hard, or have lost or fallen out of love with your job, or your marriage is on the rocks, or your health or that of a loved one takes a turn for the worse … all of these are manageable, and can actually be transformative, if we have the confidence and skills to deal with them. However, if life’s unexpected pivots overwhelm us or open up old wounds, our ability to cope and be kind to ourself and others is temporarily compromised;

London School of Business and Research

london school of business and research

HELLO AND WELCOME TO LONDON SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND RESEARCH, UK. WE ARE AMONGST UK’S PREMIER ONLINE BUSINESS SCHOOL AND ARE BASED OUT OF LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM AND HAVING PRESENCE IN OVER 40 COUNTRIES. WE OFFER ACCREDITED AND GLOBALLY RECOGNISED QUALIFICATIONS, BOTH AT DIPLOMA LEVEL AS WELL AS UNIVERSITY DEGREE COURSES TO OUR GLOBAL LEARNERS WHO ARE PRESENT IN OVER 180 COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE. When you choose London School of Business and Research (LSBR), you’re choosing an experience that will challenge and inspire you. We have a strong alumni from Asia/ Middle East to Australia, Africa to Europe and America. LSBR is accredited by Othm and Qualifi, UK and offer courses which are approved and regulated by Ofqual (Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) [https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ofqual], thus you are assured of education you receive at LSBR which is accredited and respected by schools and businesses world over. LSBR is promoted by highly qualified professionals who have many years of commercial and academic experience. The average qualification of the professionals working at LSBR is Post Graduate with 20 year plus of work experience both in academic and business areas. We offer online, highly flexible programmes, targeted towards professionals who lead busy lives. As a student at LSBR you can complete your education anytime – from anywhere using desktop/ laptop/ tablet or any other mobile device.

Breech Birth Network

breech birth network

Kingston upon Thames

Hello!! My name is Muge and I am the founder of My Breathing Path! I was born in Istanbul, Turkey and I lived there until 2018. I was working in the Turkish finance industry for more than 10 years and during that time I was suffering from an advanced hernia in my neck. Working in a high stress environment and dealing with lots of problems at the same time, made me a super-achiever. I first came across breathwork in a workshop in 2010. It was extremely powerful but also it was completely different to the other techniques that I had tried before. As I continued to go to the sessions, it helped me to understand my behaviour as a perfectionist and its subsequent consequences for my life, the hernia and my unbalanced relationship with my family, friends and colleagues. After experiencing healing and transformation myself, I decided to become a facilitator. Since 2014, I have been working in the field of Transformational Breath as a Certified Transformational Breath Facilitator in private sessions, workshops and seminars while I continued to work in my finance career. I have experience in working with a wide variety of people – each possessing their own set of needs and goals. My further qualifications, Basic DNA Theta Healing Practitioner and Reiki II Certification are used in conjunction with Transformational Breath sessions to help people reach their potential and achieve their goals. Life is a combination of different journeys and within my new journey in the UK, I look forward to sharing my experiences through transformational breathing sessions with others, who want to discover more about themselves with transformation in their life, increase their self-awareness and live a healthier lifestyle.

Muge Zorbozan - My Breathing Path

muge zorbozan - my breathing path

Kew, Richmond

Hello!! My name is Muge and I am the founder of My Breathing Path! I was born in Istanbul, Turkey and I lived there until 2018. I was working in the Turkish finance industry for more than 10 years and during that time I was suffering from an advanced hernia in my neck. Working in a high stress environment and dealing with lots of problems at the same time, made me a super-achiever. I first came across breathwork in a workshop in 2010. It was extremely powerful but also it was completely different to the other techniques that I had tried before. As I continued to go to the sessions, it helped me to understand my behaviour as a perfectionist and its subsequent consequences for my life, the hernia and my unbalanced relationship with my family, friends and colleagues. After experiencing healing and transformation myself, I decided to become a facilitator. Since 2014, I have been working in the field of Transformational Breath as a Certified Transformational Breath Facilitator in private sessions, workshops and seminars while I continued to work in my finance career. I have experience in working with a wide variety of people – each possessing their own set of needs and goals. My further qualifications, Basic DNA Theta Healing Practitioner and Reiki II Certification are used in conjunction with Transformational Breath sessions to help people reach their potential and achieve their goals. Life is a combination of different journeys and within my new journey in the UK, I look forward to sharing my experiences through transformational breathing sessions with others, who want to discover more about themselves with transformation in their life, increase their self-awareness and live a healthier lifestyle.