961 Educators providing Courses

Selena joy lovett

selena joy lovett

Join my monthly events https://moon-goddess-healing-sanctuary.mn.co/ [https://moon-goddess-healing-sanctuary.mn.co/] JOIN TODAY - PREPARE TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE When you join Moon Goddess Healing Sanctuary today, you’ll get access to our Sacred Ritual Circles. We gather via zoom 4 times a month. You can join the live event at 7pm GMT or watch the replay. We celebrate and raise our vibration with the New Moon and focus on our intentions for moving forward into a more inspired and aligned life with intentional living. During the Full Moon, we work on releasing emotional, physical, and energetic layers from our energy fields. We work in the sacred womb space and with past lives by tapping into the moon’s mystical power. We realign ourselves by letting go of any draining energies as we lift our vibrations. As we ascend, we draw in all that we deserve and aspire to manifest. ONE—NEW MOON MANIFESTING CIRCLE: Fill your energy with Light and raise your vibration. Release any negative energies and allow healing to fill your being. With this newfound brightness, you’ll be able to align with the Universe and attract what’s meant for you. In our group manifestation circles, we harness the combined energy of our community to activate your personal power and manifest your desires. Attending these circles can promote empowerment and a stronger belief in your own potential. TWO—FULL MOON DEEP HEALING CIRCLE: using the energy of the full moon, YOU can cut the energetic cords that are holding you down, ground, and cleanse your energy. We go on a deep journey to heal ancestral wounds, cut karmic ties, break negative/addictive patterns, clear the energy of past partners and experiences that may negatively affect you and your future. Receive help to heal the grief of a lost child or close family member. Heal sexual trauma. Reset your energy so you can keep on healing and shining your light! We will also work with the Council of Light, Angel Healing, The 7 Rays and Violet Flame. I am intuitively guided to use different techniques for deep healing focusing on Family Constellation, Soul Retrieval, Past Life Healing and the Inner Child. THREE—CIRCLE OF DIVINE EMPOWERMENT: Where Goddesses Weave Their Magic: Harness the essence of goddesses to illuminate your path. Discover the art of channelling their power to weave your desires, embrace your inner voice, and forge a profound bond with your celestial goddess energy. We learn how to perceive the energy of the deity we are connecting with so we understand why and how we connect, and how to empower our lives with this connection. You may also learn a mantra or mudra to enhance this connection. Through a guided deep meditation, we activate this energy, allowing you to sense, feel and embrace the goddess or deity’s presence. This will enable you to absorb and understand the energy so you can connect with ease when you want to, drawing upon this power to guide you and tap into for strength and guidance. Following the meditation, you will receive a personalised message of insightful guidance. We will work with Ascended Masters, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Moon Goddess Selene, Mary Magdalene, Heka, Lilith, Gaia and Various Goddesses, Arcturian and Star seed connection, Ascended Masters, Dragon and Faery. FOUR—MONTHLY READING & SHARING CIRCLE: a safe space to share experiences and catch up. I’m there if you have questions and then we do some practice with our cards (tarot or oracle) either by reading for others or through receiving a reading. We’ll also mediate and connect for a message from spirit or our guides for insight and healing. ALSO INCLUDED: * WEEKLY RECORDED MEETINGS: receive support and guidance with a psychic reading to help you navigate your week. * GUIDED MEDITATIONS: There is a library of Reiki-infused guided meditations. You can also discover mudras and self-healing methods that promote balance and inner peace.  * DEVELOP A DAILY SPIRITUAL PRACTICE: Learn about energy care, psychic protection and ways of developing your own daily spiritual practice. * HEALING CEREMONIES LIVE CHAT: Join a live chat during our healing ceremonies. Connect with fellow participants, share experiences, and support each other. This real-time sharing can deepen your sense of connection and enhance the healing process. There is also a community message area where you can connect as a group to share your journey, receive support and celebrate with other members. * DEVELOP YOUR PSYCHIC SENSES: We’ll focus on enhancing and recognising your individual senses. You’ll receive attunements to help connect with your psychic guide, enhance your 3rd eye chakra, and open your solar plexus.  * SELF-CARE FOR EMPATHS: Finally, you’ll learn how to care for your empathic energy so you can live in alignment and balance. For more information please message me info@selenajoylovett.com Have a look at the services I offer the monthly gatherings, Transformational packages. Readings and healings can be custom-made to suit and fulfil your needs. You are not alone—reach out and begin healing  Selena xx WWW.SELENAJOYLOVETT.COM

Deborah Maddison, Healing Space

deborah maddison, healing space


My name is Deborah Maddison and it’s my privilege to teach and facilitate the empowering, embodying practices of TRE® and Breathwork. They can release old patterns of stress, tension, anxiety, trauma and pain. It's incredible to watch clients freeing themselves and experiencing new levels of aliveness. I live in Radstock with my husband and two teenage sons. I mostly practice in Bath, Radstock and Somerset. My degree was from the University of Oxford (I started studying physics, but then migrated to PPE). After a year of travelling, I joined the Royal Navy as an officer, but in 1999 after 7 years of service, I was medically retired due to stress, aged just 29. Despite also being a fitness & martial arts instructor, I was unable to continue for some time. Life was clearly asking something new of me, and I started a long journey to find wellness. Having experienced almost every symptom possible, related to Chronic Fatigue, Anxiety, Stress, Depression and PTSD, I can truly empathise with my clients' experiences. After having my children, I trained to lead children's yoga based adventures, before training in Reiki, Lomi Lomi Massage, Group Facilitation, TRE® and Breathwork ... I have learnt many practices on the path to wellness. Here at Healing Space I offer some of those that I have found to be effective, mindful, empowering, and truly supportive to well being. These therapies can support us in taking responsibility for our own healing journey... TRE® (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) Integrative Breathwork (Rebirthing) These are Empowering somatic practices that can be used in daily life and in moments of need

Lou @L-Healing Zone

lou @l-healing zone

I am a Healer, a Mastery Facilitator and trained as a Life Coach Practitioner and Professional Stress Management Consultant so my approach is rooted in more deep dive coaching approaches around mindset shifting and (energy) healing. I use a variety of modalities to help people heal themselves in creative ways. I genuinely want to offer not just my skills as far as my training is concerned but most importantly my life experience. I now feel that I want to be able to share this with others to help them heal themselves. My approach is about getting to the root cause of the problem through building on fundamentals that involve radical self love, forgiveness, acceptance and compassion. What I offer is a more bespoke process, working with clients with several modalities to help them unlock their own dynamic and creative solutions within themselves. My focus is always results driven, and I usually assess clients closely to see that it's a good match and that the client is ready to do the work and change. If they are not, that is okay too, but I will usually invite them to return another time where they are in a better position to do the work. I have been on a healing journey myself having lived with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)for many years undiagnosed until a few years back, when I was finally diagnosed and started therapy. Therapy made me feel worse. In the middle of my therapy journey I got diagnosed with Leukemia and what followed was several gruelling months of chemotherapy. I am thankfully now in cancer remission and fully recovered from PTSD. It was my determination and willingness to heal and thrive from what felt like a life sentence of a chronic mental health condition and a serious physical illness that led me to undertake the journey to get better and that led me to do the work I am doing now: helping others to access their own healing abilities and not just overcome and heal, but thrive too. I have always been someone that tried out various modalities (from Energy Healing to Neuroscience)at different points of my recovery and I use this same approach in my coaching practice too. I work with clients that are looking for a different approach to healing themselves. Many that are in therapy work with me alongside therapy to boost and supplement their inner work and for those that choose not to be in therapy, my approach offers a lifeline of accessing untapped potentialities. My passion in life is to help people who are serious about making make real, permanent changes and help them get to the heart of their issues by following the path of effortless flow with life in a more creative way. The result is an embodiment of wholeness, joy, vibrancy and aliveness in their lives. I believe EVERYONE is creative however each of us accesses our imagination and creative process in very different and unique ways. But it is with creativity, and using the imagination, the body and all our senses that makes healing and growth possible and fun!