1321 Educators providing Courses

Sun Kyeong

sun kyeong

There is a vibration more powerful than any other because it comes directly from the Mind of the Universe. It creates and supports all living beings with universal light, love and energy. It is Qi, the vibration of life. Sun Kyeong is a spiritual practice that began in the mountains of South Korea, reconnecting us to ourselves, nature and the Universe by tuning to the vibration of life, Qi. With the world in ever expanding social and environmental crises, now more than ever humanity needs a new method that can transcend the limits of human intelligence. Sun Kyeong comprises of Qi Sessions, Qi Classes and a transformational Ancestor Healing course designed to clear inherited patterns. Over time this practice can lead us to understand the laws of nature and guide us to greater levels of health, happiness and spiritual connection. Many of the problems people experience today stem from a depletion of Qi. At work and in our personal lives, many of us stand at the same threshold daily and think something has to change. Stress, worry, fatigue and chronic health conditions are on the rise. People are searching for a way to be truly happy and find meaning in their lives. We have become increasingly disconnected from the vibration of life – Qi. Sun Kyeong can be a transformative pathway intended to help us connect to the infinite source of universal light, love and energy designed to keep us healthy, happy and supported to live in harmony with each other and nature. section divider The Sun Kyeong Masters Sun Kyeong Qi masters are specially trained to receive and transmit Qi. They live a spiritual life dedicated to caring for the well-being of others. Qi masters are trained in the mountains of South Korea and maintain their ability to transmit Qi with 3 to 4 hours of personal training each day. Qi masters come from all walks of life and from all over the world. Many have, themselves, recovered from chronic health conditions and have gone on to help others worldwide.

The Reset Project

the reset project

I help forward-thinking organisations boost their leaders' and teams' health, wellbeing and resilience to transform their productivity, their profit and their reputation. All too often, corporate health and wellbeing is reactive rather than preventative - trying to tackle a problem once it has appeared, rather than avoiding the problem in the first place. Not only does this send healthcare costs and absence rates through the roof (not ideal), it does little to empower people to establish a healthy lifestyle that will benefit them, their family and the business both now and in the long term. Unhealthy lifestyles are having a debilitating impact on business performance. Exhausted, burnt out, unmotivated, stressed, lethargic, 'wired and tired' people at work are leading to snowballing absence rates and healthcare costs, and are killing morale, productivity and profits. rachP1-2.jpg It's clear to see the impact this is having on business - in 2019 alone UK businesses lost almost £92 million to poor health. And it's not just the business that suffers... when someone isn't looking after themselves - whether that's poor sleep, stress, nutrition, mobility or connection - their families, communities and wider society all miss out. In particular, burnt out, run down. detached leaders will have a huge knock-on effect across all areas of the business, both from a people and an operational perspective. But it doesn't have to be this way. 80% of chronic diseases are caused by lifestyle - and lifestyle is something we can change, together. Through 1:1 and group coaching, I take leaders and teams through a systematic lifestyle behaviour change framework that tackles eight key areas of health and wellness. The result? They're equipped with simple but alarmingly effective tools and techniques at their disposal to make positive, sustainable changes to their lifestyle. They take responsibility and action in supporting their long-term physical and mental health - and everyone benefits (except the healthcare providers, probably).

Soul Sanctuary Teacher Training Ltd.

soul sanctuary teacher training ltd.


Yoga in Worcester & WorcestershireOur 200 hour Teacher Training course is Yoga Alliance Global approved, so with our qualification you will be recognised as a registered yoga teacher anywhere in the world. Yoga Alliance have a set criteria which a training school has to meet in to ensure the highest quality of syllabus and teachers. Every training school has additional hours within the syllabus which they can allocate to their style of training. At Soul Sanctuary, we believe that your body is only ever as healthy as your mind, so our classes are infused with psychology and self development. Thus our teacher training courses not only teach you how to become the best yoga teacher, but also the happiest and healthiest you! So our program is perfect for those who have a passion for yoga, psychology, self-development and personal growth. Although we are a registered yoga school, we use yoga to learn about ourselves, and to teach others how to do the same. As the practice of yoga helps us understand ourselves better, we begin to see the thought patterns that serve us and those that hold us back! Through this realisation, you are able to step out of your own way to achieve whatever it is that you want from this world, whether that’s teaching yoga or not. If you decide to teach yoga, you will be an extraordinarily powerful teacher, but this course will also re-energise you and give you the support and focus you need to excel in all other areas of your life. It’s not about how good we look in a yoga pose, it’s all about good we can FEEL! So, you do not need to be able to do ‘advanced’ yoga poses to be a powerful yoga teacher, you just have to be PASSIONATE about sharing the benefits of yoga with others and committed to personal growth.




We started in 2009, and we’ve been on an epic journey ever since. From our beginnings where we were solely focused on children’s football coaching to delivering our first ‘100% Active’ session in 2017, we’ve tried to stay true to our core beliefs. These are that all children should have the opportunity to develop through a variety of exciting activities that engage both body and brain, inspiring them to have a happy and healthy lifestyle. From the outset our focus has always been on children and their enjoyment of being active, learning new skills, improving their confidence and developing friendships. When we started in 2009 were running sessions for approximatley 40 children a month; this has now increased to almost 2000 children a month. We genuinely love being part of the children’s development and over the years we have had some amazing stories to tell. We find it fascinating to observe how individual children are in their handling of situations and how they get their characters across when integrating with new groups of children, even at the age of 18 months old. It is this kind of reward that keeps us focused on our goals, but we have a big challenge! Children of today are growing up in a world where they can lose hours during a day, day after day, week after week through being on electronic devices, during which time they have no interaction with other people. We have to acknowledge that we are living in a technology encompassing world now, but our vision is to create a balance between technology and being active. We want to offer variety and engagement through the sessions we offer to ensure children don’t lose the vital skills which will help them as they develop in life… things such as social skills, the ability to converse, the ability to handle situations, to adapt to changing environments, earn respect, be part of a team and how to win and lose.

Ju Dachi Martial Arts

ju dachi martial arts


Ju Dachi Martial Arts Association was launched in 2007 and its goal is to promote and teach the true meaning and traditions of Martial Arts in a non-political manner in the UK, by providing a service based on equal opportunities for all. Our mission statement truly represents who we are as a company. All our instructors are passionate about karate and believe in a simple motto. Our motto is simple ‘Karate for all’. Everyone has the right to learn Karate in a fun and safe atmosphere for all. Below you can read our mission statement in greater detal. Promoting The True Traditions of Martial Arts What is the true meaning of Martial Arts? This is quite a complex topic. It is a sad fact that over the years many Martial Art systems, whether it is Japanese, Chinese, Korean, etc… have become seriously diluted in order to make things easier for their students for the pure purpose of making money, or these systems have been diluted by individuals removing a lot of content and only teaching things that mattered to them. What these individuals forget is that their system had a foundation from which they learnt. By removing that foundation, their students train missing some of the important content, without the whole knowledge. When the student becomes an instructor, then they do the same and thus over the years Martial Arts such as Karate, Judo, Wing Chuan etc, become diluted and knowledge is then lost. We, at the Ju Dachi Martial Arts Association believe in preserving the true traditions, techniques and their meanings. This is why it takes at least 4 to 5 years to achieve 1st Dan Black Belt. We are very proud that we are preserving this knowledge and developing our systems to be effective in the real world, while never forgetting the foundations taught, and the history and origin of the martial art. Teaching In A Non Political Manner We only care about training and learning the true meanings of martial arts. We leave all the politics outside the Do Jo and concentrate on the training, learning, mastering ourselves and our students. Did you know that the only reason Karate is not in the Olympics is because there are so many organisations, and they are too divided? Our approach is simple, we teach martial arts in a traditional manner and with a practical approach for today’s day and age. We are just happy with you training at our school and being part of our martial arts family. We leave all the silly, childish bickering and debate outside the Dojo, and we always encourage our students to try and learn any other martial arts. We also open our doors to other associations, such as RKAGB, who occasionally run courses for us. Equal Opportunities For All All our students are given fair opportunities regardless of background, religion, race, sex or age. In our school of Martial Arts, all our students are taught and treated as individuals. Children learn in a fun, caring and safe atmosphere, as well as our adult students. We do not tolerate or accept racism, sexism, bullying, etc in any way shape or form, as this has no place in any Martial Art or healthy lifestyle. You will find that all our students train hard and will offer any new student a warm welcome. One of our mission statements is “Karate for all”, without any discrimination. We also run schemes with local tenant halls, to improve healthy lifestyle and keep children out of the streets in the community. All our students will be given opportunities to take part in courses, events and exams. Even though all students will have this opportunity, those who really stand out will be given a chance to become a full time instructor, and eventually all the support they need to run their own Ju Dachi Martial Arts club. At our school we all work together, and rest together and students/parents or carers can talk to the instructors directly at any time if they have any queries, or suggestions. We want students to get involved, we listen, we act. We welcome feedback.

Durham Trinity School & Sports College

durham trinity school & sports college


WELCOME TO DURHAM TRINITY SCHOOL AND SPORTS COLLEGE Welcome to Durham Trinity School and Sports College. We are a generic special school educating pupils 2-19 years of age, with autism or profound, moderate, severe or complex learning difficulties. Some pupils also have additional medical, physical, sensory, linguistic or behavioural difficulties. All pupils at Durham Trinity School and Sports College have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). Durham Trinity is a relatively new purpose-built school, situated on the outskirts of Durham City Centre. The pupils have access to specialist rooms and facilities such as ICT suite, sensory room, hydrotherapy pool, and a design Technology room. We are developing Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) areas; to allow them to access the curriculum and thrive in their interests and strengths. From September 2019, the school have introduced a 3-curriculum pathway to ensure the needs of the diverse school population are met academically, emotionally and physically; whilst providing challenge and support to ensure they are prepared for the next stage in their development, towards adulthood. We are a Sports College, providing an excellent provision that develops pupils’ physical skills and mental wellbeing, educating them about leading a healthy lifestyle, whilst having fun! Pupils have opportunities to access non-competitive and competitive sporting activities throughout the school year. We provide a Further Education Unit (FEU- Post 16) on site where the excellent provision continues until they are 19 years of age. Our greatest resource is the staff. They are supportive and highly skilled in SEND, supporting pupils throughout the school day to ensure they achieve their goals and become as independent as possible. Together with pupils, families and other agencies, we work together for the best outcomes for our pupils. For parents/carers considering our school as a future option for their child you are encouraged to contact school and make arrangements to visit us. We would be delighted to meet you and answer any queries you may have. For existing parents/carers, we hope the website gives you additional information about what your child accesses. If you require a paper copy of any of the policies or documents that are on our website, please contact the school office.

Anna Weller, Menopause movement coach

anna weller, menopause movement coach


18 years ago I was encouraged by a friend to think about what motivates me and what i value the most, and then to look into this as a starting point for new work. I was very unhappy working in a human resources firm; however the training and presentation experience has been so valuable. I realised that it was very important to me to eat right and exercise, not only for how I looked, but for health reasons; varicose veins, under active thyroid and injured neck and hips. So I embarked on a couple of years studying part time whilst still working full time for the HR company. Alongside this I started to pick up some part time gym work to gain the experience of the health and fitness industry; and although a very important step in the right direction, I soon found out that gym life was only a season for me. It was very soon that i started to put my retail management experience and my training consultation experience to the test and embarked on setting up my own health and fitness business. The gym environment gave me the : 1. experience I needed 2. exposure to taking group sessions, i.e. classes 3. time to invest in further courses and qualifications Then i started hiring church/youthcentre halls and designing my own Fitness Pilates classes, offering to take healthy eating workshops in clients homes, and then in time 1 to 1 Personal Training. Wherever I was living, I found an audience who needed, not just wanted, my classes and personal support. I took a leap of faith and over the years have met so many people, helped them along their journey of health and fitness and seen results which bring a ray of hope... a new level of energy and of course inspire them to aspire to the next level in their journey. I am now about to embark on the next step of faith.... from wherever I am be able to support people with their health and fitness goals virtually and personally. (see my product mix on the front page)

Immaculate Services

immaculate services


We are pleased to introduce Immaculate Services as a Facilities Management company, managed by highly experienced team having invested decades working in hospitality industry, Human Resources and Public Sector. Having gained experience, both internationally and in the domestic sector for a period exceeding three decades, the team is inclined to serve our cliental suitably to very high standards, ensure safe working Practices and provide congenial atmosphere to make people feel welcome and cared for. Having been aggressively involved with the service sector for the last two-three decades, the team is determined to apply their experience to the fullest, in order to ensure efficient and effective services. The team works in coordination in all fields of service, hospitality, technical and legal matters in order to deliver its best. Team Heads having worked in Five Star Deluxe hotels and Cruise ships, Senior Positions in Public Administration, is well exposed to latest trends, customer requirements, safe environmental and code of safe working practices. Our company has one point goal of customer satisfaction and safe environment. The company is open to suggestions, quality improvement plan and value addition. We are open to changes as and when they come to ensure latest trends to keep abreast with changing times. We invest in learning latest technologies in order to provide a better and efficient service. We ensure employee verifications; enforce code of safe working practices to ensure safety of both employees and establishment. Multitasking and time saving measures are defined as per the site requirements in order to ensure cost efficiency. Out team consistently focuses on training to ensure healthy and safe practices. Follow 52 weeks schedules to ensure timely prevention and better service. We provide various services which an establishment needs, to ensure one point solution tailored as per the needs of our clients. Our team ensures that the services are cost and time efficient and best in the industry. Tools and supplies are supplied by us upon mutual agreement with the client as per specific terms and conditions. Our main focus is on providing efficient service at low cost and transparent dealings.




Lottie has been practicing yoga for over 15 years and teaching for 10 years. She is a 500 hour registered teacher, holds the Yoga Campus Teacher Training Diploma and is accredited with the British Wheel of Yoga. Lottie has trained with some world-renowned teachers and and her classes draw upon the various styles she has been taught including Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga, Iyengar and Sivananda. She teaches Yin Yoga and Flow Yoga for mixed abilities and beginners classes with sequences that can be modified to make them more/less challenging depending on the student’s level. She includes asanas (poses) for strength and flexibility with a focus on alignment, pranayama (breathing) exercises to calm the mind, meditation to cultivate inner awareness and relaxation to allow the body and mind to rest and rejuvenate. Lottie enjoys bringing her yoga practice to the local community and she believes that yoga is for everyone. Her classes will leave you feeling energised yet calmer. A regular yoga practice ensures a healthy mind and body. What brought me to Yoga and why I do it? I was looking to improve my flexibility and to aid relaxation. Like many people I wondered what to expect at my first class, but I was hooked from the beginning and came away feeling calmer and more energised, ready to take on life. It brought me an hour of calm in my day. I was eager to learn the asanas (poses) and their Sanskrit names (classic language of ancient India), the breathing exercises and always savoured resting in Corpse pose (Savasana) at the end of class. I then decided to explore yoga in more depth, learn about the philosophy and anatomy and to teach yoga to others, so I enrolled on the Diploma course with Yogacampus where I was taught by some truly inspiring yoga teachers including Lisa Sanfilippo, Jo Manuel, Katrina Repka, Liz Lark, Aadil Palkhivala, Doug Keller and Dr. Ruth Gilmore. For me yoga gives me energy and focus, makes me smile, and keeps me grounded in everyday life. Even when it is challenging I love it and it makes me seek out more. Every day I arrive on my mat I have a new experience and that is great!