12975 Educators providing Courses

Cranbrook School

cranbrook school


Cranbrook is a genuinely unique place. It is a co-educational grammar school in the heart of the glorious Wealden countryside. It is one of only a small number of state boarding schools in the UK. And it is an ancient school, founded in 1518 and given its royal charter by Elizabeth I in 1574. Our students thrive thanks to the breadth and challenge of our curriculum, and our emphasis on growing character as much as minds. We balance a traditional academic curriculum with a busy co-curriculum of competitive sport, music, drama, CCF, DofE and student-led societies. Opportunities for independent thought and leadership are many – particularly for senior pupils, who benefit from the social and academic buzz to be found in our new Sixth Form Centre. Our academic results are consistently among the best for state schools in the country, and our leavers head to a variety of top destinations, including Oxbridge and many Russell Group universities. Our 240 boarders give us a rare and special dimension among grammar schools. Their experience in our boarding family is happy and vibrant thanks to the excellent accommodation in our six Houses, our skilled, dedicated House teams, and an extensive programme of activities. Our boarders hail from the UK and overseas and enrich our community with different cultures and perspectives. We are proud to celebrate and promote them all across the School. Cranbrook is a beautiful place to live and grow up. With 75 acres of our own green space on the site, we are an integral part of the aerial patchwork of the Weald’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – it’s fantastic for the wellbeing of both students and staff. We are half an hour from the coast, and not much further from London and its airports.

Nimbus Learning

nimbus learning


When we started Nimbus Learning, we looked to solve what we saw as a gap in support for students such as ourselves. Our peers would reach out for help but would be faced with a multitude of obstacles to access student success services. We watched as they put time and effort into finding help (whether that be finding tutors, mentors or other support) on top of an already intense workload, juggling school, jobs and family responsibilities. We watched their health, wellbeing and success suffer as a result. When we connected with administrators to try to understand the problem, we saw ambitious and dedicated offices spending a significant amount of time every day on repetitive, time consuming tasks. Tasks like emailing to match students with the right mentor, recruiting tutors, and tracking hours and time sheets. Over the years we have honed Nimbus Learning’s services to make student success services more accessible while cutting down on the administrative workload. The Nimbus Platform centralizes tutoring, mentorship and advising programs into one place, where service providers can make their availability known in a few steps and students can book what they need at the click of a button. We help tutors develop the tools they need to succeed in their first jobs, empower administrators to see every aspect of their program in seconds and guide future planning based on in-depth analytics. We now work with administrators at over 25 schools, representing a quarter of a million students, to reduce the time that they spend on managing their student services by 52%. That return on time allows them to actually grow their services instead of just maintaining them and what we see are efficient, budget-saving programs that provide more value to students, help students do better academically and, ultimately, help them succeed.

Care For Young People's Future

care for young people's future


''Care for young people's future CIC'', it's a Centre of Alternative Education and Reintegration for young people and families. Our mission and vision is: To support ,mentor and empower the young people from the Roma community and any other disadvantaged background : such as EAL, BAMER, SEN . To prioritise Looked after children and children with special needs without a diagnose by reconnecting them with their culture, heritage or community. To raise young people's aspirations and support them in achieving their best in life. To raise awareness of the Roma cultural background by working in partnership with all relevant services and public bodies. Covid -19 response Please note that due to COVID-19, our consultants have taken the difficult decision to suspend all face-to-face group and individual activities and services in response to Covid-19. This is to protect the most vulnerable members of the community and safeguard the health and wellbeing of everyone. We are starting face to face sessions in small groups and one to one for the most vulnerable young people. Our team have put in place alternative services where possible, e.g. telephone appointments, zoom sessions in Romanes and English. We are still doing outreach and provide educational activities to the most disadvantaged and vulnerable young people . CYPF are also supporting the Healthy Holidays and volunteered to provide activities and food during this time. Please follow us on Social Media under our @ Terezia Rostas for more details about what we can offer. Email us if you need urgent support with translation or you need a food parcel and educational activities: info@cypf.org.uk or teretzuca@yahoo.com Please follow our social media for updates on our services. Roma language: Shaj vicinen amenge te mangena pomoj pro chaben,informacia pro COVID he pre educacia . info@cypf.org.uk or teretzuca@yahoo.com