1549 Educators providing Courses

Tarring Consulting

tarring consulting


Training and Research (TAR) Business Consulting was established in February 2016 and was formally registered with AISA (Afghanistan Investment Support Agency) in March 2016. Its need was emerged from the current demand for business management consulting and training services provision to various organizations. A team of dedicated experts and experienced professionals came together and decided to provide quality based management consulting and training services to both public as well private sector of Afghanistan. TAR Business Consulting is an expert consultancy firm that provides services in research, change management and Business Development to corporations, financial institutions, government agencies, NGOs and donors. TAR Business Consulting is headquartered in Kabul with offices in seven zones of Afghanistan. Ongoing and Recently Completed Projects Socio Economic Study of Dangam, Khas Kunar, Watapur Sustainable Access to Safe Drinking Water and Promotion of Hygiene in Kunar province started on January 01st 2022. Organization for Afghan Women Capacity and Knowledge hereinafter OAWCK is implementing the project in five districts of Kunar province of Afghanistan. The major activities under the project includes but not limited to:Sustainable Access to Safe Drinking Water and Promotion of Hygiene in Kunar province started on January 01st 2022. Organization for Afghan Women Capacity and Knowledge hereinafter OAWCK is implementing the project in five districts of Kunar province of Afghanistan. The major activities under the project includes but not limited to:• Providing access to clean drinking water to the target population in these five districts. • Conducting awareness sessions on health and hygiene. • Distributing hygiene kits. • Establishing water committees • Training and capacity development of the WASH committees.• Conducting anthropologic study of the water and so on.

Conscious Womb Birthing School

conscious womb birthing school

Creator of KMRT® Kinaesthetic Listening. Kundalini Magnetic Resonance Therapy. An entrainment modality. Pioneering the language of the spirit to earth the conscious baby from a subatomic level manifested into the physical body. The modality is a translation of somatic expression and sound. Created from her experience in kundalini embodiment. Her conscious journey beginning as an Ayurvedic consultant specialising in fertility , pregnancy & birth led to the vision and growth of her school. The language of the spirit baby came to her through meditation accompanied by her soul hailing from ancient roots in the yoga’s of Ayurveda, Tantra, Nada & Stapathya Vedas merging her knowledge of Hermetic principles of light & vibration. Teaching the art of divination and the process of natural law. She is a specialist of Spirit Baby energy. The pulse of vibration coming into body through Bio Rhythms, Prenatal cognition with heart coherence. The Sexuality of Birth and the conscious baby. Nature has an intelligence and wisdom within its eco system just like the human body. Women are the source of this nature and the grounding foundation of the heart of nurturing her family and society. It is time to resource back to living through natures cyclical rhythms through the heart of human consciousness. We are a platform for natural birthing education through the Conscious Womb Birthing School and a growing resource pool for mothers and families. With anthropological insights straight from mothers/families, KMRT® practitioners themselves. Bringing health, body autonomy and the sacred rites of passage for women children and their families back to the root of Intuitive mothering and conscious living. It takes Consciousness Creation & Connection.




Only 19% of the digital tech workforce in the UK is female, compared to 37% across all sectors. It’s proven that the gender gap costs the tech sector time and money, but it also contributes to the challenges we have sourcing talent and widens the digital skills gap. Our exploration of diversity Our journey began in 2013, as Liverpool Girl Geeks. We created a community of like-minded people in Liverpool who wanted to progress gender equality in tech. In the beginning we organised meet ups for adults, but we soon realised that we could make a real difference if we mobilised the community, so we began running educational programmes led by industry with the aim of helping minority groups progress. In 2015 we launched our first educational programmes for teens. We recognised that we needed to work with girls as young as twelve to tackle the gender stereotypes that are so entrenched within women by the time they reach adulthood. What we noticed within our first few cohorts of teen girls was the lack of background diversity. Students that attended were from similar backgrounds, with supportive parents who may already work in tech (or a related field), from mostly white families, who could afford to bring their child to the sessions we were hosting in Liverpool City Centre each week. Our Co-Founders are women who have both grown up in low income families and wanted to make sure that our programmes reached girls from different backgrounds. As two (relatively young!) white women, they were also acutely aware that we needed to work with a diverse set of industry mentors to ensure that we had a broad range of people of all ages, backgrounds and identities to inspire the students. This includes working with male role models too, as we don’t want to exclude anyone from our mission. A turning point was at the Big Bang Fair in 2016, where we were exposed to hundreds of schools across the U.K. The students that attended were from different nationalities, ethic backgrounds and a multitude of faiths. We realised that to engage a truly diverse range of young people we had to remove all barriers to them accessing our programmes. Shortly afterwards we rebranded as InnovateHer and took our educational programmes into schools. We prioritised working in disadvantaged areas across Liverpool and Manchester. Since then we have worked with girls from a broad range of backgrounds; including families who are asylum seekers, looked after children, girls in faith schools and girls who identify as non-binary, trans or queer.

Addictive Eaters Anonymous Glasgow

addictive eaters anonymous glasgow

Addictive Eaters Anonymous (AEA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from addictive eating. AEA has members who have suffered from anorexia, bulimia and binge eating. Many have been underweight, overweight or obese; others were people of average weight yet suffered with an obsession with food. Members may have used exercise and other substances to try and control their weight. Before coming to AEA, members found that they were powerless over food, and unable to stop the food obsession. AEA is not a diet or weight loss organisation. AEA members follow a Twelve Step programme, based on that of Alcoholics Anonymous. Through working the Steps, members find a Higher Power and freedom from the obsession with food. Members share their experience with newcomers of how they have found sobriety. Sobriety in AEA is freedom from addictive eating and all mind-altering substances. Addictive eating and eating addictively are terms used in Addictive Eaters Anonymous to describe obsessive or compulsive food behaviour, including, but not limited to, overeating, binge eating, undereating, starving, purging, compulsive exercise, the use of drugs to control weight, obsessive thoughts about food and obsession with body image or weight control. AEA is not affiliated with any other organisation. AEA meetings are open to anyone. There is no cost to attend.