2353 Educators providing Courses

DT Craft & Design

dt craft & design

Making Futures is a social enterprise working with a wide range of groups to improve health, wellbeing, self-esteem & employability through creative arts. Making Futures CIC is the latest addition to the DT Craft & Design family. Debbie has been quietly running Making Futures for several years, teaching and producing training materials, mentoring and working with community groups. As it has now ‘grown up’ we thought it should have its own website so welcome to our new space here on the web. The DT Crafts shop is, of course still very much available, with an ever-increasing range of products (and a need for more storage space!). It’s still just the two of us looking after you so expect the same personalised service and attention to detail here as at the shop. Debbie will still be answering your emails and questions (no ‘bots’ on our sites!), taking workshop and course bookings and discussing your requirements for courses, groups and projects. Speaking of which, we are thrilled to announce that we have joined the Artybird flock and we are delighted to be able to offer two amazing, professional distance learning knitwear design programmes – both accredited by City & Guilds. We’ve produced a short video and prospectuses for each programme which you can find here. And for those of you who may not have met us in person or are new visitors, we’ve done a short video about Debbie and how DT Crafts and Making Futures came about, here. There’s lots more to come, both ‘virtually’ and in person so do bookmark the page and we hope to see you on a course or workshop soon!




EVULVA is a health literacy platform used to promote education about vulvovaginal health and care at key intervention points. These stages include pre-puberty, puberty, fertility and family planning, peri-/menopause, and post-menopause. We are aiming to develop content that is customized to each user’s literacy level and to present information in a way that is culturally affirming, trans/queer-inclusive, and 100% FREE. 6/10 adults in the UK are unable to understand and act on health information Health literacy costs America an estimated 238 billion dollars annually and the economic health costs of poor health literacy in England is crudely estimated to be 4.95 billion annually. Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic/ Black and Indigenous People of Colour (BAME/BIPOC), trans/queer and other marginalized groups are disproportionately represented in these numbers, making this a human rights and public health issue. EVULVA is designed to improve health literacy and reduce these health inequalities through evidence-based research and the support of BAME/BIPOC community leaders and allied health professionals focusing on needs specific to culturally diverse groups. There are more than 5.8 million results when you type ‘vulvovaginal health’ into google. Some websites will have information that is too difficult for the reader to consume while others will underrepresent cultures, isolating people from obtaining life-saving information about their body. More than 4 in 10 adults in the UK struggle with health content. That number raises to 6 in 10 adults when numbers and statistics are added to health content. Many websites hypersexualise BAME/BIPOC groups adding another level of stress and deleteriously adding to decreased mental wellness around vulvovaginal health concern

Sohbet Society

sohbet society


Sohbet Society is a non-profit organisation (limited by guarantee company registration no.11613566) providing religious learning and spiritual activities for Muslims. Sohbet is a Turkish word and means ‘to talk, converse, discuss and engage with one another in a friendly, caring, warm and informal manner’. In our context, we use the word sohbet to mean to converse with one another in a study or discussion circle on the big questions of God, purpose, meaning, faith, religion, and society. Through Sohbet Society, we provide opportunity for religious learning and spiritual growth and development for Muslims in Britain. We achieve this through a series of activities including study groups, mentoring, outreach, retreats, excursions and social action. Religious and spiritual learning is achieved through semi-structured study groups as well as practical experiences such as social action and retreats. In all, we aim to offer a friendly, positive and constructive form of authentic religious expression and an environment for genuine spiritual experience that speaks both to the mind and heart, to the personal and social needs of the individual. We believe this nurtures a religious understanding and spiritual mindset that emphasises peaceful social relations and respect for human diversity and dignity. Sohbet Society is an active component of Hizmet, an Islamically inspired social movement that focuses on education, dialogue, and disaster and poverty relief work. It originated in Turkey in the 1970s based on the teachings and scholarship of Fethullah Gülen, an Islamic scholar and peace advocate. Today, Hizmet is active in over 160 countries worldwide. Like other social movements Hizmet includes formalised entities and organisations, but is largely based on informal networks and practices. The Sohbet Society is now formalising Hizmet’s pre-existing informal grass-roots religious activism in the UK in order to achieve greater visibility, transparency, professionalism, and structure so that we may be able to diversify the people who benefit from our services and to further develop our projects and services.