11233 Educators providing Courses

Fiveways Play Centre

fiveways play centre


We will be celebrating the Queen's jubilee with some 'garden tea parties', with sandwiches and cake, during our last week of term (23rd to 26th of May). We will keep you posted with the days and will make sure every child can a attend a party if they want to. After the half term break, we will be talking about 'Moving on' generally and very subtly! With the Bluebell children, we will focus on the similarities with preschool and school (similar toys and activities, role play areas, outside play areas, carpet time, own peg for bag etc.) The Bluebell children will be practicing some of the skills that will help them in their transition to school. We will be posting some activity ideas you can practice at home too. As well as all this we will be having lots of Summer fun! talking about places we have visited in Brighton, and other places around the UK and around the world!, We will be playing different activities and games on the field, football, tennis, racing, obstacle courses, parachute games and more! Tapestry: This year we started a new system for monitoring each child's development, as some of you may know. We will be reviewing this system and would appreciate your comments and feedback, how is it from a parent's perspective? Don't forget you can access ideas for things to try at home with your child on the Activity Tab on your child's Tapestry account. Lunch time and end of day return: As you may now be aware, we changed our collection routine after lunch and at the end of the day. Tulip children arriving or going home at 12.15 will be collected from the main front door. Bluebell children arriving or going home at 12.15 will be collected from the Bluebell door as before. At 3.30/3.45 all children will be collected from the first door (to Tulip room) past the tall wooden gate. Important dates: Parent's evening: We will be having telephone Parent's 'evenings' appointments for the Tulip parents, during the days of the 16th, 17th and 18th of May. Time slots can be booked from next week. The Bluebell children's parent's evening will be on the 30th of June. This will be 'face to face' as we will be asking parents to read and sign their child school transfer document. The transfer document will give your child's new teacher a brief summary of their strengths and interests in the different areas of learning and will include any information that will help your child settle in school. This is just part of our process for ensuring a smooth transition to the reception school year. Inset day: Preschool will be closed for an inset day on Friday 27th of May Half term: Monday 30th of May to Friday 3rd of June. Summer fayre Saturday 25th of June: We are excited to announce we will be hosting our popular summer fayre again this year! after a 2 year absence. The fayre is a really popular day and we will rely on lots of volunteers to help it run smoothly. Please let us know if you would be able to help in any way. As you know, Fiveways is a charity and we rely on our fundraising activities to provide the equipment and resources we need for our wonderful setting. End of term photographer: Please note the change in date. Our end of year photograph will be on Thursday 7th of July. If you child does not usually attend on Wednesday but you would like them to be in the photograph, please arrive at 9.50am on the day.

Colin Wyatt

colin wyatt


Through all of my personal and professional experiences that I have accumulated over the years, places me in an ideal position to share what it takes to overcome adversity, doubts and fears.. I began my journey into life with an understanding that life was a struggle and that only 'lucky' people or 'rich' people could have a good life and I didn't even know what rich people were! On top of that I learned that 'rich' people were not nice people and that they were selfish and unkind. Being told by family and "friends" that I wasn't good enough, that I wasn't clever or worthy enough and that I would never make anything of my life created a whole lot of doubts and fears about my own abilities and attributes that I could offer the world. I believed them for so long! It wasn't until I came through the other side of these limiting beliefs that I realised something quite profound - I began to realise that what he had learned from others about myself simply was not true at all and that these were the reasons I decided to stand up, raise my head say to myself "enough is enough! I may have chosen to believe all the things 'they' said I was before, but not anymore. I 'choose' freedom from limitation and give myself permission to be me, I give myself permission to be free!" This was probably one of the biggest turning points of my life - to no longer be afraid of what people thought of me and to embrace who I am and what I can achieve through offering the gifts I had been given at birth. The ability to direct and control my own mind. Well, after many life lessons through experiences that would make even the toughest people question their strength, I learned the real values and reason of what it means to be 'truly' rich. This took me toward the path of more discoveries which I share with my audiences and clients, be it through his speaking events, courses, sessions and books. My mission is to share Energy healing, meditations, empowerment coaching, cacao ceremonies, crystal sound baths and my channelled messages to the world, in the hope we can make a positive change not just personally but also to change the world into a more positive and loving place collectively. If I could sum all this up in one paragraph, this would be it; "It is ok to be skeptical, I was skeptical too until I found that we play a vital role in our own destiny and can, through our free will, assist others along the road in achieving theirs. If I could offer only one piece of information it would be - think about how your life is going now and how doing it the way you have been doing it is working out for you. Then make a conscious choice to better it. Then seek about finding ways to introduce a new way of doing something and never give up on a dream. For dreams are like diamonds hidden within acres of stones and once find one, you'll know exactly what to do with it every time. I know what it feels like not to feel good or worthy enough and I now know the value not only in myself, but also the value that you offer and it's time for you to be heard". I know that if you are up to the challenge of change along with all I have to offer, your relationships, your work, your results can change for the better and you will know what it feels like to be flowing with abundance. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little bit better and please get in touch if you'd like to take this to the next level and get these kinds of results for yourself!

Girls That Scuba

girls that scuba


Girls that Scuba is a community of inspiring women who are passionate about scuba diving. We range from the scuba instructor, the beginner, the never-put-on-a-scuba-mask, to the full-time ocean activist, and everyone in between. Want to know how we became the thriving online community you see today? Here’s the Girls that Scuba story! 2016 – The Group and Website Sarah Richard was the only woman divemaster working on a boat in Micronesia and she wanted more women to talk to about diving. Finding a lack of spaces online, she made her own. The Girls that Scuba Facebook group was born. Girls that Scuba founder Sarah Richard smiles widely. She is taking a selfie on a boat, wearing a blue whale shark print dive skin. Within 5 months, Girls that Scuba became the largest women’s diving community online! Our content needed a space outside of social media, so we started the Girls that Scuba blog. The website continues to share educational diving articles, equipment reviews, and dive destination advice. 2017 – Girls that Scuba Store The community wanted a way to spot other members underwater, so our mask strap covers became our first piece of merchandise and we launched our Girls that Scuba online store. Over the years the store has grown to include log books, changing robes, DSMBs, passport covers, and so much more! 2018 – Girls that Scuba Trips and Membership As well as bringing divers together online, people wanted to be able to meet other members in person. Who were we to say no? Our first Girls that Scuba Day event took place in Indonesia, and was shortly followed by our first Girls that Scuba trip to Komodo Island. We now host scuba and freediving trips around the world. We also hosted our first ever Girls that Scuba Underwater Photography Contest – the first to highlight women in underwater photography. Allied with dive businesses and travel providers, we created and launched the GTS Membership Card – the first membership of its kind in the industry. The membership continues to offer hundreds of discounts on dive centres, liveaboards and scuba brands worldwide! 2020 – Courses and Ambassadors Whilst the dive industry took a collective surface interval, we collaborated with instructors and marine scientists on a series of webinars and offered sponsored scholarship places on each one. Inspired by our incredible community, we also introduced the world to our first group of Girls that Scuba ambassadors! 2021 – Returning to Travel With dive travel starting to reopen, we hosted 4 international and 5 UK based trips. Our second group of inspirational Girls that Scuba ambassadors stepped into their roles. 2022 – Trips and More Set to be our biggest year yet for events, we will be taking divers on 9 international dive trips and 7 UK adventures! Get Involved The simplest way to get involved with Girls that Scuba is to be part of our online communities! We’ve now grown to over 16 social platforms (more on that below), but it all began with our Girls that Scuba Facebook group which remains at the heart of our community today. Our private groups are a safe space open to women and non-binary people, and any other social platforms can be followed by people of all genders. For the opportunity to join us in person and dive on one of our incredible scuba adventures, head to Girls that Scuba Trips. If you want to share your Girls that Scuba pride far and wide, check out our merchandise on the GTS Store. And for exclusive discounts on our store and hundreds of dive brands, centres and holidays worldwide, pick up your GTS Membership here! For business, collaboration and sponsorship opportunities, learn how to work with us.

Allison Maxwell

allison maxwell


Allison Maxwell was first introduced to the great benefits of yoga 26 years ago while studying at university. She was pretty hyperactive, had frequent headaches and difficulty sleeping. A friend suggested she should try yoga, so they both joined the local College of Further Education class in Oxford. After just one course Allison was hooked and made it her priority to get to her weekly yoga class. Since then Allison has tried just about every type of yoga on offer and since qualifying as a teacher some 15 years ago has developed her own style that reflects her personality. Picture Picture Qualifications Allison's teaching qualification is from the British Wheel of Yoga (BWYDip) where she holds a diploma, which she completed in 2000. The British Wheel of Yoga is the UK’s largest yoga community and is renowned for it’s 500 hour yoga teacher training courses that are also accredited with the Yoga Alliance and take approximately two years to complete. Following this she trained to teach yoga to mother and babies and obtained a certificate from Cambridge Active Birth in 2002. She then went on to train to teach yoga to children studying with the Calm for Kids institute and completed this in 2005. As a qualified BWY yoga teacher Allison maintains a current First Aid certificate, is fully insured and attends regular CPD training days. The Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs Teacher Training course (YHLB-R), is accredited as a Recognized Centre of excellence in training and standards by The British Wheel of Yoga (the national governing body for yoga for Sports England and Sports & Recreation Alliance UK) - view www.yogaforbacks.co.uk. How yoga helped me - Allison's own words " During my role as Health Clinic Manager in a busy private clinic in central London, my health started to suffer. I often worked 12-hour days, managing staff, dealing with clients and meeting press deadlines. The one aspect of my life I never gave up was my regular yoga classes and I found that yoga was an escape from my busy schedule enabling me to 'recharge my batteries' for the next week ahead. With so many of my high flying clients suffering with addictions to alcohol and anti-depressants, I was so glad I found yoga as my release from stress! Following this I decided to study for a Master's degree at Southampton University. On completion of my MSc in Public Health Nutrition I decided to treat myslef to a yoga retreat in South India. I had no idea of the impact it would have on my life and it was life changing in many ways. Firstly, I had been plagued by almost daily headaches for over fifteen years, since suffering a neck injury from a trampolining accident at school. On my return to England my headaches has disappeared. Despite spending a fortune on other therapies over the years it was yoga that got rid of them! Also I felt more in control, happier and focused for the first time in my life. The positive impact yoga had on my life inspired me to train to be a yoga teacher. The first yoga class I taught was for Lewisham Council in London, for a group of people suffering stress and anxiety. I was thrown in at the deep end and it was a memorable experience. However, I was delighted at the benefits enjoyed by many members of the group. After moving to Berkshire I then taught in a variety of venues in Marlow, Wokingham and Reading, including Reading University (staff and students), schools, nurseries and exclusive health clubs and spas. In 2008 we moved to Colwall and shortly after we arrived I set up my first yoga class in my home and now offer two classes a week and one-to-one sessions. I also teach at three further classes in Malvern and run regular retreats at The Clover Mill Spa."

Bristol Karate Academy

bristol karate academy

Bristol Karate Academy is formed by four separate clubs, coming together under one banner to help people within the Bristol postcode area become outstanding at Karate — whether they are interested in understanding the art or competing at the highest level. Karate is a system of self defence originally developed and refined in Okinawa and Japan. We teach the Shotokan style of Karate (the most widely practiced in the world) and are affiliated to Japan Karate Shoto Federation — an association regarded in high esteem across the globe. Our instructors (or 'Senseis') have trained with some of the best practitioners in the UK and world so that they can bring these teachings — together with their own skills — directly to you. The training at Bristol Karate Academy promotes good overall health, fitness and well-being for both adults and children. The concentration, commitment and dedication required can help you or your child to build a strong, confident and determined character. OUR HERITAGE Bristol Karate Academy has had roots in the area for a long time. Three of its four core instructors were born in Bristol and all have a passion for the area and for making it a centre of excellence for Traditional Shotokan Karate. The oldest dojo in the Academy opened its doors forty years ago in 1978, while the newest dojo opens its doors in September 2018. The one thing they have in common is the aim of bringing the highest standard of Traditional Japanese Karate to the people of Bristol. OUR MOTTO Bristol Karate Academy takes its motto, "Virtute et industria" — or by virtue and industry — from the city of Bristol, which dates back to at least 1569. The motto reflects the values of the club and fit hand in glove with the core values of traditional Karate-Do. The Japanese calligraphy (kanji) in our logo and in brushwork on the right-hand side of this page show this translated. The first two characters say Bitoku (virtue) and the next two translate as Benrei (industry). Because each character can carry multiple meanings, the characters for industry also represent diligent study, alertness, encouragement and application of oneself. Perfect for the Academy. So what does that mean for us? Virtue (美徳): We have integrity, in our commitment to traditional, effective Karate and integrity in the way that we treat others. We are respectful, fair and aim for high moral standards. We build character, strive for excellence and show courage in the face of challenges. Industry (勉励): We work hard to reach our goals. We're diligent and determined to get better at every single training session. We are rigorous in our approach to improvement and dedicated to our own and each other's development. Through hard, honest training we become our best possible selves. OUR CLASSES We train five times a week across our venues. For details of the training times available for each venue, go to our venues page. Many of our classes are for mixed ages and abilities, meaning they're perfect for both individuals and families alike. While most of our classes are for anyone aged 7 upwards, for children aged 5-7 we hold separate 12 week introductory courses. Visit the Bushido Warriors page to find out when the next course starts. Overall, the emphasis is on your own personal development and helping you to reach your goals. When you start and at regular intervals we'll ask you what you want to get out of your training at Bristol Karate Academy: whether it's reaching your next belt, competing in a tournament or simply keeping fit while learning a traditional martial art.

Cooking With Monisha

cooking with monisha


Chef Monisha Bharadwaj is an award winning author, food historian and a food writer based in London, UK. Monisha is a qualified chef from the Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition, Mumbai. She started Cooking With Monisha, situated in West London, in 2004. Today it is a successful school that attracts not only the home cook but also chefs who wish to learn Chef Monisha’s brand of simple authentic Indian cooking. Monisha has also created and taught her popular courses at the Ashburton Cookery School in Devon, The Bertinet Kitchen in Bath, Seasoned Cookery School, south Derbyshire and at Divertimenti in Knightsbridge. She is often invited to judge food events and has been a judge at the Guild of Fine Food’s ‘Great Taste Awards’ for the past several years. Monisha also holds a BA in Indian History and in 2013, she was invited to be Guest Lecturer at SOAS, University of London, to give a series of talks on ‘The History of India through its Food’. In 2017, she worked with Kew Gardens giving talks on healing Indian ingredients, and with the British Council on ‘How The British Fell in Love With Curry – a historical perspective from 1200-2017’. In 2018, Monisha was invited by the Wellcome Collection, London, to talk about Ayurvedic nutrition as part of their exhibition, ‘Ayurveda Man’ and opened the South Asian Spice Box residency at Borough Market, London, with a cookery demonstration of south Indian food. In 2019, she was invited to be a Guest Speaker on Indian food on a Cookery Legends cruise around the British Isles. She was awarded ‘Cookery Writer of the Year’ in 2003 by the Guild of Food Writers and her many books have been shortlisted for and won several prestigious international awards. In 2020, her book ‘Indian in 7- recipes using 7 ingredients or fewer’ won the Gourmand World Cookbook Award 2020 for the Best Indian Cookbook in the World. Growing up in India, Monisha was brought up on an Ayurvedic inspired diet, where food brought happiness and physical well being. Today, she brings her experience of and passion for ancient Ayurvedic wisdom to all the classes she teaches.

Horden Youth And Community Centre

horden youth and community centre


Horden used to be a mining village, and back in the Sixties, it was the pit that defined what our community was. Young people were a vital part of that group, and the Centre you see today grew out of the Youth Club that started in 19­66 in the renovated pit canteen — and the Girls' Infant School (later a Mixed Infants, but the girls don't like to remember that part). Horden Youth Club moved from their first building into one on Sunderland Road, and from there to a "hut" in the school playground. When the Infant School closed its doors to little ones, Durham County Council offered the facility to the Youth Club. By the time they were ready to move in, in the late Seventies, rain had seeped into the building and where the pool table now stands in the main hall, a huge hole was dug to make the floor safe and re-lay the beautiful parquet flooring. When the repair and refurbishment was finished, Horden Youth Centre was born. It's all right — the hole was filled in, but if ever we tell you that a former staff member is still here in spirit, please don't ask too many questions… It was decided that two rooms could be offered to other people in Horden and so, for a while, what are now the dining room and training room were used for all sorts of activities leaving the rest of the building for the young people. It was at that point that we became Horden Youth and Community Centre, but it was several years before the "Youth" and the "Community" bits joined together in the way you see us now. Many changes have taken place in the intervening years, not least becoming first a registered charity and, later, a limited company. And now? Regardless of any surface changes, what we are at our core doesn't change at all. Quite simply, we are here to offer pursuits and experiences to the local community which encourage choice and personal development. By keeping costs down and creating a warm and friendly environment, as well as operating an 'open door' policy for anyone who requires help, advice, signposting or support — and often just someone to listen — we strive, every day, to provide a hub for people to become involved with new people and the wider community around them. In keeping with our motto 'from the cradle (almost) to the grave', we offer services for all age groups from the very young to the elderly. Take a deep breath, now… Our Nursery provides affordable child care for 2 to 5 year olds; the tweenies are well catered for with dance and gymnastics classes; the Youth Club caters for 11 to 19 year-olds; there is usually a huge variety of classes and activities for adults; and apart from our Luncheon Club, Friday Afternoon Bingo Club and Gentle Fitness group, we are planning even more events for the over 65s. This will include a Fifties-style coffee bar complete with 'frothy coffee' and period music, so keep an eye on the Centre notices, website, newsletters and local press for further details as we get them! Other future plans include 'Hole in the Wall Enterprises', a social enterprise venture that has grown out of our clippy mat group; open days; fairs (that's table-top sales, not waltzers and dodgems — but you never know!); and, of course, an ever-growing list of activities and courses. We know our past and our present, and are ever-hopeful that we will go from strength to strength in our future. We want people to use the Centre because that's what it's here for. We need to know what the community wants from us, and we need the people of Horden to tell us. We invite you — whether you want to join us and join in, offer your services, or complain that we're getting it all wrong — to come in for a chat any time and help us continue to help Horden — the way Horden wants!



My name is Lee Reade, I am a UEFA Licensed Football Coach where I have attended coaching courses up to the 'UEFA A' Licence for both players and goalkeepers. I specialise in coaching goalkeepers (although I have a number of out-field players also). I have worked with Professional Football League Clubs in their youth programmes; coaching two players who were selected for their national teams. My coaching company covers all age groups, some who are shown on the images and videos around this the theKeeper.co.uk website. All will testify to the improvements they have made due to the methods and coaching they receive and of course, what they put back into it themselves. Based in Corby the majority of my goalkeepers come from the areas of Northamptonshire/Oxfordshire/Buckinghamshire & Hertfordshire. One of my main locations in Milton Keynes (where I also do Summer Camp days), has changing facilities and fitness equipment available. Having played at various levels of the game, I was attracted to the coaching side which now takes up all my time. My experiences are probably no different to what you have or will come across in your playing career! The classic 'warm up' of every player hitting balls to you at the same time; the blame that is only on you when the opponents score and the expectation that you have to be perfect in every part of your play. I have attended and seen so many coaching sessions that are more related to training than they are to actual coaching; you need both! I am sure you have experienced the same! One experience in my youth that always stood way above all others was the lack of specialised coaching and in many cases the lack of recognition for goalkeepers and the vital role that we perform. This was to become one of the main reasons to start theKeeper.co.uk. fitnessOur position is becoming even more important in many aspects of the game however most coaching (especially at youth level) is often done only for out-field players with very little specialised coaching to the goalkeepers. The game is evolving, so we need to improve the amount and quality of that coaching and to introduce new methods to develop the skills needed by the goalkeeper. My education includes a Degree level in Sports Science/Football Studies and also coaching qualifications in many other types of sports such as Basketball & Hockey - the primary reason for this was to expand my knowledge of the skills used in those sporting areas so that they could be adapted to fit goalkeepers; many of those skills are now used in my coaching sessions. I have taken Awards in specilised areas such as Fitness Instruction, First Aid & Sports Medicine along with many others, allowing me to offer greater knowledge to those I coach. Many I know cannot afford the costs for personal coaching. Quite a few of you I am sure will be playing in leagues where your club is limited or not able to offer such specific coaching. Whatever your situation, be it a certain weakness in your game that you seek assistance on or that you wish to improve your all round performance; I hope that you will find help and answers at theKeeper.co.uk. advancedtrainingI plan to offer sessions and exercises at all levels (Basic through to Advanced) that you can then use to assist and hopefully improve your own performance. As your 'Cyber Coach' I would of course always recommend that the best coaching you will ever receive is directly with a qualified coach, however, as mentioned that is not always possible. So browse my pages and see what we can do together, and if you have any problems head to the 'AsktheKeeper' page; this is where you are able to email a question that is personal to your coaching needs. I will endeavour to answer as many as possible. theKeeper.co.uk can hopefully become a source of information that will help you 'reach your goal' and fulfil your ambitions as a goalkeeper. We might even get the opportunity to personally meet on one of my Coaching Road-Shows or Goalkeeper Camps so that you too can 'experience the difference'.

The City Seamstress

the city seamstress

If you’re interested in sewing with us, read on for some class info! Guaranteed small class size of no more than six students so you get all the help you need. Classes are in person and take place in our Dublin 8 studio. All of our courses are suited to both beginners and intermediates as these classes are taught by individual attention, working on your own project in your own time and pace. We provide the sewing machines and supply everything you need to get you started with your first beginner’s project. If there is a project you want to work on you will need to bring all materials, patternwork and requirements of your pattern eg thread, notions, zips etc. If you’re attending as a beginner, you will learn basic machine functions, practice threading the machine and make a small stitch sampler. You will be shown how to insert a zip and make a small bag. Improvers, we can work with you on any project you may need guidance with. From alterations, cushion covers, upcycling vintage clothing, cosplay, cloning your favourite garment or learning how to make your own clothes, we can cover it all. We have a beautiful, bright, studio for you to learn in. There is a lovely sense of community in class, because the group size is small, you get lots of attention in a friendly, relaxed environment. All of our machines are new and easy to learn on. There is also an overlocker for student use and we provide basic sewing kit for you to use. This is a two hour class, from 6pm-8pm, once a week on the same evening each week, for three weeks consecutively. Course fee; €95 When booking a course, please check your dates carefully you must be able to attend all three dates, no refunds once booked. Missed sessions, for ANY reason, cannot be made up, transferred, carried over, refunded or credited. Class availability is extremely limited due to a backlog from the prolonged studio closure and and unfortunately we can only accept a small amount of students per session. Click on the Book Classes page to check out our current availability. SOME FAQ’S… Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the classes? This course is for people aged 13 and above. Where can I contact you with any questions? You can email us at hello@thecityseamstress.com Is the studio open to the public, can I call by? Unfortunately, no. Please note the studio is housed in a private artists studio, not a commercial unit. Access is granted to our class attendees and clients only. However if you would like to drop by to see one of our classes in action you can do so by booking in for an appointment where we will show you around and answer any questions. However we are not offering such appointments during Covid-19 restrictions. Is my booking transferrable? Your course enrollment can only be used for the dates booked, but you can transfer it into someone else’s name if you can’t make it – just let us know before they attend. What is the cancellation policy? Unfortunately, if for any reason you cannot attend the classes on the date you are booked for, we cannot reschedule it to a new date and there is no refund on classes and workshops. Please make sure that you, or the person you are booking for, can attend before booking a class with us. If you are unable to attend the classes you can give your place to your friend or family member. Please email us at least 24 hours before the course with the name of the person attending in your place. If unforeseen circumstances cause us to cancel the class you will be informed as soon as possible and a full refund will be made. We accept no responsibility for covering travel, hotel or other costs incurred by you. In the case of any further lockdowns your class will be rescheduled. Hope to get stitching with you soon!

British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association

british hang gliding and paragliding association

Meridian Business Park

Welcome to the British Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association (BHPA) website. From its head office in Leicester the BHPA supports a country-wide network of recreational clubs and registered schools, and provides the infrastructure within which hang gliding and paragliding in the United Kingdom (UK) thrive. Hang Glider (Courtesy Mike Scholes) The BHPA oversees pilot and instructor training standards, and provides technical support such as airworthiness standards, and coaching courses for qualified hang gliding and paragliding pilots. Initial hang gliding or paragliding training must be undertaken at a BHPA registered school. Most schools offer training in a wide range of flying disciplines, so it's important to understand the differences between the disciplines before choosing a school. The Learn to Fly section of this web site explains the relative merits of each discipline, the types of flying involved, and provides an insight into the training methods used. As you near the end of your initial training with one of our registered schools, it's important to start looking for suitable recreational club to join. Obtaining your Club Pilot rating marks the end of your formal instruction and qualifies you to leave the school and fly within a BHPA recreational club. The BHPA supports a network of UK hang gliding and paragliding recreational clubs who are able to offer the supportive flying and social environment vital to the safe development of your flying skills, as you join other recreational flyers on the hill, and continue your progression through the BHPA Pilot Rating Scheme (PRS). As your accumulated airtime increases and your flying skills improve, you will probably start to think about your long term goals and aspirations, and working towards your Pilot Rating, the next rung on the PRS ladder. Club coaches can offer advice and support with the flying tasks that need to be completed, and the theory exam you will need to sit. An online BHPA Mock Pilot Rating Exam is also available. This will allow you to test your current knowledge and help you to understand the subject areas you will need to revise before sitting the real exam. When you first leave your school and join a club, you may choose to spend your first few hours' flying with no specific aim other than to safely accumulate airtime. However, it is well known that pilots make safer more efficient progress when they are given particular tasks to undertake. With that in mind, a panel of experienced BHPA coaches have devised a new pathway to learning, the BHPA Pilot Development Structure. This offers an alternative to the more formal Pilot Rating System, and for newly qualified pilots aims to: encourage interaction between new pilots, their club and its coaches provide a structured way to progress, acquire knowledge and build skills through attainable goals reduce flying related incidents and promote safe flying Paraglider (Courtesy Derek Frith) The BHPA also has a disability initiative called Flyability. This reports directly to the BHPA's Executive Council on disability related matters within the sport. Flyability doesn't simply take people with disabilities flying, it strives to motivate people with disabilities to become involved in the sport of hang gliding and paragliding and to train as pilots. Much of Flyability's work in the sport, focuses around changing peoples perception of disability and their attitudes toward people with disabilities. Disability awareness, education and advice play key roles in Flyability's aims and objectives, as does the development of specialist equipment, training and flying techniques. The BHPA also publishes Skywings, the only magazine dedicated to free flying in the United Kingdom. This glossy full colour magazine is distributed by mail to around 6,500 BHPA members each month as part of their membership package. Powered hang glider (Courtesy Ian Ferguson) Skywings magazine is also read by countless more hang gliding and paragliding pilots and organisations around the world who have purchased an International Skywings magazine subscription from our on-line shop. Freely available electronic copies of Skywings magazine are also published each month on our Skywings page. These can be viewed online as a flipbook magazine, or downloaded as a pdf document. When viewing the magazine online on a device with a small screen, we recommend that you select the single page option in the menu at the top of each issue.