1423 Educators providing Courses



I have been teaching yoga and body based therapies for over 10 years. I am insured and registered as a Senior Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance Professionals. I mainly works with groups in a class or workshop setting as well as with privates clients from my home studio. My one to one yoga sessions can help you to develop a personal practice that works more deeply than if you were to join a class. I structure it specifically for your personal needs. I get to closely recognise, talk to and understand the anatomy, movement and postural habits and patterns of each individual.  I work relationally, holistically and intuitively to begin the process of unravelling and resetting old pattern with-in the body, especially focusing on the ones that aren’t serving my client well . I always love witnessing the integration process that begins with movement and breath awareness.   My work reaches out to a broad range of people including people suffering with physical ailments such as; physical tension, pain, general wear and tear, injury and mis-alignment, as well as working alongside clients suffering with mental health issues such as anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression, trauma…  My therapeutic approach integrates many tools and resources which help aid the healing process for both the mind (Cognitive) & body (Somatic) in a profound way. Many people carry traumatic experiences in their body which can have a detrimental effect on their quality of life and wellbeing.  Trauma has many characteristics; anxiety, stress, anger, physical pain, insomnia, panic attacks, depression and other physical and mental depilating illnesses.  I teach the art of embodiment and Interoceptive awareness to help create a new map, a new experience for her clients – releasing old patterns that may be getting in the way of them having a “better life”. Think of it as a ‘new life map’!

Breakthrough Therapy Solutions Ltd.

breakthrough therapy solutions ltd.


Do you feel anxious, depressed, isolated, uncertain about the future and find that you're unable to effectively manage stress? Or do you feel like you could use some help with learning new ways to cope with challenges or to reach your personal goals? No matter the reason(s) that have led you to our page; The Clinical Team at Breakthrough Therapy Solutions, LLC (BTS) is here to help you navigate a variety of challenges and achieve an overall sense of improvement regarding your mental health and well-being. In recent years, the world has gone through many changes and difficult challenges. Many people are feeling a sense of uncertainty and heightened stress. At BTS, our goal is to help each client tap into their own potential by helping to increase awareness of already existing personal strengths, skills and resources; while also teaching new and effective strategies and skills that can be used to overcome the unique challenges that arise. We strive to help each person make a 'breakthrough' while in therapy that will be life-changing and everlasting. The hope is that you will work with your therapist to achieve your personal therapeutic goals and achieve a sense of improved overall well-being. Our talented, licensed Clinicians come from a variety of backgrounds and life experiences and are here to help you achieve your goals if you choose to embark on this journey for yourself. Our team prides itself on providing quality therapeutic services to our clients. We understand that each person is unique and has a unique set of circumstances, strengths and needs. We tailor our clinical approach to align with your individual needs so that you can have the most beneficial therapeutic experience while receiving services at BTS.

Chrysalis Craft Coventry

chrysalis craft coventry


Chrysalis Craft Coventry CIC was founded in March 2020 in response to the urgent unmet needs of BAME and migrant communities who were disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdown has challenged the mental health and wellbeing of everyone, more so for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in our communities. Many have experienced unimaginable trauma and have seen major disruptions in their life already. The pandemic has amplified further the existing mental health problems. Often left in limbo, not able to take on higher education studies and not allowed to work (with many refugees under or unemployed) and likely to face loneliness or worse, direct discrimination, within their new communities. Chrysalis Craft Coventry CIC run sessions and activities to help with healing, using art and different artistic methods for wellbeing. The aim is to build self-esteem and friendship through artistic techniques, using art to work against loneliness as a result of language, cultural and ability barriers. The social enterprise supports people from a variety of different backgrounds, focussing on disadvantaged adult women immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Focusing on women who came to Coventry and the surrounding area recently, and those who have been here for a long time, but who have experienced barriers to integration. Local authority, NHS and charities working with migrants’ commission and refer people onto in-person and online workshops. Grant funding supports materials and content development. Over the short period of the start-up, Chrysalis Craft Coventry CIC supported thousands of individuals suffering from loneliness, domestic abuse, stress, anxiety, depression, homesickness and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder because of life experiences with positive results. During the pandemic the workshops have proven invaluable, acting as a safe environment and an information and signposting service. Directing people to urgently needed services they could not reach due to language barrier or stigma caused by misinformation.

Spiritual Vitality

spiritual vitality


Ready to ignite your inner spark and radiate well-being from within? Welcome to our haven of holistic learning, where ancient wisdom meets modern practices to empower you on your journey to spiritual vitality. Immerse yourself in a diverse bouquet of healing arts, exploring techniques that have nourished minds, bodies, and souls for generations. Unleash Your Inner Healer: * Reiki: Learn the gentle art of channelling universal energy for deep relaxation, stress reduction, and enhanced well-being. * Pendulum Dowsing: Discover the secrets of harnessing your intuition and tapping into subtle energies for guidance and insight. * Crystal Magic: Unravel the power of crystalline allies, learning to harness their unique vibrations for personal empowerment and manifestation. * Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): Learn how to use this self-healing tool to release negativity, manage emotional blocks, and unlock profound inner peace. * Breathwork: Dive deep into the transformative power of conscious breathing, unlocking pathways to greater energy, clarity, and emotional resilience. * Animal Communication: Bridge the gap between species, developing your intuitive gift to understand and connect with your furry (or feathered) companions on a deeper level. * Plant Allies: Explore the ancient wisdom of working with the healing powers of the plant kingdom, fostering personal growth and harmonious connection with nature. * Gratitude: Cultivate the transformative practice of gratitude, unlocking joy, abundance, and a deeper connection to your inner self and the world around you. * Smudging & Cleansing Rituals: Learn sacred practices to clear energies, purify your space, and invite positivity into your life. Unlock the Secrets of Your Energetic Anatomy: * Chakra Mastery: Delve into the fascinating world of the chakras, learning to balance and activate your energy centres for optimal health and spiritual growth. * Aura Exploration: Discover the secrets of your energy field, learning to read its whispers and cultivate its radiance. Empower Your Psychic Abilities: * Intuition Development: Hone your innate intuitive talents, learning to trust your inner voice and navigate life with greater clarity and wisdom. * Guided Meditations: Immerse yourself in powerful journeys inward, uncovering hidden depths of your being and tapping into your higher potential. * Unleash Your Inner Oracle: Dive into the mystical world of tarot, where ancient symbols whisper secrets and unlock hidden dimensions of your intuition.  Unleash Your Inner Artisan: * Macrame Foundations: Master the basic knots and techniques that form the building blocks of stunning macrame creations. From plant hangers to wall hangings, you'll discover the joy of crafting unique pieces that express your unique style. * Dreamcatcher Magic: Embark on a mystical journey, learning to weave intricate webs that capture good dreams and filter out the bad. Personalize your dreamcatcher with crystals, feathers, and beads, imbuing it with your intentions and aspirations. More Than Just Courses, a Community of Transformation: We believe in fostering a supportive, inclusive space where you can learn, grow, and connect with fellow seekers on a similar path. Our passionate instructors, all experienced practitioners in their own right, guide you with compassion and wisdom, creating a tapestry of shared learning and profound personal transformation. Step onto your path of spiritual vitality today. Browse our course offerings, join our workshops, and embark on a journey of self-discovery that will illuminate your life from within. Ready to awaken your spiritual spark? Contact us today and join our vibrant community! P.S. Please take note of when and where In-Person courses are being run. As we are constantly moving; it comes from living in a caravan and touring the UK.

Kassi Martin

kassi martin


My curiosity about humans and personality began in childhood. I observed my family with confusion and was often told; 'Don't be so silly!' I later worked in Primary & Secondary Mental Health, Higher Ed & Not-For-Profits where I observed parallels to my Childhood! I was considerably more resourced by then with theoretical perspectives to make sense of my experiences. I have a life-long passion with mixed media art and now, combining this with everything I know, I create art courses for adults to express their life stories and experiences using my therapeutic, raw & gritty approach. I felt compelled to invite Woman to explore and share their stories through my approach in groups then online. I have integrated everything I know as a Therapist, Coach & Artist to Unleash those who want more freedom from conditioning. I have expertise in: Perfectionism, Self Esteem/Confidence, Trauma, Boundaries, Resilience, Intuition, Psychosomatic Experience, Burnout & Sexual Abuse. My extensive library of Therapeutic Courses continues to grow and is now available in one affordable package. I am a Life Book Teacher, contribute to Art for Earth, Art Bundles for Good and Art Medicine Festival. Online Creative eCourses from Kas Martin What You Could Experience through my Approach Please know beginners to expressive art can participate in my work easily. You can learn how to intuitively sense into Symbols, Colour & Texture in ways that words often can’t. You will be shown how to express all your gritty, raw truth whilst easing your foot away from hovering over the brakes of everyday living. You will learn 'experientially' through actively participating in my online courses and hopefully by connecting with me in my free online community. You will develop self acceptance, reduce criticism, doubt, fear and transform life. My Approach reduces stress & anxiety and raises confidence and self esteem. I teach you to trust your innate Intuition & Body Wisdom, to Hear & See yourself with empathy offering deep healing to you, as you create. Your unique individuality will be celebrated by me on your own Journey through Life. Art allows a deep connection with Oneself. It improves our Mental, Physical & Spiritual Health. The way in which we relate with ourselves can make or break us and I model a way of being which brings healing. My therapeutic, raw and gritty art approach impacts our relationships with us, at home, at work and in the wider world. I enthusiastically embrace my own Personal Therapy and Coaching. I am committed to becoming unleashed with the intention of holding space so others may also become unleashed.