11153 Educators providing Courses




SkillsTEC is a specialist and dedicated training company for all disciplines of working at height. Although SkillsTEC is a newly formed company that started in March 2012, I have 30 years experience working in all areas of the access industry, including hire & sales and operation of all types of access equipment. Having been employed as work at height safety trainer within a multi-disciplined access company for the last 8 years, I have been instructor for IPAF [http://skillstec.com/forms/frmAbout.aspx#], PASMA [http://skillstec.com/forms/frmAbout.aspx#] and LADDER ASSOCIATION [http://skillstec.com/forms/frmAbout.aspx#]. I have written specific courses such as 'Roof Access - Utilising Ladders' for solar installers and maintenance workers. I enjoy passing on my gained knowledge to delegates that have attended my courses and I feel that it is now the right time to have a dedicated work at height centre here in Norwich, Norfolk to cover:- IPAF [http://skillstec.com/forms/frmAbout.aspx#] training courses are the industry accreditation for MEWP operators (cherry pickers, scissor-lifts, lorry-mounts, spiders and tow behind machines). PASMA [http://skillstec.com/forms/frmAbout.aspx#] training courses industry accredited mobile tower, low level access equipment (podiums etc.) and the only accredited general work at height course that offers a certificate and photo identity card. LADDER ASSOCIATION [http://skillstec.com/forms/frmAbout.aspx#] training courses for both users and inspectors. Yes there is an industry accredited body that has been around since 1947 which is dedicated to promoting the correct use of steps and ladders. HARNESS [http://skillstec.com/forms/frmAbout.aspx#] training courses, either IPAF [http://skillstec.com/forms/frmAbout.aspx#] specific for machine operatives, or a general 'all areas' course for people who need to use a harness in more than one area.

Motivation Matters

motivation matters

Transformational leadership is a leadership style that inspires and motivates followers to achieve extraordinary results. It is based on the idea that leaders can change the way their followers think and feel, which in turn can lead to changes in behaviour and performance. Transformational leaders are able to do this by providing a clear vision, inspiring their followers to share that vision, and providing the support and resources necessary to achieve it. They also create a positive and motivating work environment, where employees feel valued and respected. There are many benefits to transformational leadership. For businesses, it can lead to improved performance, higher productivity, and increased profits. It can also create a better place to work, where employees are more engaged and satisfied. One study* found that transformational leadership was associated with a 14% increase in employee productivity. Another study found that transformational leadership was associated with a 27% increase in employee satisfaction. My own experience is that increased productivity is not a once only event, but rather an annual increase. This comes from a Co-Creative leadership style. Transformational leadership is not without its challenges, however. It requires a high level of emotional intelligence and self-awareness on the part of the leader. It also requires a willingness to delegate and empower followers. Overall, transformational leadership is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the performance of businesses and the lives of employees. If you are looking to improve your business, consider adopting a transformational leadership style. Here are some tips for implementing transformational leadership in your business: CREATE A CLEAR VISION. The first step in transformational leadership is to create a clear vision for your business. This vision should be something that your employees can believe in and that they are willing to work towards. INSPIRE YOUR FOLLOWERS. Once you have a clear vision, you need to inspire your followers to share that vision. This can be done by communicating your vision in a clear and concise way, and by providing evidence that your vision is achievable. PROVIDE THE SUPPORT AND RESOURCES NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE YOUR VISION. Once you have inspired your followers, you need to provide them with the support and resources they need to achieve your vision. This includes providing training, development opportunities, and the necessary tools and equipment. CREATE A POSITIVE AND MOTIVATING WORK ENVIRONMENT. A positive and motivating work environment is essential for transformational leadership. This means creating a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration. It also means providing employees with opportunities for growth and development. BE A ROLE MODEL. AS A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER, YOU NEED TO BE A ROLE MODEL FOR YOUR EMPLOYEES. This means setting a good example and demonstrating the behaviours that you want to see in your followers. Transformational leadership is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the performance of businesses and the lives of employees. If you are looking to improve your business, consider adopting a transformational leadership style. *Citation: Transformational and charismatic leadership: Assessing the convergent, divergent and criterion validity of the MLQ and the CKS The Leadership Quarterly [https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/the-leadership-quarterly], Volume 18, Issue 2 [https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/the-leadership-quarterly/vol/18/issue/2], April 2007, Pages 121-133 Jens Rowold, Kathrin Heinitz,

International University of Japan

international university of japan

International University of Japan (IUJ) was founded in 1982, with the extensive support of Japan’s industrial, educational and local communities, to train professionals who can actively make contributions to the international society with a high level of interdisciplinary and specialized knowledge. As the nature of IUJ is very different from other Japanese graduate schools that mainly nurture scholars for academia, before stipulating its founding principles, IUJ was extensively discussed at the IUJ Advisory Committee, comprising eminent persons from industry and educational society, and at the Drafting Committee. The following is the Founding Principles of IUJ that have been made effective with the approval of the Board of Trustees Meeting. Aims of the school The International University of Japan is a private post graduate institution founded with the extensive support of Japan’s industrial, financial and educational circles and of administrative in the area where it was established. Its administrative policy, based on a spirit of progressive internationalism, is open and autonomous. The graduate school of the International University of Japan is a new professional school whose primary purpose is to educate capable young men and women and develop in them a high level of interdisciplinary and specialized knowledge which they can put to practical use in the international arena. Characteristics of the school Reflecting the above aims, teaching and research in the graduate School are, as a matter of Principle, interdisciplinary and are characterized by the comprehensive integration of area studies with the study of international relations and international management. In order to develop in its students a high level of specialized knowledge, the graduate school aims to foster originality in both teaching methods and in the organization of its curriculum and also to respond to social needs through extensive research activities. Instruction in the graduate School will as a general rule be conducted in English with a view to educating talented men and women whose skills will be applicable throughout international society. One of the fundamental aims of the founding of the graduate School is to encourage the enrollment of college graduates who have had previous business experience. The School opens its doors widely and welcomes persons with a wide variety of back grounds and specialties, both from Japan and abroad, in the hope that their practical knowledge will be further broadened and reinforced through friendship and interaction with other students. To effectively implement the above stated aims, students will as a rule reside in dormitories so that by living together young people of different nationalities and with different backgrounds can be stimulated by each other’s world views and awareness of critical issues and learn to work together. It is hoped that the graduates of the university will promote a high level of mutual understanding and international friendship on the basic of the personal relationships and trust developed during their student days. The Graduate School has searched widely for distinguished scholars from Japan and abroad, who are experts in their fields, to create a truly international faculty, which will have a strong formative influence on the students by maintaining close contact with them not only in the classroom but outside of it in the opportunities offered for interaction with the local community so that the students’ learning experiences can be both varied and meaningful. IUJ Mission and Objectives The objectives of IUJ are to: Teach and conduct research in academic theory and applications necessary for practical solutions of issues facing international society and international businesses, and Foster global leaders who have a high level of professional knowledge and skills with deep understanding of and respect for different cultures, thereby contributing to the development of international society. Mission and Objectives of Graduate Schools GSIR’s Mission GSIR is dedicated to developing professionals by educating students towards acquiring a long-term vision of the rapidly changing world, appreciating diverse perspectives in global and local contexts, and enhancing their analytical skills and problem-solving capabilities in a wide range of contemporary international affairs. GSIR also encourages academic research conducive to the development of its faculty’s teaching and supervision as well as student’s capability in the fields of international relations, international development and international peace studies, utilizing the experiences of Japan and the Asia-Pacific region. All programs are conducted in English. GSIM’s Mission The Graduate School of International Management (GSIM) is dedicated to developing “wise” (i.e., socially responsible) individuals for global business and social leadership, with an emphasis on serving the emerging countries. The two key components of GSIM mission are nurturing Social Responsibility (SR) and Global Business (GB), which the school aims to achieve and operationalize through its innovative policies, recruitment strategies, placement efforts, teaching, research, and service strategies. SR in GSIM mission derives from its belief that GSIM and its graduates should not only be compelled by financial benefits but also by their sense of duty to social causes. At GSIM, we mainly focus on the following aims in SR: To enhance the social responsibility policies of GSIM stakeholders, including Japanese corporations, Japanese government organizations, and local community To educate students to be socially responsible leaders, stressing the need of students from emerging countries in Asia and Africa. GB focuses on the needs surrounding all the constituencies that GSIM serves. For students and faculty, it is vital to keep abreast of the ever-changing dynamics of global business, supported by solid theoretical and practical bases, in order to advance their own careers and professionalism. For other stakeholders, which include Japanese corporations and government organizations, it is vital that GSIM nurtures students who can blend their business objectives with a sense of social leadership because such organizations expect this balanced outcome. At GSIM, we mainly focus on the following aims in GB: To instill global mindedness in students, including those from emerging countries in Asia and Africa. To help students understand the business and cultures of other countries and serve their home countries by contributing to their development, following graduation To help Japanese corporations, Japanese government organizations, local SMEs, and other stakeholders (e.g. foreign entities operating in Japan) to become globalized with a sense of social responsibility GSIM’s Vision To be the premier business school with a world-wide reputation that develops future leaders with social awareness who understand both Japan and emerging countries in Asia and Africa. GSIM’s Values Derived from the GSIM mission statement, the following are its notable values. INCLUSIVENESS (AND MULTICULTURAL AWARENESS) Our students are educated to be capable of being sensitive and skillful in reaching common objectives with people from various cultural backgrounds. GLOBAL MINDEDNESS Our students are trained in such a way that they can cope with any competitive environment on the global business stage. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Our students are educated (1) to influence the activities of other individuals or the group to which he/she belongs to and (2) take wise and socially responsible decisions. ETHICAL INTEGRITY AND PROFESSIONALISM Our students are inculcated to be aware that in businesses moral and ethical conduct is essential. The students master business fundamentals necessary to become truly competent professionals.

Ksenia Belash

ksenia belash

It’s a pleasure to greet you in my virtual home:) Meeting someone for the first time can feel a little awkward. As a way of introduction, let me share a few random and not so random facts about me: I spent a big chunk of my childhood daydreaming, journeying through whimsical worlds, exploring subtle energies and noticing things that other people strangely wouldn’t notice. I wrote my first poem at the age of 6. This is also when I experienced myself as a cloud during my first ever meditation, guided by my grand dad. One of my favourite treasures was a blue crystal ball that my mum brought home from a lab she worked at - it seemed to have come from a different dimension. For a long time, I made myself believe these things were silly and meaningless. These days, I cherish the magical, the whimsical, the weird and believe the sense of WONDER to be a potent medicine for the soul that I am privileged to share with others. Up until the age of 9, if I closed my eyes, I could see people’s emotional states as auras of different colours. I developed my own colour coding system to identify what was going on - it was quite accurate. Unfortunately, I don’t see auras anymore, but I get a lot of subtle information through my body sensations. Whenever I speak to someone, a whole big experience unfolds within me and, over the years, through studies of the nervous system and what not, I have developed a way of making quite a good sense of it. It is a huge resource that I bring into my work with people. I also see images and metaphors that come seemingly out of nowhere and bring insights into things. I am currently 38. Most people assume I am younger and it can feel mischievously delicious to see them acting in alignment with this assumption without breaking the illusion. I currently live in London, am planning to move to Portugal, was born and raised in Russia and my roots are mainly from Ukraine. I speak seven languages and know both the curses and the gifts of not having one single place of belonging. I came to the UK when I was 20 to study hospitality and tourism management…only to realise, a couple of years later, that my heart longs to create and express itself, not manage. So I got my BA, completed my internship in a Central London office and went on to pursue photography and other visual arts for many years to come. It is only recently that I have connected my early interest in hospitality with what I currently do - which hosting spaces where people can really land and feel at home, in connection with their body, soul and spirit. I spent many years of my life in a relationship that felt utterly destructive to my soul. In 2015, I felt desperate and went to see a therapist. I thought this work was useless and nothing would help. In 2016, I went through a painful separation and then divorce. At that time, I was also feeling completely lost professionally. This period felt like the dark night of the soul, but I have eventually managed to come through, with a different understanding of myself, my strength, my needs and things I stand for in this world. What felt like hell, turned out to be the beginning of my healing journey. A BIT ABOUT MY HEALING JOURNEY Having grown up in an environment where emotional depth, sensitivity to nuance, authentic self-expression and creative ways were not exactly appreciated, I know very well what it's like to feel different, misunderstood, not sure where and if I can ever belong. For many, many years, I believed that something was deeply wrong with and broken about me and how I am. No matter how much I tried, how much I pushed to change myself, I struggled to fit into the loud, noisy, rushing, linear, rationality-oriented world that at times didn't make any sense. Like so many other sensitive souls, I have developed my own ways of coping and fitting in - like hiding bits of myself that I deemed ugly, scary or uncool, swallowing my truth, hiding my thoughts and feelings even from myself to the extent of losing any sense of boundaries, disconnecting from my body and intuition, anxiously chasing after the next new thing and external validation, not giving myself any space to breathe and listen to my inner voice. Living like this was painful and at some point became intolerable, so I reached out for help. In the course of my own healing journey, one of the many things I have discovered that the belief that something was fundamentally wrong and broken about me, was just that - a belief, not a curse that determined how I lived my life. I have also discovered that the most healing thing was not this or that tool, modality or approach. It was not even a cognitive understanding of why things happened. What my inner system and the young parts of my psyche deeply needed in order to heal was an attuned relational space, where I was loved for who I was and allowed to go at my own pace and be fully me, with all of my feelings of brokenness, sadness, envy, confusion, darkness, guilt, lostness, anger, heartbreak, as well as joy, excitement, dreaminess, hope and pride and a myriad of other feelings. What my parts needed, were to be seen and consistently met with acceptance, love, warm curiosity, compassion and understanding by another human being. In the process, I have also discovered the power of connecting with my intuitive body wisdom and befriending my nervous system and what is often referred to as somatic intelligence - a resource I never knew was available to me. As a result, rigid ways of being/thinking/reacting that have felt like "just who I am", started to soften, release and transform, while my sense of authentic self, personal power, self-trust, boundaries and capacity to feel and handle difficult emotions, without becoming overwhelmed, has been steadily growing. Offering healing spaces like that and supporting others like myself on their journeys of growth and healing, has become my passion and vocation.

Clinical Masters

clinical masters


Online Master's degrees in Clinical Psychology 149 Masters Psychology Check match 6,950 EUR / year 2½ years Gain a comprehensive knowledge of the core areas in psychology, as well as the practical skills associated to them with this fully online and part-time Psychology MSc from the University of Liverpool. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online University of Liverpool Online Programmes University of Liverpool Online Programmes Online Featured Health Psychology Check match Tuition unknown 2 years Health Psychology from Ulster University provides stage one of the professional training in Health Psychology. M.Sc. / Part-time, Full-time / Online Ulster University Ulster University Online Featured Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health Online Check match 1,789 EUR / module 2 years This innovative online Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health programme from King's College London provides a comprehensive and integrated exploration of the current understanding of the psychological and neuroscientific basis of mental health. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online King's College London King's College London Online Featured Global Mental Health and Wellbeing Check match 4,480 EUR / full 8 months Curious about the mental health policies adopted by various countries? Then consider the 100% online Postgraduate Certificate in Global Mental Health and Wellbeing from University of Essex Online. Postgraduate Certificate / Part-time / Online University of Essex Online University of Essex Online Online Featured Psychology Check match 24,036 EUR / year 2 years The Graduate Diploma of Psychology at Swinburne Online will teach you to analyse behaviour, disorders and cognitive processes to deepen your understanding of human nature. Postgraduate Diploma / Part-time / Online Swinburne Online Swinburne Online Online Featured Mental Health Psychology Check match 6,950 EUR / year 2½ years Develop your skills within psychology with our 100% online part-time Mental Health Psychology MSc at University of Liverpool Online Programmes. Throughout your studies, you will explore the fundamentals of general psychology and key areas of mental health. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online University of Liverpool Online Programmes University of Liverpool Online Programmes Online Featured Global Mental Health and Wellbeing Check match 6,721 EUR / year 1 year, 4 months Mental health and wellbeing is on everyone’s radar, not just locally but across the world. The pandemic has made us all more aware of how important it is to prioritise our mental health so if you want to explore this further, consider the 100% online Postgraduate Diploma in Global Mental Health and Wellbeing from University of Essex Online. Postgraduate Diploma / Part-time / Online University of Essex Online University of Essex Online Online Featured Global Mental Health and Wellbeing Check match 6,721 EUR / year 2 years The conversation around mental health and wellbeing is becoming increasingly important across the globe, particularly in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic. If you want to be part of a growing industry, consider the 100% online MSc Global Mental Health and Wellbeing from University of Essex Online. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online University of Essex Online University of Essex Online Online Featured Perinatal Mental Health Check match 3,751 EUR / year 3 years On this Perinatal Mental Health course at Sheffield Hallam University, you’ll develop as a healthcare professional specialising in perinatal mental health. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online Sheffield Hallam University Sheffield Hallam University Online Featured Evaluating Psychology - Research and Practice Check match 7,275 EUR / year 1 year, 1 months This Evaluating Psychology - Research and Practice module from The Open University UK examines how cognitive, social, counselling and forensic psychology research fosters understanding and helps to solve real-world problems in three domains - the home, workplace and society. Master / Part-time / Online The Open University UK The Open University UK Online Featured Applied Psychology (Online) Check match 13,869 EUR / year 1½ years Are you fascinated by how the human brain works and passionate about applying these insights to improve the lives of others? If so, Liberty University’s master’s in Applied Psychology (Online) is the program for you! M.A. / Part-time / Online Liberty University Online Liberty University Online Online Featured Psychology (Online) Check match 5,751 EUR / year 1 year, 3 months Accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS), the online Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology (Online) course at University of Derby is ideally suited to anyone who is looking pursue a career in psychology, bringing you one step closer to becoming a Chartered Psychologist. Postgraduate Diploma / Part-time / Online University of Derby Online Learning (UDOL) University of Derby Online Learning (UDOL) Online Featured Psychology Check match 23,199 EUR / year 1 year If you are a psychology graduate, undertake an additional year of study to get registered as a provisional psychologist with the Graduate Diploma of Psychology from Deakin University. Postgraduate Diploma / Part-time, Full-time / On Campus, Online Deakin University Deakin University Multiple locations Featured Clinical Mental Health Counseling Check match 30,953 EUR / year 2 years Our practice-based Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at Auburn University prepares counselors to work in inpatient, outpatient, non-profit, private practice, community agency, governmental, and educational settings. Master / Part-time, Full-time / On Campus, Online Auburn University Auburn University Auburn, Alabama, United States Featured Health Psychology Check match 5,391 EUR / year 2 years This Health Psychology Masters degree at University of Derby is an extremely popular, accredited online Masters. It’s stage one of the professional training in health psychology and is therefore an essential step towards becoming a Chartered Psychologist and a Registered Health Psychologist.. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online University of Derby Online Learning (UDOL) University of Derby Online Learning (UDOL) Online Featured Psychology Check match 11,299 EUR / year 2 years Broaden your mind and kickstart your career in psychology with a BPS accredited Masters from Northumbria University. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online Northumbria University Northumbria University Online Featured Psychology and Learning Disability (Distance Learning) Check match Tuition unknown 2 years This Master’s Psychology and Learning Disability (Distance Learning) course from the University of Portsmouth looks in detail at learning disability, neurodiversity and autism from a psychological perspective. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online Faculty of Science and Health Faculty of Science and Health Online Featured Introduction to Mental Health Science Check match 4,378 EUR / module 9 months This online Introduction to Mental Health Science module from The Open University UK introduces the key topics in mental health science from biological, psychological and social science perspectives whilst developing your postgraduate study skills. Master / Part-time / Online The Open University UK The Open University UK Online Featured Clinical Psychiatry (Online) Check match 5,451 EUR / year 1 year Mental health care is evolving. There have been recent changes to the Mental Health Act, the official recognition of spectrum disorders such as OCD and autism, and the increasing demand on mental health services, with approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK likely to experience a mental health problem every year. Learn more with the Clinical Psychiatry (Online) Postgraduate Diploma from Diploma MSc Postgraduate Diploma / Part-time / Online Diploma MSc Diploma MSc Online Featured Psychology Check match 7,382 EUR / year 1 year The MSc in Psychology at Unicaf Scholarships has a strong emphasis on psychological investigation and exploring ethical issues. M.Sc. / Part-time / Online




Nuroo was founded initially in July 2013 out of the desire to recognise the harsh challenges faced by nurses in their daily practice, but also to horn the joys of this rewarding career. It was changed from a community group to a business entity in September 2020 thanks to the hard work of some very talented individuals and the support of its members at the time. Our name comes from the compound word “Nurses’ Room” which is often used interchangeably with Nurses’ Station to describe an area of a healthcare facility where nurses and other healthcare workers perform their administrative duties when they are not in direct patient contact. We’re as unique as our name and the organisations we actively seek to support. This is because, steeped in experience gathered across the varied worlds of academia, business turnarounds, healthcare and strategy, Nuroo Leaders bring more than fifty years of combined effort, as well as social care delivery and compliance brain power to the table. We have assembled a number of clinical documentations from admission to discharge to help you prepare for and improve your CQC inspection rating. The initiative is designed to promote high-quality documentation that not only support the capture of the patient’s disease burden accurately in all healthcare settings, but also the appropriateness of nursing interventions and quality of care provided to the patient by ensuring all the information within the health record is of high quality and supports informed decision-making. We’ve also partnered with other well-recognised companies and talented care professionals that work tirelessly to give our valued clients the very best service available in the social care sector. So, whether you’re looking for staff training or/and preparing for your CQC inspection, it is important that you are able to demonstrate compliance with the regulators by making sure that you can evidence this with appropriate documentation, including clinical records and relevant up-to-date policies. The good news is that’s where Nuroo comes in! Nuroo is that little extra oomph when you need it, helping you to reset your inspection goals, put the one-speed gearbox of your documentation into drive, and gently press on the accelerator so that your inspection engine is back into motion towards the right direction of demonstrable care quality What’s more, Nuroo’s Clinical Documentation is created by nurses and for nurses, not just to prevent valuable time and effort being wasted on unnecessary paperwork, but also to ensure that interventions and actions implemented contribute to desired results. High-quality clinical documentation across the continuum of healthcare can be recognized in the analogy of a cruise. Just as patients rely on numerous providers and healthcare professionals to maintain a good state of health, passengers on a cruise ship rely on numerous crew members to ensure they have smooth sailing and stay on course. The anchor on a cruise ship can hold the ship in a certain location or be raised when the ship is sailing. Sometimes patients will be at one location for their care and the documentation is the anchor that provides the information needed for the healthcare teams to stay on course. When patients are discharged or complete a provider visit, they may see another provider in a separate location and setting. The new provider will rely on the documentation from the previous encounter to guide their medical decision-making. Each episode of care should therefore include documentation that clearly supports each new episode of care. Because like the anchor, the documentation supports a comprehensive view of the care provided for any single encounter, it may stop when the patient’s encounter or admission is over, but it is a clear record of each encounter. We are Nuroo, a membership organisation born out of the desire to recognise the harsh challenges faced by nurses in their daily practice, but also to horn the joys of this rewarding career. We represent the professional interests of our members and offer free, confidential advice and support on various matters including unpaid wages, work suspensions; NMC allegations; whistleblowing; discrimination, bullying, and harassment at work; career development; and much more. Our name comes from the compound word “Nurses’ Room” which is often used interchangeably with Nurses’ Station to refer to an area of a healthcare facility where nurses and other healthcare workers perform their administrative duties when they are not in direct contact with patients. We are as unique as our name and the people we actively seek to support. This is because nuroo refers to nurses’ ability to find balance within two opposing forces. Indeed, the daily routines of nurses are rarely the same as they are always on the front line interacting with people who are in stressful situations while having to react appropriately to emergencies and unexpected events. Not surprisingly, throughout history nurses have been a glowing light in some very dark days and despite entering the coronavirus pandemic understaffed, undervalued and underpaid, the skills, knowledge, and resilience of nurses across all disciplines and settings have been showcased beyond words as they work tirelessly in the most testing, bizarre and unusual circumstances. While it’s almost impossible to portray a typical day for a nurse, given how different healthcare workplaces can be, and how work can vary from shift to shift depending on which patient a nurse needs to see, there’s a constant expectation for nurses to step up to more – whatever this may be and regardless of their own personal challenges. The good news is that’s where Nuroo comes in! Nuroo is that little extra oomph when you need it, helping you put the one-speed gearbox into drive and pressing the accelerator so that you can set your career engine back into motion towards the right direction. It provides a safe place where nurses can step aside, offload, take a deep breath, recharge, learn from each other, advance and go beyond the call of duty. It is created by nurses and for nurses to help each other stay up to date with new research findings so that they can re-evaluate whether or not their current knowledge has relevance to their work, and avoid the risk of practicing in a way that’s either ineffective or even deleterious to patient care. Certainly, no one wants to waste valuable time and effort performing tasks that don’t contribute to desired outcomes. But to turn the tide so that we nurses can better appreciate and utilize information from research, there needs to be a completely different approach to networking – one that truly allows for both group and one-to-one input. Nuroo is determined to deliver on this agenda so that you feel impacted as a member. WHY WE ARE DIFFERENT. Our services are not for everybody! They’re for achievers: people who are resilient, bold, want to excel in their career, be of service, and make a real difference. If this sounds like you, then sit tight coz we’ve got you covered! With the assortment of care settings, it would be detrimental to the patient if a provider only considered the care that was provided in one setting to guide their medical decision-making. By using Nuroo’s Clinical Documents, you are taking a positive step towards effective record keeping which can turn the tide in CQC inspection drastically, especially in some key areas like respecting service users, seeking consent, ensuring care and welfare, safeguarding, and assessing and monitoring the quality of the service provision – all viewed by CQC inspectors as particularly important.

Gold Leaf Services

gold leaf services


A Family Run Company Established in 1973 Serving The Gilding And Decorative Industries Ken Rees - Founder of Gold Leaf Supplies Ken Rees Founder In 2023 we will be celebrating our 50th year in business. Phew! Over the years, we have built a reputation for supplying high-quality products with an equally high level of service. We are passionate about gilding and specialist decoration techniques and we love to hear about your projects. At Gold Leaf Supplies we pride ourselves on our innovative approach to servicing the gilding and decorative trades. We are always exploring ways of expanding our services and seeking new horizons through interesting and exciting product ranges. Sue Govani - Director of Gold Leaf Supplies Sue Govani Director Steve Rees - Director of Gold Leaf Supplies Steve Rees Director Company History Gold Leaf Supplies is a family business, which was established as Services Supply Company in 1973 by Mr Ken Rees who was a senior partner in the business. Although Ken retired in 2008, he still had an involvement in the Company until his peaceful passing in May 2018. Having worked in the Italian Marble business for many years, Ken initially set up the business to supply gold leaf and associated products to the stone trade. The main emphasis being on offering an exceptionally high level of service and personal contact. Since 1973, our client base has expanded and diversified considerably, and we have increased our product range accordingly to meet our clients’ needs. We now cater to a diversified range of National and International clients involved in gilding, signwriting, glass manufacture, bookbinding, furniture restoration and manufacture, framing, interiors, architectural decoration, specialist decorating and monumental carving to name but a few. You can view examples of the prestigious projects that we have supplied for in our client gallery As the emphasis of the business changed so did the Company trading name - to Gold Leaf Supplies. From 1st March 2008, we became a Limited Company - Services Supply Company Ltd T/A Gold Leaf Supplies. Although the product range has diversified, and the company has grown, the philosophy introduced in 1973 has remained the same - "We offer quality products at competitive prices and a continuing high level of service." The business remains within the family and Kens’ son, Steve Rees and daughter, Sue Govani joined the company in 1989 and 1991 respectively. Steve has a background in Business whilst Sue’s background is in Art and Design bringing different skills and ideas to the business. Both are Company Directors and very hands on with the day to day running of the business. Steve is mainly involved with the purchasing and logistics. He has a memory like a filing cabinet and a sound technical knowledge relating to gilding techniques. When he has any free time, you will find him on the ski slopes or out walking with his beloved dogs. Sue is more involved with the creative side of the business and enjoys the sales, marketing and client facing events. Passionate about artistic techniques and applications, Sue is usually found trying out the new product ranges in her spare time. She is learning to gild is spending a little more time being a hands on creative which she finds a very meditative process. We all have enormous respect for the art of gilding and its traditional values whilst at the same time recognise and are inspired by the many diverse and contemporary ways that gold and silver leaf is being used today. Our Team It is important to receive your raw materials on time and we appreciate the tight deadlines that most businesses work to, therefore for approved accounts, most of our products are despatched the day instructions are received and delivered on a next day delivery basis. Where large projects are involved, supplies can be scheduled on a phased delivery. One of our strengths is that we can and have often been called upon to supply large quantities at short notice. Our prime objective is not only to supply, but also to provide a full service to our clients and our team makes every effort to ensure this objective is achieved. We have knowledgeable staff who are always on hand to offer advice and we respond quickly to any enquiries that you may have. Please feel free to contact us at any time. Sue Jewell Accounts Manager Sue J has been with us for almost 15 years and has been instrumental in setting up all of our accounts and bookkeeping administration. Since October last year Sue decided to reduce her hours to work part time to fit around her grandchildren and has been working remotely since lockdown. Accounts practices come naturally to Sue and she is continuing to teach all the office staff her accounting methods. She is still very much involved with managing and overseeing the office systems and administration on a weekly basis remotely although she no longer has direct contact with clients. Niki Rathkey Accounts Administrator and Order Processing Niki has been with GLS for two years now and handles all our day-to-day accounts and order processing. It is a busy desk, but Niki is always on hand with a smile to answer any accounting queries that you may have. She is like a magpie when it comes to our shiny products and uses a lot of them in her stone painting and interior projects. She has also built up a sound knowledge about how our products work and will answer most queries related to this. Niki has a strong background of secretarial and administrative skills and has previously worked for a variety of Accounts practices. Isabel Barriga Brown Accounts Assistant and Order Processing Isabel is a new starter for GLS who joined us in October 2021 but has quickly become an indispensable member of the team. Together with Niki they are the accounts team that keep our day-to-day orders ticking over and our records straight! She is very creative and artistic and helps a lot with our social media ideas and creative projects. Again, Isabel loves trying out the projects in her own home and is also learning to gild. She’s our social secretary and makes sure we get together outside as well as inside of work. Adam Rees Technical and IT Adam has worked at Gold Leaf Supplies for around 10 years and during that time he has built up a very good technical knowledge about the products and their uses. He is happy to answer any technical questions that you may have. He is very patient and interested in the challenges that customers projects often present. He will always go out of his way to find a solution and is interested in testing new products and applications. Adam also has responsibility for the Website and all our internal IT requirements. Ralph Davies Warehouse Manager Ralph has been with GLS for over 8 years and takes care of all the goods inwards, stock control and order despatch. Ralph is meticulous and methodical which is a good thing in a busy warehouse. He runs a very tight and organised ship and is a real character! Nothing is ever too much trouble! He always goes the extra mile to make sure your orders are packed well and despatched on time. Fred Govani Warehouse Assistant Fred is Sue’s husband and since taking early retirement during lockdown he comes into the Company part time to help out in our busy warehouse. Due to his previous and extensive work experience he also has a valuable input into logistics and systems practices. Debbie Rees Colour sampling coordinator. Debbie is Steve’s wife who also runs an online homeware store called Elsie Boo Collections. She helps out at GLS by preparing all of our Gold leaf and other metallic materials shade cards that our clients find so useful to have in their workshops or to show their own customers to help them make colour decision choices. Debbie makes sure that we are all stocked up with these and also helps us keep on top of office filing.

Blossoming Bellies

blossoming bellies

Brittany's path led her through many experiences before focusing her work on the need for respect and humility in the amazing power, instinct, and normalcy of birth. Completing high school after her junior year with distinguished honors and a focus in visual art and writing , Brittany went on to study Literature at Temple University, graduating cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and certificates in both writing and honors. She maintains membership with Phi Beta Kappa, a national academic honor society. Throughout college, Brittany worked for Trio Upward Bound, a national organization that prepares inner city high school students for college. In her role as tutor and counselor, she gained experience in dealing with several different ages from ninth through twelfth grade, understanding of differences in learning pace and ability, and comfort in leading group discussions and projects. Brittany went on to substitute teach for pre-school through eighth grade at Frankford Friends School, strengthening her abilities in areas including the facilitation of group activities, the development of all aspects of the person - physical, academic, spiritual, emotional, and social, and the mentoring of children of all different ages and backgrounds. In addition to her education career, Brittany has completed a mentorship training program which focuses on peaceful solutions to conflict through listening, reflection, and understanding and the development of counseling skills. She attended a Birth Works three day workshop where she gained skills and techniques helpful in facilitating childbirth classes and providing labor assistance. She has also completed birth doula training by both DONA International and Birth Arts International. Brittany is a Birth WorksTM certified childbirth educator, a DONA certified birth doula, a certified breastfeeding counselor with Nursing Mothers Alliance, and a Certified Lactation Counselor through the Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice. She has also completed birth doula training with Birth Arts International. She also holds a Rebozo certification from Wise Birth Choices, L.L.C. Brittany continuously furthers her knowledge through regular attendance and facilitation at conferences, workshops, and lectures, in addition to her home studies, and her facilitation of workshops for clinical and non-clinical birth professionals. In an effort to make maternity care options available to all birthing people, Brittany volunteered her time in putting together the Philadelphia Guide to a Healthy Birth with Choices in Childbirth. Although the Philadelphia Guide is no longer in print, The National Guide is available online at www.choicesinchildbirth.org. Brittany has also been a frequent contributor to the Birth Works quarterly newsletter and wrote monthly for the e-newsletter, "Empowerment for Healthy Living," when it was published. She continues writing for the Birth Works blog. Brittany has been a guest speaker on several pregnancy, postpartum, and health-related topics at businesses around the Philadelphia area, including Martindale's Natural Market in Delaware County, Shanti Yoga Shala and Nest, both in Center City Philadelphia, and the Expectant Parents Boot Camp at The Please Touch Museum. In the spring of 2011, Brittany organized and facilitated a free community screening of the documentary, "Food, Inc." She worked with the non-profit organization WomenCare organizing an event featuring world-renowned midwife Ina May Gaskin in May 2011. Blossoming Bellies has also been featured in the July 2011 issue of herbalist Susan Weed's ezine "Wise Woman Herbal Healing with Susun Weed." In May of 2014, Brittany had the honor of being the only childbirth educator and doula serving as a panelist at the Birth Works "Ask The Experts" event held in Cherry Hill, NJ where she discussed birth options and answered community members' birth-related questions aside several distinguished birth professionals, including obstetricians, academics, pediatricians, and midwives, from the greater Philadelphia area. She was also honored to be a presenter at ICAN's (International Cesarean Awareness Network) meeting on birth education options in the Philadelphia area in January of 2015. Brittany is also the creator of two dynamic workshops focused on understanding the pelvis, the baby's movements and positioning as they descend and rotate, and preventing and working through complications that arise from malpositioning, "Creating Space: Pelvic Dynamics, Fetal Positioning, and Use of the Rebozo" for birth professionals and "Moving Through Labor" for expectant parents. She has had the honor of facilitating her workshop, "Creating Space," for obstetrical, midwifery, and nursing groups around the country. She is a guest speaker at the University of Pennsylvania for their student midwifery program and a frequent speaker at international conferences including the Birth Works International Conference in October of 2016, the ICPA Freedom for Family Wellness Summit in March of 2018, the Evidence Based Birth Conference in September of 2019, the Midwifery Forward 2020 conference, the ICEA 2020 Virtual Conference, and the Utah Doula Association Virtual Mini-Conference in 2020. She also facilitates pelvic dynamics and fetal positioning workshops for Maternity Care Coalition and PALS. She continues to facilitate workshops for conferences and private practices around the country. Blossoming Bellies began with Brittany teaching classes in her home in South Philadelphia. She still occasionally teaches classes in the coziness of her home but, after spending time teaching classes at South Philadelphia Community Acupuncture, The Nesting House on vibrant East Passyunk Avenue, and the community space Lilypad, she now teaches at the BOK building aside Justin Ohm of Ohm Chiropractic. She has also branched out to serving other areas of the city, including Mt. Airy, Fairmount, West Philly, Fishtown, and Center City. Brittany was a Birth Works facilitator at the Maternal Wellness Center in Mt. Airy and continued teaching Birth Works classes in Mt. Airy at The Nesting House (former location of the Maternal Wellness Center) and at each of their additional locations in South Philly, West Philly, and Collingswood, for several years. Her South Philadelphia series classes are now held at the BOK building in South Philadelphia, where she shares space with Dr. Justin Ohm, of Ohm Chiropractic . She brought group Birth Works classes to the Fairmount section of Philadelphia, facilitating workshops at Still Waters Holistic Health Therapies from 2010 through 2019 and to the Fishtown section of the city, teaching at City Sprouts until their close in November 2016 and at Minnow Lane on Frankford Ave through 2020. Brittany's Homebirth Preparation Class can be found at Ohm Chiropractic in South Philadelphia. Her prenatal Breastfeeding and Chestfeeding 101 classes and Infant Care classes are offered in Brewerytown at Kith + Kin and in South Philly at BOK. Check out an interview with Brittany about her philosophies and classes at Philly Baby Bump. Brittany also helps mentor and guide new doulas as they begin their journey into the birth world. Doulas often observe her classes to fulfill their certification requirements and Brittany facilitates workshops specifically for doulas and birth professionals looking to expand their knowledge and skills. In addition, she offers a full doula mentorship course for those looking for one-on-one guidance, resources, and referrals as they enter in to the greater birth community. For more information about doula mentoring and one-on-one options available, please contact Brittany. Blossoming Bellies has been recognized by CBS Philly as one of the Top Childbirth Classes in Philly and is the winner of the 2016 Love Awards for Best Lactation Consultant, the 2017 Love Awards for Best Prenatal Classes, and the 2018, 2019, and 2020 Love Awards for Best Childbirth Preparation Classes. She is also a contributor to the blog A Child Grows and the blog We Bloom in Philly and has written several feature articles for the Birth Works newsletter. Brittany is a contributor to the international best-selling book "Baby Got VBAC: An Inspiring Collection of Wisdom for Better Births After a Cesarean," writing a chapter covering the importance of movement and guidelines for using it in all births, with a focus on vaginal birth after cesarean. In addition, she is a sought-after presenter on pelvic dynamics, fetal positioning, preventing malpositioning in labor, and working through positioning issues that can lead to stalls in labor, facilitating workshops at the Birth Works International Conference, the Freedom for Family Wellness Summit hosted by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association, the Evidence Based Birth Conference, and the Midwifery Forward 2020 conference as well as for midwifery and obstetrical practices, labor and delivery nurses, and midwifery students around the country. She also has collaborated with East Eagle Yoga to develop and facilitate a prenatal yoga teacher training program full of the bodily knowledge, movement awareness, and empathetic practice that is crucial to the role of a prenatal yoga instructor. Brittany also developed and facilitated the online ICEA training for birth professionals on anatomy and reproductive structure. You can check out interviews with Brittany on a few national podcasts. She was honored to be a featured guest on episode #161 of the well known podcast, The VBAC Link, where she talks all about pelvic dynamics and autonomy in birth. Check it out at The VBAC Link! She will also be featured on the Vagina Talks podcast in February 2021. Providing expecting families with information, resources, a listening ear, and love and support is at the core of Brittany's goals. In helping parents to recognize their strength as humans, role models, and advocates for the needs and wishes of themselves and their children, Brittany assists families in creating birth and parenting experiences of which they feel positive, confident, and informed. Her approach to birth and parenting focuses on building awareness of one's intuition and combining it with learned knowledge in a way that is respectful of the needs and abilities of each individual.

Black's Academy

black's academy


AQA A level Mathematics 7357 AS level Mathematics 7356 GCSE higher level Mathematics 8300H GCSE foundation level Mathematics 8300F Edexcel A level Mathematics 9MA0 AS level Mathematics 8MA0 GCSE higher level Mathematics 1MA1H GCSE foundation level Mathematics 1MA1F OCR A level Mathematics H240 AS level Mathematics H230 GCSE higher level Mathematics J560 GCSE foundation level Mathematics Other courses IGCSE extended level Mathematics 0580 Scholastic Apititude Test (USA Exam) GED (USA Exam) All other exams Click on any of the above links to obtain free resources Book free diagnostic now blacksacademy symbol Director Peter Fekete Educational consultancy | Curriculum design | Courses for adults | Public speaking | Publications CONTACT a CONTENT OF THE REMOTE LEARNING SYSTEM * US GRADE 6 / UK GCSE GRADE 2–3 1. Addition and subtraction 2. Starting number sequences 3. Further number sequences part I 4. Multiplication to 8 x 8 5. Further number sequences part II 6. Multiplication to 12 x 12 7. Square numbers 8. Positive and negative numbers 9. Sums 10. Shapes and perimiters 11. Measurement and areas 12. Reading information 14. Understanding fractions 15. Decimals 16. Percentages 17. Long multiplication 18. Beginning algebra 19. Beginning probability 20. Beginning geometry 21. Properties of numbers 22. Telling the time 23. Geometry in three dimensions US GRADE 7 / UK GCSE GRADE 4 1. Deeper understanding of number 2. Combinations 3. Long division 4. Operations 5. Practical problems 6. Order and type of numbers 7. Measurement 8. Time and time management 9. Fractions 10. Organising information 11. Ratio and proportion 12. Probability 13. Angles 14. Visual reasoning 15. Bearings 16. Working in two dimensions 17. Working in three dimensions 18. Transformation geometry 19. Continuing algebra US GRADE 8 / UK GCSE GRADE 5–6 1. Patterns and pattern recognition 2. Lines, regions and inequalities 3. Mastering fractions 4. Types of number 5. More about triangles 6. Measurement and computation 7. Proportionality 8. Working with space 9. Indices 10. Further work with ratio 11. Investments 12. Further algebra 13. Quadrilaterals and polygons 14. Speed and displacement 15. Continuing with probability 16. Describing data US GRADE 9 / UK GCSE GRADE 6–7 1. Further proportionality 2. Congruency 3. The tricky aspects of algebra 4. Lines and equations 5. Basic formal algebra 6. Analysis and display of data 7. Graphing functions 8. Dimension and algebra 9. Algebraic fractions 10. Circle theorems 11. Algebraic factors 12. Simultaneous equations 13. Velocity and acceleration 14. Proportionality and scatter 15. Number puzzles US GRADE 10/ UK GCSE GRADE 7–8 1. Transpositions 2. Patterns and pattern recognition 3. Algebraic manipulations 4. Quadratics 5. Surds 6. Linear inequalities 7. Functions 8. Trigonometry 9. Systems of linear equations 10. Further presentation and analysis of data 11. Polynomial functions 12. Algebraic products 13. Finding roots 14. Intersection of lines and curves 15. Indices and index equations US GRADE 11/ UK GCSE GRADE 8–9 1. Completing the square 2. Venn diagrams 3. Coordinate geometry with straight lines 4. Further trigonometry 5. Transformations of curves 6. Modulus 7. Basic vectors 8. Quadratic inequalities 9. The quadratic discriminant 10. Arcs, sectors and segments 11. Circles, curves and lines 12. Probability and Venn diagrams 13. Functions, domains and inverses 14. Trigonometric functions 15. Recurrence relations 16. Further elementary vectors FREE LEGACY RESOURCES Business Studies, Economics, History, Mathematics, Philosophy, Sociology Business Studies PEOPLE AND ORGANISATIONS 1. Management structures and organisations 2. Leadership and management styles 3. Classical theory of motivation 4. Human relations school 5. Management by objectives 6. Workforce planning 7. Recruitment 8. Payment systems MARKETING 1. The economic problem 2. Money and exchange 3. Price determination 4. Determinants of demand 5. Market analysis 6. Marketing and the product life cycle 7. Objectives and marketing EXTERNAL INFLUENCES 1. Stakeholders 2. Business ethics 3. Market conditions 4. Business and the trade cycle 5. Business and technological change 6. Business and inflation 7. Business and exchange rates 8. Business and unemployment ACCOUNTING & FINANCE 1. Cash Flow Management 2. Costs, Profits & Breakeven Analysis 3. Budgeting & Variance Analysis 4. Sources of Finance 5. Profit & Loss Account 6. The Balance Sheet 7. Depreciation by the fixed-rate method 8. Reducing Balance Method 9. Stock Evaluation 10. Working Capital and Liquidity 11. Accounting Principles and Window Dressing 12. Costing and Management Accounting 13. Investors and the Corporate Life Cycle 14. Investment Appraisal: Average Rate of Return 15. Investment Appraisal: Payback Method 16. Investment Appraisal: Net Present Value 17. Investment Appraisal: Internal Rate of Return 18. Profitability Ratios 19. Liquidity Ratios 20. Efficiency and shareholder ratios 22. Gearing and Risk 23. Net Asset Value Economics MARKETS & MARKET FAILURE 1. The economic problem 2. Productive and allocative efficiency 3. Money and exchange 4. Price determination 5. The money market 6. Introduction to the labour market 7. The determinants of demand 8. Supply and elasticity of supply 9. Excess supply and excess capacity 10. Elasticity of demand 11. Market structures 12. Income and cross elasticity 13. Market failure 14. Factor immobility 15. Public and private goods 16. Merit and non-merit goods 17. Cost-benefit analysis 18. Competition policy 19. Market failure and government intervention History ANCIENT HISTORY 1. Prehistory of Greece 2. Mycenae, the Heroic Age c.1550—1125 BC 3. The Greek Middle Ages c.1125—c.700 BC 4. The Greek Tyrannies c. 650—510 BC 5. Sparta 6th and 7th centuries BC 6. Athens and Solon 7. The early inhabitants of Italy 8. The Etruscans 9. Early Roman History up to Tarquin GERMANY & EUROPE 1870—1939 1. Social Change from 1870 to 1914 2. Socialism in Europe 1870 to 1914 3. The Balance of Power in Europe 1870 4. Anti Semitism in Europe 1870 to 1914 5. The Structure of Wilhelmine Germany 6. Bismarck and the Alliance System 7. Weltpolitik 8. Colonial Rivalries 9. First and Second Moroccan Crises 10. The First World War triggers 11. The Causes of the First World War 12. Germany and the First World War 13. Military history of the First World War 14. The Treaty of Versailles 15. The Domestic Impact of the First World War 16. The German Revolution 17. The Weimar Republic 18. The Early Years of the Nazi Party 19. The Rise of the Nazi Party 20. The Establishment of the Nazi Dictatorship 21. Nazi Rule in Germany 1934 to 1939 22. The Economics of the Third Reich 23. Appeasement RUSSIA & EUROPE 1855—1953 1. Alexander II and the Great Reforms 2. Imperial Russia under Alexander III 3. Nicholas II and the 1905 revolution 4. Social and economic developments in Russia 5. Russia: the Great war and collapse of Tsarism 6. Provisonal Government & October Revolution 7. The Era of Lenin 8. The Development of Lenin's Thought 9. New Economic Policy and the Rise of Stalin 10. Stalin and the Soviet Union 1924 to 1953 11. Stalin and the Soviet Economy 12. Stalin and International Relations BRITAIN 1914—1936 1. The Great War and Britain 1914—15 2. Britain during the Great War, 1915—16 3. Lloyd George & the Great War, 1916—1918 4. Great Britain after the War, 1918—22 5. British Politics, 1922—25 6. Class Conflict & the National Strike, 1926 7. Britain & International Relations, 1925—29 8. Social Trends in Britain during the 1920s 9. Social Issues during the late 1920s 10. British Politics 1926—29; Election of 1929 11. Britain — the crisis of 1929 12. The Labour Government of 1929—31 13. Britain and economic affairs, 1931—33 14. Britain and Foreign Affairs, 1931—36 15. Social Conditions in Britain during the 1930s Advanced level Mathematics ALGEBRA & GEOMETRY 1. Simultaneous Equations 2. Polynomial Algebra 3. Cartesian Coordinates 4. The equation of the straight line 5. Intersection of lines and curves 6. Remainder and Factor Theorems 7. Functions 8. Quadratic Inequalities 9. Graphs of Inequalities 10. Indices 11. Polynomial Division 12. Velocity-Time Graphs 13. Tally Charts 14. Absolute and relative errors 15. Sequences and Series 16. Arithmetic Progressions 17. Proof by Contradiction 18. Geometric Progressions 19. The Cartesian Equation of the Circle 20. Transformations of graphs 21. Plane Trigonometry 22. Modulus 23. Trigonometric Functions 24. Inverse Trigonometric Functions 25. Linear Inequalities 26. Proportionality 27. Probability 28. Surds 29. Special Triangles 30. Quadratic Polynomials 31. Roots & Coefficients of Quadratics 32. Radian measure 33. Permutations and Combinations 34. Set Theory and Venn Diagrams 35. Sine and cosine rules 36. Elementary Trigonometric Identities 37. Roots and curve sketching 38. Graphs and roots of equations 39. Picards Method 40. Small Angle Approximations 41. Simultaneous equations in three unknowns 42. Linear relations and experimental laws 43. Conditional Probability 44. Pascal's Triangle and the Binomial Theorem 45. Index Equations and Logarithms 46. The Binomial Theorem for Rational Indices 47. Exponential Growth and Decay 48. Exponential and Natural Logarithm 49. Compound Angle Formulas 50. Sinusoidal functions 51. Vector Algebra 52. The Vector Equation of the Straight Line 53. The Scalar Product of Vectors 54. Axiom Systems 55. Introduction to Complex Numbers 56. The algebra of complex numbers 57. Complex Numbers and the Argand plane 58. De Moivres Theorem 59. Eulers formula 60. Further loci of complex numbers 61. Further graph sketching 62. Mathematical Induction 63. Proof of the Binomial Theorem 64. Polar Coordinates 65. Conic sections 66. Partial Fractions 67. First-order linear recurrence relations 68. Summation finite series with standard results 69. Method of differences 70. Trigonometric Equations 72. Series Expansion 73. Lagrange Interpolating Polynomial 74. Error in an interpolating polynomial 75. Abelian groups 76. Geometrical uses of complex numbers 77. Cyclic Groups 78. The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem 2x2 Matrices 79. Cayley Theorem 80. Determinants 81. Isomorphisms 82. Lagrange theorem 83. Properties of groups 84. Group structure 85. Subgroups 86. Homomorphisms 87. Matrix Algebra 88. Determinant and Inverse of a 2x2 matrix 89. Gaussian elimination 90. Matrix representation of Fibonacci numbers 91. Matrix groups 92. Inverse of a 3 x 3 Matrix 93. Singular and non-singular matrices 94. Properties of Matrix Multiplication 95. Induction in Matrix Algebra 96. Properties of Determinants 97. Permutation groups 98. First Isomorphism Theorem for Groups 99. Roots of Polynomials of Degree 3 100. Scalar Triple Product 101. Systems of Linear Equations 102. Matrix Transformations 103. Mappings of complex numbers 104. Cross product of two vectors 105. Vector planes 106. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors CALCULUS 1. Introduction to the Differential Calculus 2. Stationary points and curve sketching 3. Applications of Differentiation 4. Differentiation from First Principles 5. The Trapezium Method 6. Integration 7. Direct Integration 8. Applications of integration to find areas 9. Graphs of Rational Functions 10. Derivatives of sine and cosine 11. Products, Chains and Quotients 12. Volumes of Revolution 13. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 14. Integration by Parts 15. Parametric Equations 16. The Integral of 1/x 17. Integration by Substitution 18. Implicit Differentiation 19. Formation of a differential equation 20. Separation of variables 21. Integrals of squares of trig functions 22. Maclaurin Series 23. Techniques of Integration 24. Integrating Factor 25. The Newton-Raphson formula 26. Errors in Numerical Processes 27. Roots and Recurrence Relations 28. Derivatives of Inverse Trig. Functions 29. Second order homogeneous equations 30. Second order inhomogeneous equations 31. Implicit differentiation — second derivative 32. Integrands to inverse trigonometric functions 33. Integrands to logarithmic function 34. Integration of Partial Fractions 35. Logarithms and Implicit Differentiation 36. Implicit differentiation and MaClaurin series 37. Separation of variables by substitution 38. Trigonometric Substitutions for Integrals 39. Truncation Errors 40. Euler and Trapezoidal Method 41. Numerical methods for differential equations 42. Simpson Method 43. Proof of Simpson Formula 44. Richardson Extrapolation 45. Arc length of a curve in Cartesian coordinates 46. Arc length of a curve in Polar coordinates 47. Arc length of a curve: Parametric form 48. Curves in Euclidean space 49. Functions and continuity 50. The gradient of a scalar field 51. The derivatives of the hyperbolic functions 52. Hyperbolic Functions 53. Inverse Hyperbolic Functions 54. Hyperbolic Identities 55. Integrals with inverse hyperbolic functions 56. Reduction formulae 57. Simultaneous differential equations 58. Surface of Revolution 59. Vector differential calculus 60. Scalar Fields and Vector Functions STATISTICS & PROBABILITY 1. Central Tendency: Mean, Median and Mode 2. Standard Deviation 3. Cumulative Frequency 4. Discrete Random Variables 5. Mutually exclusive and independent events 6. The Binomial Distribution 7. The Normal Distribution 8. Standardised Normal Distribution 9. Regression Lines 10. Correlation 11. The Geometric Distribution 12. Hypothesis Testing — Binomial Distribution 13. Index Numbers 14. Time Series Analysis 15. Bayes Theorem 16. Confidence interval mean — known variance 17. The Central Limit Theorem 18. Pearsons product moment correlation 19. Spearmans Rank Correlation Coefficient 20. Hypothesis Testing — Normal Distribution 21. The Poisson Distribution 22. The Normal Approximation to the Binomial 23. The Normal Approximation to the Poisson 24. The Poisson Approximation to the Binomial 25. Type I and type II errors 26. Scalar multiples of a Poisson variable 27. Test for the Mean of a Poisson distribution 28. Random Number Sampling 29. Estimating Population Parameters 30. Random Samples and Sampling Techniques 31. The Concept of a Statistic 32. Hypothesis test for the population variance 33. Central Concepts in Statistics 34. Continuous Probability Distributions 35. Modeling: Chi squared goodness of fit 36. Chi squared test for independence 37. Degrees of Freedom 38. Difference Sample Means Unknown Variance 39. Moment generating functions 40. Probability generating functions 41. Linear Combinations of Random Variables 42. Maximum Likelihood Estimators 43. Wilcoxon signed rank test on median 44. Non-parametric significance tests 45. Single-sample sign test of population median 46. Paired-sample sign test on medians 47. Paired sample t-test for related data 48. Paired sample Wilcoxon signed rank test 49. Difference of two sample means 50. Pooled sample estimate 51. Testing the Sample Mean 52. The Uniform Distribution MECHANICS 1. Velocity-Time and Displacement-Time Graphs 2. Force diagrams 3. Representation of Forces by Vectors 4. Static Equilibrium 5. Equilibrium of coplanar forces 6. Weight and Free Fall 7. Normal Reaction and Friction 8. Newtons First and Second Laws 9. Relative Motion 10. Projectiles 11. Calculus and Kinematics 12. Motion of a Particle: Vector calculus form 13. Work 14. Energy Conversions 15. Gravitational potential and kinetic energy 16. Connected Particles 17. Moments 18. Linear momentum 19. Power 20. Hookes Law 21. Simple Harmonic Motion 22. Simple Harmonic Motion and Springs 23. Calculus, Kinematics in Three Dimensions 24. Sliding, toppling and suspending 25. Impulsive Tensions in Strings 26. Angular Velocity 27. Motion in a Horizontal Circle 28. Centre of Mass of a Uniform Lamina 29. Motion in a Vertical Circle 30. Motion under a Variable Force 31. Conservation of Angular Momentum 32. Centre of Mass of a Composite Body 33. Motion under a central force 34. Centre of Mass of a Uniform Lamina 35. Centre of Mass Uniform Solid of Revolution 36. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies in Contact 37. Damped Harmonic Motion 38. Moment of Inertia 39. Impulse, elastic collisions in one dimension 40. Parallel and Perpendicular Axis Theorems 41. Motion described in polar coordinates 42. Simple pendulum 43. Compound pendulum 44. Stability and Oscillations 45. Vector calculus 46. Linear Motion of a Body of Variable Mass DISCRETE & DECISION 1. Algorithms 2. Introduction to graph theory 3. Dijkstra algorithm 4. Sorting Algorithms 5. Critical Path Analysis 6. Dynamic Programming 7. Decision Trees 8. The Maximal Flow Problem 9. The Hungarian algorithm 10. Introduction to Linear Programming 11. Simplex Method 12. Matching Problems 13. Game Theory 14. Minimum connector problem 15. Recurrence relations 16. Proofs for linear recurrence relations 17. Simulation by Monte Carlo Methods 18. Travelling and Optimal Salesperson Problems 19. The Travelling Salesperson Problem Philosophy INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY 1. The problem of evil 2. Introduction to Plato 3. Knowledge, belief and justification 4. Descartes Meditation I 5. Introduction to the problem of universals 6. Introduction to metaethics 7. Subjectivism versus objectivism 8. Aristotle's function argument 9. Natural Law Theory 10. Utilitarianism 11. The Nicomachaen Ethics of Aristotle 12. Virtue Ethics 13. Descartes Meditation II 14. Hume and empiricism 15. The paradox of induction 16. Hume's attack on Descartes 17. The Cosmological Argument 18. The Ontological Argument 19. The Teleological Argument 20. The Argument from religious experience 21. The Moral Argument 22. The argument from illusion 23. Materialism 24. Human Identity Sociology PERSPECTIVES & METHODOLOGY 1. Introduction to Marxism 2. Introduction to Durkheim 3. Weber: classes, status groups and parties 4. Introduction to patriarchy and gender roles 5. Mass culture theory 6. The Frankfurt school STRATIFICATION & DIVERSITY 1. Ethnic groups and discrimination 2. Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism 3. Social Inequality 4. Theories of Racism 5. Class structure 6. Modern Functionalism and Stratification 7. Social Mobility 8. Bottomore: Classes in Modern Britain 9. American exceptionalism ASPECTS OF SOCIETY 1. Definitions of Poverty 2. Theories of Poverty 3. Solutions to Poverty 4. Alienation 5. Leisure 6. Work and Technological Change 7. Conflict and Cooperation at Work 8. Attitudes to Work 9. Unemployment 10. Perspectives on Education 11. Education and Ethnicity 12. Education and Gender 13. The Family and Social Structure 14. The Family and Household Structure 15. Conjugal Roles 16. Marital Breakdown 17. Post War Education in Britain 18. British Social Policy 1945—1990

A-list Film Production Pro

a-list film production pro


ably. Productions Inc.: a production company that deals in all aspects of creative projects from film and television production to CD manufacturing http://www.acepix.com Ace Pix International, Inc.: a full in-house motion picture / television production and distribution company http://www.ancientpictures.comAncient Pictures: a Seattle-based motion picture and commercial production Company, as well as a networking center for writers to meet, enhance their skills and network in the film industry http://www.apotheosispictures.comApotheosis Pictures Productions: an independent film production company and the developers of the ScreenForge screenwriting software for Microsoft Word. ScreenForge is the best and most affordable screenplay formatting software available for MS Word, and a viable alternative to the much more expensive stand-alone screenwriting programs Armageddon Productions: creators of the 1997 home video release "Bloodletting," they develop and produce feature films, digital visual effects and music and movie soundtracks. They have also developed screenplays for other companies, such as Full Moon Pictures' "Witchouse" and "Alien Arsenal," and Regent Entertainment's upcoming "The Brotherhood" Assembler Films: a company that has shot and released films in Italy, Japan, India, the U.S. and Canada, to name a few Belarus Productions: Minsk-based independent production company, providing assistance to film-makers and broadcast journalists. TV production, film production, crew hire, equipment rent and location scouting in Belarus Black Cab Productions: an independent film, music, and literary production company specializing in horror, bizarre, and dark works http://www.blackfishfilms.comBlackFish Films: quality international productions specializing in non-broadcast projects for educational, military and corporate projects. Shooting 16, 35 and 70mm. Free goodies for independent producers Blokland Pictures: specializing in the development, production, and distribution of feature film drama; serving the international specialty marketplace http://www.angelfire.com/tn/tcthepackrat/bloodyfun.htmlBloody Fun Pictures: no-budget video/filmmaking, since 1996 http://www.bwave.f9.co.ukBrainwave: in the business of producing their own peculiar brand of entertainment for over a decade: films, radio plays, songs, etc. on the smallest budgets imaginable http://www.brilligprods.comBrillig Productions: exploring creative areas of filmmaking; developing narratives that range from the fanciful to the bizarre, visual designs that push the limits of independent cinema, and story-telling techniques that are inspired and inspirings http://www.c21etv.comC21ETV: one-stop-shop providing multimedia design, implementation and programming, VCD business cards production, video/TV production, digital, broadcast, industrial, post production http://www.cabiriafilms.com Cabiria Films, Prague: Filming in East Europe – locations & production services Cambridge Films: an independent production company http://www.cinedictum.com Cinedictum: a production company which produces cinedicta. Described as a form of film-aphorism, cinedicta are very short films whose concise narrative holds both entertainment and moral value, while addressing universal themes http://www.commercialfactory.comThe Commercial Factory: specializing in the production of high-quality television commercials, from the original idea to broadcast ready http://www.cotenfilms.comCoten Films: an independent film production company specialising in corporate and private video work, Web design and new media. Responsible for the action comedy feature film "Cop on the Edge IX" and the forthcoming "Days' End" http://www.crystalpyramid.comCrystal Pyramid: broadcast video production company in San Diego, California http://www.homestead.com/degalazare/dlp.htmlDega Lazare Productions: movies and other multimedia productions being made in the small town of Kahnawake by teens. From action/adventure to horror and comedy, it's all there http://www.dereko.tvDereko Entertainment: a small, independent and privately held feature film production company based in Los Angeles, California. Whose goal is to produce and release one or more feature films per year, both domestic/international territories Documentary Educational Resources (DER): produce, distribute and promote anthropological and documentary films and videos http://www.doublegproductions.comDouble G Video Productions: a video productions company providing a wide range of service and talent bank for your productions needs. "From gold to gold let Double G video productions get your story told!" http://www.egygrip.comEgygrip: a skilled team of professionals based in Egypt, and capable of managing every step of the video or film production process from concept to compeletion Emerald Oceans Entertainment: a multi-media company with film and music divisions. Founded in 1995 as a film production company it has evolved into its current broader base, which is helping it establish its place in the industry Eye Light Media: creating films, videos, music and Web sites from a Christian world view The Farnham Film Company: a UK-based TV production company interested in co-production–particularly of children's programming http://www.angelfire.com/film/file5home/about.htmlFile5 Productions: producer of market-specific sports videos by writer-director-actor David Lima http://www.filmforum.comFilm Forum: New York's leading movie house for independent premieres and repertory programming http://www.fireflyonline.comFirefly Entertainment: established in 1994 to allow aspiring talents and interested persons to achieve their goals in film, television, and theatre. The group has won multiple awards, is comprised of members of all ages, and is based in west central Pennsylvania http://www.footlooseproductions.com/Footloose Productions: film and video production company specializing in documentaries, commercial films, photo shoots, movies, and music videos http://www.fourhorsemenfilm.com/Four Horsemen Films, LLC: an independent film production company in New Jersey http://www.angelfire.com/movies/gmcproductions/gmc.htmGMC Productions: teenage independent film makers on a low budget. See screening room with video clips, and check out past films Goldader Film Productions GmbH: creates and produces feature films, TV movies, commercials, music videos, 3-D animated shorts, interactive CDs and DVDs, educational and corporate films, CDs and DVDs Gulliver Media Australia: producing award-winning television documentaries and videos Harrington Productions: content creators for video, film and new media. Based in Maui, Hawaii, they supply field production packages, crew and post production. Client list includes ABC-Sports, ESPN, E! Entertainment, NBC, BBC and The Discovery Channel http://go.to/headscrewHeadscrew: working entirely in the film medium, they provide affordable commercial shoots for local Seattle businesses, create traditional clay, cel, line and computer animations and also stage location shoots for studios who are unable to re-locate a full crew for short periods of time http://www.focusfilms.comHocus Focus Films, Israel: Filming in a foreign country could sometime become a metaphysic experience. In Israel, life itself is. To cut Red Tape, achieve Green Lights, and avoid Blue Holes. Contact a production house that can accommodate all your needs http://www.hollywoodpa.comHollywood PA: the world's first Global Movie Set. This is an independent film, shot in Central Pennsylvania. You were able to watch it live from the set, interact with the cast and crew and discover the passion and pain in filmmaking http://www.iconent.comIconoclastic Entertainment: dedicated to finding and creating the finest screenplays on the planet http://www.imageproducers.comImage Producers: a full service video and multimedia production company working on a local, regional, national, and international basis. Their creative staff works together to develop the concept, write the script, shoot the footage, and take the project through post-production to deliver the finished product http://www.ipcfilms.comIPC Films: IPC is a production company looking for ideas, projects, scripts, talent, and investors http://www.jam-productions.comJam Productions a San Francisco Bay Area video/film company that does broadcast quality commercials, special event filming, indie film projects, multi-media and more http://www.jamsessionfilms.comJam Session Productions: a minority/woman-owned midwest-based film and multimedia company whose projects have included music videos, commercials and PSA's, training films, industrial films, TV program segments and more Janson Media: an international program sales and distribution company, a "content" company. We have licensed programming to over 180 countries around the world. Please see our Clients page, for a fairly complete list of the broadcasters and cable and satellite networks to whom we license programming http://www.jetifilms.comJeti Films: an independent film company based in Louisiana http://www.kaizenfilms.comKaizen Films: their mission is to develop new technologies and techniques to enhance the production of motion pictures, while maintaining cinema as an art form http://www.kineticimage.comKinetic Image Co., Ltd.: an Ohio-based motion picture production company that, for nearly twenty years, have specialized in creating exciting motion picture entertainment on budgets that would shame a cat. They created a number of well-received cult items which have graced the schedules of the USA Network and Cinemax http://www.kiwifilm.comKiwi Film & Video, Asia: a Hong Kong and Singapore based film and video production service company catering to a broad range of clients from around the world; fully-equipped camera crews is their specialty http://www.ltfilms.comLarry Taylor Productions: dedicated to providing creative projects for family entertainment, including movies and television programs, as well as the construction of a new and unique style of theme park. The vision: To put the heart into every picture. http://www.leafpile.tvLeaf Pile TV: Tune In: This TV variety program is filled with a swarm of segments composed of local events and artist interviews which provide musical entertainment and hilarious sketch comedy. Leaf Pile also has freelance videography for your major rock video or demo. Check out our exclusive camera packaging http://www.littlerickyproductions.comLittle Ricky Productions: feature films that reach the moral conscience of America http://www.mecfilms.comMatrixx Entertainment: The World's First Virtual Movie Studio(tm). Services include: producing, financing and distributing independent feature films; Web site, production and legal consulting for entertainment clients; books and manuals on filmmaking and more Media Movers,Inc.: full service localization company offering services in dubbing,subtitling,voiceovers & production in Asian, Indian & European http://members.aol.com/mptvMPTV: offering on-location video production, graphics and animation design, AVID video post production, Macromedia Director authoring, and many more services http://www.mptv.commptv.com: Film, video and audio production and distribution http://www.mundiali.comMundiali Entertainment: providing a venue for the production of lower cost motion pictures ($15 and $20 million each) and television programming (based on a cooperative agreement between Mundiali and either a television network or special project investors) http://members.tripod.com/%7EOverboardProductionsOverboard Productions: an independent film production copmpany headed up by Matt Fore http://www.angelfire.com/ga/PARALLELAFTERNOONParallel Afternoon Productions: independent thinkers with a vision that strives to be unequaled http://www.peacerecord.comPeace Record Company: a multi-faceted audio/video production company offering video editing, acting video demo production, video/audio tape duping, video projection and sound systems rentals, wedding videos, on location multi-camera video recordings of special events and more http://www.phproductions.comPH Productions: services include business and personal consulting and coaching, project development, script writing, video production, video biographies, television programs, infomercials, commercials, photography and 3-d animation http://www.psavideo.comProduction Services Arizona: since 1971, providing quality, production services in the areas of video, multimedia, and animation graphics. Serving clients worldwide from Korea to France, South America to Canada in medium to high budget corporate marketing and training venues. Full collateral support through PS/A's graphics dept. Rawbass: design and production of all types of artistic media http://www.rcwmediaworks.comRCW Media Works: an independent production company that realizes that it is not the size of your budget that determines quality, it is the dedication and heart that you put into your projects http://www.realitycrash.comReality Crash Productions: showcases original and creative projects from writers, artists, film makers and critics. They are looking for people to contribute to the site. You retain full rights for your work and a web page is provided for you http://www.revivalentertainment.com/Revival Entertainment: this team is producing films of the highest quality in Surrey England http://www.riggedproductions.comRigged Productions: film and video, cartoons and art, writing, music and audio, and other works http://www.riverproductions.comRiver Productions: an independent film company located in Los Angeles, CA, headed by Michael J. Isgrig (writer, director, producer), Lynn C. Grant (writer, producer) and Kym R. Wulfe (executive producer, head of business and legal affairs) http://www.roman-pictures.comRoman Pictures: a motion picture production company which primarily produces "budget-controlled" feature-length movies that are licensed for distribution and exploitation in the direct-to-video, cable, TV and satellite markets http://www.runningdogfilms.co.ukRunning Dog Films: a new British film company dedicated to making films using cheap and affordable technology combined with proven no/lo budget production practices http://www.shadesofday.comShades of Day: the art of independent film and video producing. Extensive database of cinema related resources http://www.sharpshootertv.comSharpshooter Worldwide: a television production company that specializes in on location filming, any where in the world. Their motto is: "We don't go after awards or publicity. We just do the work." http://www.smileycrew.comSmiley Crew Productions: a California-based film crew specializing in both TV and film. Their main agenda focuses on their popular cable access comedy show, and their pro creative, anti "trend" statements http://www.smorgasbordproductions.comSmorgasbord Productions: a small company involved in the production of multimedia. Film, video, animation, graphic art and comic books are their products Starsmead Production Ltd: comprehensive production services for television and film http://www.studiosatlascolinas.comThe Studios at Las Colinas: a full-service production and entertainment facility located in the heart of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex; offering complete music, film, video, and multimedia production capabilities, as well as parties and events hosting http://www.suedeinteractive.comSuede Interactive: an in-house production facility (located in the NY Metro area) for radio and TV commercials, audio/video/film productions and Internet services (Web site design, search engine placement, e-commerce and hosting) http://www.tafproductions.comTAF Productions: an independent production company, based in the Netherlands, that specializes in executive and unit production services. Additionally, they create their own screen productions Tangled Web Productions: a feature film production company that writes, directs, and produces their own projects. They currently have four projects in development http://www.telenet.bc.caTelenet Communications: video, audio and multimedia production using DV cameras, non-linear editing software and audio foley Terrazas Video: Southern Arizona's largest production facility. Film, video, grip, lighting and stage. Visit their Web site for a complete list of resources TEWS Entertainment: founded by Tim Sullivan and Erik Woods in 1995, responsible for "Of Fortune and Glory," winner of the Best Picture award at the 2000 REwind Video Awards in Calgary http://www.thrae.comThrae Entertainment: your source for no-budget moviemaking on the Web. Provides information and insight into the world of movies without the burden of large financial resources, a place for moviemakers to share their experiences and information about their films http://www.torontopictures.comToronto Pictures: a production company, with its own film-school. Under the leadership of internationally-awarded film director, writer and producer Bruno Pischiutta, they specialize in producing feature films, documentaries and TV series http://www.transworldvideo.comTransworld Video Productions: from idea to shrink wrap; Cable TV to Network. Duplications and conversions to the world formats: NTSC, PAL, SECAM http://www.twodollarpistol.comTwo Dollar Pistol Films: specializing in the writing and production of independent feature films, shorts and documentaries and providing a wide array of digital production services for independent, private and corporate projects http://www.unknownproductions.comUnknown Productions: independent movie production with distribution from Cinematrix releasing, giving the world another entertainment choice http://1aindfilm.twoffice.comVariety Plus Enterprises, Inc.: serving the lower Westchester and New York City community since 1984. They specialize in creating stories, screenplays, and feature length motion pictures http://www.waterfrontchicago.comWaterfront Productions: a Chicago, Illinois-based production company that shoots and edits complete projects on film and video. Separate packages are available for just shooting or editing, if needed http://www.whodat.comWho Dat Music Productions: in Astoria, New York, is the developer of the Who Dat AudioLogo® brand identity for the Internet. We have produced elements for CD-ROM, DVD, Streaming Media for the Internet, Web Site Developers, Multimedia Productions, Interactive Productions, Original or Library Music for Film and Video, Narrators and Voice Over Talent, Web Casting, Corporate Presentation and the entire production if necessary http://www.worldwidefilmworks.comWorld Filmworks: a company designed to create musical/theatre productions, music videos, commercials, and short films, with an eye toward the ever-increasing presence of the Internet as the future of distribution http://www.youngmankang.comYoung Man Kang Films: a writer/director with more than 20 films and more than 50 TV commercials in his portfolio http://www.zone5pictures.comZone 5 Pictures: the source for all of your business media needs, including film and video production, studio photography, Web development, graphic design, feature films and animation/3D