2030 Educators providing Courses

Education And Employers Taskforce

education and employers taskforce



Education and Employers is a UK based charity launched in 2009 which aims to“provide young people with the inspiration, motivation, knowledge, skills and opportunities they need to help them achieve their potential”. The charity believes that every young person in our country, wherever they live, whatever their parents or carers’ circumstances, should have the opportunity to meet a diverse range of volunteers and hear first-hand about jobs and the world of work. To help make this happen the charity works with state schools, employers, the national bodies that represent them and a wide range of other partners including the government and third sector organisations. Its flagship service, Inspiring the Future, uses innovative online match-making technology to connect schools and colleges across the country with tens of thousands of volunteers working in different sectors – for free. These volunteers, from a huge range of jobs – from app designers to zoologists, and at all levels – from apprentices to CEOs, have signed up to share their knowledge, experience and enthusiasm about their jobs with young people. The charity’s research has shown that meeting people from the world of work helps to broaden young people’s horizons, raise their aspirations and increase motivation to learn which leads to improvements in attainment. It also helps tackle the ingrained stereotypical views children often have about the jobs people do based on their gender, ethnicity or socio-economic background. People can volunteer from an hour a year in a local primary (Primary Futures) or secondary school to chat informally, either in person or virtually, about their job and career route, take part in career speed networking sessions, give young people careers insights, mock interviews or feedback on CVs. There is also the opportunity to link up with schools for workplace visits, job shadowing, and mentoring. Tens of thousands of volunteers have enabled over two million interactions between volunteers and young people to date. Inspiring Governance launched in 2016 and is funded by the Department for Education. The free matching service connects highly skilled volunteers who wish to become governors or trustees with state schools across England, helping to increase the diversity of governing boards and raise school standards. Education and Employers also undertakes research into the effectiveness of employer engagement in education. It aims to bring together academics, researchers, policymakers and practitioners from around the world to consider what interventions have most impact.

Education Impact Academy Trust

education impact academy trust


I am delighted to have been appointed as CEO of Education Impact Academy Trust from 1st January 2022. I will be building on the great work of my predecessor, Steve Hughes. It is an exciting, but challenging, time for all of us working in this area but I know that by working together, we can make great things happen. Our purpose is to provide a wonderful education and improve the life chances of all the children and young people in our Trust. We will ensure that our children and young people are given a broad and balanced education which prepares them well for success in their future lives. We provide strong challenge and support to our Academies and work together in our aim of ensuring success for all. As a Trust we truly value the success of every child and young person and we place the sharing of excellent education practice at the core of this value. Professional development, challenge and support are at the heart of ensuring our staff can all reach their own personal bests for the benefit of the children and young people. Our Trust benefits significantly from the variety of schools within the Trust, enabling staff to benefit greatly from the opportunities we have for collaborative working. In addition, we are able to benefit tremendously from sharing best practice and the expertise we have within our organisation. It is vital that all of the schools improve because they are part of the Trust and that there are clear advantages to joining the Trust.