11153 Educators providing Courses

Keen It Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

keen it technologies pvt. ltd.

Keen IT Technologies has been committed to provide quality education & knowledge to the students for over SIX years. The commitment bears the testimony and fact that we are the largest and the leading Online IT Training provider all over the world. We had changed the world with pioneering online training innovation, and internationally renowned faculty. Today, Keen’s digital learning programs bring that unique experience to students around the globe through a process of online learning unequalled anywhere. Our training programs are customized keeping the market trend and there by we develop talent in the professionals. Our specialized online trainers are not only industry experienced but also expertise in online training- Interview oriented, Job oriented and Industry oriented. While the world of technologies is evolving at breakneck speed, the environment posses an equal uncertainty with respect to the career choices we make. The best IT companies look for professionals who are not just engineers, but industry ready in every sense. Top scores, latest technology skills, international certifications and relevant industry exposure is the need of the hour. It makes sense to carefully research the options we have, and opt for the best training available. At Keen IT, Quality is paramount and excellence is guaranteed. We only provide the highest quality and most original content. We work closely with academic and industry partners to ensure the value and relevance of our training . Our institute doesn’t just centre o achieving the course, but will focus on overall growth of the students in order to make them job ready. Our offerings are coupled with the best of the domain expertise along with a quality and visionary leadership team. Our partnership with leading IT industries helps us in providing comprehensive IT solutions and services. Our team endeavours to drive down costs and increase output and effectiveness. Our certified professionals work as trusted advisors to the students in order to increase efficiencies. Key Highlights Services offered across various countries in the world. Advanced and scalable technology platform. Cater all the training needs of the students in a quicker and smarter manner. Personal attention to every student. Unique training methodology acknowledged by technology partners and 24 X 7 web based support through updated knowledge support anytime. Ample opportunity to train on new contents and to develop new personal skills. Destined to offer all services with total care and aim to exceed the student’s expectations. Excellent possibilities to develop yourself and your career. Access to faculty of highly qualified and certified consultants to deliver the course. Our values are our guidelines to accomplish value difference. We implement a friendly and enabling environment for development, training and consulting. We emphasize on developing our workforce with extensive teamwork and responsiveness. Every course is standards-based and certified. Our tutorial will help you to develop your creativity, confidence and competence for work, and to be as contented and productive as you can be in the world of work. Why Choose Keen IT? Many options in today’s marketplace. Why would you choose Keen IT over a competitor? IT training in all tools & technologies. Highly interactive exercises designed to keep you engaged and help you implement what you’ve learned immediately. Online provides more practical approach than classroom based training. Certification examination preparation training provided. Experiences that will exceed your expectations as we always go to the extra mile. Courses that provide you with Professional Development Units that apply for the certifications. All course experiences are offered with 100% satisfaction guarantee. Care that every student gets from our instructors makes us unique in the industry.

Pure Serenity

pure serenity


I'm in my local gym, setting up my weights for body pump and a "strange lady" approaches??? Right out of the blue she says "I've been watching you", "I've seen you working hard and I'm looking for ladies to join a ladies crew to row 3000 miles across the Atlantic ocean!". Can I ask you a question???....... Have you ever been approached with a proposal like this? Do you know what is involved in rowing the Atlantic Ocean? Fortunately, a few years earlier, my son returned home one day and announced he was rowing the Atlantic ocean - What????????? I quickly started to get as much information together to understand what was involved so I could support him as much as possible despite knowing the risks (eek!!). Unfortunately, my son's challenge did not happen as planned however, had he not brought the challenge to my attention and had I not researched it, I would not have had the foggiest idea about what was involved in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge (TWAC) and thought this lady was "crazy"!! Strangely enough, I was really excited that this "strange lady" had approached "me"! "I want to break the Guinness world record for the oldest crew of ladies ever to row and ocean" she said. "Wouldn't that be just amazing" I thought to myself?!?!? Now...being 53years old, very near to being able to take flexi retirement, I was frequently asked about when I was retiring like I was well past my sell by date!!! What is it about ladies of a certain age that people seem to think we are "passed it!" After a little thought (not much) I was in! I hadn't got a clue how we were going to raise a minimum of £100,000 plus charity funds to complete the challenge, I couldn't row, I despised the rowing machine in the gym, I disliked deep water because I like to see what's below the surface of the water (thank you very much), plus so many more reasons for not accepting the challenge! "If not you, then who? If not now, then when?" To cut a long story short - you can see from the picture - we did it!!! The details for the trip are being saved for a book, after all everyone has a book within them! What's the point of me sharing this story? Not a lot really?!? I'm a very ordinary person (Mum, Wife, Midwife, Life Coach and Ocean Rower!) who had the privilege of doing something really unusual. I cannot put into words how incredible the experience was. I follow the annual TWAC and am there with the crews in spirit, knowing how exhilarating and frightening it can be out there in a small ocean rowing boat on that amazing ocean. I believe ordinary people can achieve incredible things if they want it and if they really believe in themselves hence, my passion for life coaching. I want to help women achieve those things they only dream of, I want to help women believe in themselves and their body, to gain confidence and empower them to lead a fulfilled life. I want to help women be the best version of themselves and influence their children and their children's children. We only have one life - lets live it!

David Weatherly Education

david weatherly education


David has nearly forty years of educational experience as a teacher, senior manager, local authority consultant and school improvement adviser. His work with individual and groups of schools across the UK and abroad is always focused on ways of achieving improved outcomes for pupils through the professional development of teachers. David’s annual training programmes around the country attract hundreds of teachers and receive outstanding evaluations. He also contributes to Early Years and Primary SCITT, Teach Direct and university PGCE programmes. Whether working directly with teachers and senior leaders in schools or writing new learning and teaching materials, David always seeks to improve the engagement and raise the performance of children and young people at all stages through the carefully planned progression of key subject knowledge, concepts and skills. David’s focus is always on learning and in particular on identifying challenging subject outcomes which are made accessible to pupils through key question led enquiries both inside and outside of the classroom. He has particular expertise in designing cross curricular learning programmes which integrate the teaching of English and Mathematics as part of relevant and engaging investigations which support pupils to study places, issues, people and events at depth rather than on a superficial level. His enquiry-based approach teaches important subject knowledge whilst emphasising the significance of teachers allowing time and opportunity for pupils to master key subject skills and outcomes by ‘doing less better’. David has been a Harper Collins author at primary and secondary levels for many years and his Primary Connected Geography framework published in 2016 was highly commended by the Geographical Association and was his third such publications award. The corresponding Primary Connected History scheme was published in 2018. As well as Geography and History David also has particular expertise in developing Education for Sustainability (encompassing environmental education, global citizenship and outdoor learning) and associated sustainable schools programmes. In addition to his national programme of Geography and History training David also provides bespoke support to individual or federations of schools and to subject leaders across the United Kingdom and internationally. He teaches regularly. David Weatherly Secondary School Deputy Headteacher I came on your course in January - in fact I also came to one the year before. I just wanted to let you know that I just presented my subject audit to staff and senior management and it was very well received. Lots of people were inspired and it is down to your course. We now have a really clear vision for Geography and we are looking forward to getting together and revitalising our planning for September. We have a lot of changes to make, but the positivity I am getting from people is awesome. I just wanted to say thank you for your help and for inspiring me. Your courses have honestly been the best I have been on in my career. Primary School Deputy Headteacher A fantastic, inspirational course which, as a deputy and English subject leader, I found matched what we want to do in school perfectly. A wonderful antidote to today’s education ‘policy’ - thank you so much. The discussion of the skills that the children needed (at a teacher level) and the assessment teachers should be planning and looking for (at a co-ordinator/managerial level) was beautifully, simply and eloquently presented

Prima Ultima

prima ultima


Prima Ultima is the official UK distributor for the dermal filler brand Zhoabex which is a product of the Swiss company Rose Pharma that prides itself in developing safe treatments for the professional aesthetic market. Prima Ultima was founded by Lana Quigley a former Lawyer with 20 years of experience in the legal system who saw a gap in the market that required patient safety. ‘I was struck by how many unscrupulous and unlicensed manufacturers and practitioners there are in the industry, selling cheap and unregulated fillers, often without a genuine license. I do not feel that anyone should have to pay too high of a price, both financially and health-wise for simply wanting to look their best. From this, Prima Ultima was created. It is certainly an exciting time to be a part of such an exponentially growing and dynamic industry, and it is my goal that Prima Ultima and the products we bring to market, will become synonymous with quality and innovation, combined with ultimate professionalism and next-to-none customer care’ As a company, Prima Ultima has genuinely invested in supplying high-quality, safe, and fully regulated dermal fillers and aesthetic devices- sourced only from reliable, reputable, and cutting-edge manufacturers. Our mission is to provide a layered approach to facial rejuvenation led by experienced medical trainers with the mission to educate, enable, and empower our medical aesthetic practitioners to positively impact the patient thereby allowing them to feel the best that they can possibly feel. Our products and training are diverse to suit every individual need ensuring full support throughout their journey. We are proud to introduce Zhoabex ultra-pure hyaluronic acid dermal filler that combines three molecular weight formulas and addresses all levels of skin goals. Our hero brand is the Zhoabex Soft Touch, renowned for its 4-point biorevaltisaing , bio-stimulating, and bio-regenerating effects as well as restoring volume. We are excited to have you on board.

Inspire Ata

inspire ata


We specialise in creating apprenticeship opportunities for young people entering the workforce for the first time. We recruit and employ each and every apprentice on behalf of the “host” client, enabling us to offer additional support and a better experience for both apprentice and client. We arrange the most suitable and appropriate apprenticeship training from one of our partner training providers. Currently ranked 1st in the "Rate My Apprenticeship" Central & Greater London Employers Award 2021-22 and 19th in the list of Top 100 Employers 2021-22. We are a government-approved Flexi-Job Apprenticeship Agency which means we have licence to employ apprentices on behalf of our clients. This model is highly effective and has many benefits for the host organisation, such as reduced employment liability, access to many high-quality training providers and additional support throughout the relationship. Our mission statement is to inspire ambition. Our purpose is to create and nurture apprenticeship opportunities that might not otherwise exist for young people . Inspire ATA Ltd. is a company limited by guarantee and is set up as a social enterprise. Inspire ATA Ltd. is registered in UK, company number 6278125 and has operated since 2007 (formerly called Sporting Education Ltd.). We are based in Hammersmith & Fulham and have twice been runner up in their annual business awards for Best Social Enterprise or Charity (2016 and 2017). We are a sister company to LMP Education who are listed on the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers as Let Me Play Ltd. (UKPRN 10040664), company number 5536416 and rated "GOOD" by Ofsted in March 2020. Inspire ATA is part of the LMP Group. Each company within the group has the collective mission to inspire ambition. The intent of each company is to provide opportunities and support social change across the UK. The focus is on education and social impact: working together to bring about positive and sustainable development.

Phoebe Sullivan

phoebe sullivan

A warm welcome... I seek to offer therapy that integrates all of my skills and training, that is grounded in compassion, with a focus on embodiment and considers archetypal, spiritual and transpersonal dimensions of being. As an integrative psychotherapist I combine various skills and frameworks from my background in psychotherapy, breath and embodiment to help you on your healing journey. My understanding is that just talking about things doesn't ignite change. There is a strong focus of embodiment and breath in my sessions, I see these as a gateway to access the inner world and supplement the psychotherapeutic process to enable a deep, experiential processing and release. Having worked in mental health in both the NHS and private practise I see the need for a radical shift in the way society views and treats mental distress. I am fascinated by altered states of consciousness; how these are perceived and received by society, and how they can be harnessed for healing and expansion of consciousness of both the individual, and the collective, namely the patriarchal paradigm in which we find ourselves. When accessed safely and held within the container of therapy, I see the breath, meditative embodiment practises and psychedelic medicines as an opportunity to access these states, and connect us to own healing intelligence. I am currently working as a therapist and guide on the psilocybin clinical trials at Imperial University. I am living and working in Brighton and London, UK. You can find links to conferences I have spoken in and my services on the below websites: https://psychedelic.support/network/phoebe-sullivan-ma/ https://instituteofpsychedelictherapy.org/psychedelic-integration-database/ https://youtu.be/1jPUcu6vQhU https://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/counsellors/phoebe-sullivan https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/counselling/phoebe-sullivan-brighton-eng/874967 HCPC registered and YA certified My vision to awaken individuals to their own ability to heal has seen me train as a psychotherapist, breathwork facilitator and psychedelic guide & integration therapist. I have been personally practising yoga, pranayama and meditation for 10 years which while leading me deeper on my personal healing journey, has dramatically informed the way I work with clients. I have a warm and open nature and hold clients in a safe and compassionate environment so that they may deeply explore their journey to healing. I have a fascination with altered-states of consciousness, and how these can be harnessed for healing- this underpins all of the work I do. I hope my fusion of psychotherapeutic knowledge, study of psychedelic medicines, passion for breathwork and own humble experience as a spiritual practitioner allows my clients to feel my sincere and heartfelt mission to reconnect individuals to their own inner healing intelligence. A warm welcome... I seek to offer therapy that integrates all of my skills and training, that is grounded in compassion, with a focus on embodiment and considers archetypal, spiritual and transpersonal dimensions of being. As an integrative psychotherapist I combine various skills and frameworks from my background in psychotherapy, breath and embodiment to help you on your healing journey. My understanding is that just talking about things doesn't ignite change. There is a strong focus of embodiment and breath in my sessions, I see these as a gateway to access the inner world and supplement the psychotherapeutic process to enable a deep, experiential processing and release. Having worked in mental health in both the NHS and private practise I see the need for a radical shift in the way society views and treats mental distress. I am fascinated by altered states of consciousness; how these are perceived and received by society, and how they can be harnessed for healing and expansion of consciousness of both the individual, and the collective, namely the patriarchal paradigm in which we find ourselves. When accessed safely and held within the container of therapy, I see the breath, meditative embodiment practises and psychedelic medicines as an opportunity to access these states, and connect us to own healing intelligence.

selena lovett

selena lovett

Selena's spiritual journey has taken her to many different places and through many experiences which have led to her being able to offer different spiritual modalities. She offers spiritual readings using tarot cards offering insight and guidance, mediumship readings to bring healing messages from your loved ones and focuses on leading healing courses to enable others to experience the magic of healing. Through her own healing journey she discovered that so many issues and imbalances began in the sacred area of the womb where she has spent time exploring and healing. After this incredible transformational journey where she gathered information on how to heal the divine feminine she now shares her unique formula for healing using Sacred Symbols, Angel and Reiki energy to heal ancestral lineage, releasing past traumatic experiences and issues that block people from connecting to their true being. If you feel called to begin your healing journey you can arrange a treatment with Selena. If you would like to really step into your power - start a life-changing healing course with Selena guiding you through an 11-week program through different healing modalities, the chakra system and sacred symbols. Selenas' courses are accredited by the IPHM. Selena is a Reiki Master, Energy Healer trained in Quantum Healing, Hands of Light, Chakra Balancing & Cleansing, T:I:M:E - Angel Healing, Pendulum, Chios, Karuna Reiki, Shamballa Reiki and has studied Chinese Medicine, Hypnotherapy, EFT, CBT, NPL, Mindfulness & Life Coaching. If you feel you are in need of some peace and balance in your life - please contact her to arrange a healing session Have a look at the services offered, readings and healings can be custom-made to suit and fulfil your need. You are not alone - reach out and begin healing. Selena was blessed with the gift of connecting with her spirit guides and loves having the opportunity to guide people through difficult situations and give insights into their life. Her focus is to empower people on their journey and to help heal and move any blocks that hinder their path. Selena is the author of the book Steps to Enlightenment and the Tarot Deck - The Journey to Enlightenment and co created The Art of Compassion Oracle Deck. When giving a Psychic reading; Selena will tune into your aura to gain insight and information about your life and your future to enable her to give you insight and guidance about certain issues in your life and to empower you with knowledge of how best to move forward and achieving your goals. A psychic reading can help you gain clarity in your current situation, when faced with decisions for your future or when you want to get a better understanding of the big picture. Whatever your issue, romance, career, or soul purpose - contact to organise a convenient time to connect online and talk about what you need, guidance through a psychic reading will be able to help understand what you are going through and what we can do to improve your situation. Learn Tarot to empower yourself!! In these classes, from Beginner to Pro. you will learn all about tarot and how to use it to guide yourself and give insightful readings for others, healing yourself along this journey with Tarot and then being able to use it as a tool to add to your business or to set up a new business as a Psychic Tarot Reader. Selena has produced a Tarot Masterclass taught at the Watkins Wisdom Academy. ¨Watkins has been an authority in the Mind Body Spirit field for over a century. Our teachers are all professionals in their field and each course is unique to their teaching styles. So you know that you are learning from the best!¨



Tabla Percussion World Music Workshops. Samswara Indian Music, Sitar & Tabla, Stroud, Devon & South West UK Jon Sterckx is a tabla player & innovative percussionist with 30 years experience of working with world percussion & World Music. He studied tabla in UK with Harjinder Singh Matharu and in India with Shivanand Bandhari at the Naadashree Arts Institute in Kumta, Karnataka, and with Kailash Nishad in Benares (Varanasi). Jon has performed twice at TED events, and his performance at TEDxWarwick was selected from over 10,000 TED events globally for inclusion in the TED Global Music Project. Jon plays a range of percussion instruments and has worked across a wide range of musical styles, from Indian classical music and other traditional world music to contemporary experimental & ‘fusion’ styles, theatre & dance collaborations, and his solo multi-percussion Live Sampling / Live Looping performances – Drumscapes. Jon is available for percussion performances, Tabla and percussion tuition in Stroud & Gloucestershire, world rhythm workshops across UK and as a session musician anywhere in the world, through remote recording sessions. Jon has delivered Tabla, World Music, Indian Music & World Rhythm workshops to schools, colleges, universities & festivals for over 20 years. Contact for more information & booking details. Jon is a Tutor and Mentor for South West Music School, an Associate of Wiltshire Music Connects and a partner of Swindon Music Service. He also runs weekly tabla classes in Swindon. Jon has performed with various artists and groups including Indo/Arabic instrumental duo Taaliqa, Fusion group Dhani, Balkan Folktronica duo Arhai and Drumscapes – his unique solo multi-percussion live sampling performances which he has performed at WOMAD, London International Arts Festival, Beautiful Days, Pulse festival, Drum Camp, Tribe of Doris, World Music Workshop Festival and at most of the UK’s main world music festivals & Melas. Jon’s Drumscapes work has also been featured twice by music software company Ableton in the Ableton blog. Jon was a selected performer at the National Celebration of British Asian Live Arts in 2008, and his sitar & tabla duo Samswara were voted ‘Best Group in South West & South Wales’ in the MTM South Asian & Ethnic Minorities Awards 2014. Jon has recorded for Grammy winning composer Christopher Tin on his album ‘The Drop That Contained The Sea’, Grammy nominated producer Arun Shenoy on the track ‘Bliss’, BBC Music Folk Award winners Phil Henry & Hannah Martin album ‘Singing The Bones’ and Americana folk artist ‘Mean’ Mary James amongst many others. Jon has been commissioned by the music creation software company Bandlab to produce content for their platform. Jon has produced sample packs in Bollywood Percussion, Tabla and his own ‘Jon Sterckx Signature’ pack. Tuition &Training: Jon’s tabla tuition began in Cardiff with Harjinder Singh Matharu from Birmingham. Harjinder gave Jon a good solid foundation in tabla playing between 1994 – 1998 as well as the encouragement & inspiration to commit himself seriously to the instrument. In 1994 / 1995, Jon returned to India where he learned from Shivanand Bhandari at the Naadashree Arts Institute in Kumta, Karnataka, India. In 1998 & 1999, Jon returned to India and studied with Kailash Nishad in Benares, (Varanasi) in North India, a city renowned for the study of North Indian (Hindustani) music. In 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 & 2005 Jon organised performances & workshops for Kailash in the UK, where he delivered workshops in universities & performed Tabla solos at Arts Centres & venues in the South West UK. During these month long visits to the UK, Kailash stayed with Jon in Devon and continued Jon’s tabla tuition. They also gave performances together, with Taaliqa playing the first set & Kailash performing tabla solo in the second. In 2005 they also performed together in a collaborative finale. Jon’s other musical studies include a BA ( Hons ) Music degree from Dartington College of Arts in 2000, where his main subject was in composing music for live performance.




At innerwiser, we are passionate about self-development. We believe that personal development is not for broken people; it’s for people who want a better life. Our Vision, Mission & Values Vision – Our vision is to be an organisation that inspires and supports individuals and professionals in their journey of becoming a better version of themselves every day! We aspire to bring about a change in the educational landscape in a humane manner of dealing with families and professionals. Mission – We aspire to create outstanding professionals and individuals that promote educational excellence, character development and wellbeing of themselves, organisations and the community at large. Values – We believe in every individual and their potential. We respect their believes and choices. We prioritise making knowledge and quality services accessible to all, especially to the busy professionals and parents out there who might feel alone in their journey. We are here to support people turn their dreams into a reality! Meet Nikita Phadnavis Soft Skills & Emotional Intelligence Trainer (Master of Business Administration & Economics) Parenting & Life Design Coach (Early Years Professional and a Certified Life Coach) Global Thought Leader, GFEL 2019 & Entrepreneurship Award winner, Santander 2020 Nikita's Story Nikita is a polyglot who has over 15 years of experience working in 7 different countries. She has worked on government, and United Nations-backed projects with delegates from over 72 countries, has hosted television shows to raise social awareness in Japan and Ukraine and co-founded a charity in India to bring about reforms in education. She has travelled to almost 60 countries and takes a keen interest in the lives and cultures of people. Nikita recently received recognition for her work in the field of education and training as ‘Top 100 Leaders in Education’ from the Global Forum for Education and Learning. She has worked with people of all backgrounds, cultures and ages – right from babies to adults. Her wealth of experiences enables her to engage with people from all walks of life. Nikita works in London as an Educational Consultant providing training and advice to international schools and private and voluntary sector institutions. She has transformed ‘inadequate’ rated schools into ‘good’ (Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills inspection in England). She genuinely cares about the families she works with and uses creative ways to meet their unique needs. For example, at one of the schools, Nikita created a bespoke software to enable the staff to accurately track children’s progress and communicate it with their parents, while reducing unnecessary paperwork. In her spare time, she volunteers in orphanages and charities supporting underprivileged children in Romania. Nikita delivers corporate staff training on the very contemporary topic of Emotional Intelligence and Wellbeing. She firmly believes that as adults, we need to think of our wellbeing, to benefit ourselves and to enable us to support people in our care. Nikita also trains parents and teachers on this very topic, which is also a topic of her doctoral research. She firmly believes that it’s never too early or too late to think of emotional literacy. Nikita has a master’s degree in business and economics and is a qualified teacher with post-graduate qualifications in Froebelian and Montessori philosophy and psychology. She has done several other pieces of training in the field of education to support children with special needs. She is trained as a forest school leader, a first aider and as a safeguarding lead. She is a certified Life Coach, and a Cognitive Behaviour Therapist and Nero-Linguistic Programming practitioner. She feels passionate about education, and her vision is to help people attain their potential by connecting with their own emotions and having healthy relationships. A value that Nikita strongly believes in is ‘Emotional Growth’ and self-trust.

St. Universe Tutors

st. universe tutors


We founded St. Universe Tuition after noticing a gap in the market for high-quality online language tuition. Because of this demand, we decided to create a platform where graduates of leading British universities can provide online language tuition to students from all over the world. OUTSTANDING TUTORS We carry out a rigorous screening process to select our tutors, so that we select only the most qualified and experienced teachers for our students. In order to provide tutors who are able to play a long-term role in their students’ language development, St. Universe Tutors regards all teachers as partners in the development of our company. Our teachers all have excellent academic records at prestigious British universities. It is our hope that each tutor can act as a role model and mentor to inspire their younger students to study at similar world-leading institutions. EXCELLENT TUITION St. Universe Tutors pays great attention to considering the study strategies and teaching methods which best complement our students’ learning styles. Students are taught in accordance with their aptitude, and tutors selected based on their suitability. Whilst our tutors are all highly-experienced, some specialise in a particular style of teaching, be it primary-school classes, or business English tuition. INVALUABLE INTERACTIONS Helping students understand and solve questions and queries after class is an integral part of the St. Universe Tutors offering. Our tutors act as partners in their students’ language development, and are on-hand to help whenever called upon. Considerable interaction with tutors helps students to enhance their language ability and self-confidence – allowing each to fulfil their maximum potential. PERFECTLY-TAILORED COURSES Our diverse collection of courses are designed with a range of ages and levels in mind. · Preschool students Beginning language learning at a young age can help to improve pronunciation naturally due to reduced interference from the child’s mother tongue. Young children also have a particularly strong ability to imitate and memorise words and phrases, which is conducive to the development of language fluency later in life. · Primary school students The period between the ages of 3 and 10 represents a crucial time in a child’s foreign language development. Laying the foundations in childhood, with accurate pronunciation and grammar, allows the child to start using English freely in their adolescence. · High school students St. Universe Tutors specialises in helping students into top British schools by recruiting the most experienced tutors and specialising in online tuition. We are able to provide academic tuition to aid high school students with common English language entrance exams for schools and universities, including TOEFL and IELTS. Preparation for British academic qualifications, including (i)GCSEs, A-levels, as well as 11+, 13+, 16+ entrance examinations, is also offered by St. Universe Tutors, across all conventional subjects and major exam boards. Our tutors are all experts in their fields, with deep knowledge of curricula and exam mark schemes. We put a particular focus on studying past exam questions, both in class and through tailor-made worksheets set as homework. All our worksheets are informed by our tutors extensive experience of learning and teaching at the highest level. · University students Studying in a foreign language, and moving to a new city, can be a daunting prospect for students. An experienced tutor to build academic English skills, and act as a mentor through a student’s studies is invaluable at this time. · Adults We cater to professionals looking to improve their business English, as well as those simply looking to take their conversational language to the next level! · School online teaching We offer online English teaching through tailor-made course for kindergartens, primary schools, and high schools in China so that all students have the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of foreign languages, foreign cultures and customs, and broaden their international horizons.